Bill Richardson

This speech titled 2007.12.17.speech_a_new_vision_foreign_and_domestic originally had 3153 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank so much for have me here todai __PUNCT__

i have to sai __PUNCT__ i pretti impress with myself __PUNCT__ a presidenti_candid who onli minut late __PUNCT__

but you know __PUNCT__ there realli onli on politician that the american_peopl need to be on time __PUNCT__

and that in __NUM___hour when georg_bush ha to leav the white_hous __PUNCT__

forev __PUNCT__

the next dai we start repair the damag and restor the american_dream __PUNCT__

and the most import_part of restor that dream is end the war in iraq __PUNCT__

in so mani wai __PUNCT__ it is the linchpin to everyth we want to do as a countri __PUNCT__

it is the kei to heal our divis and bring america togeth again __PUNCT__

it is the basi for restor american leadership around the world __PUNCT__

it is the foundat upon which we can rebuild our faith in american_leader __PUNCT__

and it is the necessari first step for creat good_job __PUNCT__ a qualiti_educ educ_system __PUNCT__ and a strong middl_class __PUNCT__

some of my fellow candid have decid to stop_talk about iraq __PUNCT__

their campaign strategi have shift to other issu __PUNCT__

over the last few debat and on the campaign_trail __PUNCT__ our brave troop in iraq seem to have been forgotten __PUNCT__

i do believ that we need to talk about domest issu __PUNCT__

too mani american ar worri about keep their job and their home __PUNCT__

too mani american ar worri that their children ar not get the qualiti_educ that thei need to compet in the world __PUNCT__

but the fact __URL__ cannot move_forward on ani of these issu while our troop ar left behind in iraq __PUNCT__

some have said that we can chang america at home __PUNCT__ while we keep troop in iraq for perhap five year or longer __PUNCT__

that not an equat that add up __PUNCT__

it doesn't add up financi __PUNCT__

it doesn't add up moral __PUNCT__

it doesn't add up for america __PUNCT__

and let me sai that the nation_media deserv it fair_share of blame for forget our troop as well __PUNCT__

perhap thei think the casualti ar old new __PUNCT__

perhap thei think that cover silli food fight between candid will get them better rate __PUNCT__

perhap thei think that becaus fewer of our troop have di late __PUNCT__ that american don't care anymor __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ we do __PUNCT__

and i dare the media to tell the famili of the __NUM___troop who were kill last month that thi issu doesn't deserv front __PUNCT__ page coverag __PUNCT__

i think about a young_man from la mesa __PUNCT__ new mexico name jame pirtl __PUNCT__ an armi specialist who serv in iraq __PUNCT__

on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ __NUM__ he wa kill in action __PUNCT__ he wa the first new mexican kill there __PUNCT__

and i think about hi mother __PUNCT__ who sent me a letter afterward ask me to make sure that her son sacrific for thi countri never be forgotten __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ we will not forget __PUNCT__

the most import_issu in thi race to decid who will go up against republican next fall is not some abstract notion of the word chang __PUNCT__

it not about who said what in kindergarten __PUNCT__

it not about past drug us __PUNCT__

it about our brave troop be kill in the middl of a civil_war __PUNCT__

and it about who go to put an end to it __PUNCT__

my disagr with my oppon in thi race ar not person __PUNCT__

i refus to engag in neg charact attack __PUNCT__

but there is a profound differ on the war in iraq __PUNCT__

in a recent debat __PUNCT__ senat_clinton __PUNCT__ senat_obama __PUNCT__ and senat edward were ask to pledg to have all our troop out by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

__NUM__ __PUNCT__

thei would not do so __PUNCT__

i have made that pledg __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ i will get them all out in under a year __PUNCT__

__NUM__ is over five year from now __PUNCT__

if we still have troop in iraq in __NUM__ the iraqi sure won't think the war is over __PUNCT__

and neither will the american_peopl __PUNCT__

five more year of our brave troop be kill and wound __PUNCT__

i won't allow it __PUNCT__

our troop have done a magnific job __PUNCT__

thei deserv to come home __PUNCT__

senat_clinton __PUNCT__ senat_obama __PUNCT__ and senat edward ar sai it mai take them longer to end the war in iraq than it took fdr to win world_war_ii __PUNCT__

that not leadership __PUNCT__

we have to be bolder for the sake of our peopl in harm wai __PUNCT__

we can get out faster __PUNCT__

i tire of the naysay who sai we can't do it __PUNCT__

the expert know it __PUNCT__

i read the brief __PUNCT__

i talk to my militari advisor __PUNCT__

i know we can do __URL__ the american_peopl know it too __PUNCT__

and we don't just wave goodby __PUNCT__

i call a reconcili confer to implement accord to end the war __PUNCT__

i establish an intern donor confer and build a un __PUNCT__ sanction predominantli muslim peacekeep forc __PUNCT__

that how we fix iraq __PUNCT__

but we can't do it until all of our troop ar on their wai out __PUNCT__

the death of our troop will not bring the parti togeth __PUNCT__

but diplomaci will __PUNCT__

i know it will becaus i work in the region __PUNCT__

as un ambassador __PUNCT__ i spent eighti percent of my time on iraq and the middl_east __PUNCT__

as a special envoi __PUNCT__ i negoti with saddam_hussein himself __PUNCT__

the bottom_line is thi __PUNCT__ our presenc in iraq is block reconcili by the parti and fuel hatr of the unit_state around the world __PUNCT__

we ar less safe stai in iraq than we ar leav __PUNCT__

we need to get our troop out in order to focu on our real secur need __PUNCT__ and upon our need at home __PUNCT__

if we get our troop out and give diplomaci a chanc __PUNCT__ then we can give educ a chanc __PUNCT__

we can give health_care a chanc __PUNCT__

and we can give our economi a chanc __PUNCT__

right now __PUNCT__ we can't move_forward on these issu __PUNCT__ becaus iraq is poison the relationship between congress and the presid __PUNCT__

domest invest ar be held hostag by republican who ar demand unfett war spend __PUNCT__

and thei ar be back up by a stubborn presid with noth to lose __PUNCT__

thei ar refus to move on ani of our countri urgent domest need __PUNCT__ until thei get billion of dollar in war monei __PUNCT__

just look at the last twelv month __PUNCT__

we still have nine million_children with no health_insur __PUNCT__

we still have the fail polici call no child_left behind __PUNCT__

we still have no comprehens_immigr immigr_reform __PUNCT__

we still have guantanamo and tortur and eavesdrop __PUNCT__

we still have too mani famili worri about lose their home to foreclosur __PUNCT__

the economi mai be slip into a recess __PUNCT__

million of american ar worri about their qualiti of life __PUNCT__

million of american no longer have faith in their govern __PUNCT__

thei elect thi congress to the end the war __PUNCT__

thei have not done so __PUNCT__

and thei see a presid more concern about hi legaci and hi pride than about end a war that continu to take too mani live and too mani billion of dollar __PUNCT__

we all know the terribl human_cost of thi war __PUNCT__

some of america children __PUNCT__ who will know their father and mother onli through pictur and newspap stori __PUNCT__

know those cost all too well __PUNCT__

but it is also clear that there ha been a grievou financi cost to our countri __PUNCT__

we spent___MONEY__ __MONEY___billion billion_dollar on thi war alreadi __PUNCT__

the war true cost could be closer to __NUM___trillion trillion_dollar __NUM__ when you look at disabl care for our wound vet __PUNCT__

and make no mistak __PUNCT__ those return from iraq absolut must get the best care __PUNCT__

closer to two trillion dollar when you consid that instabl in the middl_east caus by the war ha driven oil_price close to a hundr_dollar a barrel __PUNCT__

and that not an abstract number for famili here in iowa try to keep their home warm thi winter __PUNCT__

closer to two trillion_dollar when you consid the econom product that ha vanish becaus of the live lost to thi war __PUNCT__

think of what we could have done with two trillion dollar __PUNCT__ we could have had univers_health_care __PUNCT__

we could have fulli fund social_secur for gener __PUNCT__

we could have rais the salari of everi teacher in america __PUNCT__

we could have been well on our wai to energi_independ __PUNCT__

just two week of the iraq_war cost us more than we spend on cancer research in a whole year __PUNCT__

now think of what we will fail to __URL__ we stai in iraq for anoth five year __PUNCT__ as some of my democrat colleagu ar will to do __PUNCT__

or even decad as some republican have said we must do __PUNCT__

it time for a new vision __PUNCT__

thi vision is not a republican dream __PUNCT__

it not a democrat dream __PUNCT__

it not a black dream __PUNCT__

it not a brown dream __PUNCT__

it not a white dream __PUNCT__

it not a poor dream __PUNCT__

it not a rich dream __PUNCT__

it an american_dream __PUNCT__ in which all of our troop ar come home __PUNCT__

in which our govern_work for the middl_class __PUNCT__

to those who sai our student can't do ani better __PUNCT__ i sai thei can __PUNCT__

i have a sixti __PUNCT__ billion_dollar plan to improv educ from pre __PUNCT__ k to colleg and beyond __PUNCT__

on no child_left behind __PUNCT__ i don't think __PUNCT__ reform __PUNCT__ or __PUNCT__ tweak __PUNCT__ it is enough __PUNCT__

i think we need to be bolder __PUNCT__

i would scrap it __PUNCT__

we need to rais teacher salari and focu on scienc and math __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ i would set a new nation goal __PUNCT__ that american_student be number on in scienc and math within __NUM___year __PUNCT__

part of that is put art back into the school __PUNCT__

art and music help kid with math and scienc __PUNCT__

i know we can do it becaus in my state __PUNCT__ we rais teacher salari __PUNCT__ establish a statewid pre __PUNCT__ k program __PUNCT__ and made colleg more afford __PUNCT__

to those who sai we can't beat the lobbi and pass health_care_reform __PUNCT__ i know we can __PUNCT__ becaus i did it __PUNCT__

all kid twelv and under in my state todai have access to health_insur __PUNCT__ and we ar go cover everyon els by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

when i am presid __PUNCT__ everi famili will have access to the same health insur that congress and the presid have __PUNCT__ and our veteran will have a hero health card so that thei can the care thei deserv wherev thei need it __PUNCT__

we go to requir full __PUNCT__ mandatori fund of the va health_care_system __PUNCT__

and we go to start treat mental trauma such as ptsd the same wai we treat physic wound __PUNCT__ like the battlefield injuri that thei ar __PUNCT__

and we ar go to do right by the famili of the men and women serv in our nation arm_forc __PUNCT__

our militari famili make enorm sacrific everydai on behalf of the nation __PUNCT__

it is not uncommon that spous and parent ar forc to leav their job to care for their return wound __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will offer up to on year of paid disabl insur for the famili_member who leav a job to care for an injur veteran __PUNCT__

to those who sai we can't creat high __PUNCT__ qualiti job here in america anymor __PUNCT__ i sai we can __PUNCT__

when i took offic as governor __PUNCT__ new mexico economi had stall __PUNCT__

moral wa low __PUNCT__

we had no thrive industri __PUNCT__ no plan for growth and a tax_polici that discourag invest and job_creation __PUNCT__

so i pass a tax_credit for compani to creat_job that pai abov the prevail wage __PUNCT__

we pass a perman rural job tax_credit __PUNCT__

we enact a three __PUNCT__ year tax holidai for high __PUNCT__ tech startup __PUNCT__

rather than us tax_cut to reward the wealthi __PUNCT__

i us them to reward put_peopl to work __PUNCT__

i focus on growth industri like clean_energi __PUNCT__ wind and solar __PUNCT__ aviat and high_tech __PUNCT__

we end up creat over __NUM___job __PUNCT__

we have the lowest unemploy_rate in __NUM___year __PUNCT__

and we seventh in the nation for incom growth __PUNCT__

my friend __PUNCT__ we ar the democrat_parti __PUNCT__

we stand for job __PUNCT__

we stand for the right of work_american __PUNCT__

and we stand for fair and opportun __PUNCT__

and we can never forget that __PUNCT__

it why i proud to offer the most detail job plan of ani candid for presid __PUNCT__

and i proud to be the onli democrat in thi race with a record of creat_job and turn an economi around __PUNCT__

i know that we can do the same_thing across the countri __PUNCT__

i __URL__ in iowa i see peopl who haven't given up on the american_dream __PUNCT__

despit the failur in washington __PUNCT__ i see peopl more commit than ever to give their kid a better life than thei had __PUNCT__

restor the strength of our economi is go to requir fiscal_respons __PUNCT__

the singl most fiscal irrespons act in american_histori ha been georg_bush unfund war in iraq __PUNCT__

balanc the budget is invest in the futur __PUNCT__

it mean that we ar pai for what we get todai __PUNCT__ so our children don't have to __PUNCT__

and that why i support a constitut_amend to balanc the budget __PUNCT__

and a line __PUNCT__ item_veto __PUNCT__

we allow the republican to spend recklessli for too long __PUNCT__

i know how to balanc a budget __PUNCT__ i done it five time as governor __PUNCT__

i also know that in a __NUM___centuri economi __PUNCT__ govern must act as a partner to help unleash the innov and the job_creation potenti of the privat_sector __PUNCT__

i will restor and increas fund for feder_research and develop program __PUNCT__

i will creat a feder angel investor tax_credit to encourag invest in high __PUNCT__ tech startup __PUNCT__

and i will make perman and doubl the research and experiment tax credit __PUNCT__

we must provid incent for invest in cut __PUNCT__ edg research and manufactur __PUNCT__

while we build for the futur and repair the damag of the past __PUNCT__ we must also invest in our peopl now __PUNCT__

we need to move aggress to creat high __PUNCT__ qualiti job and expand econom_opportun __PUNCT__

the american_dream ha alwai been big __PUNCT__ big enough for all of us __PUNCT__

but for too mani these dai __PUNCT__ the dream is shrink and shut them out __PUNCT__

that is unaccept __PUNCT__

everi american deserv the opportun to succe __PUNCT__

we need to get back to big dream and bold idea __PUNCT__

in addit to creat new high __PUNCT__ qualiti job __PUNCT__ we need to preserv the on we alreadi have __PUNCT__

we should restor america focu on protect our labor_forc __PUNCT__

i have stood with work_men and women who belong to labor_union my entir career __PUNCT__

thei plai a vital role in advanc the right of american_worker __PUNCT__

a union job mean a good __PUNCT__ pai __URL__ good benefit __PUNCT__

i believ employe and worker have a fundament right to organ and bargain collect __PUNCT__ which is why the second bill i sign as governor restor collect_bargain right to new mexico public_employe __PUNCT__

we negoti the first project labor agreement in my state_histori __PUNCT__ and we made our prevail wage a union wage __PUNCT__

and when i am presid __PUNCT__ my secretari of labor will be a union_member __PUNCT__ and i will fire all the union __PUNCT__ bust lawyer at the nlrb __PUNCT__

and i will push for and sign the employe free choic act __PUNCT__

we must move beyond the tire debat over __PUNCT__ free_trade __PUNCT__ versu __PUNCT__ protection __PUNCT__

instead we have to roll up our sleev and pursu better trade_agreement __PUNCT__ agreement that enhanc rather than erod u. __PUNCT__ job __PUNCT__

washington ha fail to help famili with the rise_cost of live __PUNCT__

expens for health_care __PUNCT__ child_care __PUNCT__ and a colleg_educ ar rise faster than wage __PUNCT__

our next presid must focu on make these more afford __PUNCT__

and the war in iraq ha help push oil_price through the roof __PUNCT__

the price of keep a home warm is a terribl pressur on american_famili __PUNCT__

our nation strength is our peopl __PUNCT__ and we must do whatev it take to protect that resourc __PUNCT__

now is a time for bold leadership __PUNCT__

washington should not be bicker while our troop ar dy in the field __PUNCT__

the next presid is go to have to bring thi countri togeth __PUNCT__

think of our troop in iraq and afghanistan __PUNCT__

thei do not serv as democrat or as republican __PUNCT__ thei serv as american __PUNCT__

we must do the same here at home __PUNCT__

but thi war ha divid us __PUNCT__

and it will continu to do so until everi american_troop is out of iraq __PUNCT__

the human and econom toll thi war is take on our nation must end __PUNCT__

the dai after i take the oath of offic __PUNCT__ and pledg to protect the constitut of thi country...i am go to tell our troop in iraq __PUNCT__ you have serv magnific __PUNCT__

now you ar come home __PUNCT__

the next dai __PUNCT__ i will tell the congress that we ar go to honor their servic __PUNCT__ by roll up our sleev __PUNCT__ and do the work that ha been so long neglect __PUNCT__

provid qualiti health_care to all our citizen __PUNCT__

make american classroom the best in the world __PUNCT__

and creat the next gener of high __PUNCT__ qualiti american_job __PUNCT__

we can do it togeth __PUNCT__

right __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__ we can do it togeth __PUNCT__

i would be honor to have you caucu for me __PUNCT__

thank you veri much __PUNCT__