Bill Richardson

This speech titled 2007.12.29.speech_the_difference originally had 3160 tokens. You can view the original text here.

just a few dai from now __PUNCT__ iowan like you will make a veri import choic __PUNCT__

you will not just be stand up for a nomine __PUNCT__

you will be stand up for what you believ america role in the world should be __PUNCT__

just two dai_ago we were given a stark and terribl remind of why real foreign_polici experi matter when choos a presid __PUNCT__

when terrorist kill benazir bhutto on thursdai __PUNCT__ thei sent a messag to the world __PUNCT__ that those who treasur and fight for democraci do so at great risk __PUNCT__

it also remind us that the world look to america and depend on our leadership and our power posit influenc __PUNCT__

we must move swiftli and strongli in support of democraci and insist on elect and a coordin effort to track and defeat terrorist in pakistan and wherev thei oper __PUNCT__

over the last eleven_month __PUNCT__ i been abl to share with iowan what i been fight for my entir life __PUNCT__ an american_foreign_polici base on american principl __PUNCT__

equal __PUNCT__

freedom __PUNCT__

human_digniti __PUNCT__

these ar the valu that everi american ha inherit __PUNCT__

and todai __PUNCT__ i want to tell you how we can be worthi of them __PUNCT__

american ar a gener peopl __PUNCT__ and a courag peopl __PUNCT__

we rescu europ from fascism __PUNCT__ and gener from despair __PUNCT__

our farm have been the breadbasket to the world __PUNCT__ and our scientist have save million of live through discoveri like antibiot and the polio vaccin __PUNCT__

and we ar the nation that lit the fire of human_freedom __PUNCT__

the world look to america for leadership __PUNCT__

but the bush_administr ha fail to live up to our unmatch record of human achiev __PUNCT__

mani of the fight that america us to lead ar now be lost __PUNCT__

the first task we will have to handl in rebuild our global leadership and our foreign_polici __PUNCT__ is to end the war in iraq __PUNCT__

georg_bush fail polici have sap our moral leadership around the world __PUNCT__

he ha sulli america good name __PUNCT__

he broken the backbon of our strength __PUNCT__

but all the blame doesn't belong at the feet of the presid __PUNCT__

washington itself is broken __PUNCT__

congress __PUNCT__ which wa elect to end thi war __PUNCT__ ha not done so __PUNCT__

thei have not mere fail our parti __PUNCT__ thei have fail our countri __PUNCT__

and thei have fail the brave men and women in iraq __PUNCT__ who deserv to come home __PUNCT__

american __PUNCT__ whether thei resid in red __PUNCT__ blue __PUNCT__ or purpl state __PUNCT__ have lost faith in thi govern __PUNCT__

too mani li were told about iraq __PUNCT__

there were too mani flaw plan and too much ineptitud in their execut __PUNCT__

bush and chenei fail to understand that american leadership in the world requir the faith and the back of the american_peopl here at home __PUNCT__

the command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief is our voic in world __PUNCT__ and must repres our entir nation __PUNCT__

not a narrow set of ideologu from on polit_parti __PUNCT__

and the congress ha abet thi failur __PUNCT__

it a failur that cannot stand __PUNCT__

there is a choic __PUNCT__

the differ i have with my oppon in thi race ar not person __PUNCT__

i refus to engag in neg charact attack __PUNCT__

but there is a profound differ on the war in iraq __PUNCT__

in a recent debat __PUNCT__ senat_clinton __PUNCT__ obama __PUNCT__ and edward were ask to pledg to have all our troop out by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

__NUM__ __PUNCT__

thei would not do so __PUNCT__

i have made that pledg __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ i will get them all out in a year __PUNCT__

__NUM__ is over five year from now __PUNCT__

if we still have troop in iraq in __NUM__ the iraqi won't think the war is over __PUNCT__

and neither will the american_peopl __PUNCT__

five more year of our brave troop be kill and wound __PUNCT__

i won't allow it __PUNCT__

our troop have done a magnific job __PUNCT__

the bottom_line is thi __PUNCT__ my oppon believ in chang the mission __PUNCT__

thei wish to task our troop with new combat role __PUNCT__ new train role __PUNCT__ and new polic role __PUNCT__

i see it differ __PUNCT__

chang the mission is not end the war __PUNCT__

on year from now __PUNCT__ i don't want to have to wake up and lower my state flag for anoth new mexican kill in iraq __PUNCT__

three year from now __PUNCT__ i don't want to read in the morn newspap about bomb attack against american __PUNCT__

becaus our presenc in iraq continu to inflam the muslim_world __PUNCT__

five year from now __PUNCT__ i don't want to see kid who ar eighth __PUNCT__ grader todai __PUNCT__ patrol and dy on the street of baghdad __PUNCT__

to everyth __PUNCT__ there is a season __PUNCT__

a time to keep silent __PUNCT__ and a time to speak __PUNCT__

a time for war __PUNCT__ and a time for peac __PUNCT__

now is the time for peac __PUNCT__

now is the time to stand up and be count __PUNCT__

our presenc in iraq is block reconcili by the parti and fuel hatr of the unit_state around the world __PUNCT__

we must face thi fundament realiti __PUNCT__ we ar less safe stai in iraq than we ar leav __PUNCT__

the us militari just conduct focu_group all over iraq __PUNCT__ with iraqi citizen of all stripe __PUNCT__

and the iraqi __PUNCT__ kurd __PUNCT__ shia __PUNCT__ and sunni __PUNCT__ agre on two major thing __PUNCT__ the american_militari invas is the princip reason for divis in that countri __PUNCT__

and that in order for reconcili and peac to take place __PUNCT__

american_troop must leav __PUNCT__

have we not learn that no matter how nobl or how well __PUNCT__ mean __PUNCT__

our troop cannot secur a nation where thei ar not want __PUNCT__

that is on of the lesson of thi war that mani have not learn __PUNCT__

as we move_forward to restor american leadership __PUNCT__

we must learn from our mistak in iraq __PUNCT__

i fear that some of my oppon have not learn these lesson __PUNCT__

those who forese us stai in iraq __PUNCT__ with even a small forc __PUNCT__ for year to come have fail to learn that our veri presenc occupi a muslim_nation is undermin nearli everi goal of our foreign_polici __PUNCT__

keep troop in iraq block our abil to build global coalit to fight poverti __PUNCT__ aid and diseas __PUNCT__

it undercut our abil to lead thi planet to a solut to the climat_crisi __PUNCT__

and let me be clear __PUNCT__ leav forc in iraq sever hinder our abil to build coalit to fight_terror __PUNCT__

these ar not the onli lesson we must learn __PUNCT__

in confront intern problem __PUNCT__ diplomaci must be our first resort __PUNCT__ and war must be our last __PUNCT__

and while intern_cooper will not alwai succe __PUNCT__

cowboi diplomaci will almost alwai fail __PUNCT__

our foreign_polici polici_decis must be base in realiti __PUNCT__ not ideolog __PUNCT__

we must never again allow polit to trump the hard_work of our intellig_agenc __PUNCT__

nor should foreign_polici polici_decis be dictat by a washington convent_wisdom that wa wrong befor __PUNCT__ dure __PUNCT__ and after our invas of iraq __PUNCT__

those who subscrib to the new washington wisdom that we must leav our troop in iraq indefinit __PUNCT__ ar get it wrong again __PUNCT__

onli in washington __PUNCT__ would peopl suggest that leav a smaller forc behind could accomplish what a much larger forc ha not yet done __PUNCT__

we have been down the road of an underman forc befor __PUNCT__

and we paid the cost dearli __PUNCT__

for the sake of our troop __PUNCT__ we cannot make that mistak again __PUNCT__

a smaller forc is the worst of both world __PUNCT__

not strong enough to stabil iraq __PUNCT__

but larg enough to block polit reconcili and remain a target in the middl of a civil_war __PUNCT__

befor i discuss a new vision for a post __PUNCT__ iraq foreign_polici __PUNCT__ let me talk about the fear that we all have __PUNCT__

i know that mani of you want to get the troop out __PUNCT__ but ar worri about what will happen onc we leav __PUNCT__

american across iowa and across the countri share your concern __PUNCT__

i share your concern __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ let me address thi directli __PUNCT__

first and foremost __PUNCT__ the safeti of our brave men and women in the field is our most import duti __PUNCT__

we ow them more than we ow anyon __PUNCT__

our troop have done a magnific job __PUNCT__

thei have done all that ha been ask of them __PUNCT__ and more __PUNCT__

it is long past time for the iraqi faction themselv to take respons for bring_peac to their own countri __PUNCT__

the iraqi_govern ha fail on almost everi relev measur __PUNCT__ to take advantag of the secur we have provid __PUNCT__

onli when we leav will thei lift themselv off the crutch of american_militari militari_forc __PUNCT__

to those who sai thei will not do so __PUNCT__ i sai thei must do so __PUNCT__

doe anyon honestli believ that it is america job to fight the iraqi civil_war __PUNCT__ becaus i believ it is up to the iraqi to put an end to their civil war __PUNCT__

and we won't just wave goodby __PUNCT__

what iraq need now is not more troop __PUNCT__ more gun __PUNCT__ more fight __PUNCT__

what iraq need now is more monei for it economi __PUNCT__ for road __PUNCT__ for school __PUNCT__

iraq will not be rebuilt at the point of a gun __PUNCT__

we need an intern donor __PUNCT__ confer to share the burden of stabil iraq __PUNCT__

secur cannot be provid by american_forc that have becom target __PUNCT__

we ar both alli and enemi of iraqi faction __PUNCT__

we have long known that two __PUNCT__ third of iraqi think it ok shoot american_troop __PUNCT__

inde __PUNCT__ there ar __NUM__ attack on our brave men and women everi month __PUNCT__

as i said befor __PUNCT__ accord to new militari_intellig __PUNCT__

most iraqi __PUNCT__ no matter what ethnic or sectarian group thei from __PUNCT__ believ that the kei to their nation reconcili is the departur of american_troop __PUNCT__

thei consid us foreign occupi __PUNCT__

we cannot rescu a countri that doe not want to be rescu __PUNCT__

and if we persist in try to do so __PUNCT__ it will undermin our abil to turn the corner and onc again be the conscienc and the leader of the world __PUNCT__

what we can do is build a multin peacekeep forc which will provid secur in iraq __PUNCT__

i know the region __PUNCT__ i have negoti with mani of the leader there __PUNCT__

i face down saddam_hussein __PUNCT__

and after care consider __PUNCT__ it is clear to me that a partit will not work __PUNCT__

the unit_state must show resolv __PUNCT__ we need to be a tough but honest broker that bring the parti togeth __PUNCT__ but we do not want iraq to disintegr __PUNCT__

the u. __PUNCT__ must lead the parti to a solut __PUNCT__ not impos on on them __PUNCT__

the iraqi don't want it __PUNCT__

histor __PUNCT__ foreign __PUNCT__ impos solut like a partit have end in bloodi failur __PUNCT__

and by leav our troop in iraq __PUNCT__ the fundament_problem will still be there __PUNCT__

we need to work with nation in the region __PUNCT__ we have common_interest in avoid a fail iraq __PUNCT__

iraq neighbor do not want instabl on their border __PUNCT__

thei do not want stream of iraqi refuge destabil their own countri __PUNCT__

but thei will not work with us untilw get our troop out of iraq __PUNCT__

onli when we have put thi disast behind us __PUNCT__ we can begin to restor our reput and rebuild our capac for global leadership __PUNCT__

just look at what happen in basra __PUNCT__ where the british pull out all their forc __PUNCT__

that area ha seen a nineti percent reduct in violenc __PUNCT__

that is what we need to achiev across iraq __PUNCT__

we need a __PUNCT__ new realism __PUNCT__ in our foreign_polici __PUNCT__

a polici that see the world as it realli is __PUNCT__ but is dedic to make it a better place __PUNCT__

in thi complex __PUNCT__ interdepend world __PUNCT__ thi mean reject the simpl __PUNCT__ mind unilater of the bush_administr __PUNCT__ becaus it doe not work __PUNCT__

it mean embrac american global leadership __PUNCT__ becaus it doe __PUNCT__

in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ america can defend it nation_interest onli by lead other nation to embrac thought and global solut __PUNCT__

we need to blend our interest with their __PUNCT__ as we seek common solut to common problem __PUNCT__

we can meet urgent challeng __PUNCT__

intern_terror __PUNCT__

nuclear prolifer __PUNCT__

climat chang __PUNCT__

environment_degrad __PUNCT__

econom and polit instabl __PUNCT__

these ar not just the problem of individu nation __PUNCT__

thei ar the problem of an interdepend world __PUNCT__

consid that more than a billion_peopl surviv on less than a dollar a dai __PUNCT__ and that nearli half of the world __NUM___billion children_live in poverti __PUNCT__

in my travel abroad __PUNCT__ i have seen human desper __PUNCT__ first hand __PUNCT__

in the sudan __PUNCT__ i have been to camp fill with famili who have lost everi worldli possess __PUNCT__

i wa on the ground in turkei dure a terribl earthquak __PUNCT__ where i saw impoverish mother on their knee __PUNCT__ dig through rubbl for their lost children __PUNCT__

we urgent need to find the courag and the will to onc again lead the fight against global problem __PUNCT__

not onli becaus we ar a decent and compassion peopl __PUNCT__ but also becaus of thi inescap realiti __PUNCT__ america will never be safe in a world riddl by poverti __PUNCT__ desper __PUNCT__ hatr and violenc __PUNCT__

a hungri world will also hunger for scapegoat __PUNCT__

a thirsti world will thirst for reveng __PUNCT__

a world in crisi will be a world of anger and violenc and terror __PUNCT__

and unless and until we have the wisdom and the skill to secur all the nuclear_weapon and fissil_materi in the world __PUNCT__ that terror could result in unthink death and destruct __PUNCT__

i have travel the world again and again __PUNCT__ on mani intern deleg and person mission __PUNCT__

and it ha been me __PUNCT__ the american __PUNCT__ from which the most ha been ask __PUNCT__

and so it should be __PUNCT__

the world expect much from america __PUNCT__

and we must expect even more from ourselv __PUNCT__

consid the menac of global_warm __PUNCT__

the ic cap and glacier ar melt __PUNCT__

sea_level ar rise __PUNCT__

__NUM___million human be live less than fifteen feet abov sea_level __PUNCT__

unless we act now __PUNCT__ home __PUNCT__ villag __PUNCT__ citi __PUNCT__ and entir nation will be submerg __PUNCT__

in america __PUNCT__ in a nation that ha long fed the __URL__ rise temperatur threaten to decim our farmland __PUNCT__

here in iowa __PUNCT__ the foundat for an entir wai of life could melt awai __PUNCT__

we must lead the world in the develop of clean __PUNCT__ altern_energi __PUNCT__

we must work with other govern and privat_busi to make sure that new technolog ar adopt worldwid __PUNCT__

along the wai to make new mexico the clean_energi state __PUNCT__ i learn some lesson __PUNCT__

the most import is that american ar readi to act __PUNCT__

all thei need is a presid who is readi to lead __PUNCT__

onc you lead __PUNCT__ you find alli in corner that you never knew exist __PUNCT__

busi __PUNCT__

non __PUNCT__ profit __PUNCT__

activist __PUNCT__

former enemi and futur friend __PUNCT__

we can build the first true global coalit sinc america unit the world to defeat commun __PUNCT__

we must also strengthen and expand the intern coalit fight the rise threat of the taliban and al_qaeda in afghanistan __PUNCT__

it is a war we ar in danger of lose __PUNCT__ and on we cannot afford to lose __PUNCT__

our own nation_intellig estim tell us that al_qaeda and the taliban ar resurg __PUNCT__

thi ha been the deadliest year for american_forc in afghanistan __PUNCT__

almost half the countri is now too danger for aid worker to oper in __PUNCT__

we must redeploi five brigad __PUNCT__ twenti_thousand troop __PUNCT__ to afghanistan to hunt down terrorist and fight the taliban __PUNCT__

but we can onli do it if we end the war in iraq __PUNCT__ which ha stretch our forc to the limit __PUNCT__

to those who want to keep our troop in the middl of iraq civil_war __PUNCT__

i sai __PUNCT__ it final time that we commit the forc to defeat those who actual attack us on 9/11 __PUNCT__

as we gather our strength to meet our mani global challeng __PUNCT__

we must rememb that preserv popular is no recip for inspir a nation __PUNCT__ let alon the world __PUNCT__

now is not the time for poll or consult or polit_calcul __PUNCT__

now is not the time for more divis or on __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ job_train __PUNCT__

now is the time for leadership that ha been te ted __PUNCT__

my colleagu in thi race have my respect __PUNCT__ but it a simpl_fact that the next intern deal negoti by ani on of the frontrunn __PUNCT__

will be their first __PUNCT__

we cannot afford anoth presid who think that stubborn is strength __PUNCT__

consult with friend __PUNCT__ coordin with alli __PUNCT__ and negoti with enemi __PUNCT__ is not weak __PUNCT__

it is what you need to do to get thing done __PUNCT__

i ask all american to join me in make our nation onc again __PUNCT__ the world beacon of hope __PUNCT__

togeth we need __PUNCT__ the compass to commit the necessari resourc __PUNCT__

the courag to stand fast in the face of inevit setback __PUNCT__

the determin to put our troop first __PUNCT__

and the resolv to shunt asid the naysay and the washington convent_wisdom __PUNCT__ and simpli do what we know is right __PUNCT__

if georg_bush had listen to me when i enter thi race __PUNCT__ all of our troop would now be out of iraq __PUNCT__

and most of them would have spent thi christma with their famili __PUNCT__

let make absolut sure that next christma __PUNCT__

all of them do __PUNCT__

if you caucu for me __PUNCT__ togeth __PUNCT__

we can make it happen __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__