Bill Richardson

This speech titled 2008.01.10.remarks_announcing_the_end_of_presidential_campaign_activities originally had 1842 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 45 cue terms and an average lag of 35.8. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 great_pride 67
0.444 0.0159 0.54
0 0 0
2 unit_state 15
0.0589 0 0.0515
0.402 0.000199 0.488
3 world_todai 31
0.0418 0.000597 0.223
0.248 0 0.487
4 foreign_polici 114
0.692 0 0.0426
0.166 0 0.0993
5 econom_growth 33
0.238 0 0.000199
0.759 0 0.00279
6 univers_health_care 26
0.0925 0 0.00139
0.905 0 0.000796
7 bring_peopl 10
0.11 0 0.00517
0.883 0 0.00159
8 commun_group 19
0.0573 0.000995 0.0852
0.85 0 0.00637
9 american_peopl 14
0.0372 0 0.276
0.597 0 0.0898
10 year_ago 97
0.31 0.00119 0.121
0.358 0 0.21
11 child_left 39
0.0796 0.00318 0.194
0.437 0.000597 0.286
12 clean_energi 13
0.496 0 0.000995
0.485 0 0.0183
13 global_warm 7
0.23 0 0
0.77 0 0
14 unit_state 32
0.225 0 0.00318
0.771 0 0
15 __NUM___month 12
0.0561 0.000199 0.000796
0.941 0 0.00139
16 town_meet 57
0.186 0.00239 0.0143
0.796 0 0.00139
17 great_countri 17
0.0372 0 0.00239
0.95 0.000597 0.0101
18 south_carolina 17
0.0714 0.00697 0.0221
0.888 0.000597 0.0109
19 tough_question 44
0.467 0.00398 0.0243
0.485 0.00259 0.0167
20 __MONEY___million 38
0.289 0.000995 0.0139
0.672 0.000597 0.0235
21 __NUM___state 27
0.037 0 0.371
0.564 0 0.0283
22 work_harder 12
0.0221 0.00179 0.0842
0.507 0 0.385
23 candid_run 59
0.0625 0.00876 0.343
0.197 0.00139 0.387
24 public_servic 32
0.0181 0 0.25
0.101 0.000199 0.63
25 democrat_parti 3
0.00219 0 0.0426
0.0917 0 0.863
26 senat_obama 15
0.0312 0 0.076
0.0241 0 0.869
27 great_nation 13
0.00537 0 0.0277
0.0517 0 0.915
28 senat_clinton 14
0.00179 0 0.0322
0.0529 0 0.913
29 democrat_parti 51
0.0163 0.000597 0.128
0.0269 0 0.828
30 nation_campaign 57
0.0772 0.0201 0.113
0.0277 0.000597 0.762
31 person_attack 95
0.214 0.00637 0.224
0.0494 0.00657 0.5
32 american_peopl 65
0.083 0.00318 0.205
0.13 0.00299 0.576
33 high_school 91
0.125 0.541 0.0607
0.0722 0.00697 0.193
34 unit_state 39
0.791 0.000398 0.0432
0.146 0.0101 0.00955
35 health_insur 59
0.204 0.0336 0.00716
0.735 0.00955 0.0111
36 work_hard 70
0.0529 0 0.0135
0.922 0.00179 0.00995
37 import_part 25
0.0123 0 0.00438
0.965 0.000597 0.0181
38 campaign_manag 63
0.3 0.00597 0.0657
0.615 0.000199 0.0135
39 polit_advis 16
0.124 0.00458 0.0135
0.799 0.00478 0.0545
40 hard_work 18
0.257 0 0.00338
0.718 0.00259 0.0193
41 campaign_staff 31
0.189 0.00458 0.0225
0.768 0.00239 0.0133
42 great_challeng 22
0.211 0 0.00119
0.785 0.000199 0.00318
43 american_peopl 67
0.215 0 0.212
0.572 0 0.00139
44 god_bless 24
0.0985 0 0.0153
0.738 0 0.148
45 unit_state 7
0.043 0.000199 0.00736
0.802 0 0.147