Mitt Romney

This speech titled 01.10.2012.Manchester.NH originally had 1289 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__ new hampshir __PUNCT__ tonight __PUNCT__ we made histori __PUNCT__

thi state ha alwai been a special place for our famili __PUNCT__

ann and i made a home here and we fill it with great memori of our children and grandchildren __PUNCT__

and thi granit state moment is on we will alwai rememb __PUNCT__

tonight __PUNCT__ we celebr __PUNCT__

tomorrow __PUNCT__ we go back to work __PUNCT__

we rememb when barack_obama came to new hampshir four year_ago __PUNCT__

he promis to bring_peopl togeth __PUNCT__

he promis to chang the broken system in washington __PUNCT__

he promis to improv our nation __PUNCT__

those were the dai of lofti promis made by a hope candid __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ we ar face with the disappoint record of a fail presid __PUNCT__

the last three year have held a lot of chang __PUNCT__ but thei haven't offer much hope __PUNCT__

the middl_class ha been crush __PUNCT__

nearli __NUM___million of our fellow_american ar still out of work __PUNCT__ struggl to find_work __PUNCT__ or have just stop look __PUNCT__

the median_incom ha drop __NUM__ __PUNCT__ in four year __PUNCT__

soldier return from the front_line ar wait in unemploy line __PUNCT__

our debt is too high and our opportun too few __PUNCT__

and thi presid wake up everi morn __PUNCT__ look out across america and is proud to announc __PUNCT__ it could be wors __PUNCT__

it could be wors __PUNCT__ is that what it mean to be an american __PUNCT__ it could be wors __PUNCT__

of cours not __PUNCT__

what defin us as american is our unwav convict that we know it must be better __PUNCT__

that convict guid our campaign __PUNCT__

it ha ralli million of american in everi corner of thi countri to our caus __PUNCT__

over the last six month __PUNCT__ i listen to anxiou voic in town_meet and visit with student and soldier __PUNCT__

in break room and live_room __PUNCT__ i heard stori of famili get by on less __PUNCT__ of carefulli plan retir now replac by job at minimum_wage __PUNCT__

but even now __PUNCT__ amidst the worst economi sinc the great_depress __PUNCT__ i rare heard a refrain of hopeless __PUNCT__

american know that our futur is brighter and better than these troubl time __PUNCT__

we still believ in the hope __PUNCT__ the promis __PUNCT__ and the dream of america __PUNCT__

we still believ in that shine_citi on a hill __PUNCT__

we know that the futur of thi countri is better than __NUM__ or __NUM__ __PUNCT__ unemploy __PUNCT__

it is better than __MONEY___trillion in debt __PUNCT__

it is better than the misguid polici and broken_promis of the last three year __PUNCT__ and the fail leadership of on man __PUNCT__

the presid ha run out of idea __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ he run out of excus __PUNCT__

and tonight __PUNCT__ we ar ask the good_peopl of south_carolina to join the citizen of new hampshir and make __NUM__ the year he run out of time __PUNCT__

presid_obama want to put free_enterpris on trial __PUNCT__

in the last few dai __PUNCT__ we have seen some desper republican join_forc with him __PUNCT__

thi is such a mistak for our parti and for our nation __PUNCT__

thi countri alreadi ha a leader who divid us with the bitter polit of envi __PUNCT__

we must offer an altern vision __PUNCT__

i stand readi to lead us down a differ path __PUNCT__ where we ar lift up by our desir to succe __PUNCT__ not drag down by a resent of success __PUNCT__

in these difficult_time __PUNCT__ we cannot abandon the core valu that defin us as uniqu __PUNCT__ we ar on nation __PUNCT__ under god __PUNCT__

make no mistak __PUNCT__ in thi campaign __PUNCT__ i will offer the american_ideal of econom_freedom a clear and unapologet defens __PUNCT__

our campaign is about more than replac a presid __PUNCT__ it is about save the soul of america __PUNCT__

thi elect is a choic between two veri differ destini __PUNCT__

presid_obama want to __PUNCT__ fundament transform __PUNCT__ america __PUNCT__

we want to restor america to the found_principl that made thi countri great __PUNCT__

he want to turn_america into a european __PUNCT__ style entitl societi __PUNCT__

we want to ensur that we remain a free and prosper land of opportun __PUNCT__

thi presid take hi inspir from the capit of europ __PUNCT__ we look to the citi and small_town of america __PUNCT__

thi presid put hi faith in govern __PUNCT__

we put our faith in the american_peopl __PUNCT__

he is make the feder_govern bigger __PUNCT__ burdensom __PUNCT__ and bloat __PUNCT__

i will make it simpler __PUNCT__ smaller __PUNCT__ and smarter __PUNCT__

he rais the nation_debt __PUNCT__

i will cut __PUNCT__ cap __PUNCT__ and balanc the budget __PUNCT__

he enact job __PUNCT__ kill regul __PUNCT__ i elimin them __PUNCT__

he lost our aaa credit_rate __PUNCT__ i restor it __PUNCT__

he pass obamacar __PUNCT__ i repeal it __PUNCT__

when it come to the economi __PUNCT__ my highest prioriti as presid will be worri about your job __PUNCT__ not save my own __PUNCT__

internation __PUNCT__ presid_obama ha adopt an appeas strategi __PUNCT__

he believ america role as leader in the world is a thing of the past __PUNCT__

i believ a strong america must __PUNCT__ and will __PUNCT__ lead the futur __PUNCT__

he doesn't see the need for overwhelm american_militari superior __PUNCT__

i will insist on a militari so power no on would think of challeng it __PUNCT__

he chastis friend like israel __PUNCT__ i stand with our friend __PUNCT__

he apolog for america __PUNCT__ i will never apolog for the greatest nation in the histori of the earth __PUNCT__

our plan protect freedom and opportun __PUNCT__ and our blueprint is the constitut of the unit_state __PUNCT__

the path i lai out is not on pave with ever increas_govern check and cradl __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ grave assur that govern will alwai be the solut __PUNCT__

if thi elect is a bid war for who can promis more benefit __PUNCT__ then i not your presid __PUNCT__

you have that presid todai __PUNCT__

but if you want to make thi elect about restor american great __PUNCT__ then i hope you will join us __PUNCT__

if you believ the disappoint of the last few year ar a detour __PUNCT__ not our destini __PUNCT__ then i am ask for your vote __PUNCT__

i ask each of you to rememb how special it is to be an american __PUNCT__

i want you to rememb what it wa like to be hope and excit about the futur __PUNCT__ not to dread each new headlin __PUNCT__

i want you to rememb when you spent more time dream about where to send your kid to colleg than wonder how to make it to the next paycheck __PUNCT__

i want you to rememb when you weren't afraid to look at your retir_save or the price at the pump __PUNCT__

i want you to rememb when our white_hous reflect the best of who we ar __PUNCT__ not the worst of what europ ha becom __PUNCT__

that america is still out there __PUNCT__

we still believ in that america __PUNCT__

we still believ in the america that is a land of opportun and a beacon of freedom __PUNCT__

we believ in the america that challeng each of us to be better and bigger than ourselv __PUNCT__

thi elect __PUNCT__ let fight for the america we love __PUNCT__

we believ in america __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

god_bless you __PUNCT__

and god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__