This speech titled 01.31.2012.Tampa.FL originally had 1232 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you all __PUNCT__
to the peopl of florida tonight __PUNCT__ thank you for thi great victori __PUNCT__
there ar fewer candid than when the race began __PUNCT__ but the three gentlemen left ar seriou and abl competitor __PUNCT__
and i congratul them on anoth hard __PUNCT__ fought contest in thi campaign __PUNCT__
primari contest ar not easi __PUNCT__ and thei not suppos to be __PUNCT__
as thi primari unfold __PUNCT__ our oppon in the other parti have been watch __PUNCT__
thei like to comfort themselv with the thought that a competit campaign will leav us divid and weak __PUNCT__
but i got some new for them __PUNCT__ a competit primari doe not divid us __PUNCT__ it prepar us __PUNCT__
and when we gather here in tampa seven month from now for our convent __PUNCT__ our will be a unit parti with a win ticket for america __PUNCT__
three year_ago thi week __PUNCT__ a newli elect_presid presid_obama face the american_peopl and said that if he couldn't turn the economi around in three year __PUNCT__ he be look at a on __PUNCT__ term proposit __PUNCT__
we here to collect __PUNCT__
sinc then __PUNCT__ we had __NUM___month of unemploy over __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__
under thi presid __PUNCT__ american have seen more job_loss and more home_foreclosur than under ani presid in modern_histori __PUNCT__
in the last ten_dai __PUNCT__ i met a father who wa terrifi that thi would be the last night hi famili would sleep in the onli home hi son ha ever known __PUNCT__
i met senior who thought these would be their best year and now live dai to dai worri about make end meet __PUNCT__
i met hispan entrepreneur who thought thei had achiev the american_dream and ar now see it disappear __PUNCT__
in hi state of the union_address __PUNCT__ the presid actual said __PUNCT__ let rememb how we got here __PUNCT__ don't worri __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ we rememb exactli how we got here __PUNCT__ you won the elect __PUNCT__
leadership is about take respons __PUNCT__ not make excus __PUNCT__
in anoth era of american crisi __PUNCT__ thoma_pain is report to have said __PUNCT__ lead __PUNCT__ follow __PUNCT__ or get out of the wai __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ you were elect to lead __PUNCT__ you chose to follow __PUNCT__ and now it time for you to get out of the wai __PUNCT__
i stand readi to lead thi parti and our nation __PUNCT__
as a man who ha spent hi life outsid washington __PUNCT__ i know what it is like to start a busi __PUNCT__
i know how extraordinarili difficult it is to build someth from noth __PUNCT__
i know how govern kill job and __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ how it can help __PUNCT__
my leadership help build busi from scratch __PUNCT__
my leadership help save the olymp from scandal and give our athlet the chanc to make us all proud __PUNCT__
my leadership cut_tax __NUM___time and cast over __NUM__ veto __PUNCT__
we balanc everi budget __PUNCT__ and we kept our school first among fifti_state __PUNCT__
my leadership will end the obama era and begin a new era of american prosper __PUNCT__
thi campaign is about more than replac a presid __PUNCT__
it is about save the soul of america __PUNCT__
presid_obama and i have two veri differ vision of america __PUNCT__
presid obama want to grow govern and continu to amass trillion_dollar deficit __PUNCT__
i will not just slow the growth of govern __PUNCT__ i will cut it __PUNCT__
i will not just freez govern share of the total economi __PUNCT__ i will reduc it __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ without rais_tax __PUNCT__ i will final balanc the budget __PUNCT__
presid_obama view of capit is to send your monei to hi friend __PUNCT__ compani __PUNCT__
my vision for free_enterpris is to return entrepreneurship to the geniu and creativ of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
on on of the most person matter of our live __PUNCT__ our health_care __PUNCT__ presid_obama would turn decis_make over to govern_bureaucrat __PUNCT__
he forc through obamacar __PUNCT__ i will repeal it __PUNCT__
like hi colleagu in the faculti loung who think thei know better __PUNCT__ presid_obama demon and denigr almost everi sector of our economi __PUNCT__
i will make_america the most attract place in the world for entrepreneur __PUNCT__ for innov __PUNCT__ and for job creator __PUNCT__
and unlik the other peopl run for presid __PUNCT__ i know how to do that __PUNCT__
presid_obama order religi_organ to violat their conscienc __PUNCT__ i will defend religi_liberti and overturn regul that trampl on our first freedom __PUNCT__
presid_obama believ america role as leader in the world is a thing of the past __PUNCT__
he is intent on shrink our militari capac at a time when the world face rise threat __PUNCT__
i will insist on a militari so power no on would ever think of challeng it __PUNCT__
presid obama ha adopt a strategi of appeas and apolog __PUNCT__
i will stand with our friend and speak out for those seek freedom __PUNCT__
presid obama want to __PUNCT__ fundament transform __PUNCT__ america __PUNCT__
we want to restor america to the found_principl that made thi countri great __PUNCT__
our plan protect freedom and opportun __PUNCT__ and our blueprint is the constitut of the unit_state __PUNCT__
togeth __PUNCT__ we will build an america where __PUNCT__ hope __PUNCT__ is a new job with a paycheck __PUNCT__ not a fade word on an old bumper_sticker __PUNCT__
the path i lai out is not on pave with ever increas_govern check and cradl __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ grave assur that govern will alwai be the solut __PUNCT__
if thi elect is a bid war for who can promis more benefit __PUNCT__ then i not your presid __PUNCT__
you have that presid todai __PUNCT__
but if you want to make thi elect about restor american great __PUNCT__ then i hope you will join us __PUNCT__
if you believ the disappoint of the last few year ar a detour __PUNCT__ not our destini __PUNCT__ then i am ask for your vote __PUNCT__
i ask each of you to rememb how special it is to be an american __PUNCT__
i want you to rememb what it wa like to be hope and excit about the futur __PUNCT__ not to dread each new headlin __PUNCT__
i want you to rememb when you spent more time dream about where to send your kid to colleg than wonder how to make it to the next paycheck __PUNCT__
i want you to rememb when you weren't afraid to look at your retir_save or the price at the pump __PUNCT__
i want you to rememb when our white_hous reflect the best of who we ar __PUNCT__ not the worst of what europ ha becom __PUNCT__
that america is still out there __PUNCT__
we still believ in that america __PUNCT__
we still believ in the america that is a land of opportun and a beacon of freedom __PUNCT__
we believ in the america that challeng each of us to be better and bigger than ourselv __PUNCT__
thi elect __PUNCT__ let fight for the america we love __PUNCT__
we believ in america __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
and god_bless_america __PUNCT__