Mitt Romney

This speech titled 02.10.2012.Washington.DC originally had 3755 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 101 cue terms and an average lag of 33.0. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 presid_obama 72
0.57 0.366 0.0645
0 0 0
2 conserv_movement 4
0.0334 0.0342 0.000398
0.552 0.364 0.0159
3 commun_organ 13
0.0243 0.16 0.00378
0.41 0.394 0.00776
4 step_forward 75
0.406 0.0338 0.00537
0.302 0.253 0
5 barack_obama 16
0.0133 0.459 0.0233
0.212 0.29 0.00299
6 ultim_goal 7
0.00597 0.0302 0.00736
0.19 0.744 0.0221
7 save_america 2
0.00139 0.00637 0.00299
0.191 0.771 0.0271
8 barack_obama 8
0.0285 0.0197 0.0165
0.154 0.759 0.0221
9 obama_presid 96
0.53 0.0255 0.168
0.132 0.137 0.00756
10 turn_point 11
0.254 0.00139 0.00418
0.645 0.0521 0.0438
11 step_forward 62
0.297 0.0253 0.00776
0.644 0.0239 0.00159
12 american_conservat 42
0.0814 0.0265 0.374
0.484 0.0261 0.00816
13 found_principl 69
0.249 0.0163 0.29
0.249 0.0121 0.183
14 found_document 66
0.0175 0.413 0.298
0.0304 0.0245 0.218
15 pursu_happi 24
0.00219 0.000199 0.539
0.00159 0.00259 0.455
16 american_experi 8
0.0289 0.00199 0.0434
0.00358 0.00199 0.92
17 free_peopl 27
0.000597 0.00318 0.163
0.00119 0.00239 0.829
18 power_nation 29
0.363 0.00299 0.0917
0.00239 0.00259 0.538
19 free_citizen 101
0.0143 0.0641 0.571
0.0133 0.00418 0.334
20 free_enterpris 2
0.000199 0.00119 0.0442
0.00279 0.0597 0.892
21 free_peopl 17
0 0.00517 0.103
0 0.0462 0.845
22 barack_obama 12
0.0109 0.0249 0.0611
0.000199 0.0505 0.852
23 free_peopl 63
0.000199 0.00517 0.319
0 0.0364 0.64
24 free_enterpris 11
0.00279 0.00517 0.0577
0 0.038 0.896
25 colleg_student 26
0.31 0.045 0.0768
0.00318 0.036 0.529
26 conserv_writer 61
0.192 0.0261 0.0643
0.222 0.0412 0.454
27 front_line 20
0.0947 0.00199 0.0149
0.38 0.032 0.476
28 life_work 31
0.0561 0.0137 0.0531
0.381 0.0259 0.47
29 religi_liberti 48
0.0957 0.00438 0.129
0.315 0.00796 0.448
30 econom_opportun 3
0.0434 0.00119 0.0255
0.388 0.0105 0.532
31 move_back 34
0.398 0.0103 0.0215
0.321 0.00557 0.243
32 colleg_degre 30
0.257 0.00358 0.0295
0.592 0.00577 0.113
33 hard_work 26
0.295 0 0.000796
0.702 0 0.00139
34 car_compani 7
0.0306 0 0
0.969 0 0.000199
35 fiscal_conserv 92
0.0533 0.0569 0.783
0.104 0 0.00179
36 __NUM___year 9
0.00259 0.00139 0.2
0.0334 0.0147 0.748
37 balanc_budget 1
0.000995 0.000199 0.0163
0.0291 0.0143 0.939
38 conserv_principl 85
0.922 0 0.0205
0.0201 0 0.0374
39 liber_state 4
0.0185 0.000199 0.0175
0.906 0 0.0575
40 __MONEY___billion 27
0 0 0.932
0 0 0.0681
41 budget_deficit 1
0 0 0.000597
0 0 0.999
42 cut_tax 20
0 0 0.00498
0 0 0.995
43 __NUM___time 1
0 0 0.000597
0 0 0.999
44 __MONEY___billion 21
0 0 0.00498
0 0 0.995
45 left_offic 4
0 0 0.00259
0 0 0.997
46 __MONEY___billion 6
0.000199 0 0.00139
0 0 0.998
47 mitt_romnei 62
0.402 0.00697 0.141
0.000199 0 0.45
48 privat_sector 19
0.00199 0.000796 0.441
0.0185 0.000597 0.537
49 suprem_court 84
0.102 0.0609 0.443
0.00398 0.000995 0.389
50 sex_marriag 8
0 0 0.259
0 0 0.741
51 john_adam 6
0 0 0
0 0 1
52 la_vega 70
0 0 0.00299
0 0 0.997
53 gai_marriag 2
0 0 0
0 0 1
54 marriag_act 11
0 0 0.000199
0 0 1
55 young_girl 71
0.00179 0 0.00378
0 0 0.994
56 cathol_church 24
0.00338 0.000199 0.00498
0.000995 0 0.99
57 blue_state 62
0.435 0.000597 0.00259
0.00318 0 0.559
58 conserv_republican 6
0.0103 0 0.00139
0.427 0.000597 0.56
59 republican_governor 0
0.00139 0 0.000398
0.436 0.000597 0.561
60 front_line 20
0.0728 0.00597 0.0105
0.401 0.000597 0.509
61 blue_state 50
0.131 0.00299 0.00199
0.378 0.00239 0.483
62 presid_obama 51
0.128 0.426 0.26
0.176 0.00577 0.00517
63 life_experi 16
0.00577 0.474 0.00617
0.0587 0.427 0.0287
64 __NUM___year 37
0.398 0.00736 0.378
0.0488 0.139 0.0285
65 great_american 15
0.522 0 0.00617
0.425 0.000199 0.0468
66 success_stori 1
0.0318 0 0.000199
0.942 0 0.0257
67 chief_execut 52
0.157 0.0428 0.149
0.634 0 0.0177
68 make_sens 166
0.302 0.204 0.26
0.185 0.0185 0.03
69 moral_choic 131
0.317 0.0537 0.265
0.206 0.0691 0.089
70 __NUM___cent 27
0.192 0.000995 0.158
0.356 0.0227 0.27
71 borrow_monei 46
0.00199 0.000597 0.618
0.0157 0.000199 0.364
72 growth_rate 31
0.000199 0 0.0358
0.00159 0 0.962
73 rais_tax 46
0 0.000199 0.038
0 0 0.962
74 privat_sector 77
0 0 0.0545
0 0 0.945
75 public_servant 11
0 0 0.00577
0 0 0.994
76 cut_spend 22
0 0 0.00836
0 0 0.992
77 social_secur 20
0 0.000199 0.00955
0 0 0.99
78 american_peopl 62
0.0706 0.000398 0.261
0 0 0.668
79 retir_ag 33
0 0 0.12
0.000199 0 0.88
80 tax_hike 37
0 0 0.00995
0 0 0.99
81 retir_ag 15
0 0 0.00438
0 0 0.996
82 social_secur 2
0 0 0.000398
0 0 1
83 growth_rate 5
0 0 0.00119
0 0 0.999
84 privat_plan 31
0.127 0.0396 0.0225
0 0 0.811
85 ryan_plan 32
0.0432 0.0237 0.034
0.0969 0.0358 0.766
86 job_loss 81
0.619 0.077 0.199
0.0746 0.0203 0.0105
87 home_foreclosur 3
0.0141 0.000398 0.00537
0.681 0.0961 0.203
88 fellow_american 25
0.0119 0.00856 0.689
0.083 0.0358 0.172
89 mexico_citi 72
0.0748 0.00259 0.351
0.0348 0.000597 0.537
90 unit_nation 13
0.0123 0.000199 0.0498
0.0892 0.00119 0.847
91 plan_parenthood 16
0.224 0.00498 0.27
0.0903 0.000398 0.41
92 religi_liberti 18
0.165 0.0517 0.0422
0.293 0.00517 0.443
93 innoc_life 3
0.00836 0.00677 0.000398
0.449 0.0571 0.478
94 public_offic 15
0.0587 0.0195 0.0289
0.392 0.0609 0.44
95 militari_power 20
0.239 0.0235 0.106
0.272 0.0659 0.294
96 militari_budget 13
0.134 0.0101 0.134
0.413 0.0659 0.243
97 conserv_movement 39
0.472 0.0418 0.00736
0.415 0.0501 0.0141
98 back_home 91
0.274 0.0101 0.235
0.463 0.0109 0.00716
99 power_nation 72
0.33 0.000597 0.155
0.435 0.000199 0.0802
100 american_peopl 24
0.227 0.000398 0.0205
0.659 0 0.0927
101 god_bless_america 45
0.263 0.00179 0.00159
0.731 0 0.00259