This speech titled 02.11.2011.Washington.DC originally had 1945 tokens. You can view the original text here.
i been in ann shadow ever sinc our first date in high_school __PUNCT__
over our year togeth __PUNCT__ she wage some pretti impress battl __PUNCT__
among her mani accomplish __PUNCT__ none is more import or reward __PUNCT__ to us and to our countri __PUNCT__ than her accomplish as a success mother of __NUM__ and grandmoth of __NUM__ __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ ann __PUNCT__
the other night __PUNCT__ from opposit coast of the countri __PUNCT__ ann and i watch presid_obama state of the union_address __PUNCT__
ann figur out pretti fast what wa go on __PUNCT__
she sent me an email sai that it sound like he wa read my cpac speech from last year __PUNCT__
what we were hear wa not just a new and improv barack_obama __PUNCT__ it wa an entir differ barack obama __PUNCT__
saul_alinski wa out __PUNCT__ jeffrei immelt wa in __PUNCT__
the presid went from __PUNCT__ chang you can believ in __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ can you believ thi chang __PUNCT__
he sound like he wa go to dig up the first ladi organ garden to put in a bob big boi __PUNCT__
but as the speech went on __PUNCT__ it wa clear that thi wa just the appear of chang __PUNCT__ hi answer for american out of work wa more govern_spend and __MONEY___billion for high speed rail __PUNCT__
he replac hi chicago politician chief of staff with a fresh face from chicago __PUNCT__ name dalei __PUNCT__
make no mistak __PUNCT__ what we ar watch is not brave new world __PUNCT__ what we watch is groundhog dai __PUNCT__ two year_ago __PUNCT__ thi new presid_face an econom_crisi and an increasingli uncertain world __PUNCT__
an uncertain world ha been made more danger by the lack of clear direct from a weak presid __PUNCT__
the presid who tout hi person_experi as give him special insight into foreign_affair wa caught unprepar when iranian citizen rose up against oppress __PUNCT__
hi propos polici of engag with iran and north_korea won him the nobel_peac peac_prize __PUNCT__
how that work out __PUNCT__ iran arm hezbollah and hama and is rush toward nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__
north_korea fire missil __PUNCT__ test nuke __PUNCT__ sunk a south_korean ship and shell a south korean island __PUNCT__
and hi __PUNCT__ reset program __PUNCT__ with russia __PUNCT__ that consist of our presid abandon our missil_defens in poland and sign a on __PUNCT__ side nuclear treati __PUNCT__
the caus of liberti cannot endur much more of hi __PUNCT__ thei get __PUNCT__ we give __PUNCT__ diplomaci __PUNCT__
the world __PUNCT__ and our valiant troop __PUNCT__ watch in confus as the presid announc that he intend to win the war in afghanistan __PUNCT__ as long as it didn't go much beyond __DATE__ of __NUM__ __PUNCT__
and while the taliban mai not have an air_forc or sophist drone __PUNCT__ it safe to sai __PUNCT__ thei do have calendar __PUNCT__
i sure hope that at some point in the near futur __PUNCT__ the presid will final be abl to construct a foreign_polici __PUNCT__ ani foreign polici __PUNCT__
here at home __PUNCT__ the presid respons to the econom_crisi wa the most expens fail social experi in modern_histori __PUNCT__
he guarante that unemploy wouldn't go beyond __NUM__ __PUNCT__
as he watch million and million of american lose their job __PUNCT__ lose their home and lose their hope __PUNCT__ hi respons wa thi __PUNCT__ it could be wors __PUNCT__
it could be wors __PUNCT__ thi is the leader of the free_world answer to the greatest job_loss sinc the great_depress __PUNCT__ what next __PUNCT__ let them eat cake __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ excus me __PUNCT__
organ cake __PUNCT__
it often said that the presid of the unit_state is the toughest job in the world __PUNCT__
fair enough __PUNCT__
undoubtedli true __PUNCT__
but how difficult is it to take offic in the middl of a rage econom_crisi and understand that the economi should be your number on prioriti __PUNCT__
the presid who took offic on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ __NUM__ should have had on central mission __PUNCT__ put american back to work __PUNCT__ fight for everi job __PUNCT__ becaus everi job is a paycheck and paycheck fuel american_dream __PUNCT__
without a paycheck __PUNCT__ you can't take care of your famili __PUNCT__
without a paycheck you can't bui school book for your kid __PUNCT__ keep a car on the road or help an ag parent make end meet __PUNCT__
presid_barack_obama ha stood watch over the greatest job_loss in modern_american american_histori __PUNCT__
and that __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ is on inconveni_truth that will haunt thi presid throughout histori __PUNCT__
todai there ar more men and women out of work in america than there ar peopl_work in canada __PUNCT__
and in the month of __DATE__ __PUNCT__ canada creat more new job than we did __PUNCT__
when ronald_reagan ran for presid __PUNCT__ he hung the miseri index around jimmi_carter neck __PUNCT__
todai miseri is real unemploy __PUNCT__ home_foreclosur and bankruptci __PUNCT__
thi is the obama miseri index __PUNCT__ and it at a record high __PUNCT__
it go to take more than new rhetor to put american back to work __PUNCT__ it go to take a new presid __PUNCT__
let me make thi veri clear __PUNCT__
if i decid to run for presid __PUNCT__ it won't take me two year to wake up to the job crisi threaten america __PUNCT__
and i won't be ask tim_geithner how the economi work __PUNCT__ or larri_summer how to start a busi __PUNCT__
fifteen million_american ar out of work __PUNCT__
and million and million more can't find the good pai_job thei long for and deserv __PUNCT__
you seen the heartbreak photo and video of the job fair around the countri __PUNCT__ where thousand show up to stand in line all dai just to have a chanc to compet for a few job open that probabl aren't as good as the job thei held two year_ago __PUNCT__
these job fair and unemploy line ar presid_obama hoovervil __PUNCT__
make no mistak __PUNCT__
thi is a moral tragedi __PUNCT__ a moral tragedi of epic proport __PUNCT__
unemploy is not just a statist __PUNCT__
fifteen million unemploi is not just a number __PUNCT__
unemploy mean kid can't go to colleg __PUNCT__ that marriag break up under the financi strain __PUNCT__ that young_peopl can't find_work and start their live __PUNCT__ and men and women in their 50 __PUNCT__ in the prime of their live __PUNCT__ fear thei will never find a job again __PUNCT__
liber should be asham that thei and their polici have fail these good and decent american __PUNCT__ the presid is try to show that he final get it __PUNCT__ that he realli isn't a liber after all __PUNCT__
but hi idea of conserv_econom econom_polici is to invit some corpor_ceo to the white_hous for an even of tabl __PUNCT__ talk __PUNCT__
i sorri mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ but that not a polici __PUNCT__ it a dinner_parti __PUNCT__
we seen the failur of liber answer befor __PUNCT__
liber welfar polici condemn gener to depend and poverti __PUNCT__
liber_educ educ_polici fail our children todai __PUNCT__ becaus thei put pension and privileg for union_boss abov the read score of our kid __PUNCT__
liber social_polici have fail to protect the unborn __PUNCT__
and now __PUNCT__ the hollow promis of liber econom_polici have fail to provid million of american with the digniti of work __PUNCT__
under the pressur of a crisi __PUNCT__ peopl_turn to what thei realli believ __PUNCT__
with our economi in crisi __PUNCT__ the presid and hi fellow liber turn to europ for their answer __PUNCT__
like the european __PUNCT__ thei grew the govern __PUNCT__ thei rack up bigger deficit __PUNCT__ thei took over healthcar __PUNCT__ thei push cap and trade __PUNCT__ thei stall product of our oil and ga and coal __PUNCT__ thei fought to impos union on america worker __PUNCT__ and thei creat over a hundr new agenc and commiss and hundr of thousand of page of new regul __PUNCT__
their is a european __PUNCT__ style solut to an american problem __PUNCT__
it doe not work there and it will never work here __PUNCT__
the right answer is not to believ in european solut __PUNCT__
the right answer is to believ in america __PUNCT__ to believ in free_enterpris __PUNCT__ capit __PUNCT__ limit_govern __PUNCT__ feder __PUNCT__ and to believ in the constitut __PUNCT__ as it wa written and intend by the founder __PUNCT__
my father never graduat from colleg __PUNCT__
he apprent as a lath and plaster carpent __PUNCT__ and he wa darn good at it __PUNCT__
he learn how to put a hand of nail in hi mouth and spit them out __PUNCT__ point forward __PUNCT__
on hi honeymoon __PUNCT__ he and mom drove across the countri __PUNCT__
dad sold aluminum paint along the wai __PUNCT__ to pai for ga and hotel __PUNCT__
dad alwai believ in america __PUNCT__ and in that america __PUNCT__ a lath and plaster man could work hi wai up to run a littl car_compani compani_call call_american motor and end up governor of a state where he had onc sold aluminum paint __PUNCT__
for my dad __PUNCT__ america wa the land of opportun __PUNCT__ where free_enterpris __PUNCT__ small_busi and entrepreneur were encourag and respect __PUNCT__
the spirit of enterpris propel america_economi and our standard of live past everi other nation on earth __PUNCT__
i refus to believ that america is just anoth place on the map with a flag __PUNCT__
i believ that america is an except nation __PUNCT__ of freedom and opportun and hope __PUNCT__
the america i believ in ha good and a great that creat a uniqu american geniu __PUNCT__
that geniu ha bless the world __PUNCT__ led the world and ye __PUNCT__ even save the world from unimagin dark __PUNCT__
we didn't origin the concept of liberti but our found_father redefin it and share it with the world __PUNCT__
from the brilliant sand of omaha beach to the dark vallei of the hindu kush __PUNCT__ we have fought with an unmatch courag and determin __PUNCT__ not to conquer territori __PUNCT__ but to give other the chanc to experi the liberti that is human destini __PUNCT__
given all that america ha done to lift other from poverti __PUNCT__ given the million of afflict we have help to heal and comfort __PUNCT__ and given the hundr of thousand of live of america son and daughter that have been __PUNCT__ and ar todai __PUNCT__ sacrif to defend freedom __PUNCT__ i will not apolog for america __PUNCT__
i don't apolog for america becaus i believ in america __PUNCT__ we believ in freedom __PUNCT__ in opportun __PUNCT__
we believ in free_enterpris and capit __PUNCT__
we believ in the american_dream __PUNCT__
and we believ that the principl that made america the leader of the world_todai ar the veri principl that will keep america the leader of the world tomorrow __PUNCT__
these last two year have not been the best of time __PUNCT__
but while we lost a coupl of year __PUNCT__ we have not lost our wai __PUNCT__
thi is fundament what conservat is all about __PUNCT__
we sing for god to bless_america __PUNCT__
he alreadi ha __PUNCT__ he doe now and thank to the great of the american_peopl and the principl that guid us __PUNCT__ he will do so for gener to come __PUNCT__
believ in america __PUNCT__
freedom depend on it __PUNCT__