This speech titled 02.28.2012.Novi.MI originally had 2182 tokens. You can view the original text here.
ok __PUNCT__ first thank you __PUNCT__ as the first state would call it __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__ arizona __PUNCT__
great victori in arizona tonight __PUNCT__
and thank you __PUNCT__ michigan __PUNCT__
what a win __PUNCT__
thi is a big night __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ gui __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ a week_ago __PUNCT__ it wa just a week ago the pundit and the pollster __PUNCT__ thei were readi to count us out __PUNCT__ but across michigan and arizona __PUNCT__ i kept on meet mom and dad and student and grandpar __PUNCT__ and thei were concern about what is happen to thi great_countri of our __PUNCT__
and i wa confid that we could come togeth todai and take a giant step toward a brighter futur __PUNCT__
so tonight __PUNCT__ their effort have brought our caus a great victori __PUNCT__ and we celebr with peopl across these state __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
now tonight is also particularli special for me __PUNCT__ becaus thi is the place where i wa born __PUNCT__
thi is the place where i wa rais __PUNCT__
my mom and dad live mani year here and love thi great state __PUNCT__ and i know that michigand in thi room __PUNCT__ we consid you all famili __PUNCT__
thank you so much for your help __PUNCT__
and in thi room ar the peopl who knock on the door and made the call and went to the poll __PUNCT__ and it made an enorm differ __PUNCT__
we didn't win by a lot __PUNCT__ but we won by enough __PUNCT__ and that all that count __PUNCT__
and by the wai __PUNCT__ in arizona __PUNCT__ special thank you to governor __DATE__ brewer there and senat_john john_mccain __PUNCT__
thei were tireless __PUNCT__ particularli john mccain __PUNCT__
he been all over the countri help __PUNCT__
what a hero __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ governor __PUNCT__
thei out there __PUNCT__
we got two son out there that ar celebr with them __PUNCT__
the great_thing about have so mani in the famili __PUNCT__ we can cover almost everi race __PUNCT__
so super_tuesdai will be stretch __PUNCT__ but we go to find a wai __PUNCT__
our campaign __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__ is about restor the promis of america __PUNCT__
last week __PUNCT__ i unveil a veri bold econom_plan that go to jump __PUNCT__ start the economi and it go to get michigand back to work __PUNCT__
it go to get american more job thei cry out for __PUNCT__ and we go to have less debt and smaller_govern __PUNCT__
and i go to deliv on more job __PUNCT__ less debt __PUNCT__ and smaller govern __PUNCT__
we go to hear that dai in and dai out __PUNCT__ more job __PUNCT__ less debt __PUNCT__ smaller govern __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ there ar a lot of peopl who were sai that __PUNCT__ if you run for offic __PUNCT__ you realli can't speak honestli to the american_peopl __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ we did __PUNCT__ and i will __PUNCT__
and becaus thi is a decis moment __PUNCT__ i believ thi is a time that requir real leadership in our countri __PUNCT__
time ar tough __PUNCT__
we need leader who will live with integr __PUNCT__ who have the courag to tell the truth and have the experi to get our economi back on track __PUNCT__
that the kind of leader i aspir to be __PUNCT__
that the kind of leader i will be if i presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
our campaign __PUNCT__ our campaign is about more than just replac a presid __PUNCT__
it about restor america promis __PUNCT__
from gener to gener __PUNCT__ american have alwai known that the futur would be brighter and better __PUNCT__
american have alwai believ in a tomorrow full of possibl and prosper __PUNCT__
that what it mean to be the land of opportun __PUNCT__
in america __PUNCT__ you know that if you work_hard __PUNCT__ you could build a better life __PUNCT__
if you teach your kid the right kind of valu and help them make the right choic in life __PUNCT__ you know their futur will be prosper and secur __PUNCT__
and that deep confid of a better tomorrow is a basic promis of america __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ that promis is be threaten by a falter economi and a fail presid __PUNCT__
four year_ago __PUNCT__ we warn that the preced wa no place for on __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ job_train __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ todai we have the economi to prove it __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__
thi presid __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ he like to remind us that he inherit an economi that wa in crisi __PUNCT__
but he doesn't like to remind us that he also inherit a democrat_congress __PUNCT__
he had major in both the hous and the senat __PUNCT__
he wa free to pursu ani polici he pleas __PUNCT__
did he fix the economi __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__
instead he put us on a path toward debt and deficit and declin __PUNCT__
it time to get off that path and get back on the path of american prosper __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ these dai when he not spend our monei or infring on our right __PUNCT__ he busi run for re __PUNCT__ elect __PUNCT__
he believ __PUNCT__ did you hear thi __PUNCT__ he believ he rank among the top four presid in american_histori __PUNCT__
did you hear that __PUNCT__ i find a differ spot for him __PUNCT__
he think he deserv a second term __PUNCT__
he sai we can't wait __PUNCT__ to which i sai __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ ye we can __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ we __PUNCT__ we __MONEY___trillion in debt __PUNCT__ and real unemploy stand at __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__
you heard that old sai about __PUNCT__ i need a vacat from my vacat __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ we need to have a recoveri from thi so __PUNCT__ call recoveri __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ as a nation __PUNCT__ we surviv a great_depress __PUNCT__
we weather two world_war __PUNCT__
we made it through tough_time __PUNCT__ and we not come all thi wai to give up now __PUNCT__
we still believ in the hope __PUNCT__ in the dream __PUNCT__ and the promis of america __PUNCT__
we know our futur is better and brighter than these troubl time __PUNCT__
that unwav convict guid our campaign and thi effort __PUNCT__
it ralli million of peopl to our caus __PUNCT__ and it a messag we go to take to everi corner of the countri __PUNCT__ from ohio and idaho to georgia and tennesse __PUNCT__
we seen enough of thi presid over the last four year to know that we don't need anoth five year of presid_obama becaus he think he uncheck by the constitut __PUNCT__
he unrespons to the will of the peopl __PUNCT__ and in a second term __PUNCT__ he would be unrestrain by the demand of re __PUNCT__ elect __PUNCT__
if there on thing we can't afford __PUNCT__ it four more year of barack_obama with noth to answer to __PUNCT__ so we go to get him out of offic and get him back_home where he belong __PUNCT__
now you saw hi budget __PUNCT__
you saw the budget __PUNCT__ he put it out __PUNCT__
it foreshadow exactli what we go to see ahead if he the presid __PUNCT__ run __PUNCT__ awai spend __PUNCT__ record debt __PUNCT__
thei were just the warm __PUNCT__ up act __PUNCT__
for an encor __PUNCT__ he want to rais_tax on job creator and small_busi and famili __PUNCT__
and we ar not go to let him do it __PUNCT__
in thi campaign __PUNCT__ i offer a real choic and a veri differ direct __PUNCT__
i have a plan that will restor america promis through more job and less debt and smaller_govern __PUNCT__
presid_obama is make the feder_govern bigger __PUNCT__ more burdensom and load __PUNCT__
i make it smaller and simpler __PUNCT__
and it about time for that to happen __PUNCT__
he rais the nation_debt __PUNCT__
i will cut cap and balanc the budget __PUNCT__
he pass obama care __PUNCT__
i would appeal obama care __PUNCT__
he lost our aaa credit_rate __PUNCT__
i restor our aaa credit rate __PUNCT__
he reject the keyston pipelin __PUNCT__
i get us the oil from canada we deserv __PUNCT__
and by the wai __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ i go to open up our land for develop so we can final get the energi in thi countri that we need at a price we can afford __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ when it __PUNCT__ when it come to the economi __PUNCT__ my highest prioriti will be worri about your job __PUNCT__ not worri about how to save my own __PUNCT__
thi presid __PUNCT__ thi presid want to rais your tax __PUNCT__
i go to cut them __PUNCT__
that go to start with an across __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ board __NUM__ percent cut for everi american __PUNCT__
i also repeal the altern minimum tax __PUNCT__ and we will abolish __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ the death_tax __PUNCT__
and you know __PUNCT__ he now propos rais_tax on small_busi and job creator __PUNCT__
i go to lower those tax __PUNCT__
i also lower the corpor rate to larger busi to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ make the r&d tax_cut perman to foster innov __PUNCT__
and i go to end the repatri tax to return invest back to our shore __PUNCT__
there a lot of monei offshor go to come back to america __PUNCT__
let final have a tax_plan that put american back to work __PUNCT__
and i have it __PUNCT__ and we get it in place __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ you know he also propos to rais_tax on save and invest __PUNCT__
and if i the presid __PUNCT__ i go to help middl __PUNCT__ class_famili save and invest tax free __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ good __PUNCT__ i agre __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ great __PUNCT__
it about time __PUNCT__
and he also ha an extraordinari gap in hi polici_propos __PUNCT__
do you realiz after sai medicar and social_secur were in troubl __PUNCT__ he ha yet to offer a singl seriou propos for save medicar and social secur __PUNCT__ i have a plan to save them both __PUNCT__
and unlik him __PUNCT__ i have the courag to put my plan on the tabl for peopl to see __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ what thi campaign is about __PUNCT__ what my plan ar about ar creat_job and rais wage for the american_peopl __PUNCT__
thei go to strengthen our entitl_program for the next gener and thei will not add to our deficit __PUNCT__ but we will final balanc america budget __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ beyond __PUNCT__ beyond have a plan to get our citizen back to work __PUNCT__ i have the experi to get our economi back on track __PUNCT__
i spent __NUM___year in busi __PUNCT__
i wa also the steward of the olymp and the leader of a state __PUNCT__
i cut_tax __NUM___time __PUNCT__
i turn a budget shortfal into a surplu __PUNCT__
i know how govern can kill job __PUNCT__ and ye __PUNCT__ i know how it can help creat_job __PUNCT__
and i stand readi to lead our parti to victori and our nation back to prosper __PUNCT__
we get the job done __PUNCT__
it a critic_time in america __PUNCT__
it our time for choos __PUNCT__ and thi time __PUNCT__ we got to get the choic right __PUNCT__
i said it befor __PUNCT__ and i firmli believ it __PUNCT__ that thi campaign is about save the soul of america __PUNCT__
thi elect __PUNCT__ thi elect come down to two veri differ vision of america __PUNCT__
it a choic between becom a nation of and by washington or remain a nation of and by a free_peopl __PUNCT__
a choic between an entitl societi and the land of opportun __PUNCT__
a choic between squander america promis and restor that promis for futur_gener __PUNCT__
if you want to make the elect about restor american great __PUNCT__ then i hope you join us __PUNCT__
if you believ the disappoint of the last few year ar a detour and not the destini for america __PUNCT__ i need your support __PUNCT__
i ask for you to get out and vote __PUNCT__ and i ask for you __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ to go on __URL__ and pledg your support in everi wai possibl __PUNCT__
i __PUNCT__ i ask you to join the fight for the freedom __PUNCT__ to insur that tomorrow will be better than todai __PUNCT__
thi elect __PUNCT__ let restor america promis __PUNCT__
let fight for thi countri we love __PUNCT__
we got work ahead __PUNCT__
we go to do that work __PUNCT__
we go to take back_america __PUNCT__
america is the greatest nation in the histori of the earth __PUNCT__
we go to keep it that wai __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ gui __PUNCT__
you the best __PUNCT__
god_bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__