This speech titled 03.02.2007.Washington.DC originally had 2501 tokens. You can view the original text here.
it good to be with so mani conserv __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ i invit all the conserv in massachusett to come hear me todai and i glad to report that thei ar both here __PUNCT__
i happi to learn that after i speak you go to hear from ann_coulter __PUNCT__
that a good_thing __PUNCT__
i think it import to get the view of moder __PUNCT__
the mainstream_media is surpris that we here __PUNCT__
thei wrote our obituari last fall __PUNCT__
cours __PUNCT__ thei written our obituari befor __PUNCT__ after waterg __PUNCT__ after the __NUM___midterm_elect __PUNCT__ after iran __PUNCT__ contra __PUNCT__ and after bill_clinton elect __PUNCT__
the truth is that their wish think report of our demis have been greatli exagger __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ i predict that we be around a lot longer than __PUNCT__
sai __PUNCT__ newspap __PUNCT__
no conservat is aliv and well __PUNCT__
and it is need more than ever __PUNCT__
america_face a new gener of challeng __PUNCT__ critic challeng __PUNCT__
todai is similar in mani respect to what we face as a nation __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__ look at the menac face of commun __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__ in thi veri confer __PUNCT__ on man stood up and told america what wa need __PUNCT__
it wa conservat __PUNCT__ a new coalit of conserv that would lead to a brighter futur for the nation __PUNCT__
ronald_reagan said thi __PUNCT__ what i envis is not simpli a meld togeth of the two branch of american_conservat into a temporari uneasi allianc __PUNCT__ but the creation of a new __PUNCT__ last major __PUNCT__ and here is where he said that thi conserv allianc would lead __PUNCT__ i have seen the conserv futur __PUNCT__ and it work __PUNCT__
come from massachusett __PUNCT__ i saw first hand the liber futur __PUNCT__ and it doesn't work __PUNCT__
that why i ran against ted_kennedi __PUNCT__
liber social_program weren't solv poverti __PUNCT__ thei were in fact creat a cultur of poverti __PUNCT__
i didn't win __PUNCT__ but at least teddi had to take out a mortgag on hi home to beat me __PUNCT__
i wa onc campaign in a poor section in boston when a person came up to me and said __PUNCT__ what ar you do here __PUNCT__ thi is kennedi countri __PUNCT__ i look around at the vacant store front and board up window and repli __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__ it look like kennedi countri __PUNCT__
no __PUNCT__ it is the conserv_coalit repres here that can build a brighter futur for america __PUNCT__ econom conserv __PUNCT__ social_conserv __PUNCT__ and nation_secur conserv __PUNCT__
i saw the potenti of econom conservat when i becam governor __PUNCT__
the state_budget wa __MONEY___billion short __PUNCT__
liber want to rais_tax __PUNCT__ but i cut_govern instead __PUNCT__
i elimin and combin duplic and wast agenc and program __PUNCT__ and i balanc the budget four year in a row __PUNCT__
on comment said that i didn't just go after the sacr cow __PUNCT__ i went after the whole herd __PUNCT__
and after four year as governor __PUNCT__ i proud to report that massachusett ha __NUM__ fewer state_worker than when i took offic __PUNCT__
i went after tax as well __PUNCT__
the legislatur pass a __MONEY___million retroact capit_gain gain_tax tax_increas __PUNCT__
i knew my veto would be overridden by the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ democrat_major __PUNCT__
so i had the depart of revenu send everi taxpay a pro forma bill for their new higher_tax __PUNCT__ and then i wait for folk to call their legisl __PUNCT__
and did thei ever __PUNCT__
then __PUNCT__ i sent the legislatur an amend that turn the __MONEY___million tax_increas into a __MONEY___million refund __PUNCT__
amazingli __PUNCT__ the legislatur now saw the error of their wai __PUNCT__
i didn't stop there __PUNCT__
we made the invest tax_credit perman __PUNCT__
we pass sale_tax holidai __PUNCT__
we gave tax_break to medic manufactur compani __PUNCT__
we gave real_estat estat_tax tax_break to senior __PUNCT__
and in each of my last three year __PUNCT__ i submit a budget that cut the incom_tax __PUNCT__
it time for some econom conservat in washington as well __PUNCT__
we seen an embarrass spike in non __PUNCT__ defens __PUNCT__ discretionari_spend __PUNCT__
as you know __PUNCT__ i proud to be the first presidenti_candid to sign grover_norquist tax pledg __PUNCT__
but i have anoth pledg i am make to you todai __PUNCT__
if i am elect_presid __PUNCT__ i will cap non __PUNCT__ defens discretionari_spend at inflat minu on percent __PUNCT__
that alon will save___MONEY__ __MONEY___billion over __NUM___year __PUNCT__
if congress send me a budget that exce the cap __PUNCT__ i will veto that budget __PUNCT__
i don't care if it a republican or democrat_congress __PUNCT__ i will veto that budget __PUNCT__
and i know how to veto __PUNCT__
i like veto __PUNCT__
i veto hundr of spend appropri as governor __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ if congress doesn't want to do the cut itself __PUNCT__ then give me the same line item_veto i had as governor __PUNCT__
and on more thing __PUNCT__ i will person lead a top to bottom review of govern_program __PUNCT__ agenc __PUNCT__ procur and spend __PUNCT__
it time to cut out the mountain of wast and ineffici and duplic in the feder_govern __PUNCT__
i done that in busi __PUNCT__ i done that in the olymp __PUNCT__ and i done that in massachusett __PUNCT__
and boi __PUNCT__ i can't wait to get my hand on washington __PUNCT__
democrat in washington ar itch to rais_tax __PUNCT__ __NUM__ is set to be a record break tax_hike __PUNCT__
not if i presid __PUNCT__
i fight to stop the tax hike __PUNCT__
and i fight for a new save_plan for middl_class class_american as well __PUNCT__ on that will grow the economi and help famili at the same_time __PUNCT__
under my plan __PUNCT__ the amount of tax thei will pai on dividend __PUNCT__ interest and capit_gain will be absolut zero __PUNCT__
it high_time to take govern apart and put it back togeth __PUNCT__ but thi time simpler __PUNCT__ smarter and smaller __PUNCT__
let talk about social_conservat too __PUNCT__
massachusett becam center_stage for the liber social agenda __PUNCT__ sort of san_francisco east __PUNCT__ nanci_pelosi style __PUNCT__
ten_month into my term __PUNCT__ the massachusett suprem judici court said our constitut_requir gai_marriag __PUNCT__
john_adam __PUNCT__ who wrote it __PUNCT__ would be surpris __PUNCT__
less than a year later __PUNCT__ scientist were try to convinc me that it not a moral_issu to clone entir new human_embryo sole for research __PUNCT__
not long after that __PUNCT__ the cathol_church wa forc to exit their adopt servic becaus thei prefer place kid in home with a mom and a dad __PUNCT__ not two dad or two mom __PUNCT__
i have stood in the center of the battlefield on everi major social_issu __PUNCT__
i fought to preserv our tradit valu and to protect the sanctiti of life __PUNCT__
i veto bill __PUNCT__ and file new bill __PUNCT__
i enforc a law that ban out __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ state same_sex sex_coupl from come to massachusett to get marri __PUNCT__
i went to the court again and again __PUNCT__ i testifi befor congress for the feder marriag amend __PUNCT__ and i champion our success drive that collect __NUM__ signatur for a citizen ballot_initi to protect marriag __PUNCT__
to me __PUNCT__ a fundament_principl of democraci is at stake __PUNCT__
it is the peopl who ar sovereign in america __PUNCT__ not a few folk in black robe __PUNCT__
judg add thing that aren't in the constitut __PUNCT__ and thei take awai thing that ar in the constitut __PUNCT__
in that regard __PUNCT__ thei let the campaign_financ lobbi take awai first amend right __PUNCT__
if i presid __PUNCT__ i will fight to repeal mccain __PUNCT__ feingold __PUNCT__
anoth aspect of american_sovereignti is the secur of our border __PUNCT__
the current system is a virtual concret wall against those who have skill and educ __PUNCT__ but it a wide_open walk across the border for those that have neither __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ kennedi isn't the answer __PUNCT__
as governor __PUNCT__ i took a veri differ approach __PUNCT__
i author our state_polic to enforc immigr_law __PUNCT__
i veto a tuition break for illeg and said no to driver_licens __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ kennedi give benefit to illeg that would cost taxpay million __PUNCT__
and more importantli __PUNCT__ amnesti didn't work __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__ and it won't work todai __PUNCT__
the new gener of challeng we face_todai includ challeng to our nation_secur as well __PUNCT__
violent __PUNCT__ jihadist __PUNCT__ ar intent on replac moder islam govern with a caliph __PUNCT__
to do that __PUNCT__ thei seek the collaps of our economi and our militari __PUNCT__
we will defeat the violent_jihad with a two __PUNCT__ part strategi __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ an unquestion strong militari __PUNCT__
the best alli peac ha in the world is a strong america __PUNCT__
we need more men and women in the militari __PUNCT__ better armament __PUNCT__ and a strateg defens initi __PUNCT__
and there a second aspect of our strategi __PUNCT__ we must bring togeth all the civil nation of the world in what might be call a second marshal_plan __PUNCT__
togeth with them __PUNCT__ and with volunt __PUNCT__ busi and ngo __PUNCT__ we must support moder muslim_nation and peopl __PUNCT__
thei need public_school that ar not wahabi school __PUNCT__ the rule of law __PUNCT__ properti right __PUNCT__ modern bank and agricultur and pro __PUNCT__ growth econom_polici __PUNCT__
in the end __PUNCT__ it is the muslim_peopl themselv who will elimin radic jihad __PUNCT__
iraq is just on front in the war __PUNCT__
we remov hussein __PUNCT__ but afterward __PUNCT__ we were under __PUNCT__ prepar __PUNCT__ under __PUNCT__ plan __PUNCT__ under __PUNCT__ man __PUNCT__ and under __PUNCT__ manag __PUNCT__
but walk awai now or divid the countri and then walk awai would have real and sever risk for america and for our troop __PUNCT__
i support the troop surg for that reason __PUNCT__
and on thing i know __PUNCT__ we shouldn't let nanci_pelosi and harri_reid dictat our battl strategi to the command in the field or to the command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief __PUNCT__
conservat is a belief in strength __PUNCT__
it is becaus of america strength that we don't all speak german and that our kid don't all speak russian __PUNCT__
and it is becaus of america strength that our grandchildren will not have to speak farsi or arab or chines __PUNCT__
america must remain the world militari superpow __PUNCT__
that is a first principl of conservat __PUNCT__
to remain the militari superpow __PUNCT__ we must remain the world_econom superpow as well __PUNCT__
you can't be a tier i militari with a tier ii economi __PUNCT__ the soviet_union tri to keep that up for a while __PUNCT__ and lost __PUNCT__
it inconceiv to us that we could ever be pass econom __PUNCT__
but __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__ it wa inconceiv that anyon could have pass england or franc __PUNCT__
but we did __PUNCT__
and if you look east __PUNCT__ you can see that we ar face much more difficult competit from asia than we have face befor __PUNCT__
thei want to move the center of manufactur and technolog and innov from america to asia __PUNCT__
we mai just smile __PUNCT__ but don't forget what will roger said __PUNCT__ even if you on the right track __PUNCT__ if you don't move __PUNCT__ you get run over __PUNCT__ america will move __PUNCT__ but the question is __PUNCT__ in what direct __PUNCT__
histori can be a guid __PUNCT__
the __NUM___centuri saw two econom_system pit against each other __PUNCT__
our wa built on free_enterpris __PUNCT__ free_trade and the primaci of the individu __PUNCT__
the soviet wa built on govern command and control __PUNCT__ and the primaci of the state __PUNCT__
our produc the most power economi in the world that ha given it citizen a standard of live our grandpar never dream possibl __PUNCT__ their produc a downward spiral standard of live and eventu collaps __PUNCT__
the __NUM___centuri histori lesson is that america_economi is strong becaus we put our trust in freedom __PUNCT__ in the american_peopl __PUNCT__ and in the free_enterpris thei creat __PUNCT__
if we ar to keep america strong __PUNCT__ we must turn to the sourc of america strength __PUNCT__
liber think that govern is the sourc of our great __PUNCT__
thei wrong __PUNCT__
the american_peopl ar the sourc of our strength __PUNCT__ hard_work __PUNCT__ educ __PUNCT__ skill __PUNCT__ famili __PUNCT__ orient __PUNCT__ will to sacrific for their famili and their countri __PUNCT__ god __PUNCT__ fear __PUNCT__ freedom __PUNCT__ love american_peopl __PUNCT__
thei alwai have been the sourc of our strength and thei alwai will be __PUNCT__
and so if we need to call on the strength of america __PUNCT__ you don't strengthen govern __PUNCT__ you strengthen the american peopl __PUNCT__
you strengthen the american peopl by let them keep more of their own monei __PUNCT__ and not tax their famili at death __PUNCT__
you strengthen the american peopl by make sure that the voic of million of voter trump the voic of unelect judg __PUNCT__
you strengthen the american peopl by secur our border and by insist that the children who come legal to thi land ar taught in english __PUNCT__
and perhap most importantli __PUNCT__ you strengthen the american peopl when you strengthen the american_famili __PUNCT__
marriag must come befor children becaus everi child deserv a mother and a father __PUNCT__
thi is not the time for us to shrink from conserv_principl __PUNCT__
it is time for us to stand in strength __PUNCT__
becaus america_face unpreced challeng __PUNCT__ strength is the onli answer __PUNCT__
strong militari __PUNCT__ strong economi __PUNCT__ strong_famili __PUNCT__
thirti_year_ago __PUNCT__ in challeng time __PUNCT__ a great coalit wa forg in these hall __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ we face a new gener of challeng __PUNCT__
if we in thi room lock our arm togeth __PUNCT__ we can forg the polit will to rebuild our militari might __PUNCT__
if we in thi room will simpli march forward we can propel america growth and prosper to lead to the world __PUNCT__
if we in thi room lift up our ey __PUNCT__ we will lift the spirit of the nation __PUNCT__
now is the time __PUNCT__ thi is the place __PUNCT__ for us to stand togeth __PUNCT__ to lead a great coalit of strength __PUNCT__ for our famili __PUNCT__ for our futur __PUNCT__ for america __PUNCT__
mai god_bless thi great land __PUNCT__