This speech titled 03.19.2012.Chicago.IL originally had 2655 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank to the univers of chicago for host us todai __PUNCT__
it good to see so mani scholar from the school of public_polici __PUNCT__
and it is an honor to visit the campu that hous the becker __PUNCT__ friedman institut __PUNCT__
milton_friedman us to tell a stori about a trip he took to asia in the 1960 __PUNCT__
some govern_offici there ask him to visit the site of a massiv public_work project __PUNCT__
when he got there __PUNCT__ he saw thousand of worker try to build a canal with shovel __PUNCT__
milton turn to on of the offici and ask him why there were so few machin __PUNCT__
the bureaucrat said __PUNCT__ you don't understand __PUNCT__
thi is a job_program __PUNCT__
milton repli __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ i thought you were try to build a canal __PUNCT__
if it job you want __PUNCT__ then you should give these worker spoon __PUNCT__ not shovel __PUNCT__
milton_friedman knew what presid_obama still ha not learn __PUNCT__ even after three year and hundr of billion of dollar in spend __PUNCT__ the govern doe not creat prosper __PUNCT__ free_market and free_peopl do __PUNCT__
for three year __PUNCT__ presid_obama ha expand_govern instead of empow the american_peopl __PUNCT__
he put us deeper in debt __PUNCT__
he slow the recoveri and harm our economi __PUNCT__
and he ha attack the cornerston of american prosper __PUNCT__ our econom_freedom __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ i want to talk with you about why econom freedom is so critic __PUNCT__ and how __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ i will restor it in order to get our economi_grow again __PUNCT__
thi __DATE__ __PUNCT__ we face a defin decis __PUNCT__
our choic will not be on of parti or person __PUNCT__
thi elect will be about principl __PUNCT__
our econom_freedom will be on the ballot __PUNCT__
and i intend to offer the american_peopl a clear choic __PUNCT__
i spent __NUM___year in busi __PUNCT__
my work took me to mani countri __PUNCT__
i wa often struck by the enorm differ in the wealth and well __PUNCT__ be of peopl_live in differ nation __PUNCT__
i wa interest in how nation that were so close to each other in term of geographi could be so differ in term of prosper __PUNCT__
take __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__ mexico and the unit_state __PUNCT__ israel and egypt __PUNCT__ chile and ecuador __PUNCT__
i read_book that purport to explain the dispar between such nation __PUNCT__
jare diamond argu it wa larg_due to their physic differ __PUNCT__ their miner and natur_resourc __PUNCT__
but thi onli explain part of what i saw __PUNCT__
then i read a book by historian david land call the wealth and poverti of nation __PUNCT__
in it __PUNCT__ he trace the rise and fall of the great civil in histori __PUNCT__
after about __NUM__ page of scholarli analysi __PUNCT__ he conclud with thi observ __PUNCT__ if we learn anyth from the histori of econom_develop __PUNCT__ it is that cultur make all the differ __PUNCT__ cultur __PUNCT__
what is it about america cultur that made us the greatest econom_power in the histori of the earth __PUNCT__ mani featur come to mind __PUNCT__ our work_ethic __PUNCT__ our appreci for educ __PUNCT__ our willing to take risk __PUNCT__ our commit to honor and oath __PUNCT__ our famili orient __PUNCT__ our devot to a purpos greater than ourselv __PUNCT__ our patriot __PUNCT__
but on featur of our cultur that propel the american_economi stand out __PUNCT__ freedom __PUNCT__
the american economi is fuel by freedom __PUNCT__
free_peopl and their free_enterpris ar what drive our econom vital __PUNCT__
the found_father wrote that we ar endow by our creator with the freedom to pursu_happi __PUNCT__
in america __PUNCT__ we would have econom_freedom __PUNCT__ just as we would have polit and religi_freedom __PUNCT__
here __PUNCT__ we would not be limit by the circumst of birth nor direct by the supposedli inform hand of govern __PUNCT__
we would be free to pursu_happi as we wish __PUNCT__
the founder were convinc that million of peopl __PUNCT__ all freeli choos their individu occup and enterpris __PUNCT__ all pursu their individu dream __PUNCT__ would produc great prosper __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ thei were right __PUNCT__
econom_freedom is the onli forc that ha consist succeed in lift peopl out of poverti __PUNCT__
it is the onli principl that ha ever creat sustain prosper __PUNCT__
it is why our economi rose to rival those of the world_lead power __PUNCT__ and ha long sinc surpass them all __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ our statu and our stand ar in peril becaus the sourc of our econom strength is threaten __PUNCT__
over the last sever decad __PUNCT__ and particularli over the last three year __PUNCT__ washington ha increasingli encroach upon our freedom __PUNCT__
the obama_administr assault on our econom_freedom is the princip reason why the recoveri ha been so tepid __PUNCT__ why it couldn't meet their project __PUNCT__ let alon our expect __PUNCT__
if we don't chang cours now __PUNCT__ thi assault on freedom could damag our economi and the well __PUNCT__ be of american_famili for decad to come __PUNCT__
we see thi attack on our freedom in everi corner of the economi __PUNCT__
let start with tax __PUNCT__
by their veri natur __PUNCT__ thei reduc our freedom __PUNCT__
their onli role in a free_economi should be to fund servic that ar absolut essenti __PUNCT__ such as nation_secur __PUNCT__ educ __PUNCT__ and the care of those who cannot care for themselv __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ yet __PUNCT__ presid_obama ha propos rais the margin_tax_rate from __NUM__ __PUNCT__ to __NUM__ __PUNCT__
he ha propos special break for hi favorit industri __PUNCT__ further increas for busi he dislik __PUNCT__ and endless credit and subsidi intend to shape our behavior in thi societi __PUNCT__
think for a moment about what that doe to the freedom to start a busi or grow an enterpris __PUNCT__
last week __PUNCT__ i spoke with an entrepreneur in st __PUNCT__ loui __PUNCT__
he and hi son make amplifi for electr guitar __PUNCT__ but thei recent had to lai off their other two employe __PUNCT__
he said that __PUNCT__ by hi calcul __PUNCT__ govern take __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of what hi busi earn __PUNCT__
presid_obama want to take even more __PUNCT__
if you invest your save in a new busi and ar on of the fortun few who see success __PUNCT__ and make a profit __PUNCT__ presid obama want to take __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of it __PUNCT__
and then add to that the payrol_tax __PUNCT__ the ga tax __PUNCT__ and state and citi incom __PUNCT__ properti __PUNCT__ and excis_tax __PUNCT__
and then factor in the regulatori_burden __PUNCT__ whose cost far exce the total of all incom_tax payment __PUNCT__
pretti soon __PUNCT__ those tax and cost add up __PUNCT__
busi shut down __PUNCT__
job disappear __PUNCT__
entrepreneur decid it too riski and too costli to invest and to hire __PUNCT__
dodd __PUNCT__ frank is anoth exampl __PUNCT__
it an __NUM__ __PUNCT__ page behemoth that will be follow by thousand and thousand of page of new regul __PUNCT__
regul ar necessari __PUNCT__
but burdensom regul serv onli to restrict freedom and imperil enterpris __PUNCT__
the victim of those regul ar not nameless __PUNCT__ faceless bank __PUNCT__
thei the employe __PUNCT__ the busi_owner __PUNCT__ and the custom who reli on those financi_institut __PUNCT__
thi administr burdensom regul ar even invad the freedom of everydai american __PUNCT__
mike and chantel sackett run a small_busi in idaho __PUNCT__
thei save enough monei to bui a piec of properti and build a modest home on it __PUNCT__
but dai after thei broke ground __PUNCT__ an epa regul told them to stop dig __PUNCT__
the epa said thei were build on a wetland __PUNCT__
but the sackett __PUNCT__ properti isn't on the wetland regist __PUNCT__
it sit in a residenti area __PUNCT__
nevertheless __PUNCT__ the epa wouldn't let them appeal the decis __PUNCT__
it told the sackett thei weren't allow to go to court __PUNCT__
an unelect govern_bureaucrat rob them of their freedom __PUNCT__
thei were given no recours __PUNCT__ no remedi __PUNCT__
thei could do what the epa want __PUNCT__ or thei could risk million of dollar in fine __PUNCT__
under presid_obama __PUNCT__ those same bureaucrat ar insinu themselv into everi corner of the economi __PUNCT__
thei prevent drill rig from go to work in the gulf __PUNCT__
thei keep coal from be mine __PUNCT__
thei imped the reliabl suppli of natur_ga __PUNCT__
thei even tell farmer what their __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old son and daughter can and can't do on the famili_farm __PUNCT__
will roger famous said __PUNCT__ thi countri ha come to feel the same when congress is in session as we do when the babi get hold of a hammer __PUNCT__
it just a question of how much damag he can do with it befor you can take it awai from him __PUNCT__
will roger wa concern about the damag congress could do __PUNCT__
but todai __PUNCT__ our freedom is never safe __PUNCT__ becaus unelect __PUNCT__ unaccount regul ar alwai on the prowl __PUNCT__
and under presid_obama __PUNCT__ thei ar multipli like proverbi rabbit __PUNCT__
the number of feder_employe ha grown by __NUM__ under thi presid __PUNCT__
those regul do a lot of damag __PUNCT__
for everi regul __PUNCT__ there ar unintend consequ __PUNCT__ underestim cost __PUNCT__ and unwant influenc from special_interest __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ the bureaucrat impuls is to make more rule __PUNCT__ never to reduc them __PUNCT__
all those regul erod our freedom and stifl prosper __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ the obama assault on econom_freedom is not limit to action against individu and enterpris __PUNCT__ it extend to it intrus upon the free marketplac itself __PUNCT__
when govern rather than the market routin select the winner and loser __PUNCT__ enterpris cannot predict their prospect __PUNCT__ and free_enterpris is replac with croni_capit __PUNCT__
solyndra __PUNCT__ ener1 __PUNCT__ fisker __PUNCT__ and tesla ar exampl __PUNCT__
when the govern invest __MONEY___million in solyndra __PUNCT__ you can imagin that score of other solar_energi entrepreneur and enterpris either lost their investor or fail to find ani __PUNCT__
when the nlrb tri to shut down boe plant in south_carolina __PUNCT__ it sent a signal dissuad busi of all kind from make similar invest in right to work state __PUNCT__ limit their freedom __PUNCT__
when gener_motor share were direct to the uaw __PUNCT__ polit payback replac the rule of law __PUNCT__ and the rule of law is fundament to econom_freedom __PUNCT__
when the heavi hand of govern replac the invis_hand of the market __PUNCT__ econom_freedom is the inevit victim __PUNCT__
for centuri __PUNCT__ the american_dream ha meant the opportun to build someth new __PUNCT__
some of america_greatest success_stori ar of peopl who start out with noth but a good_idea and a corner in their garag __PUNCT__
too often todai __PUNCT__ american look at what it take to start a busi and thei don't see promis and opportun __PUNCT__
thei see govern stand in their wai __PUNCT__
the real cost isn't just the tax paid and monei spent compli with the rule __PUNCT__
it the busi that ar never start __PUNCT__ the idea that ar never pursu __PUNCT__ the dream that ar defer __PUNCT__
we onc built the interst highwai_system and the hoover dam __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ we can't even build a pipelin __PUNCT__
we onc led the world in manufactur __PUNCT__ export __PUNCT__ and infrastructur invest __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ we lead the world in lawsuit __PUNCT__
labor_union onc serv as a symbol of worker right __PUNCT__ fair treatment __PUNCT__ and a grow middl_class __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ thei too often repres the worst of special_interest and croni_capit __PUNCT__
but __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ after spend three year attack busi __PUNCT__ presid_obama hope to eras hi record with a speech __PUNCT__
in a recent address __PUNCT__ he said that __PUNCT__ we ar inventor __PUNCT__
we ar builder __PUNCT__
we ar maker of thing __PUNCT__
we ar thoma edison __PUNCT__
we ar the wright brother __PUNCT__
we ar bill_gate __PUNCT__
we ar steve_job __PUNCT__
the realiti is that __PUNCT__ under presid_obama obama_administr __PUNCT__ these pioneer would have found it much more difficult __PUNCT__ if not imposs __PUNCT__ to innov __PUNCT__ invent __PUNCT__ and creat __PUNCT__
under dodd __PUNCT__ frank __PUNCT__ thei would have struggl to get loan from their commun_bank __PUNCT__
a regul would have shut down the wright brother for their __PUNCT__ dust pollut __PUNCT__
and the govern would have ban thoma edison light_bulb __PUNCT__
oh yeah __PUNCT__ obama regul actual did just that __PUNCT__
everi great innov __PUNCT__ everi world __PUNCT__ chang busi breakthrough begin with a dream __PUNCT__
and noth is more fragil than a dream __PUNCT__
it is essenti to the geniu of america that we have develop a cultur that nurtur these dream and dreamer __PUNCT__ that honor them and __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ reward them __PUNCT__
there ha alwai been someth uniqu brilliant about america __PUNCT__
i don't believ thi presid understand thi fundament secret of america __PUNCT__
and dai by dai __PUNCT__ job __PUNCT__ kill regul by regul __PUNCT__ bureaucrat by bureaucrat __PUNCT__ he is crush the dream and the dreamer __PUNCT__
if we continu along thi path __PUNCT__ our live will be rule by bureaucrat and board __PUNCT__ commiss and czar __PUNCT__
that path erod freedom __PUNCT__
it deaden the entrepreneuri spirit __PUNCT__
freedom is becom the victim of unbound govern appetit __PUNCT__ and so is econom_growth __PUNCT__ job_growth __PUNCT__ and wage growth __PUNCT__
as govern take more and more __PUNCT__ there is less and less incent to take risk __PUNCT__ to invest __PUNCT__ to innov __PUNCT__ and to hire __PUNCT__
the proof is in thi weak recoveri __PUNCT__
thi administr think our economi is struggl becaus the stimulu wa too small __PUNCT__
the truth is we struggl becaus our govern is too big __PUNCT__
i am run for presid becaus i have the experi and the vision to get us out of thi mess __PUNCT__
i am offer a real choic and a new begin __PUNCT__
and i have a conserv_econom econom_plan that will deliv more job __PUNCT__ less debt __PUNCT__ and smaller_govern __PUNCT__
my agenda take america in the right direct __PUNCT__
it preserv freedom __PUNCT__
it encourag risk and innov __PUNCT__
it foster competit __PUNCT__
it allow american to pursu_happi as thei choos __PUNCT__ and will lead to greater opportun __PUNCT__
instead of expand the govern __PUNCT__ i will shrink it __PUNCT__
instead of rais_tax __PUNCT__ i will cut them __PUNCT__
instead of ad more regul __PUNCT__ i will reduc them with an overrid concern __PUNCT__ do thei help or do thei hurt job __PUNCT__
that just the begin __PUNCT__
there is still more we can do __PUNCT__
befor we can creat endur prosper __PUNCT__ we must restor our econom_freedom __PUNCT__
to build a strong america __PUNCT__ we must empow american to pursu_happi as thei choos __PUNCT__ not as govern direct __PUNCT__
we must restor the world most competit economi __PUNCT__ not relinquish it to croni and bureaucrat __PUNCT__
we must elect a presid who put hi faith in free_peopl __PUNCT__ in free_enterpris __PUNCT__ and in the found_principl that made thi countri the greatest nation in histori __PUNCT__
togeth __PUNCT__ let restor america promis by renew our econom_freedom __PUNCT__
let us affirm our convict that america is a land of opportun and usher in a new era of endur prosper and american leadership __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
god_bless_america __PUNCT__