Mitt Romney

This speech titled 03.30.2012.Appleton.WI originally had 3377 tokens. You can view the original text here.

in __NUM___dai __PUNCT__ someth pretti extraordinari is go to happen in the countri __PUNCT__

we have an elect __PUNCT__

across thi countri __PUNCT__ million and million of american will be abl to do someth that is realli quit amaz __PUNCT__ thei will choos not onli a presid __PUNCT__ but an entir hous of repres and a third of the us senat __PUNCT__

the entir world will be watch us __PUNCT__

and by around midnight on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ mayb a littl earlier or a littl later __PUNCT__ we know the result of million of american exercis their right to vote and in do so __PUNCT__ make a choic so profound that it is veri difficult for ani of us to grasp __PUNCT__

no on can predict the crisi the next presid will confront nor what the world will look like at the end of the next presid term __PUNCT__

in a world in which the economi of athen __PUNCT__ wisconsin and athen __PUNCT__ greec ar connect __PUNCT__ everi decis becom infinit more complex __PUNCT__

but i believ american face a fundament choic in thi elect __PUNCT__ a decis that is much more import than the candid or the polit_parti __PUNCT__

we should understand that we ar select not just who should guid us but a choic between two distinct path and destini for our nation __PUNCT__

in the dai and month ahead __PUNCT__ we should ask ourselv some veri fundament_question about who we ar as a nation and who we ar becom __PUNCT__

what doe it mean to be an american in __NUM__ __PUNCT__ what will it mean in __NUM__ and beyond __PUNCT__ ar we keep faith with the great legaci __PUNCT__ and trust __PUNCT__ that ha been hand to us by previou_gener __PUNCT__ and what america will we leav the next gener __PUNCT__

thi campaign will produc a deafen cacophoni of charg and counter charg and by __DATE__ __PUNCT__ most american will probabl be afraid to turn on their tv __PUNCT__

so now __PUNCT__ in thi quiet befor the storm __PUNCT__ let start with some basic fact about which there can be no debat __PUNCT__

sinc barack_obama becam presid __PUNCT__ over __NUM__ american have lost their job __PUNCT__

million of american spent longer look for a job than ever befor __PUNCT__

long __PUNCT__ term unemploy is the worst sinc the great_depress __PUNCT__

over __NUM___million_american ar now live in poverti __PUNCT__ more than ever befor in our nation_histori __PUNCT__

in household with singl_mom __PUNCT__ over __NUM__ __PUNCT__ ar live in poverti __PUNCT__

forti __PUNCT__ six and a half_million million_american ar now on food_stamp __PUNCT__ anoth record __PUNCT__

__NUM___million home have been foreclos on __PUNCT__

new busi startup ar at the lowest_level in __NUM___year __PUNCT__

over __NUM__ chrysler and gm dealership have close and __NUM__ automobil manufactur plant have been shutter or idl __PUNCT__

our yearli budget_deficit ar soar and our nation_debt now stand at an all __PUNCT__ time high __PUNCT__

barack_obama obama_presid over the first trillion __PUNCT__ dollar deficit in american_histori __PUNCT__

and he ha repeat thi dread distinct for each year he ha been in offic __PUNCT__

for the first time sinc world_war_ii __PUNCT__ our nation_debt is greater than the size of our entir economi __PUNCT__

each american share of the nation debt stand at __MONEY__

presid_obama did not caus the recess __PUNCT__ but he most certainli fail to lead the recoveri __PUNCT__

hi stimulu protect the govern __PUNCT__ not the peopl __PUNCT__

it wa promis to hold unemploy below eight percent __PUNCT__

it did not __PUNCT__

barack_obama stimulu wa as ineffect as it wa expens __PUNCT__

hi obamacar didn't help creat_job either __PUNCT__

it discourag small_busi and health compani from hire new worker __PUNCT__

and dodd __PUNCT__ frank hurt the commun_bank that provid loan to small_busi __PUNCT__

but the __PUNCT__ too big to fail __PUNCT__ bank ar even bigger todai __PUNCT__

he fail to deliv on job __PUNCT__ but on hi goal to rais energi_price __PUNCT__ he sure came through __PUNCT__

all in all __PUNCT__ presid_obama prolong the recess and slow the recoveri __PUNCT__

hi econom strategi is a bust __PUNCT__

these troubl fact ar presid obama legaci and now our share histori __PUNCT__

as much as we would like to __PUNCT__ we can't undo what ha happen these past_year __PUNCT__

the famili who have lost their home __PUNCT__ the factori that have close __PUNCT__ the student who had to drop out of colleg and those who never could make it in the door __PUNCT__ all those miss chanc and lost opportun can't be regain __PUNCT__

and that why it is import to understand on astonish fact about thi elect __PUNCT__ presid_obama think he do a good_job __PUNCT__

no __PUNCT__ i not kid __PUNCT__

he actual think he do a great job __PUNCT__

an histor great job __PUNCT__

accord to the presid __PUNCT__ onli lincoln __PUNCT__ fdr and lyndon_johnson have accomplish more __PUNCT__

and no __PUNCT__ he didn't sai that on saturdai_night live __PUNCT__

how can thi be __PUNCT__ is it that the presid is just so disconnect from what is happen across america that he doesn't grasp the real consequ of hi failur __PUNCT__

that answer is easi __PUNCT__

the answer is ye __PUNCT__

of cours __PUNCT__

thi is a presid who wa elect not on the strength of a compel record but a compel person and stori __PUNCT__

there wa much about the campaign of barack_obama that appeal to mani american __PUNCT__

and though the realiti ha fail the hope and chang he promis __PUNCT__ he remain surround by true believ who attack anyon who challeng their power __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ as we see each dai __PUNCT__ thei will fight even more fierc to hold on to that power __PUNCT__

all of thi is to be expect __PUNCT__

that power love power and never let go easili is hardli new __PUNCT__

and that a white_hous ha lost touch __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think we seen that onc or twice befor __PUNCT__

but we should also rememb that candid barack_obama pledg that he want to __PUNCT__ transform thi nation __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ unfortun __PUNCT__ that is exactli what he ha been do __PUNCT__

and that is on more reason why thi elect is so critic __PUNCT__

the choic befor us could not be more profound __PUNCT__

barack obama and i have fundament differ vision for america __PUNCT__

he ha spent the last four year lai the foundat for a new govern __PUNCT__ center societi __PUNCT__

i will spend the next four year rebuild the foundat of our opportun societi __PUNCT__ led by free_peopl and free_enterpris __PUNCT__

our differ vision for america ar the product of our valu and our life_experi __PUNCT__

barack_obama onc said that hi work as a commun_organ motiv him to help __PUNCT__ commun that had been ravag by plant_close __PUNCT__ hi desir to help other could not be more admir but it clear that he saw free_enterpris as the villain and not the solut __PUNCT__

the onli real_solut to help those commun devast by lost job is more job __PUNCT__

barack_obama seem never to have understood the basic point that a plant_close when a busi lose_monei __PUNCT__

so when thi presid attack busi for make_monei __PUNCT__ and when hi polici_make it more difficult for busi to make_monei __PUNCT__ he is also attack the veri commun he want to help __PUNCT__

that how it work in america __PUNCT__

or at least that how it work when america is work __PUNCT__

but under barack_obama __PUNCT__ america hasn't been work __PUNCT__

the iron tragedi is that the commun_organ who want to help those hurt by a plant_close becam the presid on whose watch more job were lost than ani time sinc the great_depress __PUNCT__

instead of do everyth possibl to promot the power of the free_enterpris enterpris_system to creat_job and get us out of thi econom_crisi __PUNCT__ barack_obama ha promot the power of govern __PUNCT__

the result have been predict dismal __PUNCT__ but he ha __PUNCT__ transform __PUNCT__ us __PUNCT__ as he like to sai __PUNCT__ closer to hi vision of a govern __PUNCT__ center societi __PUNCT__

in barack obama govern __PUNCT__ center societi __PUNCT__ the govern must do more becaus the economi is doom to do less __PUNCT__

when you attack busi and vilifi success __PUNCT__ you will have less busi and less success __PUNCT__

and then __PUNCT__ of cours the debat becom about how much to extend unemploy_insur becaus you have guarante there will be million more unemploi __PUNCT__

in barack_obama govern __PUNCT__ center societi __PUNCT__ govern natur alloc the reward __PUNCT__

tax_break ar bestow not to make us more product or to grow a stronger economi but to reshap the societi into what is current fashion and polit_correct __PUNCT__

becaus busi is inher suspect __PUNCT__ govern_regul who know better must overse and direct busi decis __PUNCT__ make __PUNCT__

in barack_obama govern __PUNCT__ center societi __PUNCT__ tax_increas becom not onli a necess but also a desir tool for social_justic __PUNCT__

in that world of shrink mean __PUNCT__ there a finit amount of monei __PUNCT__ and as someon onc famous said __PUNCT__ you need tax to spread the wealth around __PUNCT__

in barack_obama govern __PUNCT__ center societi __PUNCT__ govern_spend will alwai increas becaus there no reason to stop it __PUNCT__

there alwai someon who is entitl to someth more __PUNCT__ and who will vote for anyon who will give them someth more __PUNCT__

in a govern __PUNCT__ center societi __PUNCT__ govern dispens the benefit __PUNCT__ borrow what it can't take __PUNCT__ and consum a greater and greater share of the economi __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ govern at all level consum __NUM__ percent of the total economi or g.d.p __PUNCT__

if obamacar is allow to stand __PUNCT__ govern will directli control almost half of the american_economi __PUNCT__

and through the increas control govern ha impos on industri like energi and financi_servic __PUNCT__ and automobil __PUNCT__ it will indirectli or directli control well over half of our total economi __PUNCT__

on must ask whether we will still be a free_enterpris nation and whether we will still have econom_freedom __PUNCT__

america is on the cusp of have a govern __PUNCT__ run economi __PUNCT__

presid_obama is transform america into someth veri differ than the land of the free and the land of opportun __PUNCT__

we know where that transform lead __PUNCT__

there ar other nation that have chosen that path __PUNCT__

it lead to chronic high_unemploy __PUNCT__ crush debt __PUNCT__ and stagnant wage __PUNCT__

sound_familiar __PUNCT__

i don't want to transform america __PUNCT__ i want to restor the valu of econom_freedom __PUNCT__ opportun __PUNCT__ and small_govern that have made thi nation the leader it is __PUNCT__

freedom and opportun have made america the most power economi in the world __PUNCT__

thei ar the foundat of a nation with full_employ __PUNCT__ rise wage __PUNCT__ and fiscal stabil __PUNCT__

the best thing we can do for the econom well __PUNCT__ be of the peopl of america is not to grow govern __PUNCT__ it is to restor freedom and opportun __PUNCT__

it is opportun that ha alwai driven america and defin us as american __PUNCT__

my grandfath wa in the construct busi and he never realli made it himself __PUNCT__

but he help convinc my dad that he could accomplish anyth he set hi mind to __PUNCT__

my dad didn't have the chanc to finish colleg and he apprent as a lath and plaster carpent __PUNCT__

base on that excel train __PUNCT__ he went on to turn around a great car_compani and later becam governor of michigan __PUNCT__

my father made the most of opportun that came befor him __PUNCT__ and by the time i came along __PUNCT__ i wa the fourth of four brother and sister __PUNCT__ i had the chanc to get the educ my dad couldn't __PUNCT__

i love car and wa tempt to stai in michigan and go into the car busi but i knew i would alwai wonder if ani success i had wa due to my father __PUNCT__

so when i got out of busi_school __PUNCT__ i stai in massachusett and got an entri __PUNCT__ level job with the best compani that would hire me __PUNCT__

more importantli __PUNCT__ i wa marri and on the wai to have five son __PUNCT__

over the next __NUM___year __PUNCT__ my busi career had mani up and down __PUNCT__ great_success __PUNCT__ definit failur __PUNCT__ but each step of the wai i learn more about the transform_power of our great free_enterpris enterpris_system __PUNCT__

i not naïv enough to believ that free_enterpris is the solut to all of our problem __PUNCT__ nor am i naïv enough to doubt that it is on of the greatest forc of good thi world ha ever known __PUNCT__

free enterpris ha done more to lift peopl out of poverti __PUNCT__ to help build a strong middl_class __PUNCT__ to help educ our kid __PUNCT__ to make our live better __PUNCT__ than all of the govern_program put togeth __PUNCT__

if we becom on of those societi that attack success __PUNCT__ on outcom is certain __PUNCT__ there will be a lot less success __PUNCT__

that not who we ar __PUNCT__

the promis of america ha alwai been that if you work_hard __PUNCT__ and took some risk __PUNCT__ that there wa the opportun to build a better life for your famili and for the next gener __PUNCT__

it not govern_role to guarante that everi on of us will achiev the success we seek __PUNCT__

thi nation wa found on the principl that we have a god __PUNCT__ given right to pursu_happi __PUNCT__

it is the pursuit that is guarante __PUNCT__ not the result __PUNCT__

it is the opportun that is guarante __PUNCT__ not the outcom __PUNCT__

we ar an opportun nation __PUNCT__

over the centuri __PUNCT__ men and women pursu happi in their own uniqu wai have made our the lead economi in the world __PUNCT__ and as we look to the futur __PUNCT__ i am absolut confid that the principl that creat our strength ar the veri on that will preserv it __PUNCT__

thi mean that govern must be smaller and have strict limit place on it power __PUNCT__

obamacar violat both principl __PUNCT__

i will repeal it __PUNCT__

tax should be as low as possibl __PUNCT__ in line with those of compet nation __PUNCT__ and design to foster innov and growth __PUNCT__

that why i will cut margin_tax_rate across the board __PUNCT__

regul ar necessari __PUNCT__ but thei must be continu updat __PUNCT__ streamlin __PUNCT__ and modern __PUNCT__

regul should see part of their job as protect econom_freedom __PUNCT__ promot enterpris __PUNCT__ and foster job_creation __PUNCT__

worker should have the right to form union __PUNCT__ but union should not be forc upon them __PUNCT__

and union should not have the power to take monei out of their member __PUNCT__ paycheck to bui the support of politician favor by the union_boss __PUNCT__

in short __PUNCT__ govern must make_america the best place in the world for entrepreneur __PUNCT__ innov __PUNCT__ small_busi and big_busi __PUNCT__ for job creator of all kind __PUNCT__

busi is not the enemi __PUNCT__

it is the friend of job __PUNCT__ of rise wage __PUNCT__ and of the revenu govern need to care for the poor and the elderli __PUNCT__ and to provid for the nation_defens __PUNCT__

out __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ touch liber like barack_obama sai thei want a strong economi __PUNCT__ but thei realli don't like busi veri much __PUNCT__

but the economi is simpli the product of all the nation __PUNCT__ busi ad togeth __PUNCT__

so it like sai you love omelett but don't like egg __PUNCT__

to build a strong economi that provid good_job and rise wage and that reduc_poverti __PUNCT__ we need to build success busi of everi kind imagin __PUNCT__

and presid_obama ha been attack success busi of everi kind imagin __PUNCT__

appl comput and microsoft weren't start to save the world and neither were gener_motor or alcoa __PUNCT__

nor were some of the compani i help start like stapl or the sport author __PUNCT__

all of these great_american american_enterpris were start becaus innov had great_idea and great ambit __PUNCT__

thei becam great commerci ventur __PUNCT__ which is anoth wai of sai thei made a lot of monei __PUNCT__

not just for a few peopl but for mani peopl __PUNCT__

thei help peopl_bui home __PUNCT__ go to school __PUNCT__ retir __PUNCT__ start other compani __PUNCT__

we have alwai been the countri where dreamer build dream and where on dream help launch anoth __PUNCT__

and if those dreamer ar reward with prosper __PUNCT__ we view that as a reason other would be encourag to dream big as well __PUNCT__

we have to understand that todai much of the world is hungri for the big dreamer with big_idea __PUNCT__

america must fight to grow these dreamer and innov __PUNCT__ and to attract those from other land __PUNCT__

my father had a favorit sai __PUNCT__ noth is as vulner as entrench success __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ becaus america ha been so success for so long __PUNCT__ we seem to have forgotten what brought us here __PUNCT__

america ha becom vulner to new competit __PUNCT__ to loom debt __PUNCT__ and to those who would substitut more govern_power for more freedom __PUNCT__

we have made some bad_choic and ignor the mount threat __PUNCT__

but if the hill is a littl steeper befor us __PUNCT__ we have alwai been a nation of big stepper __PUNCT__

in thi last year __PUNCT__ i have been all over thi countri __PUNCT__ from student union cafeteria to kitchen_tabl __PUNCT__ from factori breakroom to boardroom __PUNCT__ and i heard frustrat and anger but rare hopeless __PUNCT__

mani american have given up on thi presid but thei haven't ever thought about give up __PUNCT__

not on themselv __PUNCT__

not on each other __PUNCT__

and not on america __PUNCT__

we have a sacr duti to restor the promis of america __PUNCT__

and we will do it __PUNCT__

we will do it becaus we believ in america __PUNCT__

thi tuesdai __PUNCT__ join me __PUNCT__

join me in the next step toward that destin of __DATE__ __PUNCT__ when across america we can give a sigh of relief and know that the promis of america ha been kept __PUNCT__

the dreamer can dream a littl bigger __PUNCT__ the help want sign can be dust off __PUNCT__ and we can start again __PUNCT__

and thi time we get it right __PUNCT__

we stop the dai of apolog for success at home and never again apolog for america abroad __PUNCT__

togeth we build the greatest america we have ever known __PUNCT__ where prosper is grown and share __PUNCT__ not limit and divid __PUNCT__ an america that guarante that our is the door that innov and great alwai knock on first __PUNCT__

there wa a time __PUNCT__ not so long_ago __PUNCT__ when each of us could walk a littl taller and stand a littl straighter becaus we had a gift that no on els in the world share __PUNCT__

we were american __PUNCT__

that meant someth differ to each of us but it meant someth special to all of us __PUNCT__

we knew it without question __PUNCT__

and so did the world __PUNCT__

those dai ar come back __PUNCT__

that our destini __PUNCT__

join me __PUNCT__

walk togeth thi tuesdai __PUNCT__

and take anoth step everi dai until __DATE__ __PUNCT__

we believ in america __PUNCT__

we believ in ourselv __PUNCT__

our greatest dai ar still ahead __PUNCT__

we ar __PUNCT__ after all __PUNCT__ american __PUNCT__

god_bless you __PUNCT__ and god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__