This speech titled 03.31.2009.Washington.DC originally had 4211 tokens. You can view the original text here.
it is good be with good_friend __PUNCT__
i appreci the chanc to be with folk who ar so gener in your support of republican principl and ideal and american principl and ideal __PUNCT__
and it is an honor to be with so mani unit_state state_senat who i respect so deepli __PUNCT__
leader mcconnel __PUNCT__ thank you for your leadership __PUNCT__
thei ar stand for america at an absolut critic_time __PUNCT__
and that is not meant to be a hyperbol __PUNCT__ i intend to speak somewhat serious thi even __PUNCT__
becaus i think these ar critic time for the world and for the nation __PUNCT__ defin time for the world and the nation __PUNCT__
for the world becaus __PUNCT__ at least in my view __PUNCT__ there is a competit occur which i didn't think wa go to be occur at thi point __PUNCT__
i thought that when we won the cold_war __PUNCT__ it wa over __PUNCT__
that it wa clear that america valu and the free_enterpris enterpris_system had won and everyth els had fail __PUNCT__
and then america therefor would be the model for the entir world __PUNCT__
that is no longer as clear to the world __PUNCT__
as i look at it now __PUNCT__ there ar actual four major competit philosophi that ar in the world of competit to decid who is go to lead the world for thi centuri __PUNCT__
there is us of cours __PUNCT__ we repres a philosophi base on two fundament_principl __PUNCT__ free_enterpris and person_freedom __PUNCT__
and those principl combin have led us becom the strongest nation in the world __PUNCT__
there is china __PUNCT__
china ha abandon the socialist approach to their economi and adopt free_enterpris __PUNCT__
thei took free enterpris __PUNCT__ but thei combin that with authoritarian __PUNCT__
an entir differ philosophi and thei believ that thei will win __PUNCT__ that our approach of free enterpris plu freedom is wrong and with authoritarian rule thei will be more success __PUNCT__
the third strategi is repres by russia __PUNCT__
i thought thei were gone as a competitor but thei ar back __PUNCT__
also like china base upon authoritarian rule __PUNCT__ but instead of have an economi base on product and industri capac __PUNCT__ thei ar base their econom strength on energi __PUNCT__ their own energi __PUNCT__ and by alli with peopl like iran that mai becom the superpow in the middl_east __PUNCT__ and venezuela __PUNCT__
thei think thei will get the rich of the world and becom the power leader of the world in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
and then there is a fourth strategi repres by jihadist __PUNCT__
and their view is to caus the collaps of the other three __PUNCT__ caus mayhem in the economi of the world and then becom the last man stand __PUNCT__ if you will __PUNCT__ so thei can caus the releas of the hidden imam __PUNCT__
those ar the four major strategi at plai __PUNCT__
and onli on by the wai includ as a fundament premis of it success the freedom of individu __PUNCT__ our __PUNCT__
and that is why it is so essenti at thi time that america strategi is success __PUNCT__ becaus onli if our strategi is success will the world in thi centuri continu to enjoi and experi the fruit of freedom __PUNCT__
so it is a defin time for the world __PUNCT__ in my view __PUNCT__ and it is a defin time also for the nation __PUNCT__
i wa ask some time_ago by a friend who wa the commission of educ for hi state __PUNCT__
he said __PUNCT__ mitt what do you think ar the great inflect point in american_histori __PUNCT__ and i said __PUNCT__ neil __PUNCT__ what do you mean by inflect point __PUNCT__ and he said __PUNCT__ well if you look back at american histori you will find that there ar point in time when everyth shift __PUNCT__ when militari_strategi shift __PUNCT__ when econom strategi shift __PUNCT__ cultur_shift __PUNCT__ govern_role shift __PUNCT__
and we surmis that on of those time wa the turn of the centuri from the 1800 to the 1900 __PUNCT__
we went from an agricultur societi to an industri_societi __PUNCT__
militari_strategi chang __PUNCT__ tank got to be built __PUNCT__ aircraft were built and so forth __PUNCT__
cultur chang __PUNCT__ govern plai a more activ_role __PUNCT__
and so that wa on of those point __PUNCT__
we step_back further __PUNCT__ the civil_war wa on of those point __PUNCT__ where we decid that we realli were commit to union and the idea that the constitut appli to everi singl_person who wa a citizen of thi great land __PUNCT__
and if you go back on step further __PUNCT__ you get the revolutionari dai __PUNCT__ the great quintessenti turn_point __PUNCT__ the major inflect point in american_histori where we chang the cours of histori by a veri radic idea and proposit __PUNCT__
it wa thi __PUNCT__ the entir world until that point believ that the king or the govern __PUNCT__ or whoever wa the leader of the respect nation __PUNCT__ wa the sovereign __PUNCT__
and the citizen wa __PUNCT__ if you will __PUNCT__ the servant to the state __PUNCT__
and america_founder had a differ premis __PUNCT__
it wa the citizen is the sovereign and the govern is the servant __PUNCT__
and that __PUNCT__ as thei sai __PUNCT__ made all the differ __PUNCT__
that revolutionari idea chang america and ultim chang the world __PUNCT__
now i happen to believ that america ha anoth inflect point todai __PUNCT__
that militarili strategi ar chang __PUNCT__ that our economi is chang in mani __PUNCT__ mani differ wai __PUNCT__
that our cultur is chang and even the role of govern is be debat __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ in my view __PUNCT__ what is be debat about the role of govern is go back to the veri argument that wa at the crux of the revolut __PUNCT__
which is that there ar __PUNCT__ if you will __PUNCT__ among our liber friend __PUNCT__ there a strain of monarch __PUNCT__
and i don't mean that in a sens of try to creat a monarchi or select a king __PUNCT__ that not what i mean __PUNCT__
but in the sens of sai actual the govern should be the sovereign __PUNCT__
that govern know best __PUNCT__
that idea is permeat in some circl in washington and in other place in the countri __PUNCT__
and there ar peopl like ourselv who believ __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ the fundament premis of america wa that the individu should be the sovereign __PUNCT__
and that why the founder limit the scale of govern and made sure that power wa limit in govern __PUNCT__
and ani time the govern need to have power that power would resid in the level closest to the peopl __PUNCT__ the citi level __PUNCT__ the counti level __PUNCT__ the state_level __PUNCT__
and when those level could not deal with the power __PUNCT__ it wa receiv at the feder_level __PUNCT__
and so revolutionari __PUNCT__ like republican todai __PUNCT__ believ that the individu and the citizen should remain sovereign __PUNCT__
republican ar the revolutionari of todai __PUNCT__ becaus we fervent __PUNCT__ passion __PUNCT__ ardent believ that the individu is what account for the strength and capac of america_todai and will alwai account for the capac of america in it futur __PUNCT__
we want individu to realiz their dream __PUNCT__
we welcom peopl who come here as immigr becaus thei seek opportun __PUNCT__
we want that opportun to be fulfil __PUNCT__
republican want individu to be abl to start busi __PUNCT__
we want individu to be abl to keep as much of their monei as thei can __PUNCT__
we want them to be abl to choos their own doctor __PUNCT__
we want them to be abl to choos their own school __PUNCT__
we want them to be abl to grow and thrive in busi and enterpris or to be abl to select by secret_ballot whether thei want to have a union or not __PUNCT__
we believ in the right of individu __PUNCT__
that what republican stand for __PUNCT__
there actual more truth in a littl joke than i had thought __PUNCT__
you probabl all heard thi joke __PUNCT__ someon told it to me recent __PUNCT__
what the differ between a republican and a democrat __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ a democrat want power and a republican want to keep democrat from have power __PUNCT__
and there truth to that __PUNCT__
we don't want democrat to have power __PUNCT__ or govern to have power __PUNCT__
we want peopl to have power __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ that differ is veri much at plai in the debat that go on dai in and dai out here in washington __PUNCT__
we agre that there wa a need for a stimulu __PUNCT__
everi republican_vote for a stimulu_plan __PUNCT__ but our wa differ than their __PUNCT__
you see __PUNCT__ when we thought about a stimulu plan to grow the economi __PUNCT__ republican said __PUNCT__ it ha to be base on strengthen the individu __PUNCT__ so for us the center piec of the stimulu plan wa put more monei_back in the hand of individu and make it easier for them to get our economi go again __PUNCT__
as democrat thought about the stimulu thei said __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ becaus govern know best __PUNCT__ we give more monei to govern __PUNCT__ and so harri_reid and nanci_pelosi and other put togeth a list of all the program thei want __PUNCT__ put_monei in the govern and grew the govern __PUNCT__ a veri differ philosophi __PUNCT__
we also saw in the econom_crisi that the pool of invest capit in america ha shrunk __PUNCT__ dramat __PUNCT__
that the capit need to creat new enterpris or to grow up a busi or pai for work capit need or even to add new job __PUNCT__
and with that pool of capit shrunk __PUNCT__ that a veri frighten thing __PUNCT__
it hard for the economi to turn around __PUNCT__ it hard for the privat_sector to turn around if the pool of capit is too small __PUNCT__
no matter how much stimulu you put up there __PUNCT__ if the capit that fuel the busi is gone __PUNCT__ thei can't grow and hire_peopl __PUNCT__
and so you have to be sure to keep the tax on capit and invest low __PUNCT__ so there more of it __PUNCT__
but for peopl who believ that govern is the answer __PUNCT__ thei sai __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ we rais the tax on invest __PUNCT__
we rais the tax on busi __PUNCT__ and invest and capit so the govern will have the monei that we want to have for our growth __PUNCT__
it a veri differ philosophi __PUNCT__
when the presid address congress for the first time __PUNCT__ i watch it on tv __PUNCT__
i rare yell at the tv __PUNCT__
i did a few time __PUNCT__
i expect the presid to speak about two topic __PUNCT__
the conflict we face __PUNCT__ rel to jihadist and the fact that our soldier were sacrif and risk their live on our behalf __PUNCT__
he hardli address that at all __PUNCT__
the other thing i expect him to talk about wa the economi __PUNCT__
instead he spoke about mani __PUNCT__ mani other thing __PUNCT__
i agre with warren buffet afterward that the first rule of turn around ani kind of enterpris __PUNCT__ a famili __PUNCT__ a church __PUNCT__ a school __PUNCT__ a busi __PUNCT__ is focu __PUNCT__ focu __PUNCT__ focu __PUNCT__
and instead he us the crisi of our economi as cover to do a lot of other thing that would strengthen the scale of the power of govern __PUNCT__
and that becaus of hi fundament belief that the govern is right __PUNCT__ so he brought up health_care __PUNCT__ sai we go to have govern plai a far more activ_role and lead in health_care and grow a differ health_care_plan __PUNCT__ spend in my view well over a trillion_dollar __PUNCT__ thei sai __NUM___billion billion_dollar over the next decad __PUNCT__ but it go to be a lot more than that if govern turn health_care for everybodi into an actual entitl __PUNCT__
he spoke about univers_preschool __PUNCT__
he spoke about univers post __PUNCT__ high_school __PUNCT__
he spoke about a cap and trade program __PUNCT__
each of these thing ar design to expand the role of govern __PUNCT__
by the wai __PUNCT__ on the univers cap and trade __PUNCT__ i sure a lot of peopl have differ view on that __PUNCT__ but just think about that for a moment __PUNCT__
obvious it repres an enorm tax on the american_peopl and on american_busi to have a new cap and trade program __PUNCT__ but just as a note for those that feel veri passion about want to reduc carbon_emiss __PUNCT__ recogn that if we __PUNCT__ alon as a nation __PUNCT__ place a veri substanti cap and trade burden on ourselv __PUNCT__ the major energi __PUNCT__ us industri will simpli leav our shore and go elsewher where those cap and trade provis don't exist and as a result those co2_emiss will remain the same __PUNCT__
the onli wai to deal with global warn and carbon_emiss is to do so on a global basi __PUNCT__
thei don't call it __PUNCT__ america warm __PUNCT__ thei call it global_warm __PUNCT__
i like to note as well that you heard the presid speak about hi support of charter_school in hi address and i wa surpris he rais that __PUNCT__
i notic that there wa applaus __PUNCT__ vigor applaus __PUNCT__ from the smaller side of the room __PUNCT__ and you heard what came from the democrat side of the room __PUNCT__ cricket __PUNCT__
and the reason for that is that there is a fundament distrust in some circl for charter school becaus thei ar outsid the control of union and govern __PUNCT__
i believ thei ar fundament to a philosophi that believ in the right of individu to select a school for their child and have more influenc over school __PUNCT__
perhap the greatest advanc of the philosophi of govern and expans of the scale of govern and the sovereignti of govern over the individu is the idea of card_check __PUNCT__
the idea that you would sai we go to remov from the individu the right of the individu to determin whether thei want a union by secret_ballot __PUNCT__
we instead ar go to remov that and us power as a wai of impos union that peopl in that enterpris mai not want to have __PUNCT__
when i wa governor of massachusett __PUNCT__ the legislatur pass a bill in favor of card_check __PUNCT__ but onli for public_institut __PUNCT__
i veto it __PUNCT__
the new governor __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ saw the same bill after i left_offic and he sign it __PUNCT__ and upon the signatur of that bill the organ of union went to work at a charter_school __PUNCT__ and thei union a charter school __PUNCT__
thei got enough of the teacher to sign up for card_check __PUNCT__ and the administr of the charter_school didn't even know it wa be union __PUNCT__
there wa no need to notifi them __PUNCT__ no chanc for them to sit down with the teacher and talk about the implic of union of an enterpris which had been set up to allow parent to have an influenc over the educ of their child __PUNCT__
i tell you that thi is exactli what the democrat would like to do to the entir nation __PUNCT__
it is their view that power in the hand of administr __PUNCT__ of govern_bureaucrat __PUNCT__ of elect_offici __PUNCT__ of union_leader __PUNCT__ that that kind of power is the right power to have in our societi __PUNCT__ and we recogn instead that it the power of the individu that ha made america what it is __PUNCT__
now you saw the presid budget as well __PUNCT__
senat judd gregg said the obama_budget would bankrupt the nation __PUNCT__
why is that __PUNCT__ sinc there have been time in the past where we spent more than we have taken in __PUNCT__ where we borrow_monei befor __PUNCT__ why is judd gregg so concern about thi budget and the forecast by the obama_administr of ten_year of massiv budget_deficit __PUNCT__ why is he be so concern about that __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ bill_bennett __PUNCT__ on hi radio_show __PUNCT__ said that the deficit under the obama_administr for eight year __PUNCT__ if he had eight year __PUNCT__ the deficit would be four time the scale of the deficit of the bush_year __PUNCT__ which in turn were much larger than the prior presid __PUNCT__
now why is it so frighten __PUNCT__ becaus we ar right now in a veri precari posit __PUNCT__
we tend to onli be look at what happen on on side of the precipic __PUNCT__ which is what happen if the economi continu to stall __PUNCT__ if the recess goe on for a long_period of time __PUNCT__
that is veri frighten __PUNCT__
but there is the other side __PUNCT__ if we spend too much __PUNCT__ if we too proflig __PUNCT__ if we ar too ineffect in the wai we us our dollar __PUNCT__ we can end up caus a crisi of confid in america on the part of peopl around the world who loan monei to us and allow us to spend more monei than we take in __PUNCT__
and if the chines and the japanes and even our own citizen lose confid in the futur valu of the dollar __PUNCT__ we can have a run on the dollar __PUNCT__ and ultim hyperinfl __PUNCT__ an econom_problem even greater than the on we have now __PUNCT__
i look at presid_obama obama_budget and i look at what he think about for the futur of that budget __PUNCT__ and the new program he want to have __PUNCT__ and i call it __PUNCT__ fly wallenda __PUNCT__ econom __PUNCT__
he would take us on a tightrop where the prospect of get across it ar extrem remot __PUNCT__
what we need instead is a veri clear and convinc commit to balanc our budget so the world understand we seriou about fiscal restraint and that includ freez the growth of discretionari_spend __PUNCT__
it also mean final deal with the reform necessari in our entitl_program __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i think the american_peopl ar see through what happen __PUNCT__
the democrat ar try to us thi crisi as a wai to advanc their philosophi of the supremaci of govern __PUNCT__ and i don't think the american ar go to be fool __PUNCT__
i love tell joke __PUNCT__
i told you thi wa a seriou address __PUNCT__ but i cant resist a joke __PUNCT__
it about underestim someon intellig __PUNCT__
it about a barber __PUNCT__
he cut a custom hair and thi kid walk in __PUNCT__ and the barber sai to hi custom __PUNCT__ thi kid is the stupidest kid i ever met __PUNCT__
just watch thi __PUNCT__ the barber take two quarter out of hi pocket and put them in hi hand __PUNCT__
then he take a dollar out and put it in the other hand __PUNCT__
he sai __PUNCT__ kid __PUNCT__ come here __PUNCT__ he sai __PUNCT__ you choos which you want __PUNCT__ and the kid grab the two quarter and run out __PUNCT__
and the barber sai to the custom __PUNCT__ can you believ that kid __PUNCT__ he is the stupidest kid i ever met __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ the custom is walk down the street a littl later and he see the kid __PUNCT__ the kid eat an ic_cream cone __PUNCT__ and he sai __PUNCT__ kid __PUNCT__ why you take the __NUM___cent instead of the dollar __PUNCT__ he sai __PUNCT__ if i took the dollar __PUNCT__ that game would be over __PUNCT__ wouldn't it __PUNCT__
the american_peopl ar not as thick as some would have it __PUNCT__ or have us believ __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ right now __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ the interest of america depend in mani wai on the decis presid_obama is go to bring forward __PUNCT__
it a realiti that he ha the best wish and the prayer of the american_peopl to do the right thing __PUNCT__ to adopt the correct principl and to take america down a cours that will secur our economi and keep us free and bring our men and women home in safeti and in victori __PUNCT__
i think he incorrectli believ that the __NUM___elect settl the great issu that divid america __PUNCT__
i don't believ that the case __PUNCT__
i watch the debat __PUNCT__
these great issu were rare discuss at all __PUNCT__
the on i been discuss tonight wasn't even touch on in ani signific wai __PUNCT__
i believ we have everi right __PUNCT__ in fact a duti __PUNCT__ to press on __PUNCT__ to make sure the principl that have been the revolutionari found_principl of america continu to be foremost in america __PUNCT__
but i also think it is import for us to nod with the presid when he right __PUNCT__
he will not alwai be wrong __PUNCT__
and he done some thing that i agre with __PUNCT__
i like __PUNCT__ for instanc __PUNCT__ that he back awai from hi campaign_promis to pull the troop immedi out of iraq __PUNCT__
i glad that he let them stai there __PUNCT__ finish the job and bring them home in victori __PUNCT__
i glad he is go to get tough on the taliban and al_qaeda in afghanistan and he us drone to go after the bad_gui __PUNCT__ even in pakistan __PUNCT__
i glad that he is speak tough about the auto_industri __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__
i think that need to happen __PUNCT__
we should have done that a long_time time_ago __PUNCT__
i hope he continu to be tough and show some backbon __PUNCT__ becaus that industri is not go to make it unless we have real backbon and get those gui to fundament restructur all of their oblig __PUNCT__
i think it a good_thing for him to protect our financi_system __PUNCT__
it took secretari geithner a long __PUNCT__ long_time to figur how he wa go to do that __PUNCT__ and actual he ha zero in on the bank rescu plan __PUNCT__
it remind me a bit of an old statement by churchil about american __PUNCT__ you can trust american to get thing right __PUNCT__ after thei exhaust all the altern __PUNCT__ and he exhaust the altern and i think he final get close to the right answer __PUNCT__
presid_obama __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ is wrong to back awai on missil_defens __PUNCT__
he wa wrong to sai on arab tv that america dictat to other nation __PUNCT__
america ha sacrif more than ani other nation to free_peopl from dictat __PUNCT__
and of cours __PUNCT__ presid ahmadinejad of iran seiz upon that misstep by our presid to call for an apolog from america __PUNCT__
i think the presid is go to learn veri quickli that the middl_east is not mr __PUNCT__ roger __PUNCT__ neighborhood __PUNCT__
i hope we can continu to fight for the supremaci of the citizen and of the individu with resolv __PUNCT__
in the last eight year __PUNCT__ we saw how a presid polit_adversari can be consum by anger __PUNCT__ even hatr __PUNCT__
that not the spirit that bring us here tonight __PUNCT__
we want our countri to succe no matter who get the credit __PUNCT__
we want america to be prosper and secur __PUNCT__
we want to alwai put the nation and the interest of the nation first __PUNCT__
the interest of the nation __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ requir that the principl of the founder ar upheld and protect __PUNCT__
preserv and defend the principl of the revolut is the charg of thi republican_parti __PUNCT__
we ar the parti of the peopl __PUNCT__
thei ar the parti of govern __PUNCT__
we the parti of limit_govern __PUNCT__
we the parti that will keep america the land of opportun and that a messag which hispan __PUNCT__ american __PUNCT__ asian __PUNCT__ american __PUNCT__ african __PUNCT__ american and other that have not vote with us significantli in the past __PUNCT__ but as thei should in the futur if thei understand __PUNCT__
thei will vote with us time and time again __PUNCT__ becaus thei ar in thi land __PUNCT__ as we ar all in thi land __PUNCT__ becaus it is the land of opportun __PUNCT__
now occasion __PUNCT__ the odd look a littl long __PUNCT__
but in the end __PUNCT__ we go to win __PUNCT__ becaus the caus of person_freedom and citizen supremaci and sovereignti is far too compel to be overthrown by big_govern __PUNCT__
that our fight __PUNCT__
we ar go to make it happen __PUNCT__
thank you so veri much __PUNCT__