Mitt Romney

This speech titled 04.04.2012.Washington.DC originally had 2944 tokens. You can view the original text here.

over the last ten_month __PUNCT__ i come to know a good_deal about some of the journalist who write for your newspap __PUNCT__

we air our dirti laundri togeth __PUNCT__ sometim liter as well as figur __PUNCT__

we bath hour upon hour in the fine diesel aroma of a campaign bu __PUNCT__

and we share more birthdai and holidai with each other than with our famili __PUNCT__

on of the report cover our campaign is maev reston of the lo_angel_time __PUNCT__

for maev birthdai __PUNCT__ i got her a cake and sang her a birthdai song __PUNCT__

for my birthdai __PUNCT__ she wa kind enough to remind me that i now old enough to qualifi for medicar __PUNCT__

in just the few year sinc my last campaign __PUNCT__ the chang in your industri ar strike __PUNCT__

then __PUNCT__ i look to drudg or fox or cnn onlin to see what stori were develop __PUNCT__

hour after a speech __PUNCT__ it wa be dissect on the internet __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ it twitter __PUNCT__ and instantan reaction __PUNCT__

in __NUM__ the coverag wa about what i said in my speech __PUNCT__

these dai __PUNCT__ it about what brand of jean i am wear and what i at for lunch __PUNCT__

most peopl in my posit ar convinc that you ar bias against us __PUNCT__

we identifi with lbj famou quip that if he were to walk on water __PUNCT__ your headlin would read __PUNCT__ presid can't swim __PUNCT__

some peopl thu welcom the tumult in your industri __PUNCT__ herald the new voic and the unfilt or supposedli unbias sourc __PUNCT__

frankli __PUNCT__ in some of the new media __PUNCT__ i find myself miss the presenc of editor to exercis qualiti_control __PUNCT__

i miss the dai of two or more sourc for a stori __PUNCT__ when at least on sourc wa actual name __PUNCT__

how your industri will chang __PUNCT__ i cannot predict __PUNCT__

i subscrib to yogi berra dictum __PUNCT__ forecast is veri difficult __PUNCT__ especi when it involv the futur __PUNCT__

but i do know thi __PUNCT__ you will continu to find wai to provid the american_peopl with reliabl inform that is vital to our live and to our nation __PUNCT__

and i am confid that the press will remain_free __PUNCT__

but further __PUNCT__ i salut thi organ and your variou institut in your effort to make it not onli free __PUNCT__ but also respons __PUNCT__ accur __PUNCT__ relev __PUNCT__ and integr to the function of our democraci __PUNCT__

given the number and scale of our nation current challeng __PUNCT__ the __DATE___elect will have particular consequ __PUNCT__

it will be a defin event __PUNCT__

presid_obama and i have veri differ vision for america __PUNCT__ both of what it mean to be an american_todai and what it will mean in the futur __PUNCT__

the voter will expect each of us to put our respect view on the tabl __PUNCT__

we will each make our case __PUNCT__ buttress by our experi __PUNCT__

the voter will hear the debat __PUNCT__ be buffet by advertis __PUNCT__ and be inform by your coverag __PUNCT__

and hopefulli after all thi __PUNCT__ thei will have an accur understand of the differ direct we would take and the differ choic we would make __PUNCT__

of cours __PUNCT__ for that to happen __PUNCT__ the candid must be candid about their view and plan __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ in that regard __PUNCT__ presid_obama comment to presid medvedev ar deepli_troubl __PUNCT__

that incid call hi candor into seriou question __PUNCT__

he doe not want to share hi real plan befor the elect __PUNCT__ either with the public or with the press __PUNCT__

by flexibl __PUNCT__ he mean that __PUNCT__ what the american_public doesn't know won't hurt him __PUNCT__ he is intent on hide __PUNCT__

you and i will have to do the seek __PUNCT__

barack_obama exchang with the russian presid rais all kind of seriou question __PUNCT__ what exactli doe presid_obama intend to do differ onc he is no longer account to the voter __PUNCT__ why doe __PUNCT__ flexibl __PUNCT__ with foreign leader requir less account to the american_peopl __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ on what other issu will he state hi true posit onli after the elect is over __PUNCT__

but instead of answer those vital question __PUNCT__ presid_obama came here yesterdai and rail against argument no on is make __PUNCT__ and critic polici no on is propos __PUNCT__

it on of hi favorit strategi __PUNCT__ set up straw men to distract from hi record __PUNCT__

and while i understand why the presid doesn't want to run on hi record __PUNCT__ he can't run from hi record either __PUNCT__

as i have said mani time befor __PUNCT__ the presid did not caus the econom_crisi __PUNCT__ but he made it wors __PUNCT__

he delai the recoveri __PUNCT__ and made it anem __PUNCT__

when he took offic __PUNCT__ million of american look to him to turn around the economi and lead us back to full_employ __PUNCT__

he fail these american __PUNCT__

the first three rule of ani turnaround ar focu __PUNCT__ focu __PUNCT__ and focu __PUNCT__

but instead of focus hi attent on the economi __PUNCT__ he deleg the stimulu to nanci_pelosi and harri_reid __PUNCT__

the __MONEY___billion stimulu includ a grab bag of pet project that had languish in congress for good reason __PUNCT__ for year __PUNCT__

it wa less a job plan and more the mother of all earmark __PUNCT__

the administr pledg that it would keep unemploy below __NUM__ __PUNCT__ it ha been abov __NUM__ __PUNCT__ everi month sinc __PUNCT__

the presid attent wa elsewher __PUNCT__ like a govern_takeov of healthcar and apolog for america abroad __PUNCT__

he hand out ten of billion of dollar to green_energi energi_compani __PUNCT__ includ hi friend and campaign contributor at compani like solyndra that ar now bankrupt __PUNCT__

presid_obama answer to our econom_crisi wa more spend __PUNCT__ more debt __PUNCT__ and more govern __PUNCT__

by the end of hi term in offic __PUNCT__ he will have ad nearli as much public_debt as all the prior presid combin __PUNCT__

no presid had ever run a trillion_dollar deficit __PUNCT__

the __PUNCT__ new normal __PUNCT__ the presid would have us embrac is trillion dollar deficit and eight percent unemploy __PUNCT__

through it all __PUNCT__ presid_obama ha fail to even pass a budget __PUNCT__

in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ he put_forward a propos that includ the largest tax_increas in histori __PUNCT__ and still left our nation_debt spiral out of control __PUNCT__

the hous reject it unanim __PUNCT__

of cours __PUNCT__ no fiscal challeng is greater than the on we face with entitl __PUNCT__

as the presid himself acknowledg three year_ago __PUNCT__ thi is not a problem that we can kick down the road ani further __PUNCT__

i be will to consid the presid plan __PUNCT__ but he doesn't have on __PUNCT__

that right __PUNCT__ in over three year __PUNCT__ he ha fail to enact or even propos a seriou plan to solv our entitl_crisi __PUNCT__

instead __PUNCT__ he ha taken a seri of step that end medicar as we know it __PUNCT__

he is the onli presid to ever cut __MONEY___billion from medicar __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ as a result __PUNCT__ more than half of doctor sai thei will cut_back on treat senior __PUNCT__

he is destroi the medicar advantag program __PUNCT__ elimin the coverag that million of senior depend on and reduc choic by two __PUNCT__ third __PUNCT__

to control medicar cost __PUNCT__ he ha creat an unelect __PUNCT__ unaccount panel with the power to prevent medicar from provid certain treatment __PUNCT__

the result will be fewer treatment and servic avail to patient in need __PUNCT__ and nowher els to turn __PUNCT__

a coupl of month_ago __PUNCT__ we saw a fascin exchang on capitol_hill that epitom not onli thi administr inact on entitl __PUNCT__ but also it appal lack of leadership __PUNCT__

the presid treasuri_secretari __PUNCT__ timothi_geithner __PUNCT__ wa testifi befor congress __PUNCT__

and congressman_paul paul_ryan __PUNCT__ who __PUNCT__ unlik thi presid __PUNCT__ ha had the courag to offer seriou solut to the problem we face __PUNCT__ wa press geithner on the administr failur to lead on entitl_reform __PUNCT__

geithner respons wa thi __PUNCT__ we ar not come befor you todai to sai we have a definit solut to that long_term problem __PUNCT__

what we do know is we don't like your __PUNCT__

take a moment and think about that __PUNCT__ we don't have a solut __PUNCT__

all we know is we don't like your __PUNCT__

it almost make on long for the dai when the presid simpli led from behind __PUNCT__

and now __PUNCT__ in the middl of the weakest econom_recoveri sinc the great_depress __PUNCT__ the presid purport to have experienc a seri of elect __PUNCT__ year convers __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ he ha repeatedli call for tax_increas on busi __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ as candid_obama __PUNCT__ he decid that a lower corpor_tax tax_rate would be better __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ he ad regul at a stagger rate __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ as candid_obama __PUNCT__ he sai he want to find wai to reduc them __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ he delai the develop of our oil and coal and natur_ga __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ as candid_obama __PUNCT__ he sai he favor an energi_polici that adopt an all __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ abov approach __PUNCT__

nanci_pelosi famous said that we would have to pass obamacar to find out what wa in it __PUNCT__

presid_obama ha turn that advic into a campaign strategi __PUNCT__ he want us to re __PUNCT__ elect him so we can find out what he will actual do __PUNCT__

with all the challeng the nation_face __PUNCT__ thi is not the time for presid_obama hide and seek campaign __PUNCT__

presid obama ha said that he want to transform america __PUNCT__

i don't want to transform america __PUNCT__ i want to restor the valu of econom_freedom __PUNCT__ opportun __PUNCT__ and small_govern that have made thi nation the leader it is __PUNCT__

it is opportun that ha alwai driven america and defin us as american __PUNCT__

my grandfath wa in the construct busi and he never realli made it himself __PUNCT__

but he convinc my dad that he could accomplish anyth he set hi mind to __PUNCT__

my dad didn't have the chanc to finish colleg and he apprent as a lath and plaster carpent __PUNCT__

base on that excel train __PUNCT__ he went on to turn around a great car_compani and later becam governor of michigan __PUNCT__

my father made the most of opportun that came befor him __PUNCT__ and by the time i came along __PUNCT__ i wa the fourth of four brother and sister __PUNCT__ i had the chanc to get the educ my dad couldn't __PUNCT__

i love car and wa tempt to stai in michigan and go into the car busi but i knew i would alwai wonder if ani success i had wa due to my dad __PUNCT__

so when i got out of busi_school __PUNCT__ i stai in massachusett and got a job with the best compani that would hire me __PUNCT__

more importantli __PUNCT__ i wa marri and on the wai to have five son __PUNCT__

over the next __NUM___year __PUNCT__ my busi career had mani up and down __PUNCT__ great_success __PUNCT__ definit failur __PUNCT__ but each step of the wai i learn more about the power of our great free_enterpris enterpris_system __PUNCT__

i not naïv enough to believ that free_enterpris is the solut to all of our problem __PUNCT__ nor am i naïv enough to doubt that it is on of the greatest forc of good thi world ha ever known __PUNCT__

free enterpris ha done more to lift peopl out of poverti __PUNCT__ to help build a strong middl_class __PUNCT__ to help educ our kid __PUNCT__ to make our live better __PUNCT__ than all of the govern_program put togeth __PUNCT__

if we becom on of those societi that attack success __PUNCT__ on outcom is certain __PUNCT__ there will be a lot less success __PUNCT__

that not who we ar __PUNCT__

the promis of america ha alwai been that if you work_hard __PUNCT__ and took some risk __PUNCT__ that there wa the opportun to build a better life for your famili and for the next gener __PUNCT__

i offer a clear choic and a differ path __PUNCT__

unlik the presid __PUNCT__ i have a record that i am proud to run on __PUNCT__

after my year in busi __PUNCT__ i us my experi to help save an olymp and help turn around a state __PUNCT__

when i becam the governor of massachusett __PUNCT__ the state_budget wa out of control and the legislatur wa __NUM__ __PUNCT__ democrat __PUNCT__

we cut_tax __NUM___time and balanc the budget all four year __PUNCT__

we eras a __MONEY___billion budget shortfal and left_offic with a __MONEY___billion raini dai fund __PUNCT__

i cast over __NUM__ veto and cut entir program __PUNCT__

if there wa a program __PUNCT__ an agenc __PUNCT__ or a depart that need cut __PUNCT__ we cut it __PUNCT__

on comment said that i didn't just go after the sacr cow __PUNCT__ i went after the whole herd __PUNCT__

and i can't wait to get my hand on washington __PUNCT__

unlik presid_obama __PUNCT__ you don't have to wait until after the elect to find out what i believ in __PUNCT__ or what my plan ar __PUNCT__

i have a pro __PUNCT__ growth agenda that will get our economi back on track __PUNCT__ and get american back to work __PUNCT__

thi administr think our economi is struggl becaus the stimulu wa too small __PUNCT__

the truth is we struggl becaus our govern is too big __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will get the govern out of the wai and unleash the power of american_enterpris and innov __PUNCT__

seven month_ago __PUNCT__ i present a detail plan for job and econom_growth __PUNCT__ includ___NUM__ differ propos that would help strengthen the economi __PUNCT__

i understand some peopl ar amus that i have so mani idea __PUNCT__

but i think the american_peopl will prefer it to presid_obama grand total of zero __PUNCT__

i will cut margin_tax_rate across the board for individu and corpor __PUNCT__ and limit deduct and exclus __PUNCT__

i will repeal burdensom regul __PUNCT__ and prevent the bureaucraci from write new on __PUNCT__

i will unleash our domest energi_resourc so that we can final get the energi we need at a price we can afford __PUNCT__

instead of pick winner and loser with taxpay_dollar __PUNCT__ i will make sure that everi entrepreneur get a fair shot and that everi busi plai by the same rule __PUNCT__

i will creat an environ where our busi and worker can compet and win __PUNCT__

i will welcom the best and the brightest to our shore __PUNCT__ and ensur that we have labor and train polici that help american_worker to be more competit __PUNCT__

instead of grow the feder_govern __PUNCT__ i will shrink it __PUNCT__

i will repeal_obamacar __PUNCT__ and cut program that we cannot afford __PUNCT__

i will send to the state those program thei can implement with better result at lower_cost __PUNCT__

i have alreadi propos a plan that will save and strengthen medicar and social_secur for futur_gener __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ unlik presid_obama __PUNCT__ i have the courag to stand behind my plan and the leadership to enact it __PUNCT__

my plan preserv these program for those at or near retir and strengthen them for futur_gener __PUNCT__ without tax_increas __PUNCT__

i will gradual rais the retir_ag for social_secur __PUNCT__ and reduc the rate of benefit growth for tomorrow higher_incom senior __PUNCT__

i will introduc market_competit and consum_choic to medicar __PUNCT__ while also preserv tradit medicar coverag as an option __PUNCT__ so that futur senior can get higher qualiti care at lower_cost __PUNCT__

thi __DATE__ __PUNCT__ we will face a defin decis __PUNCT__

our choic will not be on of parti or person __PUNCT__

thi elect will be about principl __PUNCT__

freedom and opportun will be on the ballot __PUNCT__

i am offer a real choic and a new begin __PUNCT__

i am run for presid becaus i have the experi and the vision to get us out of thi mess __PUNCT__

we know what barack_obama vision of america is __PUNCT__ we all live it the last three year __PUNCT__

mine is veri differ __PUNCT__

i see an america where we know the prospect for our children will be better than our own __PUNCT__ where the pursuit of success unit us __PUNCT__ not divid us __PUNCT__ where the valu we pass on to our children ar greater than the debt we leav them __PUNCT__ where poverti is defeat by opportun __PUNCT__ not enabl by a govern check __PUNCT__

i see an america that is humbl but never humbl __PUNCT__ that lead but is never lead __PUNCT__

in thi campaign __PUNCT__ i will lead us toward that america __PUNCT__

we wage thi campaign as republican or democrat __PUNCT__ but we share a destini as american __PUNCT__

togeth __PUNCT__ we will ensur that america_greatest dai ar yet ahead __PUNCT__

thank you and god_bless __PUNCT__