This speech titled 04.13.2012.StLouis.MO originally had 3045 tokens. You can view the original text here.
chri cox __PUNCT__ thank you for that kind introduct __PUNCT__
and thank to all of you for that warm welcom __PUNCT__
it great to be with so mani friend from the nation_rifl associ __PUNCT__
thi fine organ is sometim call a singl __PUNCT__ issu group __PUNCT__
that high prais when the singl issu is freedom __PUNCT__
all of you can be proud of your long and unwav defens of our constitut right and liberti __PUNCT__
in __NUM___dai __PUNCT__ we do someth that is realli quit amaz __PUNCT__
american will choos not onli a presid but an entir hous of repres and a third of the us senat __PUNCT__
the entir world will be watch us __PUNCT__
and by around midnight on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ mayb a littl earlier or later __PUNCT__ we know the result of million of american exercis their right to vote __PUNCT__
in do so __PUNCT__ american will make a profound choic __PUNCT__ a decis that is much more import than the candid or the polit_parti __PUNCT__
we will not just select the presid who will guid us __PUNCT__ we will also choos between two distinct path and destini for our nation __PUNCT__
so mani of the big_issu in thi campaign turn on our understand of the constitut and how it wa meant to guid the life of our nation __PUNCT__
it wa on of missouri greatest son __PUNCT__ harri_truman __PUNCT__ who express a guid convict that you and i share __PUNCT__
in a ceremoni that place the constitut and declar in the perman care of the nation archiv __PUNCT__ presid truman offer a word of caution __PUNCT__
liberti __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ can be lost __PUNCT__ and it will be __PUNCT__ if the time ever come when these document ar regard not as the suprem express of our profound belief __PUNCT__ but mere as curios in glass case __PUNCT__
truman believ __PUNCT__ as we do __PUNCT__ that the principl of our constitut ar endur and univers __PUNCT__ that thei were not design to bend to the will of presid and justic who come and go __PUNCT__
the belief that we ar all creat_equal __PUNCT__ that we ar endow by our creator with unalien right __PUNCT__ these ar not relic from anoth time __PUNCT__ thei reflect truth that ar valid in everi era __PUNCT__
the framework of law creat by the declar and the constitut is the sourc of our great __PUNCT__
it ha gener unparallel opportun and prosper __PUNCT__
our founder_understood thi __PUNCT__ which is why thei creat a system of govern that is limit __PUNCT__
thi presid is move us awai from our founder __PUNCT__ vision __PUNCT__
instead of limit_govern __PUNCT__ he is lead us toward limit freedom and limit opportun __PUNCT__
thi __DATE__ __PUNCT__ we face a defin decis __PUNCT__
i am offer a real choic and a new begin __PUNCT__
i am run for presid becaus i have the experi and the vision to lead us in a differ direct __PUNCT__
we know what barack_obama vision of america is __PUNCT__ we all live it the last three year __PUNCT__
mine is veri differ __PUNCT__
my cours restor and protect our freedom __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ the constitut would be my guid __PUNCT__ and the declar of independ my compass __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ i want to talk about thi administr assault on our freedom __PUNCT__ our econom_freedom __PUNCT__ our religi_freedom __PUNCT__ and our person_freedom __PUNCT__
and i want to share my plan to return america to the first principl of our found __PUNCT__
the american_economi is fuel by freedom __PUNCT__
free_peopl and their free_enterpris ar what drive our econom vital __PUNCT__
the obama_administr assault on our econom_freedom is the princip reason why the recoveri ha been so tepid __PUNCT__ why it couldn't meet their project __PUNCT__ let alon our expect __PUNCT__
the presid assault on econom freedom begin with hi tax_hike __PUNCT__
by their veri natur __PUNCT__ tax reduc our freedom __PUNCT__
their onli role in a free_economi should be to fund servic that ar absolut essenti __PUNCT__ such as nation_secur __PUNCT__ educ __PUNCT__ and the care of those who cannot care for themselv __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ yet __PUNCT__ presid_obama ha propos rais the margin_tax_rate from __NUM__ __PUNCT__ to __NUM__ __PUNCT__
the vice_presid ha propos a new global busi tax __PUNCT__
medic_devic compani ar soon to be subject to a new tax on revenu __PUNCT__
and the presid is now tour the countri __PUNCT__ tout a new tax on invest and the wealthi __PUNCT__
congress doe not need more monei to spend __PUNCT__ congress need to learn to spend less __PUNCT__
dodd __PUNCT__ frank is anoth exampl of the presid attack on econom_freedom __PUNCT__
it an __NUM__ __PUNCT__ page behemoth that will be follow by thousand and thousand of page of new regul __PUNCT__
regul ar necessari __PUNCT__
but burdensom regul serv onli to restrict freedom and imperil enterpris __PUNCT__
the victim of those regul ar not nameless __PUNCT__ faceless bank __PUNCT__
thei the employe __PUNCT__ the busi_owner __PUNCT__ and the custom who reli on financi_institut that lose out __PUNCT__
under presid_obama __PUNCT__ bureaucrat ar insinu themselv into everi corner of our economi __PUNCT__ undermin econom_freedom __PUNCT__
thei prevent drill rig from go to work in the gulf __PUNCT__
thei keep coal from be mine __PUNCT__
thei imped the reliabl suppli of natur_ga __PUNCT__
thei tell farmer what their children can and can't do to help on the farm __PUNCT__
will roger famous said that he worri whenev congress wa in session __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ our freedom is never safe __PUNCT__ becaus unelect __PUNCT__ unaccount regul ar alwai on the prowl __PUNCT__
and under presid_obama __PUNCT__ thei ar multipli __PUNCT__
the number of feder_employe ha grown by almost __NUM__ under thi presid __PUNCT__
for centuri __PUNCT__ the american_dream ha meant the opportun to build someth new __PUNCT__
some of america_greatest success_stori ar of peopl who start out with noth but a good_idea and a corner in their garag __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ american look at what it take to start a busi and thei don't see promis and opportun __PUNCT__
thei see govern stand in their wai __PUNCT__
the real cost isn't just the tax paid and monei spent compli with the rule __PUNCT__
it the busi that ar never start __PUNCT__ the idea that ar never pursu __PUNCT__ the dream that ar never realiz __PUNCT__
we onc built the interst highwai_system and the hoover dam __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ we can't even build a pipelin __PUNCT__
we onc led the world in manufactur __PUNCT__ export __PUNCT__ and infrastructur invest __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ we lead the world in lawsuit __PUNCT__
we onc led the world in educ our kid __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ half the kid in our fifti largest_citi won't even graduat from high_school __PUNCT__
if we continu along thi path __PUNCT__ we spend our live fill out form __PUNCT__ compli with excess regul and plead with polit appointe for waiver __PUNCT__ subsidi and permiss __PUNCT__
that path erod freedom __PUNCT__
it deaden the entrepreneuri spirit __PUNCT__
and it hurt the veri peopl it suppos to help __PUNCT__
freedom is the victim of unbound govern appetit __PUNCT__ and so is econom_growth __PUNCT__ job_growth __PUNCT__ and wage growth __PUNCT__
as govern take more and more __PUNCT__ there is less and less incent to take risk __PUNCT__ to invest __PUNCT__ to innov __PUNCT__ and to hire __PUNCT__
thi administr think our economi is struggl becaus the stimulu wa too small __PUNCT__
the truth is we struggl becaus our govern is too big __PUNCT__
i am run for presid becaus i have the experi and vision to get us out of thi mess __PUNCT__
my agenda take america in the right direct __PUNCT__
it preserv freedom __PUNCT__
it encourag risk take and innov __PUNCT__
it foster competit __PUNCT__
it promot opportun __PUNCT__
instead of expand the govern __PUNCT__ i will shrink it __PUNCT__
instead of rais_tax __PUNCT__ i will cut them __PUNCT__
instead of ad regul __PUNCT__ i will scale them back __PUNCT__
the answer for a weak economi is not more govern __PUNCT__
it is more freedom __PUNCT__
econom_freedom ha not been the obama_administr onli target __PUNCT__
our first freedom __PUNCT__ our religi_freedom __PUNCT__ ha also been under attack __PUNCT__
recent __PUNCT__ in a labor regul case __PUNCT__ the govern_claim that a church should not be free to determin who qualifi as a minist under the law __PUNCT__
it claim that the govern instead could interfer with that decis __PUNCT__
the govern __PUNCT__ the constitut came to the rescu __PUNCT__ the suprem_court court_reject the obama_administr attack __PUNCT__ in a __NUM__ unanim decis __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ the obama administr ha decid that it ha the power to mandat what cathol chariti __PUNCT__ school __PUNCT__ and hospit must cover in their insur_plan __PUNCT__
it easi to forget how often presid_obama assur us that under obamacar __PUNCT__ noth in our insur_plan would have to chang __PUNCT__
rememb that on __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ here we ar __PUNCT__ just get start with obamacar __PUNCT__ and the feder_govern is alreadi dictat to religi_group on matter of doctrin and conscienc __PUNCT__
in all of america __PUNCT__ there is no larger privat provid of healthcar for women and their babi than the cathol_church __PUNCT__
but that not enough for the obamacar bureaucrat __PUNCT__
no __PUNCT__ thei want cathol to fall in line and violat the tenet of their faith __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will follow a veri differ path than presid_obama __PUNCT__
i will be a staunch defend of religi_freedom __PUNCT__
the obamacar regul is not a threat and insult to onli on religi_group __PUNCT__ it is a threat and insult to everi religi group __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will abolish it __PUNCT__
like econom and religi_freedom __PUNCT__ our person_freedom have been under attack __PUNCT__
few thing ar more import to us than our health __PUNCT__ and our healthcar __PUNCT__
the __NUM___amend preserv the right to choos our own healthcar __PUNCT__ and all right not specif grant to the feder_govern by the constitut __PUNCT__ to the state __PUNCT__ and to the peopl __PUNCT__
obamacar violat the constitut __PUNCT__
i count on the suprem_court to sai exactli that __PUNCT__
but it not just health_care __PUNCT__
mike and chantel sackett have seen firsthand how the obama govern_interfer with person_freedom __PUNCT__
thei run a small_busi in idaho __PUNCT__
thei save enough monei to bui a piec of properti and build a home __PUNCT__
but dai after thei broke ground __PUNCT__ an epa regul told them to stop dig __PUNCT__
the epa said thei were build on a wetland __PUNCT__
but the sackett properti isn't on the wetland regist __PUNCT__
it sit in a residenti area __PUNCT__
nevertheless __PUNCT__ the epa wouldn't even let them appeal the decis __PUNCT__
fortun __PUNCT__ the constitut confront the obama_administr __PUNCT__ the suprem_court_rule unanim for the sackett and against the obama epa __PUNCT__
thi administr attack on freedom extend even to right explicitli guarante by our constitut __PUNCT__
the right to bear_arm is so plainli state __PUNCT__ so unambigu __PUNCT__ that liber have a hard_time challeng it directli __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ thei been emploi everi imagin ploi to restrict it __PUNCT__
i applaud true conservationist like rob keck who work to preserv land __PUNCT__ herd and flock for hunt __PUNCT__
i applaud ambassador bolton for oppos intern effort to erod our right __PUNCT__
i applaud congressman issa and senat grasslei for their work in expos the __PUNCT__ fast and furiou __PUNCT__ scandal __PUNCT__
and i applaud nra leadership for be among the first and most vocal in call upon attornei_gener holder to resign __PUNCT__
we need a presid who will enforc current law __PUNCT__ not creat new on that onli serv to burden law gun_owner __PUNCT__
presid_obama ha not __PUNCT__ i will __PUNCT__
we need a presid who will stand up for the right of hunter __PUNCT__ sportsmen __PUNCT__ and those seek to protect their home and their famili __PUNCT__
presid obama ha not __PUNCT__ i will __PUNCT__
and if we ar go to safeguard our second amend __PUNCT__ it is time to elect a presid who will defend the right presid obama ignor or minim __PUNCT__
i will __PUNCT__
we seen enough of presid obama over the last three year to know that we don't need anoth four __PUNCT__
in a second term __PUNCT__ he would be unrestrain by the demand of re __PUNCT__ elect __PUNCT__
as he told the russian presid last month when he thought no on els wa listen __PUNCT__ after hi re __PUNCT__ elect he have a lot more __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ flexibl __PUNCT__ to do what he want __PUNCT__
i not exactli sure what he meant by that __PUNCT__ but look at hi first three year __PUNCT__ i have a veri good_idea __PUNCT__
consid the court __PUNCT__
presid_obama ha an unusu view of the suprem_court and it respons __PUNCT__ as he remind us just the other dai __PUNCT__
he said __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ i confid that the suprem court will not take what would be an unpreced __PUNCT__ extraordinari step of overturn a law that wa pass by a strong major of a democrat_elect congress __PUNCT__
of cours __PUNCT__ what presid_obama obama_call __PUNCT__ extraordinari __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ unpreced __PUNCT__ the rest of us recogn as __PUNCT__ judici_review __PUNCT__ that concept ha been a centerpiec of our constitut_system sinc __NUM__ __PUNCT__
judici_review requir that the suprem_court strike down ani law that violat the constitut __PUNCT__ the found_document that is the bulwark of our freedom __PUNCT__
but presid_obama seem to believ that court_decis ar onli legitim when thei rule in hi favor __PUNCT__ and illegitim if thei don't __PUNCT__
he think our nation highest_court is to be rever and respect __PUNCT__ as long as it remain faith to the origin_intent of barack_obama __PUNCT__
that the problem with those who view the constitut as live and evolv __PUNCT__ not timeless and defin __PUNCT__
thei never explain just who will decid what the constitut mean and in which wai it will __PUNCT__ evolv __PUNCT__
in hi first term __PUNCT__ we seen the presid try to browbeat the suprem_court __PUNCT__
in a second term __PUNCT__ he would remak it __PUNCT__
our freedom would be in the hand of an obama court __PUNCT__ not just for four year __PUNCT__ but for the next __NUM__ __PUNCT__
that must not happen __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will uphold the rule of law __PUNCT__ and put america back on the path toward the founder __PUNCT__ vision __PUNCT__
i don't want to transform america __PUNCT__ i want to return america to the principl that made thi nation_great __PUNCT__
our founder began thi great_american american_experi __PUNCT__
thei creat a nation conceiv in liberti and thei entrust us with the duti to preserv it and defend it __PUNCT__
in the gener sinc __PUNCT__ more than a million_american have made the ultim sacrific __PUNCT__
on dai toward the end of my term __PUNCT__ my offic got a call tell us that a soldier had been kill in iraq __PUNCT__
hi casket wa on a u. __PUNCT__ airwai flight __PUNCT__ but hi famili had not been notifi in time to get to the airport and receiv hi bodi __PUNCT__
i wa ask if i could go to the airport in their stead __PUNCT__
i said __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__
we drove over to the airport and on to the tarmac __PUNCT__
the jet came in and the peopl disembark __PUNCT__
the luggag came down the conveyor __PUNCT__ and then __PUNCT__ after a littl while __PUNCT__ the casket appear __PUNCT__
the state_trooper who were there with me all salut __PUNCT__
i put my hand on my heart __PUNCT__
and then i glanc up at the termin __PUNCT__
there a big wall of glass at the u. __PUNCT__ airwai termin in boston right where the plane had come in __PUNCT__
the peopl come off the plane had seen the polic_car __PUNCT__ so thei stop to see what wa go on __PUNCT__
and then the peopl_walk down the hall saw the peopl lean up against the glass __PUNCT__ so thei pull up behind them __PUNCT__
a huge crowd had form up there __PUNCT__
everi singl_person had their hand on their heart __PUNCT__
when i think of our countri __PUNCT__ scene like thi come to mind __PUNCT__
should i have the honor of serv as presid __PUNCT__ that how i will seek to lead __PUNCT__ not by pit on group against anoth __PUNCT__ but by bring us togeth __PUNCT__
american want a leader who will tell them the truth __PUNCT__ who will live with integr __PUNCT__ and who will preserv thi great_nation __PUNCT__ and protect our constitut __PUNCT__
we have a sacr duti to restor the promis of america __PUNCT__
and we will do it __PUNCT__
we will do it becaus we believ in america __PUNCT__
we stop the dai of apolog for success at home and never again apolog for america abroad __PUNCT__
there wa a time __PUNCT__ not so long_ago __PUNCT__ when each of us could walk a littl taller and stand a littl straighter becaus we had a gift that no on els in the world share __PUNCT__
we were american __PUNCT__
that meant someth differ to each of us but it meant someth special to all of us __PUNCT__
we knew it without question __PUNCT__
and so did the world __PUNCT__
those dai ar come back __PUNCT__
that our destini __PUNCT__
we believ in america __PUNCT__
we believ in ourselv __PUNCT__
our greatest dai ar still ahead __PUNCT__
we ar __PUNCT__ after all __PUNCT__ american __PUNCT__
join me in thi great caus __PUNCT__
god_bless you __PUNCT__ and god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__