Mitt Romney

This speech titled 04.24.2012.Manchester.NH.SecureNom originally had 1751 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 42 cue terms and an average lag of 37.6. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 rhode_island 6
0.932 0.00915 0.0587
0 0 0
2 long_dai 23
0.254 0.00239 0.0121
0.713 0.00259 0.0161
3 __DATE___dai 49
0.188 0.0239 0.0878
0.681 0.00199 0.0171
4 half_year 20
0.00259 0.0706 0.796
0.0302 0.00259 0.0983
5 work_harder 39
0.00736 0.0615 0.172
0.00498 0.0699 0.684
6 singl_mom 5
0.0416 0.0103 0.0241
0.0119 0.129 0.783
7 food_stamp 44
0.000796 0.00438 0.312
0.000796 0.0523 0.629
8 small_busi 4
0 0 0.0645
0 0.0165 0.919
9 busi_owner 0
0.000398 0.000199 0.0101
0 0.00915 0.98
10 cut_back 2
0.00159 0.0101 0.0131
0.000398 0.00915 0.966
11 door_open 5
0.00299 0.0135 0.0209
0.00179 0.0193 0.941
12 barack_obama 83
0.205 0.517 0.203
0.00179 0.0273 0.0464
13 spend_time 72
0.215 0.086 0.104
0.122 0.39 0.083
14 car_compani 125
0.818 0.000995 0.000995
0.179 0.00119 0
15 __NUM___peopl 63
0.237 0.0141 0.00199
0.746 0.000995 0
16 steel_mill 26
0.0901 0.00736 0.0261
0.862 0.0131 0.000796
17 __NUM___year 35
0.0452 0.0607 0.614
0.245 0.0131 0.0221
18 year_ago 22
0.0436 0.0179 0.141
0.197 0.0685 0.532
19 barack_obama 1
0.00159 0.00537 0.0165
0.227 0.0856 0.664
20 half_year 39
0.00219 0.00577 0.378
0.00617 0.0525 0.555
21 presid_obama 2
0.00597 0.000398 0.0147
0.00776 0.0561 0.915
22 futur_gener 181
0.0633 0.00975 0.665
0.000398 0 0.261
23 presid_obama 10
0.00975 0.000995 0.0756
0.0464 0.00498 0.862
24 free_enterpris 59
0.00179 0.00537 0.338
0.000796 0.000995 0.653
25 high_unemploy 87
0.000597 0.000398 0.404
0 0.000199 0.595
26 free_peopl 30
0 0 0.153
0 0 0.847
27 pursu_happi 2
0 0 0.0131
0 0 0.987
28 free_enterpris 8
0.000199 0.00159 0.0482
0 0 0.95
29 middl_class 44
0.0121 0.0328 0.198
0.000199 0.00119 0.756
30 rise_standard 3
0.0217 0.034 0.0169
0.0131 0.035 0.879
31 wildest_dream 18
0.0726 0.0364 0.0714
0.0275 0.0639 0.728
32 deni_access 29
0.0159 0.0621 0.132
0.0386 0.0866 0.665
33 taxpay_monei 17
0.00199 0.0117 0.15
0.0107 0.117 0.708
34 union_worker 14
0.0314 0.00199 0.115
0.00896 0.0659 0.777
35 govern_worker 16
0.0195 0.00159 0.0985
0.0287 0.0362 0.816
36 hard_work 43
0.928 0.000995 0.0105
0.0414 0.000597 0.0185
37 nation_founder 54
0.206 0.0125 0.00338
0.774 0.00159 0.00239
38 greatest_gener 8
0.108 0.00517 0.00259
0.87 0.0131 0.00119
39 return_home 46
0.174 0.0115 0.0619
0.741 0.00955 0.00159
40 long_ago 190
0.78 0.00279 0.00716
0.21 0 0.000199
41 god_bless 88
0.336 0 0
0.664 0 0
42 unit_state 7
0.0285 0 0.000199
0.971 0 0