Mitt Romney

This speech titled 05.15.2009.Phoenix.AZ originally had 3160 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you veri much __PUNCT__

it good to be with member of the nation_rifl associ __PUNCT__ peopl who believ that the principl and protect and right of the constitut ar more than histori __PUNCT__ that todai as in the past __PUNCT__ thei drive our prosper __PUNCT__ ensur our safeti __PUNCT__ and protect our freedom __PUNCT__

i want to publicli commend the strongest of those voic defend our second amend freedom __PUNCT__

everi time i see wayn lapierr or chri cox on televis __PUNCT__ i take comfort in know that leader like these ar ever vigil __PUNCT__

i also want to thank david keen for hi support and advic over the year __PUNCT__

he is a true friend __PUNCT__

i notic that the farther west i go __PUNCT__ the bigger these nra meet get __PUNCT__

i have to sai the boston chapter is a littl on the small side these dai __PUNCT__ but it vigil and impact exce it size __PUNCT__

there wa a time when the right to bear_arm wa a lot better appreci in the state that is home to bunker hill __PUNCT__

no on question the import of a respons __PUNCT__ arm citizenri back when paul rever wa in the saddl and patriot were throw the king tea into boston harbor __PUNCT__ except mayb a few tori and king_georg himself __PUNCT__

in our dai __PUNCT__ some american take for grant the struggl and victori of the found_gener __PUNCT__

ronald_reagan said that __PUNCT__ freedom is never more than on gener awai from extinct __PUNCT__ that is why we and the nra meet here todai __PUNCT__ we ar commit to fight for freedom __PUNCT__ defend the constitut __PUNCT__ and pass on to our children a legaci of liberti __PUNCT__

no constitut_protect is more often ignor __PUNCT__ distort __PUNCT__ or disdain than the individu right to keep and bear_arm __PUNCT__

when demagogu promot polici that would disarm law __PUNCT__ abid_citizen __PUNCT__ it the nra that sai no wai __PUNCT__

the nra ha a better idea __PUNCT__ enforc the law that ar on the book __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ let upright citizen defend themselv __PUNCT__ their home __PUNCT__ and their freedom __PUNCT__

four out of five nra member have sworn to defend the constitut in a uniform of the unit_state militari __PUNCT__ or have famili that did so __PUNCT__

that an extraordinari record of servic to our countri __PUNCT__

and that is why __PUNCT__ on arm_servic dai __PUNCT__ i proud to be with member of the nra __PUNCT__

the men and women of the nra ar unit on on great issu __PUNCT__ and we concern about mani other __PUNCT__

these ar critic __PUNCT__ defin time for our nation and for the world __PUNCT__

the wai i see it __PUNCT__ todai there ar four strategi compet to lead the world in thi centuri __PUNCT__

there is the strategi of the west __PUNCT__ led by america __PUNCT__

it is base on two fundament_principl __PUNCT__ free_enterpris and person_freedom __PUNCT__

these two principl have made us the most power of nation __PUNCT__

anoth strategi is led by china __PUNCT__

china adopt free_enterpris when social fail so complet __PUNCT__

but thei combin free enterpris with authoritarian __PUNCT__

the third strategi is repres by russia __PUNCT__

with the cold_war won __PUNCT__ mani of us thought thei were no longer a global competitor __PUNCT__

but thei ar back __PUNCT__

like china __PUNCT__ their strategi is base upon authoritarian rule __PUNCT__ but instead of have an economi base on product and industri capac __PUNCT__ thei base their economi on energi __PUNCT__ their own energi __PUNCT__ and that of those with whom thei ar alli __PUNCT__ like iran and venezuela __PUNCT__

with an energi oligopoli __PUNCT__ thei intend to secur the wealth of the world __PUNCT__ and reclaim their superpow_statu __PUNCT__

the fourth strategi is that of the jihadist __PUNCT__

their aim is to caus the collaps of the other three by mean of intimid and the threat of violenc __PUNCT__

of these four compet strategi __PUNCT__ onli on includ freedom __PUNCT__ our __PUNCT__

and the freedom of nation across the world depend on our success __PUNCT__

some time_ago a friend who is a professor ask me __PUNCT__ mitt what do you think were the great inflect point in american_histori __PUNCT__ i thought a minut and then i answer __PUNCT__ what do you mean by inflect point __PUNCT__ and then he explain __PUNCT__ if you look back at american histori you will find that there ar point in time when everyth shift __PUNCT__ when militari_strategi shift __PUNCT__ when econom strategi shift __PUNCT__ cultur_shift __PUNCT__ even the role of govern shift __PUNCT__

on of these histor shift came at the turn of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

america went from an agricultur societi to an industri_societi __PUNCT__

warfar chang __PUNCT__ with modern artilleri __PUNCT__ tank and aircraft __PUNCT__

our cultur revolv around new __PUNCT__ larg citi and govern assum a more activ_role in the economi __PUNCT__

the civil_war wa anoth decis turn_point __PUNCT__ america becam inexor commit to union and to the principl that the constitut appli to everi singl citizen __PUNCT__

and if you go back on step further in histori __PUNCT__ you get to the revolut __PUNCT__ the greatest turn point of all __PUNCT__

up until thi time __PUNCT__ the world believ that the king or the govern wa sovereign and that the citizen wa servant __PUNCT__

the revolutionari had a differ premis __PUNCT__

thei believ that the citizen wa sovereign and govern wa the servant __PUNCT__

and the power of that idea gave_birth to our countri __PUNCT__ and chang the world forev __PUNCT__

i believ that america is at anoth inflect point todai __PUNCT__

militarili strategi ar chang __PUNCT__ our economi is chang __PUNCT__

our cultur is chang __PUNCT__

at a fundament level __PUNCT__ we engag in a great debat about the duti of govern and the right of citizen __PUNCT__

and as much as ever __PUNCT__ we need to rememb and live up to the principl of america_found __PUNCT__

listen to our liber friend sometim __PUNCT__ i remind a littl bit of the monarchist __PUNCT__

not becaus thei want a king instead of a presid __PUNCT__ but becaus thei place their faith in govern __PUNCT__

as thei see it __PUNCT__ govern know best __PUNCT__

govern need to protect us from ourselv __PUNCT__

the suprem voic in the land is not the peopl __PUNCT__ but the govern __PUNCT__

that a great divid_line in these time __PUNCT__ and you and i ar on the right side of it __PUNCT__

we know that in america __PUNCT__ the peopl ar sovereign __PUNCT__

when the framer met in philadelphia __PUNCT__ their mission wa to limit the power of govern __PUNCT__ and protect the right of the individu __PUNCT__

when conserv __PUNCT__ republican __PUNCT__ and member of the nra challeng the overreach of govern and defend the right of the individu __PUNCT__ we ar keep faith with america_found found_gener __PUNCT__

whatev the issu __PUNCT__ the first question we ask is whether govern is exceed it boundari at the expens of sound polici and person_freedom __PUNCT__

we want individu to realiz their dream __PUNCT__

we want individu to be abl to start busi __PUNCT__

we want individu to be abl to keep more of what thei earn __PUNCT__

we want them to be abl to choos their own doctor __PUNCT__

we want them to be abl to choos their own school __PUNCT__

and ye __PUNCT__ we also want upright american_citizen to be abl to bear_arm __PUNCT__ becaus that is their right under the constitut __PUNCT__

if you look at what is happen in washington these dai __PUNCT__ it not hard to see who believ in an all __PUNCT__ power govern and who believ in the power of the american_peopl __PUNCT__

with the economi in turmoil __PUNCT__ a stimulu wa in order __PUNCT__

you mai not have known it __PUNCT__ but everi republican_vote for a stimulu __PUNCT__ just not the on that nanci_pelosi wrote __PUNCT__

republican believ the best wai to strengthen the economi is to strengthen the individu __PUNCT__

so for us __PUNCT__ the centerpiec of the stimulu_plan wa to put more monei_back in the hand of individu to make it easier for them to get our economi go again __PUNCT__

becaus the democrat fundament believ that govern know best __PUNCT__ thei decid to give more monei to govern __PUNCT__

and so harri_reid and nanci_pelosi and other put togeth a wish list of new wai to spend taxpay_dollar by the hundr of billion __PUNCT__

will the economi come back __PUNCT__ of cours it will __PUNCT__ but not as quickli and as strongli as it could have __PUNCT__

why __PUNCT__ becaus the heavi hand of govern is never as effect as the dream and vision and hard_work of __NUM___million_american __PUNCT__

presid_obama ha unveil a __NUM___trillion __PUNCT__ dollar budget that repres the greatest feder_power __PUNCT__ grab in american_histori __PUNCT__

and it __NUM___trillion __PUNCT__ dollar deficit __PUNCT__ with even more deficit far into the futur __PUNCT__ would forc our countri down the path of rise tax and declin prosper __PUNCT__

and all thi from a presid who a year_ago wa give lectur on the need to end govern borrow __PUNCT__

how mani time have we heard the presid blame our econom troubl on excess borrow __PUNCT__ on the high __PUNCT__ risk practic of overleverag compani __PUNCT__ bank __PUNCT__ and consum __PUNCT__

yet somehow he think the solut is to overleverag the entir countri __PUNCT__

i disagre __PUNCT__

the feder_govern should lead by exampl __PUNCT__ with real respons and budget disciplin __PUNCT__ not by spend more trillion we don't have __PUNCT__

the liber_democrat who control our govern also want to put washington in charg of healthcar __PUNCT__

the rest of us want to reform healthcar to make sure that everi american ha insur thei can afford __PUNCT__ and that cannot be taken awai if thei chang or lose a job __PUNCT__

but the best path to health_care_reform is to let the american_peopl peopl_make their own decis __PUNCT__ not have those decis forc on them by govern __PUNCT__

let washington choos the stamp for the post_offic __PUNCT__ but let the american_peopl choos who we want for our doctor __PUNCT__

presid_obama is anxiou to impos a new cap __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ trade carbon_tax on american __PUNCT__

i wish he understood that if we unilater place a veri substanti cap __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ trade burden on ourselv __PUNCT__ the major energi __PUNCT__ us industri will simpli pack up and go elsewher __PUNCT__

you don't deal with global problem by penal onli our own citizen __PUNCT__

thei don't call it __PUNCT__ america warm __PUNCT__ thei call it global_warm __PUNCT__

did you see that california republican and democrat final_reach a budget compromis __PUNCT__ salari will be reduc for some state_worker __PUNCT__ and program will be cut __PUNCT__

but presid_obama doe not feel constrain by the constitut_guarante of feder and state __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__ he ha dictat that california won't get feder_monei becaus he doesn't like the plan that thei themselv have agre to __PUNCT__

i guess he want to run the state as well as the bank and gener_motor and chrysler __PUNCT__

american ar start to see the washington power __PUNCT__ grab for what it is __PUNCT__

the peopl of thi countri ar a lot smarter than the liber establish think thei ar __PUNCT__

i remind of the stori of the barber who wa cut a custom hair when thi kid walk in __PUNCT__

the barber sai to hi custom __PUNCT__ thi kid is the stupidest kid i ever met __PUNCT__

just watch thi littl game i plai with him __PUNCT__

the barber take two quarter out of hi pocket and put them in hi hand __PUNCT__

then he take a dollar out and put it in the other hand __PUNCT__

he sai __PUNCT__ kid __PUNCT__ come here __PUNCT__ he sai __PUNCT__ you choos which you want __PUNCT__ and the kid grab the two quarter and run out __PUNCT__

and the barber sai to the custom __PUNCT__ can you believ that kid __PUNCT__ he is the stupidest kid i ever met __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ the custom is walk down the street a littl later and he see the kid __PUNCT__ the kid eat an ic_cream cone __PUNCT__ and he sai __PUNCT__ kid __PUNCT__ why you take the __NUM___cent instead of the dollar __PUNCT__ he sai __PUNCT__ if i took the dollar __PUNCT__ that game would be over __PUNCT__ wouldn't it __PUNCT__

the liber mai fool some of the peopl for some of the time __PUNCT__ but that time will draw to a close __PUNCT__

and we will make sure that peopl see what is happen __PUNCT__

we have a duti to press on __PUNCT__ to make sure that the principl of america_found will be the principl of america_futur __PUNCT__

that our patriot duti __PUNCT__

it also our duti to stand with the presid when he right __PUNCT__

i glad that he back awai from hi campaign_promis to pull the troop immedi out of iraq __PUNCT__

i glad he is go to get tough on the taliban and al __PUNCT__ qaeda in afghanistan __PUNCT__

i glad he continu to hold militari_tribun for terrorist __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ whenev he adopt the polici of john_mccain and georg w __PUNCT__ bush like thi __PUNCT__ i glad __PUNCT__

presid_obama __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ is wrong to back awai on missil_defens __PUNCT__

he wa wrong to go on arab tv and claim that america ha dictat to other nation __PUNCT__

america ha sacrif more than ani other nation to free_peopl from dictat __PUNCT__

and of cours __PUNCT__ presid ahmadinejad of iran seiz upon that misstep by our presid to call for an apolog from america __PUNCT__

i think the presid is go to learn veri quickli that abject apolog ar alwai welcom by thug and terrorist __PUNCT__

but what thei need to hear instead is a messag of american confid and american resolv __PUNCT__

with all that is happen here at home __PUNCT__ there ar some who have forgotten that our nation is still at war __PUNCT__ and still the prime target of al __PUNCT__ qaeda_terrorist __PUNCT__

the men and women of the nra need no remind of these danger __PUNCT__ becaus so mani of you have serv and sacrif in defens of america __PUNCT__

you know the stake in thi conflict __PUNCT__

you know that america must be vigil __PUNCT__

our presid can know that when he take strong action in defens of the unit_state __PUNCT__ he will have our solid support __PUNCT__

and the member of the nra will alwai stand behind the men and women of the unit state militari __PUNCT__

presid_obama ha serv onli four month of a four __PUNCT__ year_term __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ hi biggest decis on nation_secur ar still ahead of him __PUNCT__

but some of hi earli move have been troubl __PUNCT__

hi administr ha won the favor of liber comment by pledg what it call reform in the treatment of terrorist detaine __PUNCT__

he releas top secret memo about interrog __PUNCT__ but we still wait for other top secret memo that tell us about the attack prevent by those interrog __PUNCT__

the presid ha also promis to close down guantanamo __PUNCT__ without give the slightest indic of the next stop for the killer be held there now __PUNCT__

and for all of these decis __PUNCT__ he ha receiv the predict applaus from the usual quarter __PUNCT__

but here the problem __PUNCT__

that is the veri kind of think that left america vulner to the attack of __DATE__ __PUNCT__

and the approv of left __PUNCT__ wing law_professor and editori_board won't be worth much if thi countri let down it guard and suffer anoth attack __PUNCT__

the fight against terror is not a law_enforc problem __PUNCT__

it is the gravest matter of nation_secur __PUNCT__ with thousand if not million of live in the balanc __PUNCT__

the jihadist ar still at war with america __PUNCT__ and we shouldn't be worri about whether someon read them their right __PUNCT__

thei ar still determin to do our countri great harm __PUNCT__

our govern ha no greater duti than a vigil defens __PUNCT__ and no greater purpos than victori for america and for the caus of freedom __PUNCT__

our countri ha enemi in the world __PUNCT__ and seriou rival __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ whether we like it or not __PUNCT__

thei would us their own influenc to achiev purpos much differ from our __PUNCT__

thei don't all share our idea about progress __PUNCT__ and human_freedom __PUNCT__ and the right us of polit and militari_power __PUNCT__

and whether it in europ __PUNCT__ asia __PUNCT__ africa __PUNCT__ the middl_east __PUNCT__ or ani other region __PUNCT__ if america good influenc were to reced __PUNCT__ other would welcom the chanc to step in __PUNCT__

as alwai __PUNCT__ america ha it critic __PUNCT__ and we have bigger busi in the world than try to make them happi __PUNCT__

as much as ever befor __PUNCT__ the live and the fortun of peopl everywher depend on commit made and kept by the unit_state __PUNCT__

i don't deni that america challeng ar great __PUNCT__ or that overcom them will requir the best that we have to give __PUNCT__

but i know as well that time of difficulti alwai bring out the essenti charact of our fellow_citizen __PUNCT__

when i wa a boi __PUNCT__ my dad us to sai __PUNCT__ the pursuit of the difficult make men strong __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ the pursuit of the difficult will make_america strong __PUNCT__

we been test mani time befor __PUNCT__

we did not becom the countri we ar by fear challeng __PUNCT__ or leav the hardest work to other __PUNCT__

we don't get to choos the test and trial ahead __PUNCT__

but we entir free __PUNCT__ you and i __PUNCT__ to choos how we will meet those test __PUNCT__

we meet them with the proud __PUNCT__ independ spirit that gave_rise to the nra __PUNCT__

we meet them as american have done befor __PUNCT__ in our finest moment __PUNCT__ with courag and confid __PUNCT__

there will be setback and disappoint along the wai __PUNCT__

yet i am sure of thi __PUNCT__ when we stai true to our principl __PUNCT__ and state them forthrightli and fearlessli __PUNCT__ thei will command a major in thi great_countri __PUNCT__ and the freedom we cherish will alwai be secur __PUNCT__

thank you veri much __PUNCT__