Mitt Romney

This speech titled 05.23.2012.Washington.DC originally had 3243 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank to the u. __PUNCT__ chamber of commerc for host us __PUNCT__

thi year the chamber mark___NUM__ __NUM___year of stand up for american_enterpris __PUNCT__

few organ have fought longer or harder for the principl of econom_freedom __PUNCT__

and these dai __PUNCT__ your voic is more import than ever __PUNCT__

i am grate to the latino coalit for the invit to be part of your annual econom summit __PUNCT__

in recent dai we heard a lot about busi from the presid and if you feel like you deserv protect under the endang_speci act __PUNCT__ i can't blame you __PUNCT__

thi is a time when everybodi in thi administr should be do everyth in their power to support you __PUNCT__

if everi on of our small_busi ad just two employe __PUNCT__ american could pai more mortgag and bui more groceri and fill their ga tank __PUNCT__

instead __PUNCT__ sadli __PUNCT__ presid_obama ha decid to attack success __PUNCT__

it no wonder so mani of hi own support ar call on him to stop thi war on job creator __PUNCT__

make no mistak __PUNCT__ when i am presid __PUNCT__ you won't wake up everi dai and wonder if the presid is on your side __PUNCT__

start on dai on __PUNCT__ i be there to help you make it __PUNCT__

and if you success beyond your wildest_dream __PUNCT__ i be the first to celebr your success becaus i know your prosper mean greater opportun __PUNCT__ for you __PUNCT__ for your famili __PUNCT__ for your employe __PUNCT__ and for your commun __PUNCT__

and that what the american_dream is all about __PUNCT__

dure my lifetim __PUNCT__ i seen a few of my own dream come true __PUNCT__

i run and start busi __PUNCT__ help guid the olymp __PUNCT__ and led a great state __PUNCT__

i learn earli on that the onli wai to succe in tough situat is to bring_peopl togeth for a common_purpos __PUNCT__

that how you achiev great and accomplish your goal __PUNCT__

divid peopl and pit on side against anoth produc noth but failur and mediocr __PUNCT__

unfortun __PUNCT__ we seen too much of that from thi administr __PUNCT__

that part of why we face the slowest econom_recoveri sinc the great_depress __PUNCT__

and it why thi presid and hi parti have fail to address the most seriou problem_face our countri __PUNCT__

when the presid took offic __PUNCT__ he face a job crisi __PUNCT__

it bare improv __PUNCT__

he face a spend crisi __PUNCT__

it onli gotten wors __PUNCT__

and he face an educ crisi __PUNCT__

i love to stand here todai and join you in celebr the end of our educ crisi __PUNCT__

wouldn't it be great if we could look back on the last four year with confid that the crisi had been confront and we turn the corner toward a brighter futur __PUNCT__

but sadli __PUNCT__ that hasn't happen __PUNCT__

and the tragedi is not just a matter of test_score and intern rank __PUNCT__

it the frustrat of a sixth grader who want to learn more __PUNCT__ but is stuck in a class that move too slowli __PUNCT__

it the embarrass of a __NUM__ grader who know he can't read the book he assign __PUNCT__

it the shame of a __NUM__ grader who suppos to be readi to graduat __PUNCT__ but hasn't master the skill he or she need to succe in life __PUNCT__

in thi countri __PUNCT__ we believ everi child ha someth to contribut __PUNCT__

no matter what circumst thei were born into __PUNCT__ everi child ha a dream about where thei can go or what thei can becom __PUNCT__

whether that dream is to invent someth __PUNCT__ start someth __PUNCT__ build someth __PUNCT__ or creat someth __PUNCT__ it all start with the basic skill and confid that onli a good educ can provid __PUNCT__

yet __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ too mani dream ar never realiz becaus our educ_system is fail __PUNCT__

more than __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__ our nation pioneer public_educ __PUNCT__

we now fallen wai behind __PUNCT__

among develop_countri __PUNCT__ the unit_state come in __NUM__ of __NUM__ in read __PUNCT__ __NUM__ of __NUM__ in scienc __PUNCT__ and an abysm __NUM__ out of __NUM__ in math __PUNCT__

our public_educ educ_system is suppos to ensur that everi child get a strong start in life __PUNCT__

yet __PUNCT__ on in four student fail to attain a high_school degre __PUNCT__

and in our major_citi __PUNCT__ half of our kid won't graduat __PUNCT__

imagin that __PUNCT__

imagin if your enterpris had a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ failur rate in meet it primari_goal __PUNCT__

you would consid that a crisi __PUNCT__

you would make chang __PUNCT__ and fast __PUNCT__

becaus if you didn't __PUNCT__ you go out of busi __PUNCT__

but america public_educ establish show no sens of urgenc __PUNCT__

instead __PUNCT__ there is a fierc determin to keep thing the wai thei ar __PUNCT__

here we ar in the most prosper nation __PUNCT__ but million of kid ar get a third __PUNCT__ world educ __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ america minor_children suffer the most __PUNCT__

thi is the civil __PUNCT__ right issu of our era __PUNCT__

it the great_challeng of our time __PUNCT__

last week __PUNCT__ i spoke about the prairi fire of debt that is spread across our countri __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ i want to talk about our crisi in educ __PUNCT__

with all of our econom troubl __PUNCT__ there a temptat to put off the task of fix our nation __PUNCT__ school for anoth time __PUNCT__

but the job and hous failur of these past few year onli make that task more import __PUNCT__

let not kid ourselv __PUNCT__ we ar in the midst of a nation_educ emerg __PUNCT__

the onli reason we don't hear more about it is becaus our econom troubl have taken our nation_attent awai from the classroom __PUNCT__

but if unemploy wa where it should be and home valu were go up __PUNCT__ there is no question that the crisi in american_educ would be the great caus of thi campaign __PUNCT__

of cours __PUNCT__ the job and hous failur of these past few year onli make the need for educ improv all the more critic __PUNCT__

so i be blunt __PUNCT__ i don't like the direct of american educ __PUNCT__ and as presid __PUNCT__ i will do everyth in my power to revers thi declin __PUNCT__

much as you have in your own busi career __PUNCT__ i found that you can't expect dramat differ result unless you ar open to dramat chang __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will pursu bold polici chang that will restor the promis of our nation_educ educ_system __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ i will expand parent choic in an unpreced wai __PUNCT__

too mani of our kid ar trap in school that ar fail or simpli don't meet their need __PUNCT__

and for too long __PUNCT__ we mere talk about the virtu of school_choic __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will give the parent of everi low __PUNCT__ incom and special need student the chanc to choos where their child goe to school __PUNCT__

for the first time in histori __PUNCT__ feder educ fund will be link to a student __PUNCT__ so that parent can send their child to ani public or charter_school __PUNCT__ or to a privat_school __PUNCT__ where permit __PUNCT__

and i will make that choic meaning by ensur there ar suffici option to exercis it __PUNCT__

to receiv the full complement of feder educ dollar __PUNCT__ state must provid student with ampl school_choic __PUNCT__

in addit __PUNCT__ digit learn option must not be prohibit __PUNCT__

and charter_school or similar educ choic must be scale up to meet student demand __PUNCT__

instead of elimin the d.c __PUNCT__ opportun scholarship program as presid_obama ha propos __PUNCT__ i will expand it to offer more student a chanc to attend a better school __PUNCT__

it will be a model for parent choic program across the nation __PUNCT__

parent choic will hold school respons for result __PUNCT__ but parent can onli exercis that choic effect if thei have good inform __PUNCT__

no child_left behind help our nation take a giant step_forward in bridg thi inform gap __PUNCT__

but the law is not without it weak __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will break the polit logjam that ha prevent success reform of the law __PUNCT__

i will reduc feder micromanag while redoubl effort to ensur that school ar held_respons for result __PUNCT__

for exampl __PUNCT__ parent shouldn't have to navig a cryptic evalu system to figur out how their kid __PUNCT__ school ar perform __PUNCT__

state must provid a simpl __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ read and wide avail public report card that evalu each school __PUNCT__

these report card will provid accur and easi __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ understand inform about student and school perform __PUNCT__

state will continu to design their own standard and test __PUNCT__ but the report card will provid inform that parent can us to make inform choic __PUNCT__

we will take bold step to ensur our system welcom and reward the best teacher __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will make it my goal to ensur that everi classroom ha a qualiti teacher __PUNCT__

there ar current __NUM___program in ten agenc that spend___MONEY___billion on teacher qualiti __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will consolid these program __PUNCT__ and block_grant them to state that adopt innov polici __PUNCT__

for exampl __PUNCT__ state will be reward if thei regularli evalu teacher for their effect and compens the best teacher for their success __PUNCT__

teach is a highli valu profess that must attract and retain the best and brightest __PUNCT__

dramat expand parent choic __PUNCT__ make school respons for result by give parent access to clear and instruct inform __PUNCT__ and attract and reward our best teacher __PUNCT__ these chang can help ensur that everi parent ha a choic and everi child ha a chanc __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ sinc we live in a twenti __PUNCT__ first centuri economi that increasingli demand a colleg_educ __PUNCT__ effort at improv can't stop at high_school end __PUNCT__

student must have access to a wide_varieti of option that will give them the skill thei need for success career __PUNCT__

we must stop fuel skyrocket tuition price that put higher_educ out of reach for some and leav other with crush debt __PUNCT__

these ar bold initi that will produc better outcom for our parent and teacher and student __PUNCT__

but accomplish real chang won't be easi __PUNCT__

effort to truli reform our school alwai meet strong resist from entrench interest __PUNCT__

the teacher_union ar the clearest exampl of a group that ha lost it wai __PUNCT__

whenev anyon dare to offer a new idea __PUNCT__ the union protest the loudest __PUNCT__

their attitud wa memor express by a long __PUNCT__ time presid of the american_feder of teacher __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ when school_children start pai union due __PUNCT__ that when i start repres the interest of children __PUNCT__

the teacher_union don't fight for our children __PUNCT__

that our job __PUNCT__

and our job keep get harder becaus the union wield outsiz influenc in elect and campaign __PUNCT__

annual __PUNCT__ mani teacher ar forc to pai almost __MONEY__ in union due __PUNCT__

the two major teacher union take in __MONEY___million each year __PUNCT__

that more revenu than both of the polit_parti combin __PUNCT__

in __NUM__ the nation_educ associ spent more monei on campaign than ani other organ in the countri __PUNCT__

and __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of those fund went to democrat __PUNCT__

educ is on issu where it should be easi to find common_purpos and common solut __PUNCT__

and i believ the presid must be troubl by the lack of progress sinc he took offic __PUNCT__

most like __PUNCT__ he would have like to do more __PUNCT__

but the teacher_union ar on of the democrat __PUNCT__ biggest donor __PUNCT__ and on of the presid biggest campaign support __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ presid_obama ha been unabl to stand up to union_boss __PUNCT__ and unwil to stand up for kid __PUNCT__

the most recent exampl is the opportun scholarship program __PUNCT__

sinc __NUM__ it allow thousand of children in the district of columbia to escap on of the worst school_system in the nation and get a world __PUNCT__ class educ __PUNCT__

arm with scholarship of up to __MONEY__ student enrol in privat_school __PUNCT__

__NUM__ __PUNCT__ of them were african_american or hispan __PUNCT__

after three month __PUNCT__ student could alreadi read at level __NUM___month ahead of their public __PUNCT__ school peer __PUNCT__

and parent were happi __PUNCT__ for everi spot in the program __PUNCT__ there were __NUM__ applic __PUNCT__

then __PUNCT__ senat durbin __PUNCT__ a democrat from illinoi __PUNCT__ insert a provis to end the program __PUNCT__

the white_hous offer no resist __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ the presid ha propos end all fund for opportun scholarship __PUNCT__

it must have gone against hi better instinct __PUNCT__ but the union want it so he went along __PUNCT__

in the opportun scholarship __PUNCT__ the democrat final found the on feder_program thei ar will to cut __PUNCT__

why __PUNCT__ becaus success anywher in our public_school is a rebuk to failur everywher els __PUNCT__

that why the union oppos even the most common_sens improv __PUNCT__

in detroit __PUNCT__ student in the citi fail public_school were offer a lifelin by a philanthropist who offer __MONEY___million to creat___NUM__ charter_school __PUNCT__

the teacher_union made the state_legislatur turn that gift down __PUNCT__

in connecticut __PUNCT__ parent group tri to pass __PUNCT__ parent trigger __PUNCT__ legisl so thei could take over and transform fail school __PUNCT__

a nation teacher_union move fast to stop that __PUNCT__

now some union_leader will tell you that their object ar misunderstood __PUNCT__

thei argu the issu ar complic __PUNCT__

but realli it simpl __PUNCT__ and it come down to thi __PUNCT__ when your caus in life is prevent parent from have a meaning choic or children from have a real chanc __PUNCT__ then you ar on the wrong_side __PUNCT__

you might even be in the wrong vocat __PUNCT__ becaus good_teacher put the interest of children first __PUNCT__

the same is true of a good presid __PUNCT__

in hi speech __PUNCT__ presid_obama like to tell us __PUNCT__ we can't wait __PUNCT__ if onli he would sai that and mean it about educ_reform __PUNCT__ becaus million ar wait for chang __PUNCT__ and so mani ar miss their chanc __PUNCT__

the presid can't have it both wai __PUNCT__ he can't talk up reform __PUNCT__ while indulg the group that block it __PUNCT__

he can't be the voic of disadvantag public __PUNCT__ school kid __PUNCT__ and the protector of special_interest __PUNCT__

presid_obama ha made hi choic __PUNCT__ and i have made mine __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ i will be a champion of real educ_reform in america __PUNCT__ and i won't let ani special_interest get in the wai __PUNCT__

we have to stop put campaign_cash ahead of our kid __PUNCT__

thi is a battl we can and must win __PUNCT__

and while a lot need fix __PUNCT__ we get some of the most import_thing right __PUNCT__

we have good_teacher __PUNCT__ like the on who ar lead new york_citi democraci prep __PUNCT__

becaus of them __PUNCT__ kid from the citi poorest commun ar outperform children from the wealthiest __PUNCT__

last summer __PUNCT__ these teacher took over the worst elementari_school in harlem rather than let it shut down __PUNCT__

democraci prep is a testament to good_peopl who refus to give up on our kid or leav our citi without a fight __PUNCT__

and leadership make a huge differ __PUNCT__

when jeb bush becam governor of florida __PUNCT__ read score of hispan_student in that state school_system were dismal __PUNCT__

he brought focus innov and passion leadership __PUNCT__

todai those score have risen dramat __PUNCT__

but too often __PUNCT__ new idea __PUNCT__ good_teacher __PUNCT__ and dedic parent don't find a welcom partner and true champion in elect_offici like governor_bush __PUNCT__

instead __PUNCT__ thei ar met with resist and resent from the establish __PUNCT__

i know what it is like to be a governor fight to do thing differ __PUNCT__

you need everi bit of help you can get __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i stand shoulder to shoulder with these reform and innov __PUNCT__

when i becam governor __PUNCT__ we were in the midst of institut tough __PUNCT__ bi __PUNCT__ partisan educ_reform __PUNCT__

thei includ the requir that everi student pass a test to graduat from high_school __PUNCT__

the test came under attack from the union __PUNCT__

but we stood our ground __PUNCT__

we also offer our best student a four __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ tuition __PUNCT__ free scholarship to the state colleg of their choic __PUNCT__

i call it the john and abigail adam scholarship __PUNCT__ after two massachusett citizen who understood the import of educ to our nation __PUNCT__

everi year i ask a school princip to invit the student who score in the top___NUM__ __PUNCT__ on the exam to a special assembl __PUNCT__

after some word about hard_work __PUNCT__ i ask them to reach under their chair and remov an envelop that had been tape there __PUNCT__

and i watch as each of them would open the enclos letter __PUNCT__

everi year __PUNCT__ i stand in front of the room and the same scene would unfold __PUNCT__

at first __PUNCT__ you could hear a pin drop __PUNCT__

then each student ey would get big and proud smile would creep across their face as thei found out how well thei had done on the exam __PUNCT__

and then thei would read the part of the letter where thei learn thei earn an adam scholarship __PUNCT__

the smile turn into cheer __PUNCT__ and the sound wa deafen __PUNCT__

i got more hug on adam scholarship dai than i did at christma __PUNCT__

kid would bring me their cell_phone so i could tell their parent the excit new __PUNCT__

and parent __PUNCT__ more than onc __PUNCT__ told me that thei had been worri thei would not be abl to afford colleg and that the scholarship would make a differ __PUNCT__

here in america __PUNCT__ everi child deserv a chanc __PUNCT__

it shouldn't be reserv for the fortun few __PUNCT__

if america is go to continu to lead the world in how much we build __PUNCT__ creat __PUNCT__ and invent __PUNCT__ then we must transform how we teach __PUNCT__ train __PUNCT__ and educ __PUNCT__

we alreadi have good_teacher __PUNCT__ engag parent __PUNCT__ and big_idea __PUNCT__

what we need now is strong leadership and the polit will __PUNCT__

a choic for everi parent mean a chanc for everi child __PUNCT__

that can be more than our hope __PUNCT__ it can be our futur __PUNCT__

it can begin thi year __PUNCT__ in the choic you make __PUNCT__ so i ask for your help __PUNCT__ your support __PUNCT__ and your vote on the sixth of __DATE__ __PUNCT__

thank you all __PUNCT__ and god_bless_america __PUNCT__