Mitt Romney

This speech titled 06.07.2012.StLouis.MO originally had 1997 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 82 cue terms and an average lag of 21.8. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 year_ago 16
0.387 0.0302 0.583
0 0 0
2 great_countri 10
0.0448 0.000796 0.0794
0.324 0.0151 0.536
3 press_corp 19
0.0408 0.00995 0.12
0.272 0.0139 0.543
4 half_year 54
0.00219 0.0587 0.419
0.00458 0.0181 0.498
5 work_harder 10
0.00239 0.0247 0.0426
0.00279 0.0744 0.853
6 stimulu_bill 75
0.00418 0.000398 0.389
0 0.000995 0.605
7 america_economi 49
0.000199 0.00159 0.216
0 0.000398 0.782
8 half_year 4
0.00119 0.00836 0.0209
0 0.00219 0.967
9 econom_crisi 23
0.0901 0 0.106
0.000796 0.000398 0.803
10 past_year 19
0.0979 0 0.0794
0.0802 0 0.742
11 american_peopl 9
0.0549 0 0.0426
0.163 0 0.74
12 world_histori 14
0.0328 0.00119 0.075
0.177 0 0.714
13 econom_system 67
0.000398 0 0.445
0.000199 0 0.554
14 found_father 2
0 0 0.0115
0.000398 0 0.988
15 econom_system 24
0 0 0.111
0.000398 0 0.888
16 free_enterpris 32
0 0 0.148
0 0 0.852
17 enterpris_system 0
0 0 0.00239
0 0 0.998
18 same_system 2
0.00318 0.000597 0.0105
0 0 0.986
19 govern_program 14
0 0 0.0748
0 0 0.925
20 econom_system 3
0 0 0.0217
0 0 0.978
21 free_enterpris 5
0 0.000597 0.0249
0 0 0.975
22 enterpris_system 0
0 0 0.00517
0 0.000597 0.994
23 oppress_peopl 15
0.0179 0.00318 0.0669
0 0.000597 0.911
24 free_enterpris 19
0 0 0.125
0.000199 0.00179 0.873
25 enterpris_system 0
0 0 0.00537
0 0.00139 0.993
26 half_year 45
0.00378 0.0577 0.184
0 0.000995 0.753
27 work_forc 15
0.0384 0.0133 0.0599
0.00299 0.0553 0.83
28 __NUM___million 12
0.000597 0.00617 0.107
0.00478 0.0625 0.819
29 fellow_american 3
0.00498 0.000995 0.0181
0.00537 0.0677 0.903
30 poverti_line 5
0.0834 0.00299 0.0181
0.0113 0.0663 0.818
31 fellow_american 98
0.0165 0.0193 0.493
0.00577 0.047 0.419
32 __NUM___million_american 34
0.0605 0.0107 0.134
0.0139 0.0569 0.724
33 half_year 48
0.000597 0.00677 0.279
0.000597 0.0352 0.677
34 presid_obama 2
0 0 0.0279
0.000995 0.0255 0.946
35 expand_govern 2
0 0 0.0374
0 0.00159 0.961
36 american_peopl 5
0.00856 0 0.0237
0.000199 0.000199 0.967
37 econom_freedom 26
0.000199 0 0.113
0.000995 0 0.886
38 american_economi 29
0.000398 0.000796 0.128
0 0 0.871
39 financi_servic 14
0.000995 0.000199 0.0611
0.000199 0.000796 0.937
40 econom_activ 13
0.00498 0.000199 0.0625
0.000398 0.000796 0.931
41 free_enterpris 10
0 0 0.0601
0.000597 0.000796 0.939
42 econom_freedom 8
0.000398 0 0.0438
0 0 0.956
43 presid_obama 13
0.00716 0.00139 0.0541
0.000398 0 0.937
44 high_unemploy 38
0.00119 0 0.171
0 0 0.828
45 econom_freedom 22
0.00756 0 0.104
0.000398 0 0.888
46 nation_face 37
0.641 0 0.0585
0.00816 0 0.292
47 __NUM___trillion 1
0.0543 0.000199 0.00318
0.646 0 0.297
48 trillion_dollar 0
0.000597 0 0.00577
0.696 0 0.298
49 borrow_monei 47
0.0308 0.00279 0.195
0.534 0 0.237
50 bad_idea 2
0.00358 0.000995 0.0766
0.503 0.00239 0.414
51 lower_tax 4
0.000199 0 0.363
0.206 0 0.43
52 tax_rate 0
0.000199 0 0.0111
0.205 0 0.784
53 tax_code 4
0 0 0.163
0.0595 0 0.777
54 american_economi 5
0.000199 0 0.0892
0.00159 0 0.909
55 presid_obama 6
0.00557 0.000995 0.0297
0.000398 0 0.963
56 fifti_state 89
0.00179 0.000597 0.319
0 0 0.678
57 repeal_obamacar 8
0 0 0.0428
0 0 0.957
58 enterpris_system 8
0.000398 0 0.526
0 0 0.474
59 presid_obama 40
0.127 0.0109 0.16
0.000199 0 0.702
60 polit_connect 18
0.108 0.00557 0.0675
0.111 0.00637 0.701
61 govern_depend 24
0.607 0.000796 0.0227
0.172 0.00159 0.196
62 american_peopl 18
0.17 0 0.0354
0.69 0.000199 0.105
63 ordinari_american 20
0.0951 0.00697 0.0639
0.724 0.000199 0.11
64 feder_mandat 22
0.0454 0.00279 0.0627
0.738 0.00378 0.148
65 tax_credit 4
0.00756 0.000597 0.00318
0.779 0.00577 0.204
66 feder_grant 4
0.000597 0.00259 0.00259
0.782 0.00617 0.206
67 loan_guarante 2
0.00199 0.00139 0.00179
0.778 0.00876 0.208
68 busi_model 24
0.00498 0.00179 0.00378
0.773 0.00856 0.208
69 govern_subsidi 18
0.00577 0.00239 0.00458
0.767 0.00935 0.211
70 loan_guarante 4
0.00219 0.000199 0.00179
0.769 0.0119 0.215
71 corpor_america 18
0.366 0.0173 0.0181
0.474 0.0103 0.114
72 presid_obama 3
0.262 0.00279 0.0593
0.621 0.0237 0.0308
73 hard_work 19
0.246 0 0.0199
0.705 0.000199 0.0283
74 american_peopl 3
0.0221 0 0.03
0.9 0 0.048
75 free_market 50
0.0211 0.031 0.834
0.0553 0 0.0585
76 econom_polici 49
0.0334 0.0804 0.213
0.0217 0.0267 0.625
77 half_year 26
0.00119 0.0113 0.249
0.000597 0.0517 0.686
78 feder_polici 10
0.00517 0.00159 0.0488
0.00159 0.0583 0.885
79 find_work 166
0.0872 0.0555 0.53
0.000796 0.0253 0.302
80 american_spirit 25
0.342 0.0103 0.0565
0.0748 0.0673 0.449
81 good_job 42
0.195 0.00955 0.144
0.3 0.0597 0.291
82 god_bless_america 71
0.638 0.00418 0.00179
0.336 0.0161 0.00378