This speech titled 06.21.2012.Washington.DC originally had 2441 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you for invit me to your annual confer __PUNCT__
it an honor to be here among so mani dedic elect_leader __PUNCT__
i come to you todai as a candid for presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
i will govern from the principl that while thi is a land of extraordinari divers __PUNCT__ there is much more that unit us than divid us __PUNCT__
though each of us walk a differ path in life __PUNCT__ we ar unit by on great __PUNCT__ overwhelm passion __PUNCT__ we love_america __PUNCT__
we believ in america __PUNCT__
we ar on nation __PUNCT__ under god __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ we ar unit not onli by our faith in america __PUNCT__
we ar unit also by our concern for america __PUNCT__
thi countri we love is in peril __PUNCT__
that is why i am run for presid __PUNCT__
almost four year_ago __PUNCT__ american did someth that wa veri much the sort of thing american like to do __PUNCT__ we gave someon new a chanc to lead __PUNCT__ someon we hadn't known for veri long __PUNCT__ who didn't have much of a record but promis to lead us to a better place __PUNCT__
at the time __PUNCT__ we didn't know what sort of a presid he would make __PUNCT__
it wa a moment of crisi for our economi __PUNCT__ and when barack_obama came to offic __PUNCT__ america wish him well and hope for the best __PUNCT__
three and a half_year later __PUNCT__ over __NUM___million_american ar out of work __PUNCT__ underemploi or have just quit look for work __PUNCT__
at a time when we should be gain momentum __PUNCT__ we lose it __PUNCT__
job_growth ha slow and thi week __PUNCT__ we learn that the number of job open ha fallen again __PUNCT__
hispan have been hit disproportion hard __PUNCT__
while nation unemploy is still abov __NUM__ __PUNCT__ hispan unemploy is at __NUM__ __PUNCT__
the middl_class ha been crush under presid_obama __PUNCT__
more american ar live in poverti todai than at ani point in histori __PUNCT__
over two million more hispan ar live in poverti todai than the dai presid obama took offic __PUNCT__
home valu have plung __PUNCT__ our nation_debt is at record level and famili ar buri under higher_price for food and gasolin __PUNCT__
and yet our presid sai the privat_sector is do fine __PUNCT__
thi is more than a polici failur __PUNCT__ it is a moral failur __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i know the presid will sai that he inherit an econom_crisi __PUNCT__
but we shouldn't allow the challeng he face four year_ago to divert our attent from anoth import fact __PUNCT__ the presid pursu polici that have made thi the slowest recoveri sinc the great_depress __PUNCT__
and he broke promis mani were count on to build a brighter futur __PUNCT__
it did not have to be thi wai __PUNCT__
just compar thi presid record with ronald_reagan first term __PUNCT__
presid_reagan also face an econom_crisi __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ in __NUM__ the unemploy_rate peak at nearli __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__
but in the two year that follow __PUNCT__ he deliv a true recoveri __PUNCT__ econom_growth and job_creation were three time higher than in the obama economi __PUNCT__
if presid_obama had deliv a real recoveri __PUNCT__ a reagan recoveri __PUNCT__ we would have five million more job todai __PUNCT__
the unemploy_rate would be about six percent __PUNCT__
and our economi would be at least on trillion_dollar larger __PUNCT__
tomorrow __PUNCT__ presid_obama will speak here __PUNCT__ for the first time sinc hi last campaign __PUNCT__
he mai admit that he hasn't kept everi promis __PUNCT__
and he probabl sai that __PUNCT__ even though you aren't better off todai than you were four year_ago __PUNCT__ thing could be wors __PUNCT__
he impli that you realli don't have an altern __PUNCT__
he take your vote for grant __PUNCT__
i come here todai with a simpl messag __PUNCT__ you do have an altern __PUNCT__
your vote should be respect __PUNCT__
and your voic is more import now than ever befor __PUNCT__
thi __DATE__ __PUNCT__ we make a choic __PUNCT__
we can continu along the path we on __PUNCT__ or we can choos a better wai __PUNCT__
instead of continu with the polici of the last three and a half_year __PUNCT__ we can revit our free __PUNCT__ enterpris economi __PUNCT__
we can lead the world in what we invent and build and creat __PUNCT__
and let me make thi veri clear __PUNCT__ thi is the onli wai we can strengthen the middl_class __PUNCT__
and thi is the onli wai we can creat sustain prosper __PUNCT__
rais_tax to grow govern doe not grow the middl_class __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ i am ask you to join me becaus __PUNCT__ while we mai not agre on everyth __PUNCT__ we share the same goal __PUNCT__ the same vision __PUNCT__ and the same belief in american great that draw so mani to our shore __PUNCT__
liberti torch can burn just as brightli for futur_gener of immigr as it ha burn for immigr past __PUNCT__
we know our busi can't succe __PUNCT__ grow __PUNCT__ and hire more worker without a more competit tax_code __PUNCT__
that why i will lower our corpor_tax tax_rate __PUNCT__ and reduc individu margin_rate by __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ across the board __PUNCT__
we also know that our busi and famili need afford and reliabl energi __PUNCT__
produc more of our energi_resourc will creat_job in america and gener greater revenu for america __PUNCT__
it will also help bring manufactur back to our shore __PUNCT__
we know our economi can't grow if we mortgag our futur to pai for the big_govern govern_program of todai __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will rein in spend and balanc the budget __PUNCT__
and i will repeal_obamacar __PUNCT__
we cannot afford anoth __MONEY___trillion entitl __PUNCT__
obamacar depress job_growth __PUNCT__
in on studi __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent of busi_owner said that obamacar ha made it harder for them to hire_peopl __PUNCT__
repeal_obamacar and replac it will give busi the certainti thei need to hire __PUNCT__ expand __PUNCT__ and grow __PUNCT__
we can also jumpstart our economi by expand trade in our hemispher __PUNCT__
yet __PUNCT__ the presid ha not complet a singl new trade_agreement with latin_america __PUNCT__
and he fail to crack down on countri like china that don't follow the rule __PUNCT__
we know our kid can't succe if thei trap in fail school __PUNCT__
that why __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ i will give the parent of everi low __PUNCT__ incom and special __PUNCT__ need student the chanc to choos where their child goe to school __PUNCT__
when it come to educ __PUNCT__ a choic for everi parent mean a chanc for everi child __PUNCT__
an effect immigr system can also strengthen our economi __PUNCT__ as it ha sinc the nation_found __PUNCT__
unfortun __PUNCT__ despit hi promis __PUNCT__ presid_obama ha fail to address immigr_reform __PUNCT__
for two year __PUNCT__ thi presid had huge major in the hous and senat __PUNCT__ he wa free to pursu ani polici he pleas __PUNCT__
but he did noth to advanc a perman fix for our broken immigr system __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ he fail to act until face a tough re __PUNCT__ elect and try to secur your vote __PUNCT__
last week __PUNCT__ the presid final offer a temporari measur that he seem to think will be just enough to get him through the elect __PUNCT__
after three and a half_year of put everi issu from loan_guarante for hi donor to cash for clunker befor immigr __PUNCT__ now the presid ha been seiz by an overwhelm need to do what he could have done on dai on __PUNCT__
i think you deserv better __PUNCT__
some peopl have ask if i will let stand the presid execut action __PUNCT__
the answer is that i will put in place my own long __PUNCT__ term solut that will replac and supersed the presid temporari measur __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i won't settl for a stop __PUNCT__ gap measur __PUNCT__
i will work with republican and democrat to find a long __PUNCT__ term solut __PUNCT__
i will priorit measur that strengthen legal_immigr and make it easier __PUNCT__
and i will address the problem of illeg_immigr in a civil but resolut manner __PUNCT__
we mai not alwai agre __PUNCT__ but when i make a promis to you __PUNCT__ i will keep it __PUNCT__
let me speak to a few principl that will guid me __PUNCT__
as i have said mani time __PUNCT__ it is critic that we redoubl our effort to secur the border __PUNCT__
that mean both prevent illeg border cross and make it harder to illeg overstai a visa __PUNCT__
we should field enough border_patrol_agent __PUNCT__ complet a high __PUNCT__ tech fenc __PUNCT__ and implement an improv exit verif system __PUNCT__
our immigr system should help promot strong_famili __PUNCT__ not keep them apart __PUNCT__
our nation benefit when mom and dad and their kid ar all live togeth under the same roof __PUNCT__
but __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ too mani famili ar caught in a broken system that cost them time and monei and entangl them in red_tape __PUNCT__
for those seek to come to america the right wai __PUNCT__ that kind of bureaucrat nightmar ha to end __PUNCT__
and we can do thi with just a few common __PUNCT__ sens reform __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will realloc green_card to those seek to keep their famili under on roof __PUNCT__
we will exempt from cap the spous and minor_children of legal perman_resid __PUNCT__
and we will elimin other form of bureaucrat red_tape that keep famili from be togeth __PUNCT__
immigr_reform is not just a moral_imper __PUNCT__ but an econom necess as well __PUNCT__
immigr with advanc degre start compani __PUNCT__ creat_job __PUNCT__ and drive innov at a high_rate __PUNCT__
immigr found or cofound nearli half of our __NUM__ top ventur __PUNCT__ back compani __PUNCT__
thei ar nearli __NUM__ percent more like to start a busi __PUNCT__
and that kind of risk take is someth we need more than ever becaus new busi start ar now at a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year low __PUNCT__
i will work with state and employ to updat our temporari_worker visa program so that it meet our econom need __PUNCT__
and if you get an advanc degre here __PUNCT__ we want you to stai here __PUNCT__ so we will stapl a green_card to your diploma __PUNCT__
we want the best and brightest to enrich the nation through the job and technolog thei will help creat __PUNCT__
we also have a strong tradit in thi countri of honor immigr who join our militari and put their live on the line to keep thi countri safe __PUNCT__
sinc __DATE__ the unit_state ha natur almost __NUM___member of the arm_forc __PUNCT__
too mani of these patriot di on distant battlefield for our freedom befor receiv full_citizenship here in the countri thei call __PUNCT__ home __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will stand for a path to legal_statu for anyon who is will to stand up and defend thi great_nation through militari_servic __PUNCT__
those who have risk their live in defens of america have earn the right to make their life in america __PUNCT__
but improv access to legal_immigr is onli on part of the equat __PUNCT__
we must also make legal immigr more attract than illeg_immigr __PUNCT__ so that peopl ar reward for wait patient in line __PUNCT__
that why my administr will establish a strong employ verif system so that everi busi can know with confid that the peopl it hire ar legal elig for employ __PUNCT__
we can find common_ground here __PUNCT__ and we must __PUNCT__
we ow it to ourselv as american to ensur that our countri remain a land of opportun __PUNCT__ both for those who were born here and for those who share our valu __PUNCT__ respect our law __PUNCT__ and want to come to our shore __PUNCT__
i spoken often about how proud i am of my father __PUNCT__
he wa born to american parent live in mexico __PUNCT__
when he wa five __PUNCT__ thei left everyth behind __PUNCT__ and start over in the unit_state __PUNCT__
hi dad __PUNCT__ my grandfath __PUNCT__ wa a builder who went bust more than onc __PUNCT__
my grandfath didn't make much monei __PUNCT__
there were time in my dad life when he live in poverti __PUNCT__
but my grandfath had big hope for my dad __PUNCT__ and tri to help him as best he could __PUNCT__
my dad didn't finish colleg __PUNCT__
but he believ in a countri where the circumst of on birth were not a barrier to achiev __PUNCT__ and he wasn't afraid of hard_work __PUNCT__
he held odd job __PUNCT__ lath and plaster and sell paint __PUNCT__
he wa lucki enough to live in america __PUNCT__ where hard work can turn aspir into realiti __PUNCT__
and he becam the leader of a great car_compani and the governor of a great state __PUNCT__
thi is my father stori __PUNCT__ but it could be ani american __PUNCT__
most of you here todai ar leader in your commun __PUNCT__
you ar here becaus you have benefit from thi land of opportun __PUNCT__ and you want to give back to thi countri __PUNCT__ to fight for it peopl __PUNCT__ so that thei have the same chanc to succe __PUNCT__
we ar truli on america __PUNCT__
everyon here ha made thi except nation what it is todai __PUNCT__
thi isn't an elect about two peopl __PUNCT__
thi isn't an elect about be a republican __PUNCT__ democrat __PUNCT__ or an independ __PUNCT__
thi is an elect about the futur of america __PUNCT__
i would ask each of you to look at the last three and a half_year __PUNCT__ and ask whether we can do better __PUNCT__
is the america of __NUM__ __PUNCT__ hispan unemploy the america of our dream __PUNCT__ i know we can do better __PUNCT__
we can prosper again __PUNCT__ with the power recoveri we have all been wait for __PUNCT__ the good_job that so mani still need __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ abov all __PUNCT__ the opportun we ow to our children and grandchildren __PUNCT__
thank you all __PUNCT__ and god_bless_america __PUNCT__