Mitt Romney

This speech titled 08.11.2012.Norfolk.VA originally had 893 tokens. You can view the original text here.

ladi and gentlemen __PUNCT__

it great to be back in virginia and here in norfolk __PUNCT__

your citi beauti is onli match by it proud heritag as a defend of freedom __PUNCT__

todai we take anoth step_forward in help restor the promis of america __PUNCT__

as we move_forward in thi campaign and on to help lead the nation to better dai __PUNCT__ it is an honor to announc my run_mate and the next vice_presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ paul_ryan __PUNCT__

paul ryan is a leader __PUNCT__

hi leadership begin with charact and valu __PUNCT__

and paul is a man of tremend charact __PUNCT__ shape in larg_part by hi earli_life __PUNCT__

paul father_di when he wa in high_school __PUNCT__

that forc him to grow up earlier than ani young_man should __PUNCT__

but paul did __PUNCT__ with the help of hi devot mother __PUNCT__ hi brother and sister __PUNCT__ and a support commun __PUNCT__

and as he did __PUNCT__ he intern the virtu and hard __PUNCT__ work_ethic of the midwest __PUNCT__

paul_ryan work in washington __PUNCT__ but hi belief remain firmli root in janesvil __PUNCT__ wisconsin __PUNCT__

he is a person of great steadi __PUNCT__ whose integr is unquest and whose word is good __PUNCT__

paul upbring is obviou in how he ha conduct himself throughout hi life __PUNCT__ includ hi leadership in washington __PUNCT__

in a citi that is far too often character by petti and person_attack __PUNCT__ paul_ryan is a shine except __PUNCT__

he doe not demon hi oppon __PUNCT__

he understand that honor peopl can have honest differ __PUNCT__

and he appeal to the better angel of our natur __PUNCT__

there ar a lot of peopl in the other parti who might disagre with paul ryan __PUNCT__ i don't know of anyon who doesn't respect hi charact and judgment __PUNCT__

paul is in public_life for all the right reason __PUNCT__ not to advanc hi person ambit but to advanc the ideal of freedom and justic __PUNCT__ and to increas opportun and prosper to peopl of everi class and faith __PUNCT__ everi ag and ethnic background __PUNCT__

a faith cathol __PUNCT__ paul believ in the worth and digniti of everi human_life __PUNCT__

with energi and vision __PUNCT__ paul_ryan ha becom an intellectu leader of the republican_parti __PUNCT__

he understand the fiscal challeng_face america __PUNCT__ our explod deficit and crush debt __PUNCT__ and the fiscal catastroph that await us if we don't chang cours __PUNCT__

paul_ryan combin a profound sens of respons for what we ow the next gener with an unbound optim in america_futur and an understand of all the wonder thing the american_peopl can do __PUNCT__

paul also combin firm principl with a practic concern for get thing done __PUNCT__

he ha never been content to simpli curs the dark __PUNCT__ he would rather light candl __PUNCT__

and throughout hi legisl career he shown the abil to work with member of both parti to find common_ground on some of the hardest issu confront the american_peopl __PUNCT__

paul and i ar begin on a journei that will take us to everi corner of america __PUNCT__

we ar offer a posit __PUNCT__ govern agenda that will lead to econom_growth __PUNCT__ to widespread and share_prosper __PUNCT__ and that will improv the live of our fellow_citizen __PUNCT__

our plan to strengthen the middl_class will get america back to work and get our countri_back on track __PUNCT__

we offer solut that ar bold __PUNCT__ specif __PUNCT__ and achiev __PUNCT__

we offer our commit to help creat___NUM__ __NUM___million new job and to bring better take home pai to middl_class class_famili __PUNCT__

to strengthen the middl_class __PUNCT__ we will provid our worker and our children with the skill to succe __PUNCT__

we cut the deficit __PUNCT__ have trade that work for america __PUNCT__ and champion small_busi __PUNCT__

and final __PUNCT__ we will unleash our energi_resourc to achiev north_american american_energi energi_independ __PUNCT__

we will help care for those who cannot care for themselv __PUNCT__ and we will return work to welfar __PUNCT__

as poverti ha risen to histor and tragic level __PUNCT__ with nearli on out of six american now have fallen into poverti __PUNCT__ we will act to bring these famili into the middl_class __PUNCT__

unlik the current presid who ha cut medicar fund by __MONEY___billion __PUNCT__ we will preserv and protect medicar and social_secur __PUNCT__

under the current presid __PUNCT__ healthcar ha onli becom more expens __PUNCT__

we will reform healthcar so that more american have access to afford healthcar __PUNCT__ and we will get that start by repeal and replac obamacar __PUNCT__

and at a time when the presid campaign is take american_polit to new low __PUNCT__ we ar go to do thing differ __PUNCT__

we ar go to talk about aspir and american_ideal __PUNCT__ about bring_peopl togeth to solv the urgent problem_face our nation __PUNCT__

and when that messag win in america __PUNCT__ it will be a victori for everi american __PUNCT__

todai is a good dai for america __PUNCT__

and there ar better dai ahead __PUNCT__

join me in welcom the next vice_presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ paul_ryan __PUNCT__