This speech titled 08.14.2012.Chillicothe.OH originally had 2119 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__ ohio __PUNCT__
it good to be back in the buckey state __PUNCT__
and it a privileg to be here with two good_friend __PUNCT__ your great governor __PUNCT__ john kasich and your outstand senat __PUNCT__ rob portman __PUNCT__
governor kasich is do a great job despit the head wind from washington __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i can't wait to work with senat portman to turn those obama headwind into pro __PUNCT__ job polici that will help work_famili all across ohio __PUNCT__
tonight __PUNCT__ we wrap up our five __PUNCT__ state bu_tour to town big and small __PUNCT__
that trip reconfirm to me just how import thi elect is __PUNCT__ and why we need to chang the direct of the countri by chang the current occup of the oval_offic __PUNCT__
we start out on the deck of a battleship in norfolk __PUNCT__ virginia __PUNCT__ where arbitrari and reckless defens cut threaten our nation_secur and __NUM___job __PUNCT__
from there it wa on to north_carolina __PUNCT__ through town that have lost thousand and thousand of manufactur_job __PUNCT__
and yesterdai we were in florida __PUNCT__ where famili ar still struggl with the obama economi __PUNCT__
the peopl i met on thi tour __PUNCT__ and the thousand of american i visit in break room and lunch room __PUNCT__ in school gymnasium and on factori floor __PUNCT__ ar worri about their children __PUNCT__ their job __PUNCT__ their mortgag __PUNCT__ and their futur __PUNCT__
and thei ar right to be worri __PUNCT__
all across the countri __PUNCT__ i met peopl who ar hurt __PUNCT__
some have lost their job __PUNCT__ other work two job just to get by __PUNCT__
some have fallen out of the middl_class and now thei struggl to get back to where thei start __PUNCT__
the cost of live keep go up __PUNCT__ and thei live paycheck to paycheck __PUNCT__
thei ar tire of be tire __PUNCT__
and tonight __PUNCT__ i like to sai to each of them __PUNCT__ you have not been forgotten __PUNCT__
we will not leav you behind __PUNCT__
thi is america __PUNCT__
we ar american __PUNCT__
it doesn't have to be thi wai __PUNCT__
unemploy ha been abov __NUM__ percent for __NUM__ straight month __PUNCT__
we will put american back to work __PUNCT__
half of recent colleg_graduat can't find_work or a job that match their skill __PUNCT__
we get good_job for our kid __PUNCT__
nearli on out of six american ar in poverti todai __PUNCT__
thi is a disgrac we will end __PUNCT__
and presid_obama ha amass five trillion_dollar of debt __PUNCT__ nearli as much debt held by the public as all other presid combin __PUNCT__
we will end thi moral failur __PUNCT__
after four year __PUNCT__ it clear that presid_obama obama_polici aren't fix these problem __PUNCT__ thei make them wors __PUNCT__
that is why ohio will lead the wai by elect a new presid on __DATE__ __PUNCT__
for the first time __PUNCT__ most american believ that our best dai ar behind us __PUNCT__
thi is an elect in which we should be talk about the path ahead __PUNCT__ but you don't hear ani answer come from presid_obama re __PUNCT__ elect_campaign __PUNCT__
that becaus he intellectu exhaust __PUNCT__ out of idea __PUNCT__ and out of energi __PUNCT__
and so hi campaign ha resort to divers and distract __PUNCT__ to demagogu and defam other __PUNCT__
thi is an old game in polit __PUNCT__ what differ thi year is that the presid is take thing to a new low __PUNCT__
it wasn't suppos to be thi wai __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ candid_obama said __PUNCT__ if you don't have ani fresh idea __PUNCT__ then you us stale tactic to scare voter __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ if you don't have a record to run on __PUNCT__ then you paint your oppon as someon peopl should run from __PUNCT__ and that __PUNCT__ he told us __PUNCT__ is how __PUNCT__ you make a big elect about small_thing __PUNCT__
that wa candid_obama describ the strategi that is the now the heart of hi campaign __PUNCT__
hi campaign and hi surrog have made wild and reckless accus that disgrac the offic of the presid __PUNCT__
anoth outrag charg came a few hour ago in virginia __PUNCT__
and the white_hous sink a littl bit lower __PUNCT__
thi is what an angri and desper presid look like __PUNCT__
presid_obama know better __PUNCT__ promis better and america deserv better __PUNCT__
over the last four year __PUNCT__ thi presid ha push republican and democrat as far apart as thei can go __PUNCT__
and now he and hi alli ar push us all even further apart by divid us into group __PUNCT__
he demon some __PUNCT__
he pander to other __PUNCT__
hi campaign strategi is to smash america apart and then cobbl togeth __NUM__ percent of the piec __PUNCT__
if an american_presid win that wai __PUNCT__ we all lose __PUNCT__
but he won't win that wai __PUNCT__
america is on nation under god __PUNCT__
american_histori ha been a stori of the mani becom on __PUNCT__ unit to preserv liberti __PUNCT__ unit to build the greatest economi in the world __PUNCT__ unit to save the world from unspeak dark __PUNCT__
everywher i go in america there ar monument that list those who have given their live __PUNCT__
there is no mention of their race __PUNCT__ their parti_affili or what thei did for a live __PUNCT__
thei live and di under a singl flag fight for a singl purpos __PUNCT__
thei pledg_allegi to the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ take your campaign of divis and anger and hate back to chicago and let us get about rebuild and reunit america __PUNCT__
thi elect is about restor the promis of america __PUNCT__
it a choic between two vision for our nation_futur __PUNCT__
it about the challeng america_face __PUNCT__
it is about a better tomorrow and a better futur __PUNCT__
we don't need more excus __PUNCT__
we don't need more blame __PUNCT__
we don't need more small __PUNCT__ mind attack __PUNCT__
what we realli need is a new presid __PUNCT__
voter deserv an honest debat __PUNCT__
and that what paul_ryan and i will give them __PUNCT__
paul and i have a posit agenda that will lead to econom_growth __PUNCT__ to widespread and share_prosper that will improv the live of our fellow_citizen __PUNCT__
our plan for a stronger middl_class will get america back to work and get our countri_back on track __PUNCT__
we ar offer solut that ar bold __PUNCT__ specif __PUNCT__ and achiev __PUNCT__
we commit to help creat___NUM__ __NUM___million new job and to bring better take __PUNCT__ home pai to middl_class class_famili __PUNCT__
my plan focus on five thing __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ energi_independ __PUNCT__
we will achiev north_america energi_independ by __NUM__ by take full advantag of our oil __PUNCT__ our ga __PUNCT__ our coal __PUNCT__ our renew and our nuclear_power __PUNCT__
abund __PUNCT__ inexpens __PUNCT__ domest energi will not onli creat energi job __PUNCT__ it will bring_back manufactur_job __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ we must give our worker and our children the skill thei need to succe __PUNCT__
our nation cannot continu to fail in public_educ __PUNCT__
for too long __PUNCT__ we have let the agenda of union_boss steer the agenda of our school __PUNCT__
it is time to put our kid and their parent and their teacher first __PUNCT__ and the union boss behind __PUNCT__
third __PUNCT__ trade must work for america __PUNCT__
we ar on of the world most product nation __PUNCT__
trade creat_job and rais take __PUNCT__ home pai for american_worker __PUNCT__
we must open more door for trade in latin_america __PUNCT__ where there is a grow middl_class __PUNCT__
but when ani nation cheat __PUNCT__ as china ha cheat __PUNCT__ we must make sure that there ar clear and compel consequ __PUNCT__
fourth __PUNCT__ we will do what politician in both parti have been promis for year __PUNCT__ but have fail to do __PUNCT__
we will cut_spend __PUNCT__ shrink deficit __PUNCT__ and put america on track to a balanc_budget __PUNCT__
fifth __PUNCT__ we will champion small_busi __PUNCT__
unlik presid_obama __PUNCT__ i won't rais_tax on small_busi __PUNCT__
i make sure regul protect the public __PUNCT__ but that thei stop kill our job __PUNCT__
i will remov the crippl uncertainti that is prevent busi from hire __PUNCT__
that begin by repeal_obamacar __PUNCT__
it bad for job and it bad for senior __PUNCT__
if the presid is re __PUNCT__ elect __PUNCT__ he will succe in raid __MONEY___billion from medicar __PUNCT__ from the trust_fund you have paid into all your live __PUNCT__ to pai for obamacar __PUNCT__
he is take your monei to financ hi riski and unproven takeov of the health __PUNCT__ care_system __PUNCT__
he is put medicar at greater risk __PUNCT__
he is put health_care at greater risk __PUNCT__
he is put your job at greater risk __PUNCT__
we must not let obamacar happen __PUNCT__
if we focu on these five area __PUNCT__ energi __PUNCT__ educ __PUNCT__ trade __PUNCT__ deficit __PUNCT__ and champion small_busi __PUNCT__ america_economi will come roar back to life __PUNCT__
and we will final see a comeback for america middl_class __PUNCT__
my plan is base on proven principl that will produc real result __PUNCT__
i spent __NUM___year in busi __PUNCT__ and i know what it take for the privat_sector to creat_job __PUNCT__
i know why job go awai __PUNCT__ what it take to bring them back __PUNCT__ and what we must do to make_america the best place in the world for entrepreneur and innov and job creator __PUNCT__
my five __PUNCT__ point_plan will bring more job and more take __PUNCT__ home pai for middl __PUNCT__ class_american __PUNCT__
peopl ask me why i think the presid polici have been such a disappoint __PUNCT__
i just don't think presid_obama understand what it is that drive our economi __PUNCT__
america run on freedom __PUNCT__
free_men and women __PUNCT__ pursu their dream __PUNCT__ work_hard to build a better futur for their famili __PUNCT__
thi is what propel our economi __PUNCT__
when an american succe __PUNCT__ when she win a promot __PUNCT__ when he creat a busi __PUNCT__ it is that individu __PUNCT__ that american that ha earn it __PUNCT__ that ha built it __PUNCT__
govern doe not build our busi __PUNCT__ the american_peopl do __PUNCT__
the american peopl also build the govern __PUNCT__
we pai for it with our tax __PUNCT__
we choos who will lead us with our vote __PUNCT__
do you want a presid who believ that your right come from god __PUNCT__ not from govern __PUNCT__
do you want a presid who honor your right to pursu_happi __PUNCT__ not as govern command __PUNCT__ but as you choos __PUNCT__
do you want a presid who will work everi dai to bring us togeth __PUNCT__ not tear us apart __PUNCT__
do you want a presid who will celebr success __PUNCT__ not attack it __PUNCT__
do you want a presid who will never __PUNCT__ ever apolog for the greatest nation on earth __PUNCT__
with your support __PUNCT__ i will be that presid __PUNCT__
we ar __NUM___dai awai from the start of the better futur we deserv __PUNCT__
we need new leadership __PUNCT__ and new idea __PUNCT__ and a new approach __PUNCT__ becaus four year of failur is enough __PUNCT__
paul_ryan and i believ in america __PUNCT__ and in thi elect __PUNCT__ we offer american a clear and honest choic __PUNCT__
everi singl_dai we go to do our part __PUNCT__
and we need you to do your __PUNCT__
i commit to you that i will be the presid that thi moment demand __PUNCT__
i will work to strengthen our famili __PUNCT__ to rebuild our economi and to keep our militari second to none in the world __PUNCT__
i ask you to commit like never befor over the next __NUM___dai __PUNCT__
thi elect can come down to just on more vote __PUNCT__
i ask you find that vote __PUNCT__
ask on more person to join our campaign __PUNCT__
ask on more person to join us who support presid_obama four year_ago and didn't get the chang thei deserv __PUNCT__
on more vote can make the differ in ohio __PUNCT__
and ohio will make the differ for america __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
god_bless you __PUNCT__
and god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__