This speech titled 09.03.2008.Minneapolis.MN originally had 1084 tokens. You can view the original text here.
for decad __PUNCT__ the washington sun ha been rise in the east __PUNCT__ washington ha been look to the eastern elit __PUNCT__ to the editori_page of the time and the post __PUNCT__ and to the broadcast from the coast __PUNCT__
if america realli want chang __PUNCT__ it time to look for the sun in the west __PUNCT__ caus it about to rise and shine from arizona and alaska __PUNCT__
last week __PUNCT__ the democrat talk about chang __PUNCT__
but let me ask you __PUNCT__ what do you think washington is right now __PUNCT__ liber or conserv __PUNCT__ is a suprem_court court_liber or conserv that award guantanamo terrorist with constitut right __PUNCT__ it liber __PUNCT__ is a govern liber or conserv that put the interest of the teacher_union ahead of the need of our children __PUNCT__ it liber __PUNCT__
is a congress liber or conserv that stop nuclear_power_plant and off __PUNCT__ shore drill __PUNCT__ make us more and more depend on middl_east tyrant __PUNCT__ it liber __PUNCT__
is govern_spend __PUNCT__ exclud inflat __PUNCT__ liber or conserv if it doubl sinc __NUM__ __PUNCT__ it liber __PUNCT__
we need chang all right __PUNCT__ chang from a liber washington to a conserv_washington __PUNCT__ we have a prescript for everi american who want chang in washington __PUNCT__ throw out the big_govern liber and elect john_mccain __PUNCT__
it the same prescript for a stronger economi __PUNCT__
i spent __NUM___year in the privat_sector __PUNCT__
i done busi in mani foreign_countri __PUNCT__
i know why job come and why thei go awai __PUNCT__
and i know that liber don't have a clue __PUNCT__
thei think we have the biggest and strongest economi in the world becaus of our govern __PUNCT__
thei wrong __PUNCT__
america is strong becaus of the ingenu and entrepreneurship and hard_work of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
the american peopl have alwai been the sourc of our nation strength and thei alwai will be __PUNCT__
we strengthen our peopl and our economi when we preserv and promot opportun __PUNCT__
opportun is what let hope becom realiti __PUNCT__
opportun expand when there is excel and choic in educ __PUNCT__ when tax ar lower __PUNCT__ when everi citizen ha afford __PUNCT__ portabl health_insur __PUNCT__ and when constitut freedom ar preserv __PUNCT__
opportun rise when children ar rais in home and school that ar free from pornographi __PUNCT__ promiscu and drug __PUNCT__ in home that ar bless with famili valu and the presenc of a father and a mother __PUNCT__
america cannot long lead the famili of nation if we fail the famili here at home __PUNCT__
liber would replac opportun with depend on govern largess __PUNCT__
thei grow govern and rais_tax to put more peopl on medicaid __PUNCT__ to take work_requir out of welfar __PUNCT__ and to grow the rank of those who pai no tax at all __PUNCT__
depend is death to initi __PUNCT__ risk __PUNCT__ take and opportun __PUNCT__
it is time to stop the spread of govern_depend to fight it like the poison it is __PUNCT__
it time for the parti of big_idea __PUNCT__ not the parti of big_brother __PUNCT__
our economi is under attack __PUNCT__
china is act like adam_smith on steroid __PUNCT__ bui oil from the world worst __PUNCT__ and sell nuclear_technolog __PUNCT__
russia and the oil state ar siphon more than __NUM___billion billion_dollar a year from us in what could becom the greatest transfer of econom wealth in histori __PUNCT__
thi is no time for timid __PUNCT__ liber empti gestur __PUNCT__
our economi ha slow down thi year and a lot of peopl ar hurt __PUNCT__
what happen __PUNCT__ mortgag monei wa hand out like candi __PUNCT__ specul bought home for free __PUNCT__ when thi mortgag mania final broke __PUNCT__ it slam the economi __PUNCT__
and stratospher ga_price made thing even wors __PUNCT__
democrat want to us the slowdown as an excus to do what their special_interest ar alwai beg for __PUNCT__ higher_tax __PUNCT__ bigger_govern and less trade with other nation __PUNCT__
it the same path europ took a few decad_ago __PUNCT__
it lead to moribund growth and doubl __PUNCT__ digit unemploy __PUNCT__
the right cours is the on champion by ronald_reagan __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__ and by john_mccain todai __PUNCT__
it is to rein in govern_spend and to lower_tax __PUNCT__ for take a weed __PUNCT__ whacker to excess regul and mandat __PUNCT__ for put a stop to tort windfal __PUNCT__ and to stand up to the tyrannosauru appetit of govern_union __PUNCT__
it is to pursu everi sourc of energi_secur __PUNCT__ from new effici to renew __PUNCT__ from clean_coal to non __PUNCT__ co2 produc nuclear __PUNCT__ and the immedi drill for more oil off of our shore __PUNCT__ and i have on more recommend for energi conserv __PUNCT__ let keep al_gore privat_jet on the ground __PUNCT__
did you hear ani democrat talk last week about the threat from radic __PUNCT__ violent_jihad __PUNCT__ republican believ that there is good and evil in the world __PUNCT__
ronald_reagan call __PUNCT__ out the evil_empir __PUNCT__
bush label the terror __PUNCT__ sponsor state the axi of evil __PUNCT__
and at saddleback __PUNCT__ after barak obama dodg and duck everi direct question __PUNCT__ john_mccain hit the nail on the head __PUNCT__ radic violent islam is evil __PUNCT__ and he will defeat it __PUNCT__
republican prefer straight talk to polit_correct talk __PUNCT__
republican __PUNCT__ led by john_mccain and sarah_palin __PUNCT__ will fight to preserv the valu that have preserv the nation __PUNCT__
we will strengthen our economi and keep us from be held hostag by putin __PUNCT__ chavez and ahmadinejad __PUNCT__
and we will never allow america to retreat in the face of evil extrem __PUNCT__
just like you __PUNCT__ there ha never been a dai when i wa not proud to be an american __PUNCT__
we inherit the greatest nation in the histori of the earth __PUNCT__
it is our burden and privileg to preserv it __PUNCT__ to renew it spirit so that it nobl past is prologu to it gloriou futur __PUNCT__
to thi we ar all dedic and i firmli believ __PUNCT__ by the provid of the almighti __PUNCT__ that we will succe __PUNCT__
presid mccain and vice_presid palin will keep america as it ha alwai been __PUNCT__ the hope of the world __PUNCT__