This speech titled 09.17.2012.LosAngeles.CA originally had 3064 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__ hector __PUNCT__ for that warm introduct __PUNCT__
and congratul to cristina __PUNCT__
i pleas to be your guest __PUNCT__ and to speak as we begin nation hispan heritag month __PUNCT__
i also pleas to repres the parti of governor susana martinez __PUNCT__ governor brian sandov __PUNCT__ governor lui fortuno __PUNCT__ senat marco rubio __PUNCT__ and the texa republican_candid for u. __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ ted cruz __PUNCT__
these leader ar republican for the same reason as million of other hispan __PUNCT__ thei see that our is the parti of opportun __PUNCT__ the parti that will restor america prosper __PUNCT__
at our convent __PUNCT__ governor martinez describ an experi you mai find familiar __PUNCT__
at the begin of her polit_career __PUNCT__ she wa a democrat __PUNCT__
as her star began to rise __PUNCT__ she and her husband accept an invit from two republican for lunch __PUNCT__
the word __PUNCT__ democrat __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ republican __PUNCT__ never came up __PUNCT__
thei talk about issu __PUNCT__ not about parti __PUNCT__ how do we keep welfar from becom a barrier to work __PUNCT__ how much govern is need befor it becom a burden to famili and small_busi __PUNCT__
when the lunch wa over __PUNCT__ she turn to her husband and said __PUNCT__ i be darn __PUNCT__ we republican __PUNCT__
i love hear stori like that __PUNCT__
i am convinc that the republican_parti is the right home of hispan_american __PUNCT__
but my speech todai isn't about my polit_parti __PUNCT__
it about the countri we love and the futur we want to build __PUNCT__
dure the cours of thi campaign __PUNCT__ i have travel across our countri __PUNCT__
i have seen peopl who have fallen into poverti __PUNCT__ peopl who ar live paycheck to paycheck __PUNCT__ peopl who ar tire of be tire __PUNCT__
over __NUM___million_american ar out of work __PUNCT__ underemploi __PUNCT__ or have just quit look for a job __PUNCT__
the number of peopl on food_stamp ha risen by almost __NUM___million sinc presid_obama took offic __PUNCT__
median household_incom ha fallen four year in a row __PUNCT__
see such a poor_job and incom pictur __PUNCT__ the feder_reserv ha announc that it will onc again print more monei __PUNCT__
the fed know thi come with a high_cost and risk for the futur __PUNCT__ but it feel it ha no choic __PUNCT__ our leader in washington have fail to produc a real recoveri __PUNCT__
no on is exempt from the pain of thi economi __PUNCT__ but the hispan commun ha been particularli hard hit __PUNCT__
while nation unemploy is __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ hispan unemploy is over __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__
over two million more hispan ar live in poverti todai than the dai presid_obama took offic __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ candid_obama obama_promis us a world of limitless hope __PUNCT__
what we got instead is a world where hope ha pain limit __PUNCT__ limit that make it harder to start a busi __PUNCT__ to grow a busi __PUNCT__ or to find a job __PUNCT__
the administr promis us that it polici would have brought unemploy down to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ by now __PUNCT__
thei have not __PUNCT__
unemploy is still abov __NUM__ __PUNCT__
and the differ between the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ thei promis and the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ thei deliv is __NUM___million more american not work __PUNCT__
__NUM__ million __PUNCT__
i expect the presid __PUNCT__ at hi convent __PUNCT__ to talk about the unemploi and to unveil a job plan __PUNCT__
astonishingli __PUNCT__ he did not __PUNCT__
i have a plan __PUNCT__ and my plan for a stronger middl_class will creat___NUM__ __NUM___million_job by the end of my first term __PUNCT__
and it will rais take home pai __PUNCT__
my plan is premis on the convict that it is freedom that drive our economi __PUNCT__ that free_peopl __PUNCT__ creat free_enterpris __PUNCT__ is what creat good_job with good wage __PUNCT__
govern_support the job creator __PUNCT__ but it cannot take their place __PUNCT__
my plan ha five step __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ we will take full advantag of our oil __PUNCT__ ga __PUNCT__ coal __PUNCT__ nuclear_power __PUNCT__ and renew to achiev north_american american_energi energi_independ in __NUM___year __PUNCT__
that will not onli give us the afford __PUNCT__ reliabl energi we need __PUNCT__ it will also creat nearli __NUM___million_job __PUNCT__
and it will help bring manufactur back to our shore __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ we must give our fellow_citizen the skill thei need for the job of todai __PUNCT__ and give our children the educ thei need for the career of tomorrow __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ too mani of our kid ar trap in fail school __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will fight to ensur that children from everi background receiv a qualiti_educ __PUNCT__
i will empow the parent of our low __PUNCT__ incom and special __PUNCT__ need student to choos where their child goe to school __PUNCT__
third __PUNCT__ we will make trade work for america by forg new agreement with nation that plai by the rule __PUNCT__ while crack down on nation that do not __PUNCT__
we can jumpstart our economi by expand trade with latin_america __PUNCT__ and our nation __NUM___million hispan __PUNCT__ own busi will have the most to gain __PUNCT__
presid_obama ha not initi a singl new trade_agreement with latin_america __PUNCT__
i will __PUNCT__
i will also pursu a comprehens strategi to confront china unfair trade practic from dai on __PUNCT__
presid_obama mai think that announc new trade case less than two month from elect_dai will distract from hi record __PUNCT__ but the american_busi and worker struggl on an uneven plai_field know better __PUNCT__
if i known all it took to get him to take action wa to run an ad cite hi inact on china cheat __PUNCT__ i would have run on long_ago __PUNCT__
fourth __PUNCT__ we must cut the deficit and put america on track to a balanc_budget __PUNCT__
i believ that it is immor for us to continu to spend more than we take in __PUNCT__ to pass massiv debt on to our children __PUNCT__
i like to spend some time talk about thi issu in particular __PUNCT__
as businessmen and women __PUNCT__ and as hispan __PUNCT__ you understand the threat presid_obama spend pose for our futur __PUNCT__
mani hispan have sacrif greatli to help build our countri and our economi __PUNCT__ and to leav for their children a brighter futur __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ those sacrific ar be put at risk by a presid who cannot stop spend __PUNCT__
the presid like to claim he will reduc the deficit by __MONEY___trillion __PUNCT__
what he doesn't tell you is that he includ over __MONEY__ trillion in spend_cut that have alreadi been enact __PUNCT__ or that he count deficit_reduct for __NUM___year __PUNCT__
ye that right __PUNCT__ __NUM__ year after he leav_offic __PUNCT__ even if he reelect __PUNCT__
under presid_obama __PUNCT__ feder_spend peak at __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of gdp __PUNCT__ a level not seen sinc world_war_ii __PUNCT__
i propos to bring feder_spend back to it histor level __PUNCT__ about __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of gdp __PUNCT__ and cap it there __PUNCT__
i will pursu a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ cut in non __PUNCT__ secur discretionari_spend on my first dai in offic __PUNCT__
it time for a presid who is commit to cut_spend and balanc our budget __PUNCT__
i know how to balanc_budget __PUNCT__
we balanc our budget in my busi __PUNCT__ at the olymp __PUNCT__ and everi year in my state __PUNCT__
i will put the feder_govern on a track to a balanc_budget by elimin program that ar not absolut essenti and cut feder subsidi for thing like amtrak __PUNCT__ the corpor for public_broadcast __PUNCT__ the legal servic corpor __PUNCT__ and the nation_endow for the art and human __PUNCT__
i like some of these thing but we just can't afford them __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ my test is thi __PUNCT__ is the program so critic that it is worth borrow_monei from china to pai for it __PUNCT__
in addit __PUNCT__ i will send a number of program that have been grow uncontrol fast back to the state where i will limit their fund growth to the rate of inflat __PUNCT__ or in the case of medicaid __PUNCT__ to inflat plu on percent __PUNCT__
and final __PUNCT__ i will look to sharpli increas the product of washington by reduc feder_govern employ by __NUM__ __PUNCT__ through attrit __PUNCT__ by combin agenc and depart to reduc overhead __PUNCT__ by crack down on the __MONEY___billion a year in improp payment in govern_program __PUNCT__ and by align govern compens with that of the privat_sector __PUNCT__
these thing combin will reduc spend by about __MONEY___billion a year by the end of my first term __PUNCT__
the presid ha put us on the road to greec __PUNCT__
i will put us back on the road to a stronger america __PUNCT__ on which stop spend more than we take in __PUNCT__
fifth __PUNCT__ to get our economi creat the job we need __PUNCT__ we must champion small_busi __PUNCT__
i start a busi myself __PUNCT__
we began with ten peopl __PUNCT__ todai it emploi hundr of peopl __PUNCT__
we invest to help start up other small busi __PUNCT__
todai over __NUM___peopl peopl_work at compani we help start __PUNCT__ compani like stapl __PUNCT__ bright horizon __PUNCT__ the sport author __PUNCT__ and steel dynam __PUNCT__
small_busi often grow into larg busi __PUNCT__
two __PUNCT__ third of american_job creat over the last __NUM___year were creat by small_busi __PUNCT__
i know small busi __PUNCT__ not becaus i studi it in school __PUNCT__ but becaus i live small busi __PUNCT__
and i know that small busi ar be crush by presid_obama obama_polici __PUNCT__
too often __PUNCT__ govern_regul treat busi like the enemi __PUNCT__ and thei crush them with an avalanch of regul __PUNCT__
and then there ar tax __PUNCT__
i met an electron entrepreneur in st __PUNCT__ loui __PUNCT__
he said that he and hi son calcul how much thei paid to the govern in feder_incom_tax __PUNCT__ payrol_tax __PUNCT__ state_incom incom_tax __PUNCT__ gasolin_tax __PUNCT__ sale_tax and real_estat estat_tax __PUNCT__
it amount to over half of what hi busi earn __PUNCT__
over half __PUNCT__ no wonder busi start __PUNCT__ up ar at a thirti __PUNCT__ year low __PUNCT__
but the presid plan to rais the feder_incom_tax on small_busi even more __PUNCT__ from __NUM__ __PUNCT__ up to __NUM__ __PUNCT__
that will kill___NUM__ __NUM___job __PUNCT__
a recent_studi conclud that my plan to reduc the tax_rate on small_busi will instead creat___NUM__ __NUM___million_job __PUNCT__
and let talk about obamacar for a moment __PUNCT__ and how it is affect job __PUNCT__
the chamber of commerc survei __NUM__ of it member __PUNCT__
it found that three __PUNCT__ quarter of them said thei ar less like to hire_peopl becaus of obamacar __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ i know that we need healthcar_reform __PUNCT__ but obamacar is the wrong wai to go about it __PUNCT__
obamacar will replac consum_choic with govern choic __PUNCT__ it will caus health_insur insur_premium to skyrocket __PUNCT__ and it is alreadi depress job_creation __PUNCT__
i will repeal and replac obamacar with reform that increas choic __PUNCT__ slow down the runawai growth of insur cost __PUNCT__ and open the door to more new job __PUNCT__
i am confid that if we do those five thing __PUNCT__ take advantag of our energi_resourc __PUNCT__ fix our school __PUNCT__ open more trade __PUNCT__ cut the deficit __PUNCT__ and champion small_busi __PUNCT__ our economi and our job will come roar back __PUNCT__
we can do better than thi lacklust economi __PUNCT__
my confid come from the entrepreneur i have met across the countri __PUNCT__
we in a room full of hardwork entrepreneur right here __PUNCT__
martha de_la torr is here __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ martha co __PUNCT__ found el clasificado __PUNCT__ a spanish __PUNCT__ languag weekli __PUNCT__
classifi ad __PUNCT__ now there a tough busi __PUNCT__
but martha adapt with the time __PUNCT__
she becam an expert in search_engin market __PUNCT__
and she turn __URL__ into an onlin powerhous __PUNCT__
we join by anoth success entrepreneur __PUNCT__ doren dominguez __PUNCT__
doren overse on of the nation top construct manag firm __PUNCT__
she been collect so mani award for leadership thi year __PUNCT__ we lucki she didn't have a conflict on her calendar todai __PUNCT__
i believ in entrepreneur like martha and doren __PUNCT__
i believ the credit for their hard_work goe to them __PUNCT__ not to the govern __PUNCT__
and i sure don't believ that the govern should take more of what thei earn awai from them __PUNCT__
thi is at the heart of the differ between presid_obama vision and mine for the american_economi __PUNCT__ he want govern to tax more and regul more becaus he believ govern can do a better job than you can __PUNCT__
i believ in you __PUNCT__
i believ you can do a better job than govern __PUNCT__
i believ that you __PUNCT__ and that your dream and freedom __PUNCT__ will build a stronger futur for all of us __PUNCT__ and for our children __PUNCT__
thi belief in free_peopl and free_enterpris is the american heritag __PUNCT__
thi is why america ha outperform the world __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ i want to sai a word about immigr __PUNCT__
american mai disagre about how to fix our immigr system __PUNCT__ but i think we can all agre that it is broken __PUNCT__
for year __PUNCT__ republican and democrat seem to have been more interest in plai polit with immigr than with actual fix it __PUNCT__
candid_obama said that on of hi highest prioriti would be to fix immigr in hi first year in offic __PUNCT__
despit hi parti have major in both hous of congress __PUNCT__ the presid never even offer up a bill __PUNCT__
like so mani issu confront our nation __PUNCT__ when it come to immigr __PUNCT__ polit ha been put ahead of peopl for too long __PUNCT__
i will work with republican and democrat to perman fix our immigr system __PUNCT__
we will never achiev a legal_immigr system that is fair and effici if we do not first get control of our border __PUNCT__
i believ we can all agre that what we need ar fair and enforc immigr_law that will stem the flow of illeg_immigr __PUNCT__ while strengthen legal_immigr __PUNCT__
i want to make the system far more simpl and transpar __PUNCT__ you shouldn't have to hire lawyer to find out how to legal immigr to the unit_state __PUNCT__
i will shift our divers visa to instead bring togeth immedi famili_member __PUNCT__
i will structur our temporari_worker visa program so that it meet the need of our employ __PUNCT__
and if someon get an advanc degre __PUNCT__ i want them to stai here __PUNCT__ so i stapl a green_card to their diploma __PUNCT__
america is a nation of immigr __PUNCT__ and immigr is essenti to our econom_growth and prosper __PUNCT__
on million_immigr legal enter america everi year __PUNCT__ the largest_number of ani countri in the world __PUNCT__
i like that __PUNCT__
i want to preserv our heritag of robust legal_immigr __PUNCT__
and i want to make sure that those who abid by the law and wait in line to immigr here legal ar not at a disadvantag __PUNCT__
that why i oppos amnesti __PUNCT__ becaus amnesti will make it harder __PUNCT__ not easier to strengthen our legal immigr system __PUNCT__
it also why my administr will establish an employ verif system so that everi busi can know whether the peopl it hire ar legal elig for employ __PUNCT__
if a busi cheat __PUNCT__ there will be strict penalti for that busi __PUNCT__
in the midst of a difficult re __PUNCT__ elect __PUNCT__ presid_obama creat what he call a __PUNCT__ stopgap measur __PUNCT__ for children who were brought here illeg __PUNCT__ through no fault of their own __PUNCT__
instead of plai immigr polit with these children __PUNCT__ i will pursu perman immigr_reform __PUNCT__ and i will start by ensur that those who serv in our militari have the opportun to becom legal perman_resid of the countri thei fought to defend __PUNCT__
those who have risk their live in defens of america have earn the right to make their life in america __PUNCT__
i spoken often about how proud i am of my father __PUNCT__
he wa born to american parent live in mexico __PUNCT__
when he wa five __PUNCT__ thei left everyth behind __PUNCT__ and start over in the unit_state __PUNCT__
my dad grew up poor __PUNCT__
but he believ in a countri where the circumst of on birth were not a barrier to achiev __PUNCT__ a place where hard_work could turn dream into realiti __PUNCT__
he went from sell paint out of the trunk of hi car to becom the leader of a great car_compani and the governor of a great state __PUNCT__
my wife ann father wa a first gener immigr __PUNCT__
he end up found a success manufactur compani that made compon and equip for ship in the unit_state navi __PUNCT__
mani of you in thi room have similar stori __PUNCT__
that is the american stori __PUNCT__
it is a stori that is told over and over again __PUNCT__
it is the stori of the american_dream __PUNCT__
the american dream is not gone __PUNCT__ it ha just been put a littl further from reach __PUNCT__
i know what it take to bring it back __PUNCT__ to have it inspir our children just as it inspir our father and mother __PUNCT__
thei sacrif so much __PUNCT__ so that we might have it as part of our live __PUNCT__
now it is our turn __PUNCT__ our respons to restor the opportun and prosper and dream that have invigor thi nation from it begin __PUNCT__
it a respons we must fulfil __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ and god_bless_america __PUNCT__