Mitt Romney

This speech titled 09.19.2009.Washington.DC originally had 2563 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you all veri much __PUNCT__

toni __PUNCT__ i appreci your veri kind word __PUNCT__

and my thank to all of you for the warm welcom __PUNCT__

it good to see so mani friend and leader of the conserv_movement from across america __PUNCT__

a year_ago __PUNCT__ there were quit a few peopl who were readi to write off thi movement __PUNCT__

thei were enthral by barack_obama obama_promis of near __PUNCT__ biblic transform __PUNCT__

their leg were tingl __PUNCT__

he spoke majest __PUNCT__ frame by greek column __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ he can still spin a speech __PUNCT__ but he can't spin hi record __PUNCT__

i bet you never dream you look back at jimmi_carter as the good old dai __PUNCT__

i had the pleasur of attend the valu voter summit everi year sinc __NUM__ __PUNCT__

i know that what bring us togeth is our allegi to import and endur valu __PUNCT__ the secur of our countri __PUNCT__ the defens of freedom in the world __PUNCT__ the success of our free_enterpris enterpris_system __PUNCT__ and the fundament right of everi person __PUNCT__ includ the right to life itself __PUNCT__ these caus unit us __PUNCT__ and thei inspir us for the work ahead __PUNCT__

we know that america ha alwai endur a choru of critic __PUNCT__ peopl who claim that everi ill __PUNCT__ everi failur in the world is america fault __PUNCT__

but it ha never befor had a presid who wa conduct that choru __PUNCT__

he told an arab tv_station that america ha dictat to other nation __PUNCT__

no __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ america ha freed other nation from dictat __PUNCT__

he told the european that america ha been arrog __PUNCT__ dismiss and deris __PUNCT__

no __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ in defend liberti __PUNCT__ america ha been dilig __PUNCT__ dedic and decis __PUNCT__

sure __PUNCT__ when an american_presid journei abroad __PUNCT__ it alwai nice to see him applaud and prais __PUNCT__

but when the price for that ador is on apolog after anoth for alleg offens by the unit_state of america __PUNCT__ it not worth it __PUNCT__

frankli __PUNCT__ i rather see a presid greet abroad by complet silenc __PUNCT__ as long as he is defend our countri charact and not plai to our countri critic __PUNCT__

these ar time that call for a strong america __PUNCT__

china is on track to becom the largest_economi in the world __PUNCT__

russia under putin is edg back to it old totalitarian wai __PUNCT__ kill journalist __PUNCT__ harass polit_enemi __PUNCT__ and invad a sovereign neighbor __PUNCT__

jihadist murder and threaten innoc_peopl in nation around the world __PUNCT__ and plot to attack us here at home __PUNCT__

the regim in north_korea sacrific it own peopl to serv it nuclear ambit __PUNCT__

the regim in iran __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ is move fast to develop a nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__

and all the while __PUNCT__ our economi is reel and our debt ar mount __PUNCT__

let me sai it again __PUNCT__ these ar time that call for a strong america __PUNCT__

we know the sourc of america strength __PUNCT__

it is the citizen of thi countri __PUNCT__ and all that a free_peopl can achiev __PUNCT__

free __PUNCT__ hard_work __PUNCT__ famili orient __PUNCT__ risk take __PUNCT__ opportun __PUNCT__ seek __PUNCT__ patriot american_peopl have alwai been the sourc of our strength __PUNCT__ and thei alwai will be __PUNCT__

and here in washington __PUNCT__ the best polici ar those that expand their freedom __PUNCT__ broaden their opportun __PUNCT__ allow them to keep more of what thei earn __PUNCT__ afford them better educ __PUNCT__ let them choos their own healthcar __PUNCT__ and turn loos the free_enterpris enterpris_system to creat more job __PUNCT__

what presid_obama ha done these last eight month __PUNCT__ and what he is propos for the next three year __PUNCT__ would not strengthen america __PUNCT__ it would weaken america __PUNCT__

hi so __PUNCT__ call stimulu is a case in point __PUNCT__

the presid sold it as an immedi boost that would hold unemploy below eight percent __PUNCT__ restor the economi and creat_job __PUNCT__

rather than bring_back the economi __PUNCT__ it brought_back __NUM___year of fail liber program __PUNCT__

and he rush it through befor anyon could even notic __PUNCT__

but we did notic __PUNCT__ and we not impress __PUNCT__

the economi is still shrink even as the govern keep grow __PUNCT__

unemploy blew past eight percent to nearli __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ that million and million more american out of work __PUNCT__

not on new job ha been creat __PUNCT__

the number of american oppos the obama_agenda ar grow __PUNCT__

the voter will make that clear in the __NUM___elect __PUNCT__

now that a __PUNCT__ public_option __PUNCT__ i agre with __PUNCT__

the presid spend and borrow ha also weaken the nation __PUNCT__

in the month of __DATE__ alon __PUNCT__ he ad___NUM__ __NUM___billion billion_dollar to the deficit __PUNCT__

hi plan is to add anoth trillion_dollar in debt everi year he is in offic __PUNCT__

he initi admit that the cumul deficit would swell by seven trillion dollar over the next ten_year __PUNCT__ but now he acknowledg that nine trillion is more like it __PUNCT__

he would doubl our nation_debt in just five year __PUNCT__

these deficit __PUNCT__ combin with our liabil for entitl __PUNCT__ threaten to caus a global collaps of confid in america and in the dollar __PUNCT__ and to precipit an even deeper financi_crisi __PUNCT__

put such a spirit __PUNCT__ crush __PUNCT__ back __PUNCT__ break debt_burden on our children is unworthi of our nation_charact __PUNCT__

that is why i believ that thi spend and borrow is not just econom irrespons __PUNCT__ it is moral_wrong __PUNCT__

to strengthen the economi and to creat_job __PUNCT__ the presid must stop try to borrow thi countri out of a debt problem __PUNCT__

i know there ar peopl who ar now talk about anoth stimulu_bill for the economi __PUNCT__

that the wrong answer __PUNCT__

the right answer is to fix the stimulu we have __PUNCT__ throw out the liber __PUNCT__ big __PUNCT__ govern_program and substitut incent that will stimul the privat_sector and actual creat_job __PUNCT__

don't repeat the stimulu __PUNCT__ repair the stimulu __PUNCT__

take more monei awai from work_american would make us a weaker nation __PUNCT__

candid_obama obama_promis not to rais_tax __PUNCT__ by on dime __PUNCT__ on peopl_make less than __NUM__ thousand_dollar a year __PUNCT__

the presid cap and trade program demolish that promis __PUNCT__

the obama_team had secretli calcul that hi plan would cost the averag_american american_famili __MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__ the equival to a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ incom_tax tax_hike __PUNCT__

it kill job __PUNCT__

and becaus it will simpli move greenhous_ga emitt from america to other nation like china __PUNCT__ it won't do a thing to affect climat chang __PUNCT__

democrat keep talk about climat chang __PUNCT__

i think thei confus global_warm with all the heat thei been take at town_hall __PUNCT__

i think we can all agre that it is a good_idea to reform healthcar __PUNCT__

healthier american will make a stronger nation __PUNCT__

insur_compani shouldn't drop peopl when thei get sick __PUNCT__

we need to help peopl with pre __PUNCT__ exist condit __PUNCT__

i think insur should be portabl and afford __PUNCT__

republican have propos sever healthcar_reform reform_bill __PUNCT__

and thi republican work to reform healthcar in my own state __PUNCT__

not everi featur of our plan is perfect __PUNCT__ but the lesson it teach is thi __PUNCT__ we can get everyon insur __PUNCT__ without break the bank and without a govern option __PUNCT__ there is no govern insur in my massachusett reform __PUNCT__

the right answer for health_care is not more govern __PUNCT__ it less govern __PUNCT__

presid_obama sai he want __PUNCT__ public_option govern insur __PUNCT__ to give peopl __PUNCT__ greater choic __PUNCT__ but what he doesn't tell you is that there ar more than a thousand insur_compani __PUNCT__

he sai he want an option that doesn't have the burden of corpor_profit __PUNCT__

but what he doesn't tell you is that there ar plenti of major insur_compani that ar not __PUNCT__ for __PUNCT__ profit __PUNCT__

he sai he be satisfi with co __PUNCT__ op __PUNCT__

but what he doesn't tell you is that there ar alreadi co __PUNCT__ op and no legisl is need to form more of them __PUNCT__

what he won't sai is what he realli want __PUNCT__ a public_option that over time becom the onli option __PUNCT__

and if he get what he want __PUNCT__ we know exactli where it would inevit lead __PUNCT__ to an entitl with massiv liabil __PUNCT__ to more borrow __PUNCT__ to denial of care or ration just as thei experi in europ __PUNCT__ and to the creation of dozen of govern_bureaucraci reach into everi hospit __PUNCT__ everi doctor offic and everi home __PUNCT__

he not go to get hi wai __PUNCT__ thank to million of america who have step up in town_hall and tea_parti across the countri __PUNCT__

the democrat call them a mob __PUNCT__ crazi __PUNCT__ trash __PUNCT__ i call them patriot __PUNCT__

i for on wa not unhappi that the presid chose to address our schoolchildren __PUNCT__

the heritag_foundat __PUNCT__ in a __DATE__ letter to the presid __PUNCT__ remind him that he is in a uniqu posit to help our children keep from make a critic and life __PUNCT__ alter mistak __PUNCT__

and that is have children befor thei ar marri __PUNCT__

forti percent of all children ar now born out __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ wedlock __PUNCT__

of cours __PUNCT__ there ar wonder singl_parent who do a heroic job rais_children in difficult circumst __PUNCT__

but for the nation as a whole __PUNCT__ we rais a stronger gener when thei ar rais by a mom and a dad __PUNCT__

a strong america depend on a strong defens __PUNCT__

rival ar pursu design and purpos veri differ from our own __PUNCT__

we must never cut corner in fund and equip the militari and the intellig_servic that defend our countri __PUNCT__

more than __NUM__ of our peopl in uniform ar still deploi in theater of war __PUNCT__

noth on the agenda of the presid or congress must come befor the need of our troop and the absolut necess of their victori __PUNCT__

in the face of iran rush to becom a nuclear_power __PUNCT__ the presid decis thi week to walk awai from our commit to missil_defens in europ is alarm and danger __PUNCT__

thei sai that iran isn't as close to becom a nuclear threat as thei onc thought __PUNCT__

how can thei possibl know that __PUNCT__ thei sai thi is a token of goodwil for russia to get them to support sanction on iran __PUNCT__

but the first rule of negoti is thi __PUNCT__ onli give someth awai when you get someth __PUNCT__

from israel __PUNCT__ to hondura __PUNCT__ to the czech_republ and poland __PUNCT__ it time the presid treat our friend better than he doe our foe __PUNCT__

we need to urg pro __PUNCT__ defens member of congress __PUNCT__ democrat and republican alik __PUNCT__ to hold firm __PUNCT__ and to make the case for a militari that is second to none __PUNCT__

those pro __PUNCT__ defens congressmen and senat might feel outnumb right now __PUNCT__

but thei shouldn't lose hope __PUNCT__ becaus we go to send them some reinforc in next year elect __PUNCT__

we now gone eight year and eight dai without be hit again at home __PUNCT__

and over on the left __PUNCT__ thei want veri hard for us to believ that thi fact ha noth whatev to do with the intens interrog of terrorist __PUNCT__

you could listen all dai_long to the outpour of the far left and never hear that obviou connect __PUNCT__

the administr plai right along __PUNCT__

and now thei actual talk about prosecut the veri intellig_offic who protect us by ask question and get answer __PUNCT__

these intellig offic don't deserv to be hound and lectur by the left wing __PUNCT__ thei deserv the respect and thank of everi american __PUNCT__ start with the command in chief __PUNCT__

we at a critic_time in our nation_histori __PUNCT__

america must not lose faith in the valu and virtu that made the american wai of life possibl __PUNCT__

we must not allow big_govern activist to exploit the financi_crisi that thei themselv unknowingli enabl __PUNCT__ to substitut their ideolog for the wisdom and good_sens of the american_peopl __PUNCT__

there someth els that should concern us when the feder_govern expand at such a rate __PUNCT__

when govern is try to take over health_care __PUNCT__ bui car_compani __PUNCT__ bail out bank __PUNCT__ and give half the white_hous staff the titl of czar __PUNCT__ we have everi good reason to be alarm and to speak our mind __PUNCT__

the current econom_crisi wa the result of mani failur __PUNCT__

import guardrail were allow to collaps __PUNCT__ leav mani american unprotect from the descent of the financi and job_market __PUNCT__

the last thing we need now is a collaps of even more guardrail __PUNCT__ leav us unprotect from the overreach of govern __PUNCT__

let me make a predict __PUNCT__ for our caus __PUNCT__ and for all those who speak for it with no apolog __PUNCT__ we about to see a comeback __PUNCT__

voter in new jersei have just about had it with the high __PUNCT__ taxer in charg of their state __PUNCT__

and just across the potomac river __PUNCT__ the sign ar good that we about to see a low __PUNCT__ tax __PUNCT__ pro __PUNCT__ growth __PUNCT__ pro __PUNCT__ life governor of virginia __PUNCT__

noth is certain in polit __PUNCT__ but we can be certain about thi __PUNCT__ our belief in the great of america and our dedic to keep thi nation strong ar need todai as much as thei have ever been need in our past __PUNCT__

i don't deni that america challeng ar great __PUNCT__ or that overcom them will requir the best that we have to give __PUNCT__

but i know as well that time of difficulti alwai bring out the essenti charact of our fellow_citizen __PUNCT__

when i wa a boi __PUNCT__ my dad us to sai that the pursuit of the difficult make you strong __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ the pursuit of the difficult will make_america strong __PUNCT__

we welcom the challeng __PUNCT__

it will call on us __PUNCT__ onc again __PUNCT__ to draw on the incred resili __PUNCT__ ingenu __PUNCT__ and faith of the free_men and women of the unit_state __PUNCT__

we don't get to choos the test and trial ahead __PUNCT__

but we entir free __PUNCT__ you and i __PUNCT__ to choos how we will meet those test __PUNCT__

we will meet them as conserv have done befor __PUNCT__

we will find strength in each other __PUNCT__ and answer our oppon with good will and honest word __PUNCT__

and we will go forward __PUNCT__ commit to our ideal __PUNCT__ confid of victori to come __PUNCT__ and certain that god doe inde bless_america __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__