This speech titled 09.22.2007.Mackinac.MI originally had 2537 tokens. You can view the original text here.
it good to be back_home in mackinac __PUNCT__
on of the thing i like best is that there ar no car on the island __PUNCT__
unfortun __PUNCT__ that al_gore vision for all of america __PUNCT__
i spent a few great summer here __PUNCT__ up in that big_white home on the hill __PUNCT__
we need to get a republican famili_back in there again __PUNCT__
and we need to keep a republican famili in the white_hous in washington as well __PUNCT__
i don't have to tell you that my dad made a mark on michigan __PUNCT__
and he made a mark on me __PUNCT__
and i guess that is at the heart of thing __PUNCT__ he a big_part of why i run for presid todai __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ when he wa the presid of american motor __PUNCT__ he gave a speech in which he report the follow convers __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ my nine year old son __PUNCT__ that would be me __PUNCT__ came home from school and said __PUNCT__ mom __PUNCT__ we realli build the best car __PUNCT__ don't we __PUNCT__
she said __PUNCT__ why mitt __PUNCT__ of cours we do __PUNCT__
why do you ask __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ if we build the best car __PUNCT__ why is it that less than three percent of the peopl agre with us __PUNCT__
after my dad heard of thi convers __PUNCT__ he took me asid and said __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ mitt __PUNCT__ size doesn't alwai indic strength and popular doesn't alwai indic truth __PUNCT__ and sale volum doesn't alwai indic valu __PUNCT__
and then he ad __PUNCT__ right alwai prevail __PUNCT__
quit a dad __PUNCT__ teach lesson like that to hi nine year old son __PUNCT__
lesson i have taken to heart __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ a few year_older __PUNCT__ as i have look at the histori of thi nation __PUNCT__ i have becom convinc that right doe inde prevail __PUNCT__
america ha face and overcom great_challeng __PUNCT__
these have becom defin moment __PUNCT__ inflect point __PUNCT__ where the cours of our histori ha chang __PUNCT__
i believ that we ar at an inflect point todai __PUNCT__
forc of global __PUNCT__ the emerg of new econom powerhous like china and india __PUNCT__ and the spread of radic violent_jihad have creat a perfect storm that will chang the cours of our nation __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ we face unpreced challeng in secur our border __PUNCT__ protect the famili __PUNCT__ creat new job and achiev energi_secur __PUNCT__
the peopl of thi great_nation have alwai taken a hand in shape our own destini __PUNCT__
i believ the american_peopl will rise to the occas onc again __PUNCT__ as we have alwai done befor __PUNCT__
but at thi critic_time in our nation_histori __PUNCT__ washington is fail us __PUNCT__
i think we have to admit that the blame doesn't all belong to the democrat __PUNCT__
we republican have to put our own hous in order __PUNCT__
we can't be like democrat __PUNCT__ a parti of big spender __PUNCT__
we can't pretend our border ar secur from illeg_immigr __PUNCT__
we can't have ethic standard that ar a punch_line for jai leno __PUNCT__
when republican act like democrat __PUNCT__ america lose __PUNCT__
we got to start act like republican __PUNCT__ not earmark republican __PUNCT__ not big_govern republican __PUNCT__ but like reagan republican and teddi_roosevelt republican __PUNCT__
thei led us along the right cours __PUNCT__
it time for us to show the confid my dad had that right will alwai prevail __PUNCT__
it time for chang in washington and chang begin with us __PUNCT__
republican for chang believ in small_govern __PUNCT__
govern should be restrain so that the freedom and vital of individu and enterpris can be unleash __PUNCT__
compar to free_market and free_enterpris __PUNCT__ govern is slow to act __PUNCT__ wast __PUNCT__ duplic __PUNCT__ bureaucrat __PUNCT__ ineffici __PUNCT__ ineffect __PUNCT__ and unrespons __PUNCT__
have i left anyth out __PUNCT__ other than that __PUNCT__ govern isn't all bad __PUNCT__
hillari_clinton fundament doesn't trust the privat_sector __PUNCT__
of cours not __PUNCT__ she never work in the privat sector __PUNCT__ except to sue peopl __PUNCT__
so when she see a problem in the marketplac __PUNCT__ she natur think more govern and higher_tax ar the solut __PUNCT__
she see the problem in healthcar __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__ and propos more govern __PUNCT__
with her plan __PUNCT__ patient would have to get us to hear these word __PUNCT__ the bureaucrat will see you now __PUNCT__ the right answer is less govern __PUNCT__ less regul __PUNCT__ more individu_respons __PUNCT__ and more of the market dynam that propel the rest of our economi __PUNCT__
thi is why i predict that hillarycar version __NUM__ will meet the same_fate as version on __PUNCT__ ignomini defeat __PUNCT__
republican for chang like small_govern __PUNCT__
republican for chang ar also fiscal_respons __PUNCT__
we refus to charg our children and grandchildren for our excess spend __PUNCT__
even in massachusett face a nearli __MONEY___billion budget gap __PUNCT__ the legislatur and i balanc the budget everi year and replenish the raini dai fund __PUNCT__ without rais_tax and without rais our borrow cap __PUNCT__
now it washington turn to do the same __PUNCT__
if i am elect_presid __PUNCT__ i will cap non __PUNCT__ militari discretionari_spend at inflat less on percent __PUNCT__
if i get appropri abov that amount __PUNCT__ i will veto them __PUNCT__
and i like veto __PUNCT__
i veto hundr of item alreadi __PUNCT__
let put some fresh ink in the presidenti veto pen __PUNCT__
here in michigan __PUNCT__ governor granholm ha taken thi state to the brink __PUNCT__
by not restructur state program and by not shrink govern __PUNCT__ she ha precipit a hobbesian choic __PUNCT__ rais_tax or shut down govern __PUNCT__
if you like what governor granholm ha done to michigan __PUNCT__ you love what a presid hillari_clinton would do to america __PUNCT__
let make sure america doesn't make the same mistak michigan made last __DATE__ __PUNCT__
republican for chang believ in strength __PUNCT__
we know that the best foe against tyrant and the best alli peac ha ever known is a strong america __PUNCT__
we will strengthen the militari with more troop __PUNCT__ better armament __PUNCT__ and better care for our veteran __PUNCT__
we will also strengthen our economi with lower_tax and energi_secur __PUNCT__
and we will strengthen the american_famili __PUNCT__
there is no work more import to the futur of america than the work that goe on within the four wall of the american home __PUNCT__
the american famili is the foundat upon which thi countri great ha been built __PUNCT__ but it is a foundat in need of shore up __PUNCT__
republican for chang know how to run a tight ship __PUNCT__
the katrina clean __PUNCT__ up didn't look like republican were in charg __PUNCT__
we need to bring more account back to washington __PUNCT__
you have heard of the sub __PUNCT__ prime credit crisi __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ there a govern_agenc that suppos to prevent problem like that from occur __PUNCT__ warn consum __PUNCT__ warn lender __PUNCT__
but thei didn't do their job __PUNCT__
and do you know what will happen __PUNCT__ congress will give them more monei __PUNCT__
do you know what should happen __PUNCT__ head should roll __PUNCT__
republican for chang have high ethic standard __PUNCT__
i tire of hear washington offici remind us that everyon make_mistak __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ but not everyon is a congressman or a senat or a presid __PUNCT__
thei ask for thi job and ask for our trust __PUNCT__
thei repres the american_peopl __PUNCT__
thei ar held up befor our children __PUNCT__
we expect higher_standard of ethic conduct from washington __PUNCT__
we expect our elect_offici to be good role_model __PUNCT__ not bad exampl __PUNCT__ thank you presid_bush for restor person integr and digniti to the white_hous __PUNCT__
and i can guarante you __PUNCT__ ann and i will do noth that would embarrass the peopl of america __PUNCT__
presid lead by exampl __PUNCT__
and so __PUNCT__ if i elect_presid __PUNCT__ on of my first act will be to issu an execut_order prohibit the immedi famili of my cabinet and senior_staff from lobbi the execut_branch __PUNCT__
the standard for high ethic conduct ha to be set at the top __PUNCT__
republican for chang ar respect and civil __PUNCT__
we will work with good democrat __PUNCT__ democrat who also love_america __PUNCT__ to chang washington and confront the new gener of challeng we face __PUNCT__
the polit atmospher in washington ha becom so toxic __PUNCT__ we ar in danger of weaken ourselv from within __PUNCT__
america need unifi leadership __PUNCT__
i found that we can find common_ground with democrat from time to time __PUNCT__
i love what ronald_reagan said __PUNCT__ it not that liber ar ignor __PUNCT__ it just that what thei know is wrong __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ we can teach them now and then __PUNCT__ and when we do __PUNCT__ america win __PUNCT__
republican for chang aren't afraid to tackl big_problem __PUNCT__
none is greater than the spread of radic __PUNCT__ violent_jihad __PUNCT__
john_edward sai there is no war on terror __PUNCT__ it just a bumper_sticker __PUNCT__
tell that to the peopl of indonesia __PUNCT__ malaysia and bali __PUNCT__
tell that to the peopl of tanzania __PUNCT__ kenya and spain __PUNCT__
tell that to the peopl of london __PUNCT__ washington and new york_citi __PUNCT__
there is a war be wage against us by the terrorist for the futur of our civil __PUNCT__ and if i am presid __PUNCT__ the war against the terrorist will be won __PUNCT__
let not forget that our presid ha kept us safe these last six year __PUNCT__
and it ha not been easi __PUNCT__
he fought for the patriot_act __PUNCT__
he listen when al __PUNCT__ qaeda wa plot __PUNCT__
he interrog terrorist __PUNCT__
when khalid sheik mohammad __PUNCT__ the so __PUNCT__ call mastermind of 9/11 wa captur __PUNCT__ he told hi captor __PUNCT__ i see you in new york with my lawyer __PUNCT__ that didn't happen __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ he saw gi and cia interrog at guantanamo __PUNCT__ and that just the wai it ought to be __PUNCT__
republican for chang fight to protect the famili __PUNCT__
the famili is under attack __PUNCT__
our children need to be taught that befor thei have babi __PUNCT__ thei need to get marri __PUNCT__
out __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ wedlock childbirth should onc again be out of fashion __PUNCT__
there ar differ kind of famili __PUNCT__ mani do a heroic job under difficult circumst __PUNCT__
the ideal set for rais a child is and will alwai be where there is a mother and a father __PUNCT__
some liber judg don't see it that wai __PUNCT__
that is why it is time for a feder amend that defin marriag as the union of a man and a woman __PUNCT__
after the columbin school shoot __PUNCT__ peggi noonan wrote that our kid ar swim in an ocean of filth __PUNCT__ pornographi __PUNCT__ sex __PUNCT__ violenc __PUNCT__ pervers __PUNCT__
the boi who did the shoot __PUNCT__ she said __PUNCT__ had drunk too deep of the pollut water __PUNCT__
it time to clean up the water our kid ar swim in __PUNCT__
i will make sure everi home comput ha an easi to engag filter to keep filth out of our home __PUNCT__
i want to enforc our obscen law __PUNCT__
and for those who us the internet to find children for their pervert abus __PUNCT__ i sai __PUNCT__ on strike and you our __PUNCT__ you be face a long prison_sentenc __PUNCT__ and when you get out __PUNCT__ a gp track devic for the rest of your life __PUNCT__
republican for chang aren't afraid to talk about faith __PUNCT__
we recogn the hand of the creator in the found of our nation __PUNCT__
we will fight to keep the word __PUNCT__ under god __PUNCT__ in the pledg of allegi __PUNCT__
have you seen the new dollar coin __PUNCT__ in god we trust __PUNCT__ ha been move __PUNCT__
it not on the face of the coin anymor __PUNCT__ it on the edg __PUNCT__ virtual invis __PUNCT__ just like the aclu want him to be __PUNCT__
i will go to work to get god back on the front of our coin __PUNCT__
i will fight to make sure our futur is not defin by the letter __PUNCT__ aclu __PUNCT__ but by the letter __PUNCT__ usa __PUNCT__
republican for chang ar patriot __PUNCT__
we love the flag __PUNCT__
we sai the pledg __PUNCT__
we tell soldier in the airport __PUNCT__ thank you for your servic __PUNCT__ for your sacrific __PUNCT__ and when a republican sai __PUNCT__ we support our troop __PUNCT__ it come from the heart __PUNCT__
have you notic what happen at the olymp when someon win the gold medal __PUNCT__ athlet from other countri ascend the medal stand __PUNCT__ and thei high __PUNCT__ five and celebr while their countri anthem is plai __PUNCT__
but american place their hand on their heart and thei sing the word to the star spangl_banner __PUNCT__
i don't know where our tradit of place our hand over our heart dure the nation_anthem came from __PUNCT__
i imagin that it is a sign of love __PUNCT__ for our flag __PUNCT__ for america __PUNCT__ for freedom __PUNCT__
and it is someth more __PUNCT__ our hand cover our heart to show our appreci for the patriot who have shed their blood for our freedom __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ o beauti for hero prove in liber strife __PUNCT__ who more than self their countri love and merci more than life __PUNCT__
american_patriot is why i am convinc thi nation will alwai prevail as the greatest hope of the earth __PUNCT__
america_face unpreced challeng __PUNCT__ a virtual perfect storm buffet the pillar of our strength __PUNCT__
the cours of our histori will chang __PUNCT__
and for america to remain the great_nation it ha alwai been __PUNCT__ it will look to republican for leadership __PUNCT__
at the begin of my remark __PUNCT__ i told you about that speech my dad gave a half __PUNCT__ centuri_ago __PUNCT__
in it __PUNCT__ he quot ralph waldo emerson __PUNCT__ on of the great_american philosoph __PUNCT__ who said __PUNCT__ there is no weak except from within __PUNCT__ and the onli unsurmount barrier is our own inher weak of purpos __PUNCT__
that wa true then __PUNCT__ and it true now __PUNCT__
it why chang must begin with us __PUNCT__
now is the time __PUNCT__ thi is the place __PUNCT__ for republican to stand togeth __PUNCT__ to stand for republican principl __PUNCT__
now is the time __PUNCT__ thi is the place __PUNCT__ for the campaign of chang to move boldli forward __PUNCT__
now is the time __PUNCT__ thi is the place for republican to lead america in strength __PUNCT__ in faith __PUNCT__ in famili __PUNCT__ in what is right __PUNCT__
for right will alwai prevail __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ and god_bless you __PUNCT__