Mitt Romney

This speech titled 10.05.2006.Boston.MA originally had 510 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__ what a group __PUNCT__ welcom to thi histor citi __PUNCT__

and you know that the author of liberti recogn a divin creator who bequeath to us certain inalien right __PUNCT__

thei affirm freedom of religion __PUNCT__ and thei proscrib the establish of ani on religion __PUNCT__

but todai there ar some peopl who ar try to establish on religion __PUNCT__ the religion of secular __PUNCT__

thei not onli reject tradit valu __PUNCT__ thei reject the valu of our founder and thei cast asid the wisdom of the ag __PUNCT__

their alli ar activist_judg __PUNCT__ and here in massachusett activist judg struck a blow to the foundat of civil __PUNCT__ the famili __PUNCT__

thei rule that our constitut_requir peopl of the same gender to marri __PUNCT__

i believ their error occur becaus thei focus on adult right __PUNCT__

thei said that if heterosexu adult can marri __PUNCT__ then homosexu coupl have to also be abl to marri to have equal right __PUNCT__

but what thei ignor is that marriag is not primarili about adult __PUNCT__

marriag is about the nurtur and develop of children __PUNCT__

a child develop is enhanc by the nurtur of both gender __PUNCT__

everi child deserv a mother and a father __PUNCT__

of cours __PUNCT__ the princip burden of thi court_rule doesn't fall on adult __PUNCT__ it fall on children __PUNCT__

we ask to chang the state birth_certif __PUNCT__

to prevent __PUNCT__ heterocentr __PUNCT__ mother and father would becom __PUNCT__ parent a __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ parent b __PUNCT__

an elementari_school school_teacher read to her second grader from a book_titl __PUNCT__ the king and the king __PUNCT__ about a princ who marri a princ __PUNCT__ and a second grader father is deni the right to have hi child taken out of that classroom while the book is be read __PUNCT__

our state most difficult __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ place adopt children mai no longer be place by cathol chariti becaus thei favor home where there a mother and a father __PUNCT__

the price of same __PUNCT__ sex_marriag is paid by the children __PUNCT__

our fight for marriag __PUNCT__ then __PUNCT__ should focu on the need of children __PUNCT__ not the right of adult __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ as american __PUNCT__ i believ that we should show an outpour of respect and toler for all peopl __PUNCT__

i believ god_love all of hi children __PUNCT__ that no on is abhor __PUNCT__ that regardless of the differ and differ choic __PUNCT__ we should show that same respect __PUNCT__

as american __PUNCT__ we must vigor reject discrimin and bigotri __PUNCT__

massachusett is on the frontlin of marriag __PUNCT__ but unless we adopt a feder amend to protect marriag __PUNCT__ what happen here will unquestion enter everi other state __PUNCT__

thi spread secular religion __PUNCT__ and it substitut valu __PUNCT__ cannot be allow to weaken the foundat of the famili __PUNCT__ or the faith of our father who __PUNCT__ more than life __PUNCT__ their countri love __PUNCT__

thank you so much __PUNCT__