Mitt Romney

This speech titled 10.08.2012.Lexington.VA originally had 3843 tokens. You can view the original text here.

i particularli appreci the introduct from my good_friend and tireless campaign companion __PUNCT__ gov __PUNCT__ bob mcdonnel __PUNCT__

he is show what conserv leadership can do to build a stronger economi __PUNCT__

thank you also congressman goodlatt for join us todai __PUNCT__

and particular thank to gen __PUNCT__ peai __PUNCT__

i appreci your invit to be with you todai at the virginia militari institut __PUNCT__

it is a great privileg to be here at an institut that ha done so much for our nation __PUNCT__ both in war and in peac __PUNCT__

continu read

for more than __NUM___year __PUNCT__ vmi ha done more than educ student __PUNCT__

it ha guid their transform into citizen __PUNCT__ and warrior __PUNCT__ and leader __PUNCT__

vmi graduat have serv with honor in our nation_defens __PUNCT__ just as mani ar do todai in afghanistan and other land __PUNCT__

sinc the __DATE___attack __PUNCT__ mani of vmi son and daughter have defend_america __PUNCT__ and i mourn with you the __NUM__ brave soul who have been lost __PUNCT__

i join you in prai for the mani vmi graduat and all american who ar now serv in harm wai __PUNCT__

mai god_bless all who serv __PUNCT__ and all who have serv __PUNCT__

of all the vmi graduat __PUNCT__ none is more distinguish than georg marshal __PUNCT__ the chief of staff of the armi who becam secretari of state and secretari of defens __PUNCT__ who help to vanquish fascism and then plan europ rescu from despair __PUNCT__

hi commit to peac wa born of hi direct knowledg of the aw cost and consequ of war __PUNCT__

gener marshal onc said __PUNCT__ the onli wai human be can win a war is to prevent it __PUNCT__ those word were true in hi time __PUNCT__ and thei still echo in our __PUNCT__

last month __PUNCT__ our nation wa attack again __PUNCT__

a u. __PUNCT__ ambassador and three of our fellow_american ar dead __PUNCT__ murder in benghazi __PUNCT__ libya __PUNCT__

among the dead were three veteran __PUNCT__

all of them were fine men __PUNCT__ on a mission of peac and friendship to a nation that dearli long for both __PUNCT__

presid_obama ha said that ambassador chri steven and hi colleagu repres the best of america __PUNCT__

and he is right __PUNCT__

we all mourn their loss __PUNCT__

the attack against us in libya were not an isol_incid __PUNCT__

thei were accompani by anti __PUNCT__ american riot in nearli two dozen other countri __PUNCT__ mostli in the middl_east __PUNCT__ but also in africa and asia __PUNCT__

our embassi have been attack __PUNCT__

our flag ha been burn __PUNCT__

mani of our citizen have been threaten and driven from their oversea home by viciou mob __PUNCT__ shout __PUNCT__ death to america __PUNCT__ these mob hoist the black banner of islam_extrem over american embassi on the anniversari of the __DATE___attack __PUNCT__

as the dust settl __PUNCT__ as the murder ar buri __PUNCT__ american ar ask how thi happen __PUNCT__ how the threat we face have grown so much wors __PUNCT__ and what thi call on america to do __PUNCT__

these ar the right question __PUNCT__

and i have come here todai to offer a larger perspect on these tragic recent_event __PUNCT__ and to share with you __PUNCT__ and all american __PUNCT__ my vision for a freer __PUNCT__ more prosper __PUNCT__ and more peac world __PUNCT__

the attack on america last month should not be seen as random act __PUNCT__

thei ar express of a larger struggl that is plai out across the broader middl_east __PUNCT__ a region that is now in the midst of the most profound upheav in a centuri __PUNCT__

and the fault_line of thi struggl can be seen clearli in benghazi itself __PUNCT__

the attack on our consul in benghazi on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ __NUM__ wa like the work of forc affili with those that attack our homeland on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

thi latest assault cannot be blame on a reprehens video insult islam __PUNCT__ despit the administr attempt to convinc us of that for so long __PUNCT__

no __PUNCT__ as the administr ha final conced __PUNCT__ these attack were the deliber work of terrorist who us violenc to impos their dark ideolog on other __PUNCT__ especi women and girl __PUNCT__ who ar fight to control much of the middl_east todai __PUNCT__ and who seek to wage perpetu war on the west __PUNCT__

we saw all of thi in benghazi last month __PUNCT__ but we also saw someth els __PUNCT__ someth hope __PUNCT__

after the attack on our consul __PUNCT__ ten of thousand of libyan __PUNCT__ most of them young_peopl __PUNCT__ held a massiv protest in benghazi against the veri extremist who murder our peopl __PUNCT__

thei wave sign that read __PUNCT__ the ambassador wa libya friend __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ libya is sorri __PUNCT__ thei chant __PUNCT__ no to militia __PUNCT__ thei march __PUNCT__ unarm __PUNCT__ to the terrorist compound __PUNCT__

then thei burn it to the ground __PUNCT__

as on libyan woman said __PUNCT__ we ar not go to go from dark to dark __PUNCT__

thi is the struggl that is now shake the entir middl_east to it foundat __PUNCT__

it is the struggl of million and million of peopl __PUNCT__ men and women __PUNCT__ young and old __PUNCT__ muslim __PUNCT__ christian and non __PUNCT__ believ __PUNCT__ all of whom have had enough of the dark __PUNCT__

it is a struggl for the digniti that come with freedom __PUNCT__ and opportun __PUNCT__ and the right to live under law of our own make __PUNCT__

it is a struggl that ha unfold under green banner in the street of iran __PUNCT__ in the public_squar of tunisia and egypt and yemen __PUNCT__ and in the fight for liberti in iraq __PUNCT__ and afghanistan __PUNCT__ and libya __PUNCT__ and now syria __PUNCT__

in short __PUNCT__ it is a struggl between liberti and tyranni __PUNCT__ justic and oppress __PUNCT__ hope and despair __PUNCT__

we have seen thi struggl befor __PUNCT__

it would be familiar to georg marshal __PUNCT__

in hi time __PUNCT__ in the ash of world_war __PUNCT__ anoth critic part of the world wa torn between democraci and despot __PUNCT__

fortun __PUNCT__ we had leader of courag and vision __PUNCT__ both republican and democrat __PUNCT__ who knew that america had to support friend who share our valu __PUNCT__ and prevent todai crise from becom tomorrow conflict __PUNCT__

statesmen like marshal ralli our nation to rise to it respons as the leader of the free_world __PUNCT__

we help our friend to build and sustain free_societi and free_market __PUNCT__

we defend our friend __PUNCT__ and ourselv __PUNCT__ from our common_enemi __PUNCT__

we led __PUNCT__

and though the path wa long and uncertain __PUNCT__ the thought of war in europ is as inconceiv todai as it seem inevit in the last centuri __PUNCT__

thi is what make_america except __PUNCT__ it is not just the charact of our countri __PUNCT__ it is the record of our accomplish __PUNCT__

america ha a proud histori of strong __PUNCT__ confid __PUNCT__ principl global leadership __PUNCT__ a histori that ha been written by patriot of both parti __PUNCT__

that is america at it best __PUNCT__

and it is the standard by which we measur everi presid __PUNCT__ as well as anyon who wish to be presid __PUNCT__

unfortun __PUNCT__ thi presid polici have not been equal to our best exampl of world leadership __PUNCT__

and nowher is thi more evid than in the middl_east __PUNCT__

i want to be veri clear __PUNCT__ the blame for the murder of our peopl in libya __PUNCT__ and the attack on our embassi in so mani other countri __PUNCT__ li sole with those who carri them out __PUNCT__ no on els __PUNCT__

but it is the respons of our presid to us america_great great_power to shape histori __PUNCT__ not to lead from behind __PUNCT__ leav our destini at the merci of event __PUNCT__

unfortun __PUNCT__ that is exactli where we find ourselv in the middl_east under presid_obama __PUNCT__

the relationship between the presid of the unit_state and the prime_minist of israel __PUNCT__ our closest alli in the region __PUNCT__ ha suffer great strain __PUNCT__

the presid explicitli state that hi goal wa to put __PUNCT__ daylight __PUNCT__ between the unit_state and israel __PUNCT__

and he ha succeed __PUNCT__

thi is a danger situat that ha set back the hope of peac in the middl_east and embolden our mutual adversari __PUNCT__ especi iran __PUNCT__

iran todai ha never been closer to a nuclear_weapon capabl __PUNCT__

it ha never pose a greater danger to our friend __PUNCT__ our alli __PUNCT__ and to us __PUNCT__

and it ha never act less deter by america __PUNCT__ as wa made_clear last year when iranian agent plot to assassin the saudi ambassador in our nation_capit __PUNCT__

and yet __PUNCT__ when million of iranian took to the street in __DATE__ of __NUM__ when thei demand freedom from a cruel regim that threaten the world __PUNCT__ when thei cri out __PUNCT__ ar you with us __PUNCT__ or ar you with them __PUNCT__ the american_presid wa silent __PUNCT__

across the greater middl_east __PUNCT__ as the joi born from the downfal of dictat ha given wai to the painstak work of build capabl secur_forc __PUNCT__ and grow economi __PUNCT__ and develop democrat_institut __PUNCT__ the presid ha fail to offer the tangibl support that our partner want and need __PUNCT__

in iraq __PUNCT__ the costli gain made by our troop ar be erod by rise violenc __PUNCT__ a resurg al __PUNCT__ qaeda __PUNCT__ the weaken of democraci in baghdad __PUNCT__ and the rise influenc of iran __PUNCT__

and yet __PUNCT__ america abil to influenc event for the better in iraq ha been undermin by the abrupt withdraw of our entir troop presenc __PUNCT__

the presid tri __PUNCT__ and fail __PUNCT__ to secur a respons and gradual drawdown that would have better secur our gain __PUNCT__

the presid ha fail to lead in syria __PUNCT__ where more than __NUM___men __PUNCT__ women __PUNCT__ and children have been massacr by the assad_regim over the past___NUM__ __NUM___month __PUNCT__

violent extremist ar flow into the fight __PUNCT__

our alli turkei ha been attack __PUNCT__

and the conflict threaten stabil in the region __PUNCT__

america can take pride in the blow that our militari and intellig profession have inflict on al __PUNCT__ qaeda in pakistan and afghanistan __PUNCT__ includ the kill of osama_bin_laden __PUNCT__

these ar real achiev won at a high_cost __PUNCT__

but al __PUNCT__ qaeda remain a strong forc in yemen and somalia __PUNCT__ in libya and other part of north_africa __PUNCT__ in iraq __PUNCT__ and now in syria __PUNCT__

and other extremist have gain ground across the region __PUNCT__

drone and the modern instrument of war ar import tool in our fight __PUNCT__ but thei ar no substitut for a nation_secur strategi for the middl_east __PUNCT__

the presid is fond of sai that __PUNCT__ the tide of war is reced __PUNCT__ and i want to believ him as much as anyon __PUNCT__

but when we look at the middl east todai __PUNCT__ with iran closer than ever to nuclear_weapon capabl __PUNCT__ with the conflict in syria threat to destabil the region __PUNCT__ with violent extremist on the march __PUNCT__ and with an american_ambassador and three other dead like at the hand of al __PUNCT__ qaeda affili __PUNCT__ it is clear that the risk of conflict in the region is higher now than when the presid took offic __PUNCT__

i know the presid hope for a safer __PUNCT__ freer __PUNCT__ and a more prosper middl_east alli with the unit_state __PUNCT__

i share thi hope __PUNCT__

but hope is not a strategi __PUNCT__

we cannot support our friend and defeat our enemi in the middl_east when our word ar not back up by deed __PUNCT__ when our defens_spend is be arbitrarili and deepli cut __PUNCT__ when we have no trade agenda to speak of __PUNCT__ and the percept of our strategi is not on of partnership __PUNCT__ but of passiv __PUNCT__

the greater tragedi of it all is that we ar miss an histor opportun to win new friend who share our valu in the middl_east __PUNCT__ friend who ar fight for their own futur against the veri same violent extremist __PUNCT__ and evil tyrant __PUNCT__ and angri mob who seek to harm us __PUNCT__

unfortun __PUNCT__ so mani of these peopl who could be our friend feel that our presid is indiffer to their quest for freedom and digniti __PUNCT__

as on syrian woman put it __PUNCT__ we will not forget that you forgot about us __PUNCT__

it is time to chang cours in the middl east __PUNCT__

that cours should be organ around these bedrock principl __PUNCT__ america must have confid in our caus __PUNCT__ clariti in our purpos and resolv in our might __PUNCT__

no friend of america will question our commit to support them __PUNCT__ no enemi that attack america will question our resolv to defeat them __PUNCT__ and no on anywher __PUNCT__ friend or foe __PUNCT__ will doubt america capabl to back up our word __PUNCT__

i will put the leader of iran on notic that the unit_state and our friend and alli will prevent them from acquir nuclear_weapon capabl __PUNCT__

i will not hesit to impos new sanction on iran __PUNCT__ and will tighten the sanction we current have __PUNCT__

i will restor the perman presenc of aircraft_carrier task_forc in both the eastern mediterranean and the gulf region __PUNCT__ and work with israel to increas our militari assist and coordin __PUNCT__

for the sake of peac __PUNCT__ we must make_clear to iran through action __PUNCT__ not just word __PUNCT__ that their nuclear pursuit will not be toler __PUNCT__

i will reaffirm our histor ti to israel and our abid commit to it secur __PUNCT__ the world must never see ani daylight between our two nation __PUNCT__

i will deepen our critic cooper with our partner in the gulf __PUNCT__

and i will roll_back presid_obama deep and arbitrari cut to our nation_defens that would devast our militari __PUNCT__

i will make the critic defens invest that we need to remain secur __PUNCT__

the decis we make todai will determin our abil to protect_america tomorrow __PUNCT__

the first purpos of a strong militari is to prevent_war __PUNCT__

the size of our navi is at level not seen sinc __NUM__ __PUNCT__

i will restor our navi to the size need to fulfil our mission by build __NUM__ ship per year __PUNCT__ includ three submarin __PUNCT__

i will implement effect missil_defens to protect against threat __PUNCT__

and on thi __PUNCT__ there will be no flexibl with vladimir_putin __PUNCT__

and i will call on our nato alli to keep the greatest militari allianc in histori strong by honor their commit to each devot __NUM__ percent of their gdp to secur spend __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ onli __NUM__ of the __NUM__ nato nation meet thi benchmark __PUNCT__

i will make further reform to our foreign assist to creat_incent for good_govern __PUNCT__ free_enterpris __PUNCT__ and greater trade __PUNCT__ in the middl_east and beyond __PUNCT__

i will organ all assist effort in the greater middl east under on offici with respons and account to priorit effort and produc result __PUNCT__

i will ralli our friend and alli to match our generos with their __PUNCT__

and i will make it clear to the recipi of our aid that __PUNCT__ in return for our materi_support __PUNCT__ thei must meet the respons of everi decent modern govern __PUNCT__ to respect the right of all of their citizen __PUNCT__ includ women and minor __PUNCT__ to ensur space for civil_societi __PUNCT__ a free media __PUNCT__ polit_parti __PUNCT__ and an independ_judiciari __PUNCT__ and to abid by their intern commit to protect our diplomat and our properti __PUNCT__

i will champion free_trade and restor it as a critic element of our strategi __PUNCT__ both in the middl_east and across the world __PUNCT__

the presid ha not sign on new free_trade_agreement in the past four year __PUNCT__

i will revers that failur __PUNCT__

i will work with nation around the world that ar commit to the principl of free_enterpris __PUNCT__ expand exist relationship and establish new on __PUNCT__

i will support friend across the middl_east who share our valu __PUNCT__ but need help defend them and their sovereignti against our common_enemi __PUNCT__

in libya __PUNCT__ i will support the libyan peopl effort to forg a last govern that repres all of them __PUNCT__ and i will vigor pursu the terrorist who attack our consul in benghazi and kill american __PUNCT__

in egypt __PUNCT__ i will us our influenc __PUNCT__ includ clear condit on our aid __PUNCT__ to urg the new govern to repres all egyptian __PUNCT__ to build democrat_institut __PUNCT__ and to maintain it peac treati with israel __PUNCT__

and we must persuad our friend and alli to place similar stipul on their aid __PUNCT__

in syria __PUNCT__ i will work with our partner to identifi and organ those member of the opposit who share our valu and ensur thei obtain the arm thei need to defeat assad tank __PUNCT__ helicopt __PUNCT__ and fighter jet __PUNCT__

iran is send arm to assad becaus thei know hi downfal would be a strateg defeat for them __PUNCT__

we should be work no less vigor with our intern partner to support the mani syrian who would deliv that defeat to iran __PUNCT__ rather than sit on the sidelin __PUNCT__

it is essenti that we develop influenc with those forc in syria that will on dai lead a countri that sit at the heart of the middl_east __PUNCT__

and in afghanistan __PUNCT__ i will pursu a real and success transit to afghan secur_forc by the end of __NUM__ __PUNCT__

presid_obama would have you believ that anyon who disagre with hi decis in afghanistan is argu for endless_war __PUNCT__

but the rout to more war __PUNCT__ and to potenti attack here at home __PUNCT__ is a polit time retreat that abandon the afghan_peopl to the same extremist who ravag their countri and us it to launch the attack of 9/11 __PUNCT__

i will evalu condit on the ground and weigh the best advic of our militari_command __PUNCT__

and i will affirm that my duti is not to my polit prospect __PUNCT__ but to the secur of the nation __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ i will recommit america to the goal of a democrat __PUNCT__ prosper palestinian_state live side by side in peac and secur with the jewish_state of israel __PUNCT__

on thi vital issu __PUNCT__ the presid ha fail __PUNCT__ and what should be a negoti process ha devolv into a seri of heat disput at the unit_nation __PUNCT__

in thi old conflict __PUNCT__ as in everi challeng we face in the middl_east __PUNCT__ onli a new presid will bring the chanc to begin anew __PUNCT__

there is a long for american leadership in the middl east __PUNCT__ and it is not uniqu to that region __PUNCT__

it is broadli felt by america friend and alli in other part of the world as well __PUNCT__ in europ __PUNCT__ where putin russia cast a long shadow over young democraci __PUNCT__ and where our oldest alli have been told we ar __PUNCT__ pivot __PUNCT__ awai from them __PUNCT__ in asia and across the pacif __PUNCT__ where china recent assert is send chill through the region __PUNCT__ and here in our own hemispher __PUNCT__ where our neighbor in latin_america want to resist the fail ideolog of hugo_chavez and the castro brother and deepen ti with the unit_state on trade __PUNCT__ energi __PUNCT__ and secur __PUNCT__

but in all of these place __PUNCT__ just as in the middl_east __PUNCT__ the question is ask __PUNCT__ where doe america stand __PUNCT__

i know mani american ar ask a differ question __PUNCT__ why us __PUNCT__ i know mani american ar ask whether our countri todai __PUNCT__ with our ail economi __PUNCT__ and our massiv debt __PUNCT__ and after __NUM___year at war __PUNCT__ is still capabl of lead __PUNCT__

i believ that if america doe not lead __PUNCT__ other will __PUNCT__ other who do not share our interest and our valu __PUNCT__ and the world will grow darker __PUNCT__ for our friend and for us __PUNCT__

america_secur and the caus of freedom cannot afford four more year like the last four year __PUNCT__

i am run for presid becaus i believ the leader of the free_world ha a duti __PUNCT__ to our citizen __PUNCT__ and to our friend everywher __PUNCT__ to us america_great influenc __PUNCT__ wise __PUNCT__ with solemn and without fals pride __PUNCT__ but also firmli and activ __PUNCT__ to shape event in wai that secur our interest __PUNCT__ further our valu __PUNCT__ prevent conflict __PUNCT__ and make the world better __PUNCT__ not perfect __PUNCT__ but better __PUNCT__

our friend and alli across the globe do not want less american leadership __PUNCT__

thei want more __PUNCT__ more of our moral support __PUNCT__ more of our secur cooper __PUNCT__ more of our trade __PUNCT__ and more of our assist in build free_societi and thrive economi __PUNCT__

so mani peopl across the world still look to america as the best hope of humankind __PUNCT__

so mani peopl still have faith in america __PUNCT__

we must show them that we still have faith in ourselv __PUNCT__ that we have the will and the wisdom to reviv our stagnant economi __PUNCT__ to roll_back our unsustain debt __PUNCT__ to reform our govern __PUNCT__ to revers the catastroph cut now threaten our nation_defens __PUNCT__ to renew the sourc of our great_power __PUNCT__ and to lead the cours of human_event __PUNCT__

sir winston_churchil onc said of georg marshal __PUNCT__ he __PUNCT__ alwai fought victori against defeat __PUNCT__ discourag __PUNCT__ and disillus __PUNCT__ that is the role our friend want america to plai again __PUNCT__

and it is the role we must plai __PUNCT__

the __NUM___centuri can and must be an american_centuri __PUNCT__

it began with terror __PUNCT__ war __PUNCT__ and econom calam __PUNCT__

it is our duti to steer it onto the path of freedom __PUNCT__ peac __PUNCT__ and prosper __PUNCT__

the torch america carri is on of decenc and hope __PUNCT__

it is not america torch alon __PUNCT__

but it is america duti __PUNCT__ and honor __PUNCT__ to hold it high enough that all the world can see it light __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__ god_bless you __PUNCT__ and god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__