Mitt Romney

This speech titled 10.26.2012.Ames.IA originally had 3030 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you all __PUNCT__

it great to be back in iowa __PUNCT__

and don't think that thi is the last time you ar go to see paul_ryan and me __PUNCT__ becaus you iowan mai well be the on who decid what kind of america we will have __PUNCT__ what kind of life our famili will have __PUNCT__

the choic you make thi __DATE__ will shape great_thing __PUNCT__ histor thing __PUNCT__ and those thing will determin the most intim and import_aspect of everi american_life and everi american_famili __PUNCT__

thi is an elect about america __PUNCT__ and it is an elect about the american famili __PUNCT__

all elect matter __PUNCT__

thi on matter a great_deal __PUNCT__

over the year of our nation_histori __PUNCT__ choic our fellow_citizen have made have chang the countri cours __PUNCT__ thei were turn_point of defin consequ __PUNCT__

we ar at a turn point todai __PUNCT__

our nation_debt and liabil threaten to crush our futur __PUNCT__ our economi struggl under the weight of govern and fail to creat essenti growth and employ __PUNCT__

at the same_time __PUNCT__ emerg power seek to shape the world in their imag __PUNCT__ china with it model of authoritarian and __PUNCT__ in a veri differ wai __PUNCT__ jihadist with sharia __PUNCT__ repress __PUNCT__ and terror for the world __PUNCT__

thi is an elect of consequ __PUNCT__

our campaign is about big_thing __PUNCT__ becaus we happen to believ that america_face big challeng __PUNCT__

we recogn thi is a year with a big choic __PUNCT__ and the american_peopl want to see big chang __PUNCT__

and togeth we can bring real chang to thi countri __PUNCT__

four year_ago __PUNCT__ candid_obama spoke to the scale of the time __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ he shrink from it __PUNCT__ try instead to distract our attent from the biggest issu to the smallest __PUNCT__ from charact on sesam street and silli word game to misdirect person_attack he know ar fals __PUNCT__

the presid campaign fall far short of the magnitud of the time __PUNCT__

and the presid of the last four year ha fallen far short of the promis of hi last campaign __PUNCT__

four year_ago __PUNCT__ america_vote for a post __PUNCT__ partisan presid __PUNCT__ but thei have seen the most polit of presid __PUNCT__ and a washington in gridlock becaus of it __PUNCT__

presid_obama obama_promis to bring us togeth __PUNCT__ but at everi turn __PUNCT__ he ha sought to divid and demon __PUNCT__

he promis to cut the deficit in half __PUNCT__ but he doubl it __PUNCT__

and hi budget __PUNCT__ it fail to win a singl_vote __PUNCT__ republican or democrat __PUNCT__ in either the hous or the senat __PUNCT__

he said he would reform medicar and social_secur and save them from pend insolv __PUNCT__ but he shrunk from propos ani solut at all __PUNCT__

and then __PUNCT__ where ar the job __PUNCT__ where ar the __NUM___million more job that presid_obama obama_promis hi stimulu would have creat by now __PUNCT__ thei ar in china __PUNCT__ mexico __PUNCT__ and canada and in countri that have made themselv more attract for entrepreneur and busi and invest __PUNCT__ even as presid_obama obama_polici have made it less attract for them here __PUNCT__

and so todai __PUNCT__ hi campaign tri to deflect and detract __PUNCT__ to minim the failur __PUNCT__ and to make thi elect about small shini object __PUNCT__

but thi elect matter more than that __PUNCT__

it matter to your famili __PUNCT__

it matter to the senior who need to get an appoint with a medic specialist but is told by on receptionist after anoth that the doctor isn't take ani new medicar patient __PUNCT__ becaus medicar ha been slash to pai for obamacar __PUNCT__

it matter to the man from waukesha __PUNCT__ wisconsin i spoke with sever dai_ago __PUNCT__

in what were suppos to be hi best work year __PUNCT__ he us to have a job at __MONEY__ an hour with benefit and now ha on at __MONEY__ an hour __PUNCT__ without benefit __PUNCT__

it matter to the colleg_student __PUNCT__ graduat thi spring __PUNCT__ with __NUM__ to __NUM__ thousand_dollar in student_debt __PUNCT__ who now learn that she also will be pai for __NUM__ thousand_dollar in govern_debt __PUNCT__ a burden that will put the american_dream beyond her reach __PUNCT__

it matter for the child in a fail school __PUNCT__ unabl to go to the school of hi parent choos __PUNCT__ becaus the teacher_union that fund the presid campaign oppos school_choic __PUNCT__

the presid campaign ha a slogan __PUNCT__ it is __PUNCT__ forward __PUNCT__ but to the __NUM___million_american struggl to find a good_job __PUNCT__ these last four year feel a lot more like __PUNCT__ backward __PUNCT__ we cannot afford four more year like the last four year __PUNCT__

thi elect is about big_thing __PUNCT__ like the educ of our children __PUNCT__ the valu of our home __PUNCT__ the take home pai from our job __PUNCT__ the price of the gasolin we bui __PUNCT__ and the choic we have in our healthcar __PUNCT__

it is also about the big thing that determin these thing __PUNCT__ like the growth of the economi __PUNCT__ the strength of our militari __PUNCT__ our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__ and america leadership in the world __PUNCT__

presid_obama frequent remind us that he inherit a troubl economi __PUNCT__

but a troubl economi is not all that presid obama inherit __PUNCT__

he inherit the greatest nation in the histori of the earth __PUNCT__

he inherit the most product and innov nation in histori __PUNCT__

he inherit the largest_economi in the world __PUNCT__

and he inherit a peopl who have alwai risen to the occas __PUNCT__ regardless of the challeng thei face __PUNCT__ so long as we have been led by men and women who have brought us togeth __PUNCT__ call on our patriot __PUNCT__ and guid the nation with vision and convict __PUNCT__

despit all that he inherit __PUNCT__ presid_obama did not repair our economi __PUNCT__ he did not save medicar and social_secur __PUNCT__ he did not tame the spend and borrow __PUNCT__ he did not reach across the aisl to bring us togeth __PUNCT__

nor did he stand up to china trade practic __PUNCT__ or deliv on hi promis to re __PUNCT__ make our relat with the muslim_world __PUNCT__ where anti __PUNCT__ american extrem is on the rise __PUNCT__

what he inherit wasn't the onli problem __PUNCT__ what he did with what he inherit made the problem wors __PUNCT__

in just four short year __PUNCT__ he borrow nearli __MONEY___trillion __PUNCT__ ad almost as much debt held by the public as all prior american_presid in histori __PUNCT__

he forc through obamacar __PUNCT__ frighten small_busi from hire new employe and ad thousand of dollar to everi famili healthcar_bill __PUNCT__

he launch an onslaught of new regul __PUNCT__ often to the delight of the biggest_bank and corpor __PUNCT__ but to the detriment of the small __PUNCT__ grow busi that creat two __PUNCT__ third of our job __PUNCT__

new busi start ar at a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year low becaus entrepreneur and investor ar sit on the sidelin __PUNCT__ weari from the presid stagger new regul and propos massiv tax_increas __PUNCT__

mani famili can't get mortgag and mani entrepreneur can't get loan becaus of dodd __PUNCT__ frank regul that make it harder for bank to lend __PUNCT__

the presid invest taxpay_monei __PUNCT__ your monei __PUNCT__ in green compani __PUNCT__ now fail __PUNCT__ that met hi fanci __PUNCT__ and sometim were own by hi largest campaign contributor __PUNCT__

he spent billion of taxpay_dollar on invest like solyndra __PUNCT__ tesla __PUNCT__ fisker __PUNCT__ and ener1 __PUNCT__ which onli ad to our mount feder_debt __PUNCT__

energi_price ar up in part becaus energi_product on feder land is down __PUNCT__

he reject the keyston pipelin from canada __PUNCT__ and cut in half drill permit and leas __PUNCT__ even as gasolin_price soar to new high __PUNCT__

no __PUNCT__ the problem with the obama economi is not what he inherit __PUNCT__ it is with the misguid polici that slow the recoveri __PUNCT__ and caus million of american to endur lengthi unemploy and poverti __PUNCT__

that is why __NUM___million more of our fellow_citizen ar on food_stamp than when presid_obama wa sworn into offic __PUNCT__

that is why __NUM___million more women ar now live in poverti __PUNCT__

that is why nearli __NUM__ in __NUM__ american_todai is poor __PUNCT__

that is why the economi is stagnant __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ we receiv the latest_round of discourag econom new __PUNCT__ last quarter __PUNCT__ our economi grew at just __NUM__ __PUNCT__

after the stimulu wa pass __PUNCT__ the white_hous promis the economi would now be grow at __NUM__ __PUNCT__ over twice as fast __PUNCT__

slow econom_growth mean slow job_growth and declin take home pai __PUNCT__

thi is what four year of presid_obama obama_polici have produc __PUNCT__

american ar readi for chang __PUNCT__ for growth __PUNCT__ for job __PUNCT__ for more take home pai __PUNCT__

we have had four presidenti and vice __PUNCT__ presidenti_debat __PUNCT__

and there is noth in what the presid propos or defend that ha ani prospect of meet the challeng of the time __PUNCT__

rais_tax will not grow job or ignit the economi __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ hi tax_plan ha been calcul to destroi __NUM___job __PUNCT__

a new stimulu __PUNCT__ three year after the recess offici end __PUNCT__ mai spare govern __PUNCT__ but it will not stimul the privat_sector ani better than did the stimulu of four year_ago __PUNCT__

and cut on trillion_dollar from the militari will kill job and devast our nation_defens __PUNCT__

thi is not the time to doubl down on the trickl __PUNCT__ down govern_polici that have fail us __PUNCT__ it is time for new bold chang that measur up to the moment __PUNCT__ that can bring america famili the certainti that the futur will be better than the past __PUNCT__

if paul_ryan and i ar elect as your presid and vice_presid __PUNCT__ we will endeavor with all our heart and energi to restor america __PUNCT__

instead of more spend __PUNCT__ more borrow from china and higher_tax from washington __PUNCT__ we renew our faith in the power of free_peopl pursu their dream __PUNCT__

we start with our plan for a stronger middl_class __PUNCT__ which ha five element __PUNCT__

on __PUNCT__ we will act to put america on track to a balanc_budget by elimin unnecessari program __PUNCT__ by send program back to state where thei can be manag with less abus and less cost __PUNCT__ and by shrink the bureaucraci of washington __PUNCT__

two __PUNCT__ we produc more of the energi we need to heat our home __PUNCT__ fill our car __PUNCT__ and make our economi_grow __PUNCT__

we will stop the obama_war on coal __PUNCT__ the disdain for oil __PUNCT__ and the effort to crimp natur_ga by feder_regul of the veri technolog that produc it __PUNCT__

we will support nuclear and renew __PUNCT__ but phase out subsidi onc an industri is on it feet __PUNCT__

and rather than invest in new electr auto and solar compani __PUNCT__ we will invest in energi scienc and research to make discoveri that can actual chang our energi world __PUNCT__

and by __NUM__ we will achiev north_american american_energi energi_independ __PUNCT__

three __PUNCT__ we will make trade work for america __PUNCT__

we open more market to american agricultur __PUNCT__ product __PUNCT__ and servic __PUNCT__

and we will final hold account ani nation that doesn't plai by the rule __PUNCT__

i will stand up for the right and interest of american_worker and employ __PUNCT__

four __PUNCT__ we will grow job by make_america the best possibl place for job creator __PUNCT__ for entrepreneur __PUNCT__ for small_busi __PUNCT__ for innov __PUNCT__ for manufactur __PUNCT__

thi we will do by updat and reshap regul to encourag growth __PUNCT__ by lower_tax tax_rate while lower deduct and close loophol __PUNCT__ and by make it clear from dai on that unlik the current administr __PUNCT__ we actual like busi and the job busi creat __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ as we creat more opportun __PUNCT__ we also will make sure that our citizen have the skill to succe __PUNCT__

train_program will be shape by the state where peopl_live __PUNCT__ and school will put the interest of our kid __PUNCT__ their parent __PUNCT__ and their teacher abov the interest of the teacher __PUNCT__ union __PUNCT__

if we do those five thing __PUNCT__ our economi will come roar back __PUNCT__

we will creat___NUM__ __NUM___million new job in just four year __PUNCT__ rais take __PUNCT__ home pai __PUNCT__ and get the american_economi economi_grow at four percent a year __PUNCT__ more than doubl thi year rate __PUNCT__

after all the fals promis of recoveri and all the wait __PUNCT__ we will final see help for america middl_class __PUNCT__

paul and i won't stop there __PUNCT__

when we take offic __PUNCT__ we will take respons to solv the big_problem that everyon agre can't wait ani longer __PUNCT__

we will save and secur medicar and social_secur __PUNCT__ both for current and near retire __PUNCT__ and for the gener to come __PUNCT__

we will restor the __MONEY___billion presid_obama ha taken from medicar to pai for hi vaunt obamacar __PUNCT__

we will reform healthcar to tame the growth in it cost __PUNCT__ to provid for those with pre __PUNCT__ exist condit __PUNCT__ and to assur that everi american ha access to healthcar __PUNCT__

we will replac govern choic with consum_choic __PUNCT__ bring the dynam of the marketplac to a sector of our live that ha long been domin by govern __PUNCT__

these thing among other we can onli do if we work tirelessli to bridg the divid between the polit_parti __PUNCT__

we will meet with democrat and republican_leadership regularli __PUNCT__ we will look for common_ground and share principl __PUNCT__ and we will put the interest of the american_peopl abov the interest of the politician __PUNCT__

i know someth about lead becaus i led befor __PUNCT__

in busi __PUNCT__ at the olymp __PUNCT__ and in massachusett __PUNCT__ i brought peopl togeth to achiev real chang __PUNCT__

i wa elect as a republican_governor in a state with a legislatur that wa __NUM__ __PUNCT__ democrat __PUNCT__

we were look at a multi __PUNCT__ billion_dollar budget gap __PUNCT__

but instead of fight with on anoth __PUNCT__ we came togeth to solv our problem __PUNCT__

we actual cut_spend __PUNCT__ reduc it __PUNCT__

we lower_tax __NUM___time __PUNCT__

we defend school_choic __PUNCT__

and we work to make our state busi friendli __PUNCT__

our state move up __NUM__ place in job_growth __PUNCT__

our school were rank number on in the nation __PUNCT__

and we turn a __MONEY___billion budget_deficit into a __MONEY___billion raini dai fund __PUNCT__

i know it becaus i have seen it __PUNCT__ good democrat can come togeth with good republican to solv big_problem __PUNCT__

what we need is leadership __PUNCT__

america is readi for that kind of leadership __PUNCT__

paul_ryan and i will provid it __PUNCT__

our plan for a stronger middl_class will creat_job __PUNCT__ stop the declin in take home pai __PUNCT__ and put america back on the path of prosper and opportun __PUNCT__

and thi will enabl us to fulfil our respons as the leader of the free_world __PUNCT__ to promot the principl of peac __PUNCT__

we will help the muslim_world combat the spread of extrem __PUNCT__ we will dissuad iran from build a nuclear_bomb __PUNCT__ we will build endur relationship throughout latin_america __PUNCT__ and we will partner with china and other great_nation to build a more stabl and peac world __PUNCT__

we face big challeng __PUNCT__

but we also have big opportun __PUNCT__

new door ar open for us to sell our idea and our product to the entir world __PUNCT__

new technolog offer the promis of unbound inform and limitless innov __PUNCT__

new idea ar chang live and heart in divers nation and among divers peopl __PUNCT__

if we seiz the moment and rise to the occas __PUNCT__ the centuri ahead will be an american_centuri __PUNCT__

our children will graduat into job that ar wait for them __PUNCT__

our senior will be confid that their retir is secur __PUNCT__

our men and women will have good_job and good pai and good benefit __PUNCT__

and we will have everi confid that our live ar safe __PUNCT__ and that our livelihood ar secur __PUNCT__

what thi requir is chang __PUNCT__ chang from the cours of the last four year __PUNCT__

it requir that we put asid the small and the petti __PUNCT__ and demand the scale of chang we deserv __PUNCT__ we need real chang __PUNCT__ big chang __PUNCT__

our campaign is about that kind of chang __PUNCT__ confront the problem that politician have avoid for over a decad __PUNCT__ revit our competit economi __PUNCT__ modern our educ __PUNCT__ restor our found_principl __PUNCT__

thi is the kind of chang that promis a better futur __PUNCT__ on shape by men and women pursu their dream in their own uniqu wai __PUNCT__

thi elect is a choic between the statu_quo __PUNCT__ go forward with the same polici of the last four year __PUNCT__ or instead __PUNCT__ choos real chang __PUNCT__ chang that offer promis __PUNCT__ promis that the futur will be better than the past __PUNCT__

if you ar readi for that kind of chang __PUNCT__ if you want thi to be a turn_point in america cours __PUNCT__ join paul_ryan and me __PUNCT__ get your famili and friend to join us __PUNCT__ and vote now for the kind of leadership that these time demand __PUNCT__

god_bless you __PUNCT__

and god_bless_america __PUNCT__