Mitt Romney

This speech titled 11.02.2012.WestAllis.WI originally had 2808 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__

it good to be in the home_state of the next vice_presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

next to ann romnei __PUNCT__ paul_ryan is the best choic i ever made __PUNCT__

tonight __PUNCT__ we enter the final weekend of the campaign __PUNCT__

at obama ralli __PUNCT__ thei ar sai __PUNCT__ four more year __PUNCT__ we ar shout __PUNCT__ four more dai __PUNCT__

we ar so veri grate to you and to peopl across the countri __PUNCT__ for all that you have given of yourselv to thi campaign __PUNCT__

thi is not just about paul and me __PUNCT__ it is about america __PUNCT__ and the futur we will leav to our children __PUNCT__

we thank you __PUNCT__ and we ask you to stai at it all the wai __PUNCT__ all the wai to victori on tuesdai night __PUNCT__

the close hour of a campaign have a dynam of their own __PUNCT__

mani voter have known for some time who thei will vote for __PUNCT__

other ar just now put asid the demand of daili_life and consid how their vote will affect their life __PUNCT__ the live of their children __PUNCT__ and the cours of the countri we love __PUNCT__

we ask you to look beyond the speech and the attack and the ad __PUNCT__

look to the record __PUNCT__ the accomplish and failur __PUNCT__ and the judgment __PUNCT__

word ar cheap __PUNCT__

a record is real and earn with effort __PUNCT__

chang cannot be measur in speech __PUNCT__ it is measur in achiev __PUNCT__

four year_ago __PUNCT__ candid_obama obama_promis to do so veri much __PUNCT__ but he ha fallen so veri short __PUNCT__

he promis to be a __PUNCT__ post __PUNCT__ partisan presid __PUNCT__ but he becam the most partisan __PUNCT__ blame __PUNCT__ attack __PUNCT__ divid __PUNCT__

he wa go to focu on creat_job __PUNCT__

instead __PUNCT__ he focus on obamacar __PUNCT__ which kill job __PUNCT__

he said he wa go to cut the feder_deficit by half __PUNCT__ then he doubl it __PUNCT__

he said that the unemploy_rate would now be __NUM__ __PUNCT__ todai we learn that it is __NUM__ __PUNCT__ it is __NUM___million_job short of what he promis __PUNCT__

unemploy is higher todai than when barack_obama took offic __PUNCT__

he promis that he would propos a plan to save social_secur and medicar from insolv __PUNCT__

he did not __PUNCT__ rather __PUNCT__ he raid __MONEY___billion from medicar for hi vaunt obamacar __PUNCT__

he would lower health premium by __MONEY__

now thei ar higher by __MONEY__

and gasolin __PUNCT__ the american_famili pai___MONEY__ a year more for gasolin todai than when he wa elect __PUNCT__

he said he would work across the aisl on the most import_issu __PUNCT__

he ha not met on the economi __PUNCT__ or on the budget __PUNCT__ or on job __PUNCT__ with either the republican_leader of the hous or the senat sinc __DATE__ __PUNCT__

instead of bridg the divid __PUNCT__ he ha made it wider __PUNCT__

how is it that he ha fallen so short of what he promis __PUNCT__ in part __PUNCT__ it is becaus he ha never led __PUNCT__ never work across the aisl __PUNCT__ never truli understood how job ar creat in the economi __PUNCT__

and todai __PUNCT__ he make new promis __PUNCT__ promis he will be unabl to keep __PUNCT__ becaus he admit that he will stai on the same path __PUNCT__

the same cours we have been on will not lead to a better destin __PUNCT__

the same path mean __MONEY___trillion in debt __PUNCT__ crippl unemploy __PUNCT__ stagnant take __PUNCT__ home pai __PUNCT__ depress home valu __PUNCT__ and a devast militari __PUNCT__

and unless we chang cours __PUNCT__ we mai be look at anoth recess __PUNCT__

the question of thi elect come down to thi __PUNCT__ do you want more of the same or do you want real chang __PUNCT__

presid_obama obama_promis chang __PUNCT__ but he could not deliv it __PUNCT__

i promis chang __PUNCT__ and i have a record of achiev it __PUNCT__

i built a busi __PUNCT__ and turn around anoth __PUNCT__

i help put an olymp back on track __PUNCT__

and with a democrat legislatur __PUNCT__ i help turn my state from deficit to surplu __PUNCT__ from job_loss to job_growth __PUNCT__ and from higher_tax to higher take __PUNCT__ home pai __PUNCT__

thi is why i am run for presid __PUNCT__

i know how to chang the cours the nation is on __PUNCT__ how to get us to a balanc_budget and how to build job and rise take __PUNCT__ home pai __PUNCT__

accomplish real chang is not someth i just talk about __PUNCT__ it is someth i have done __PUNCT__

and it is what will do when i am presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

if you believ we can do better __PUNCT__ if you believ america should be on a better cours __PUNCT__ if you ar tire of be tire __PUNCT__ then i ask you to vote for real chang __PUNCT__

paul_ryan and i will bring real chang to america __PUNCT__ from dai on __PUNCT__

when i am elect __PUNCT__ the economi and american_job will still be stagnant __PUNCT__

i won't wast ani time complain about my predecessor __PUNCT__

i won't spend my effort try to pass partisan legisl unrel to econom_growth __PUNCT__

from dai on __PUNCT__ i will go to work to help american get back to work __PUNCT__

peopl across the countri ar respond to our five __PUNCT__ part plan to creat_job __PUNCT__

part on is about take full advantag of our energi_resourc __PUNCT__

on dai on __PUNCT__ i will act to increas the number of leas and permit to drill on feder land __PUNCT__

i will act to speed the approv of the keyston pipelin from canada __PUNCT__

i will re __PUNCT__ visit coal regul that were design by the administr to strangl the industri __PUNCT__

on dai on __PUNCT__ we will be closer to energi_independ __PUNCT__

second __PUNCT__ i will move to boost trade __PUNCT__ especi with latin_america __PUNCT__

i will ask congress for trade promot author __PUNCT__ a power everi presid ha us or request sinc it wa first creat in __NUM__ with the except of presid_obama __PUNCT__

and i will final design china as a currenc manipul __PUNCT__

it is time for trade that work for america __PUNCT__

third __PUNCT__ i will send to congress the retrain reform act __PUNCT__ to make sure that everi worker who feel left behind in thi economi can get the skill and the chanc for a good __PUNCT__ pai_job __PUNCT__

fourth __PUNCT__ i will move to tackl out __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ control_spend __PUNCT__

i will send congress the first of sever fundament reform call the down payment on fiscal_saniti act __PUNCT__ to immedi cut __PUNCT__ not just slow the rate of growth __PUNCT__ but cut non __PUNCT__ secur discretionari_spend by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

i not just go to take offic on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ i go to take respons for the offic as well __PUNCT__

and fifth __PUNCT__ i will act to boost small_busi __PUNCT__ and all busi __PUNCT__

i will issu execut_order aim straight at the problem that ar hold thi economi back __PUNCT__

the first will grant state waiver from obamacar __PUNCT__ to begin it repeal __PUNCT__

the second will launch a sweep review of all obama __PUNCT__ era regul with an ey to elimin or repair those that ar kill job and small_busi __PUNCT__

and everi entrepreneur __PUNCT__ everi small __PUNCT__ busi person __PUNCT__ everi job creator will know that for the first time in four year __PUNCT__ the govern of the unit_state like busi and love the job and higher_wage busi bring to our fellow_american __PUNCT__

we have almost forgotten what a real recoveri look like __PUNCT__ what american can achiev when we limit_govern instead of limit the dream of our fellow_american __PUNCT__

you can choos your futur __PUNCT__

you know what you need to know __PUNCT__

you can stai on the path of the last four year __PUNCT__ or you can choos real chang __PUNCT__

you know that if the presid is re __PUNCT__ elect __PUNCT__ he will still be unabl to work with the peopl in congress __PUNCT__

he ha ignor them __PUNCT__ attack them __PUNCT__ blame them __PUNCT__

the debt_ceil will come up again __PUNCT__ and shutdown and default will be threaten __PUNCT__ chill the economi __PUNCT__

the presid wa right when he said he can't chang washington from the insid __PUNCT__

in thi case __PUNCT__ you can take him at hi word __PUNCT__

when i am elect __PUNCT__ i will work with republican and democrat in congress __PUNCT__

i will meet regularli with their leader __PUNCT__

i will endeavor to find those good_men and women on both side of the aisl who care more about the countri than about the polit __PUNCT__

togeth __PUNCT__ we will put the nation on track to a balanc_budget __PUNCT__ to reform our tax_code __PUNCT__ and to final reaffirm our commit to financi respons __PUNCT__

you know that if the presid is re __PUNCT__ elect __PUNCT__ he will continu hi war on coal and oil and natur_ga __PUNCT__

he will send billion more dollar to hi favorit solar and wind compani __PUNCT__

and all of thi will guarante higher energi_price at the pump and fewer job __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ ga cost twice what it did when presid_obama wa elect __PUNCT__

when i am elect __PUNCT__ we will chang cours on energi __PUNCT__

i know just how much energi mean to middl __PUNCT__ class_famili __PUNCT__

we can help hold down price at the pump and grow new energi job and manufactur_job __PUNCT__

you know that if the presid is re __PUNCT__ elect __PUNCT__ he will continu to promot govern and demot busi __PUNCT__

he chose hi own job council __PUNCT__ made up of busi_leader __PUNCT__

and he hasn't met with them in __NUM___month __PUNCT__

__NUM__ month __PUNCT__

i like busi __PUNCT__ i don't see it as a necessari evil __PUNCT__

i see it as a mean for peopl to fulfil their dream __PUNCT__

yesterdai __PUNCT__ i met rhoda elliott __PUNCT__

she ha been run her famili restaur for year __PUNCT__ a busi that ha been in her famili for __NUM___year __PUNCT__

at it high_point __PUNCT__ she emploi __NUM___peopl __PUNCT__

she just close it down tell me that regul __PUNCT__ tax and the effect of the obama economi put her out of busi __PUNCT__

she tear up __PUNCT__ thi wasn't about monei __PUNCT__ thi wa about a futur for her famili and for her famili of employe __PUNCT__

i want to help the hundr of thousand of dreamer like rhoda __PUNCT__

and i will __PUNCT__

you know that if the presid is re __PUNCT__ elect __PUNCT__ he will sai everi good_thing he can about educ __PUNCT__ but in the final analysi __PUNCT__ he will do what hi largest campaign support __PUNCT__ the public __PUNCT__ sector_union __PUNCT__ insist upon __PUNCT__

and your kid will have the same school with the same result __PUNCT__

when i am presid __PUNCT__ i will be a voic of the children and their parent __PUNCT__

there is no union for the pta __PUNCT__

i will give parent the inform thei need to know if their school is fail __PUNCT__ and the choic thei need to pick the school where their child can succe __PUNCT__

i have watch over these last few month as our campaign ha gather the strength of a movement __PUNCT__

it not just the size of the crowd __PUNCT__ it the depth of our share convict __PUNCT__ the readi for new possibl __PUNCT__ the sens that the challeng ar clear and our work will soon begin __PUNCT__

it ha made me strive even more to be worthi of the offic __PUNCT__ to campaign as i would govern __PUNCT__ to speak for the aspir of all american __PUNCT__

i learn as governor of massachusett that the best achiev ar share achiev __PUNCT__

i learn that respect and good will go a long wai __PUNCT__ and ar usual return in kind __PUNCT__

that is how i will conduct myself as presid __PUNCT__

i will reach out to both side of the aisl __PUNCT__

i will bring_peopl togeth __PUNCT__ do big_thing for the common_good __PUNCT__

i won't just repres on parti __PUNCT__ i repres on nation __PUNCT__

i try to show the best of america __PUNCT__ at a time when onli our best will do __PUNCT__

throughout thi campaign __PUNCT__ us everi argument he can think of __PUNCT__ presid_obama ha tri to convinc you that __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ these last four year have been a success __PUNCT__

he so sure of thi that he got on big plan for the next four year __PUNCT__ let take all those idea from the first term __PUNCT__ the stimulu __PUNCT__ the borrow __PUNCT__ obamacar __PUNCT__ and the rest __PUNCT__ and go back and do them all over again __PUNCT__

but it could be boil down to four word __PUNCT__ more of the same __PUNCT__

i do not believ thi is a moment when our big dream will be satisfi with a small agenda __PUNCT__

i will lead america to a better place __PUNCT__ where confid in the futur is assur __PUNCT__ not question __PUNCT__

thi is not a time to settl __PUNCT__

we ar four dai awai from a fresh_start __PUNCT__

four dai awai from the first dai of a new begin __PUNCT__

my convict that better dai ar ahead is not base on promis and hollow rhetor but solid plan and proven result __PUNCT__

and an unshak faith in the american_spirit __PUNCT__

if there is anyon worri the last four year ar the best we can do __PUNCT__ if there is anyon who fear that the american_dream is fade awai __PUNCT__ if there is anyon who wonder whether better job and better paycheck ar thing of the past __PUNCT__ i have a clear and unequivoc messag __PUNCT__ with the right leadership __PUNCT__ america will come roar back __PUNCT__

we ar american __PUNCT__

we can do anyth __PUNCT__

the onli thing that stand between us and some of the best year we have known is lack of leadership __PUNCT__

and that why we have elect __PUNCT__

thi tuesdai is a moment to look into the futur and imagin what we can do __PUNCT__ to put the past four year behind us and start build a new futur __PUNCT__

you saw the differ when presid_obama and i were side __PUNCT__ by __PUNCT__ side in our debat __PUNCT__

he sai it ha to be thi wai __PUNCT__

i sai it can't stai thi wai __PUNCT__

he offer excus __PUNCT__ i got a plan __PUNCT__

he hope we settl __PUNCT__

i can't wait for us to get start __PUNCT__

american don't settl __PUNCT__

we build __PUNCT__ we aspir __PUNCT__ we listen to that voic insid that sai __PUNCT__ we can do better __PUNCT__ a better job __PUNCT__ a better life for our kid __PUNCT__ a bigger __PUNCT__ better countri __PUNCT__

that better life is out there __PUNCT__ wait for us __PUNCT__

our destini is in your hand __PUNCT__

four more dai __PUNCT__

four more dai and we can get to work rebuild our countri __PUNCT__ restor our confid and renew our convict __PUNCT__

confid that we ar on a solid path to steadi improv __PUNCT__

confid that colleg grad four year from now will find better job __PUNCT__

confid that the singl_mom work two job will have a shot at a better job __PUNCT__

on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ we come togeth for a better futur __PUNCT__

and on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ we get to work __PUNCT__

we reach across the street to that neighbor with the other yard sign and we reach across the aisl in washington to peopl of good_faith in the other parti __PUNCT__

thi is much more than our moment __PUNCT__

it is america moment of renew and purpos and optim __PUNCT__

we have journei far and wide in thi great campaign for america_futur __PUNCT__

and now we ar almost home __PUNCT__

on final push will get us there __PUNCT__

we have known mani long_dai and short night and now we ar close __PUNCT__

the door to a brighter futur is there __PUNCT__ open __PUNCT__ wait for us __PUNCT__

i need your vote __PUNCT__ i need your help __PUNCT__

walk with me __PUNCT__ walk togeth __PUNCT__

let us start anew __PUNCT__

god_bless each of you and god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__