This speech titled 11.07.2012.Boston.MA originally had 744 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__
thank you so veri much __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
i have just call presid_obama to congratul him on hi victori __PUNCT__
hi support and hi campaign also deserv congratul __PUNCT__
hi support and hi campaign also deserv congratul __PUNCT__
i wish all of them well __PUNCT__ but particularli the presid __PUNCT__ the first ladi and their daughter __PUNCT__
thi is a time of great_challeng for america __PUNCT__ and i prai that the presid will be success in guid our nation __PUNCT__
i want to thank paul_ryan for all that he ha done for our campaign __PUNCT__
and for our countri __PUNCT__
besid my wife __PUNCT__ ann __PUNCT__ paul is the best choic i ever made __PUNCT__
and i trust that hi intellect and hi hard_work and hi commit to principl will continu to contribut to the good of our nation __PUNCT__
i also want to thank ann __PUNCT__ the love of my life __PUNCT__
she would have been a wonder first ladi __PUNCT__
she __PUNCT__ she ha been that and more to me and to our famili and to the mani peopl that she ha touch with her compass and her care __PUNCT__
i thank my son for their tireless work on behalf of the campaign __PUNCT__ and thank their wive and children for take up the slack as their husband and dad have spent so mani week awai from home __PUNCT__
i want to thank matt rhoad and the dedic campaign team he led __PUNCT__
thei have made an extraordinari effort not just for me __PUNCT__ but also for the countri that we love __PUNCT__
and to you here tonight __PUNCT__ and to the team across the countri __PUNCT__ the volunt __PUNCT__ the fundrais __PUNCT__ the donor __PUNCT__ the surrog __PUNCT__ i don't believ that there ever been an effort in our parti that can compar with what you have done over these past_year __PUNCT__
thank you so veri much __PUNCT__
thank for all the hour of work __PUNCT__ for the call __PUNCT__ for the speech and appear __PUNCT__ for the resourc and for the prayer __PUNCT__
you gave deepli from yourselv and perform magnific __PUNCT__
and you inspir us and you humbl us __PUNCT__
you been the veri best we could have imagin __PUNCT__
the nation __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__ is at a critic point __PUNCT__
at a time like thi __PUNCT__ we can't risk partisan bicker and polit postur __PUNCT__
our leader have to reach across the aisl to do the peopl_work __PUNCT__
and we citizen also have to rise to the occas __PUNCT__
we look to our teacher and professor __PUNCT__ we count on you not just to teach __PUNCT__ but to inspir our children with a passion for learn and discoveri __PUNCT__
we look to our pastor and priest and rabbi and counselor of all kind to testifi of the endur principl upon which our societi is built __PUNCT__ honesti __PUNCT__ chariti __PUNCT__ integr and famili __PUNCT__
we look to our parent __PUNCT__ for in the final analysi everyth depend on the success of our home __PUNCT__
we look to job creator of all kind __PUNCT__
we count on you to invest __PUNCT__ to hire __PUNCT__ to step_forward __PUNCT__
and we look to democrat and republican in govern at all level to put the peopl befor the polit __PUNCT__
i believ in america __PUNCT__
i believ in the peopl of america __PUNCT__
and i ran for offic becaus i concern about america __PUNCT__
thi elect is over __PUNCT__ but our principl endur __PUNCT__
i believ that the principl upon which thi nation wa found ar the onli sure guid to a resurg economi and to renew great __PUNCT__
like so mani of you __PUNCT__ paul and i have left everyth on the field __PUNCT__
we have given our all to thi campaign __PUNCT__
i so wish __PUNCT__ i so wish that i had been abl to fulfil your hope to lead the countri in a differ direct __PUNCT__ but the nation chose anoth leader __PUNCT__
and so ann and i join with you to earnestli prai for him and for thi great_nation __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ and god_bless_america __PUNCT__
you gui ar the best __PUNCT__
thank you so much __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank __PUNCT__ gui __PUNCT__