Rick Santorum

This speech titled 2011.06.06.remarks_announcing_candidacy_for_president_in_somerset_pennsylvania originally had 2986 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 71 cue terms and an average lag of 38.1. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 public_life 54
0.185 0.174 0.641
0 0 0
2 god_bless 65
0.000995 0.000995 0.735
0.000398 0.00159 0.261
3 local_commun 76
0.188 0.0135 0.436
0 0 0.362
4 past___NUM__ 77
0.121 0.00378 0.372
0.0693 0 0.433
5 __NUM___month 0
0.00139 0 0.00537
0.188 0.00318 0.802
6 past_coupl 66
0.0374 0.133 0.272
0.043 0.00119 0.513
7 south_carolina 15
0.00816 0.121 0.402
0.0105 0.109 0.349
8 year_ago 63
0.000199 0.829 0
0 0.171 0
9 tea_parti 7
0 0.0193 0
0.000398 0.98 0.000199
10 peopl_stand 2
0.0159 0.00736 0.0215
0.00478 0.946 0.00478
11 high_rate 117
0.557 0.0243 0.376
0.00716 0.0285 0.00697
12 find_work 20
0.0981 0.00915 0.119
0.46 0.0233 0.291
13 state_capitol 25
0.0187 0.0107 0.346
0.271 0.0101 0.343
14 govern_worker 6
0.00219 0.00179 0.179
0.16 0.00836 0.65
15 ga_price 25
0.0165 0.000199 0.267
0.0177 0 0.699
16 futur_gener 180
0.0903 0.0336 0.501
0.00438 0 0.37
17 reserv_currenc 20
0.0135 0.00179 0.128
0.0593 0.00338 0.794
18 food_price 10
0.035 0 0.0324
0.0685 0.000597 0.863
19 oil_price 3
0.0131 0.000796 0.0159
0.101 0.000199 0.869
20 work_american 7
0.0308 0.00358 0.0519
0.11 0.000796 0.803
21 marriag_act 33
0.0187 0.00637 0.172
0.0909 0.000995 0.711
22 feder_fund 5
0.00876 0.00199 0.0237
0.105 0.00458 0.856
23 good_job 126
0.0515 0.225 0.701
0.00139 0.000995 0.0207
24 world_war 10
0.00975 0.0332 0.0939
0.0283 0.201 0.634
25 coal_mine 137
0.0287 0.799 0.0724
0.000199 0.0836 0.0157
26 work_hard 72
0.00438 0.00338 0.939
0 0.00896 0.0448
27 unit_state 43
0.226 0.000597 0.279
0.00239 0 0.492
28 week_ago 5
0.0113 0.000398 0.0728
0.191 0 0.724
29 paul_ryan 5
0.00239 0 0.185
0.044 0 0.768
30 unemploy_insur 14
0.0151 0.00119 0.108
0.0299 0.000199 0.846
31 great_countri 27
0.000398 0 0.482
0.000398 0 0.517
32 govern_decid 29
0.0609 0.0525 0.22
0.00119 0.000199 0.665
33 great_countri 100
0.000995 0.000199 0.832
0.000199 0 0.166
34 tea_partier 23
0.0603 0.00677 0.18
0.000995 0.000199 0.752
35 american_exception 64
0.0251 0.0249 0.523
0.00259 0.00219 0.423
36 creat_equal 25
0.00139 0.000796 0.243
0.00219 0.00279 0.75
37 __NUM___year 157
0.671 0.0494 0.233
0.000398 0 0.0454
38 life_expect 4
0.0354 0.000796 0.0482
0.633 0.0147 0.268
39 thousand_year 7
0.0394 0.00179 0.0348
0.627 0.00856 0.288
40 modern_time 52
0.439 0.00517 0.104
0.374 0.000597 0.0774
41 presid_obama 15
0.239 0.00119 0.0167
0.699 0.000199 0.0442
42 america_great 4
0.000398 0.00478 0.847
0.0571 0.000796 0.0896
43 health_care 123
0.983 0.000199 0.000199
0.0167 0 0
44 margaret_thatcher 10
0.0553 0.000398 0.073
0.87 0 0.000995
45 nation_health 46
0.31 0 0
0.69 0 0
46 health_care_system 0
0.00478 0 0
0.995 0 0
47 american_public 54
0.301 0.000796 0.0221
0.676 0 0
48 presid_obama 37
0.223 0.00159 0.00955
0.758 0 0.00716
49 obama_team 34
0.116 0.119 0.236
0.513 0.00179 0.0137
50 american_love 7
0.0119 0.114 0.119
0.398 0.117 0.241
51 smart_peopl 47
0.0231 0.00577 0.544
0.103 0.0133 0.311
52 make_decis 11
0.0233 0.00119 0.0563
0.115 0.00915 0.795
53 prescript_drug 52
0.12 0.0135 0.318
0.0386 0.00199 0.508
54 paul_ryan 12
0.0131 0.000199 0.183
0.1 0.000796 0.702
55 american_public 14
0.34 0.00478 0.0283
0.107 0.000995 0.519
56 prescript_drug 13
0.0163 0.0133 0.277
0.171 0.00318 0.519
57 founder_knew 33
0.031 0.0306 0.208
0.073 0.00896 0.649
58 hard_thing 32
0.0306 0.0482 0.0462
0.0826 0.0302 0.762
59 ten_year 65
0.0243 0.226 0.0569
0.0476 0.0535 0.592
60 averag_american 6
0.00219 0.042 0.00438
0.0607 0.274 0.617
61 save_freedom 30
0.00239 0.0338 0.0165
0.0621 0.278 0.607
62 averag_american 20
0.000398 0.0324 0.00458
0.0627 0.292 0.608
63 health_care_plan 51
0.0991 0.0695 0.0718
0.0567 0.179 0.524
64 health_care_plan 14
0.00199 0.0115 0.00577
0.154 0.237 0.59
65 big_govern 79
0.58 0.0153 0.147
0.0285 0.00617 0.223
66 free_peopl 4
0.078 0 0.00318
0.6 0 0.318
67 financi_crisi 15
0.0989 0.0149 0.0332
0.598 0.000199 0.254
68 presid_obama 21
0.377 0.00199 0.0147
0.597 0.00139 0.00816
69 central_power 19
0.042 0.042 0.57
0.323 0.00159 0.0215
70 fellow_american 42
0.15 0.106 0.252
0.167 0.0273 0.298
71 unit_state 80
0.449 0.00259 0.345
0.112 0.00139 0.0909