This speech titled 2012.01.21.remarks_in_charleston_following_the_south_carolina_primary originally had 1809 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ three state __PUNCT__ three winner __PUNCT__ what a great_countri __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i had the pleasur __PUNCT__ and it wa a pleasur to congratul my friend __PUNCT__ newt_gingrich __PUNCT__ just a few minut ago on __PUNCT__ realli an amaz victori for him __PUNCT__
i mean __PUNCT__ he __PUNCT__ he had __PUNCT__ he been up and he been down and he never stop fight __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ to newt gingrich __PUNCT__ let give him a big round of applaus for stai in there and fight __PUNCT__
good_job __PUNCT__ buddi __PUNCT__ good job __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i just want to also thank somebodi els __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ actual a group of folk who happen to be stand behind me __PUNCT__
i just want to thank __PUNCT__ first and foremost __PUNCT__ my wife __PUNCT__ karen __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and we have six of seven children here __PUNCT__
our littl on __PUNCT__ bella __PUNCT__ is here in south_carolina __PUNCT__ but not up with us here on stage __PUNCT__
i want to thank all them for the great hard_work for us __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and i alwai have to start out by thank my famili __PUNCT__ becaus that where it all start for me __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ when i __PUNCT__ i onli __PUNCT__ karen ha written two book __PUNCT__
i onli written on __PUNCT__
by the wai __PUNCT__ her book sold more than my on book __PUNCT__
but i wrote that book in respons to a book written by hillari_clinton __PUNCT__
and she wrote a book_call __PUNCT__ it take a villag __PUNCT__ and i wrote the rebutt __PUNCT__ it take a famili __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ thi wa a famili decis __PUNCT__
it wa not an easi decis to step_forward and step_back into the fire line __PUNCT__ and thi ha clearli been a fire line __PUNCT__
but it wa a famili decis to step_forward at a time when we __PUNCT__ just like everybodi els in america __PUNCT__ the tea_parti peopl who rose up and deliv that great victori in __NUM__ who felt thi sens that someth wa wrong in america __PUNCT__
there wa someth that wa out of whack __PUNCT__
there someth that thei couldn't sit on the sidelin anymor and just watch america __PUNCT__ the america that thei knew and love __PUNCT__ fundament chang __PUNCT__
and that why karen and i and the kid __PUNCT__ we sat around our kitchen_tabl __PUNCT__ just like __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ we all sit around our kitchen tabl and we talk about our futur and talk about our famili and countri and we decid to step_forward and run for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
and we went to thi littl town in the hill of the appalachian mountain __PUNCT__ somerset __PUNCT__ pennsylvania __PUNCT__
and i went there for two reason __PUNCT__ becaus i think what fundament at stake in thi countri is freedom __PUNCT__
the govern take and rob everi man __PUNCT__ woman and child __PUNCT__ everi institut that seek to do good in our societi __PUNCT__ thei continu to rob it of their freedom and try to control everyth from the top down __PUNCT__
so i went __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so our famili went to thi littl town in somerset __PUNCT__ pennsylvania __PUNCT__
it not where i wa from __PUNCT__
i didn't grow up in somerset __PUNCT__
never live in somerset __PUNCT__
i had a coupl of friend in somerset __PUNCT__ but we went to somerset becaus of two thing that to me repres what wa at the core of the threat that thi administr wa to those fundament freedom __PUNCT__
number on wa __PUNCT__ as i mention befor __PUNCT__ that about a few mile down the road from where my grandfath came to thi countri and work in those coal_mine __PUNCT__
that where my grandfath dug hi wai to freedom for me and my father and for thi gener that now follow me __PUNCT__
and so i want to stand on the place where freedom wa etch for the santorum famili __PUNCT__ and just down the road from a place where an airlin crash on a __DATE___dai __PUNCT__ five mile awai from somerset in shanksvil __PUNCT__ where the first blow for freedom wa struck in thi war against radic jihadist __PUNCT__
i want to stand there on those site to make a clarion call that thi race and thi campaign wa not go to be about tear everybodi down __PUNCT__ it wa not go to be about neg_ad __PUNCT__ it wa not go to be about anyth other than paint a bold vision for our countri __PUNCT__ on that believ in the work_class valu that my grandfath taught to me __PUNCT__
the __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ worker __PUNCT__ worker who believ as __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ barack_obama actual got it right when he made that comment in san_francisco __PUNCT__ unbeknownst that it wa be record __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ my grandfath and i come from that area of pennsylvania he wa refer to that hold on tightli to their gun and their bibl __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and those ar the peopl in america who ar be left behind __PUNCT__
those ar the folk in america whose parti __PUNCT__ neither parti ha a voic for __PUNCT__
oh __PUNCT__ presid_obama and the left will tell you __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ thei care __PUNCT__
thei want to do everyth for you from the top down __PUNCT__
thei don't believ in you __PUNCT__
thei believ in their abil to care for you __PUNCT__
that is not america __PUNCT__
and that is not what the work_peopl of western pennsylvania __PUNCT__ the work peopl of south_carolina __PUNCT__ the work_peopl of across thi countri want __PUNCT__
thei don't want someon or some govern that go to care for them __PUNCT__
thei want someon who believ in them __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and we went out and __PUNCT__ all across thi countri in these three state now __PUNCT__
but let me assur you we will go to florida __PUNCT__ and then we ar go to arizona and colorado __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and we ar go __PUNCT__ and we go to deliv a littl differ messag than the other folk in thi race __PUNCT__
and i respect them greatli __PUNCT__
it is great to be up there and shoulder to shoulder with them __PUNCT__ take on everi night and dai as we travel across thi countri __PUNCT__ take on the polici of thi presid __PUNCT__
but i plan to be a littl differ __PUNCT__
i go to go out and talk about how we ar go to have a republican_parti __PUNCT__ a conserv_movement that make sure that everyon in america ha the opportun to rise __PUNCT__ not just those who have mayb advantag __PUNCT__ mayb have had a littl bit more opportun than somebodi els __PUNCT__ but everi person in america will have the opportun to rise in america again __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and it a pretti simpl formula __PUNCT__
it a pretti simpl formula __PUNCT__
it is a formula that i talk about the other dai at the debat __PUNCT__
but it is a simpl formula that we all understand __PUNCT__
it is a formula that valu work __PUNCT__
it respect the digniti of all work in america __PUNCT__ that sai to anybodi for ani job that we respect that __PUNCT__ but we also want to give you an opportun to rise in societi __PUNCT__
and that what miss __PUNCT__
as much as we like to talk about as conserv that if you just cut_tax and reduc spend everybodi will do fine __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ that is simpli not the case __PUNCT__
that simpli not the case __PUNCT__
we have to creat an atmospher in thi countri where peopl can get the educ thei need __PUNCT__
we have to creat an atmospher in thi countri where peopl can get the train thei need __PUNCT__
we have to have an __PUNCT__ an attitud that sai we want to compet for those blue __PUNCT__ collar_job that creat the opportun that in two gener on of their kid can run for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we also want to sai __PUNCT__ we also want to sai that we stand up __PUNCT__ we stand up and want to promot the valu that made thi countri great __PUNCT__ the valu of faith __PUNCT__ famili __PUNCT__ and freedom __PUNCT__ those valu that we understand and we all know that that is what work and in america __PUNCT__
i talk often in my speech about the liber think tank that sai that if you do three thing that you can almost guarante to stai out of poverti __PUNCT__
work that i just talk about __PUNCT__ get that educ __PUNCT__ graduat from high_school __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ get marri befor you have children __PUNCT__
marriag __PUNCT__ famili __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ if we ar not the parti that stand up for the truth about the import of marriag __PUNCT__ the import of famili __PUNCT__ the import of fatherhood and motherhood __PUNCT__ the import of those valu of instil virtu in the next gener of children with faith __PUNCT__ then we ar a parti that no longer ha a heart __PUNCT__
and we ar not a parti that go to be a major_parti in thi countri __PUNCT__
we have to be the parti that speak to everyon __PUNCT__ those who know and understand that at the heart of america __PUNCT__ that beat sound is that beat puls of the healthi famili __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i want to thank everybodi here in the state of south_carolina __PUNCT__
thank you so much __PUNCT__
here at the citadel __PUNCT__ i want to thank the citadel for the tremend hospit and the wonder job the cadet have done for us __PUNCT__
and i want to particularli thank them for that beauti muzzl __PUNCT__ muzzl __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ that i got __PUNCT__ muzzl loader that i got yesterdai __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and i want to sai to all those folk across america who ar look for that candid __PUNCT__ that candid that can be that good __PUNCT__ stark_contrast __PUNCT__ someon who can contrast on all of the issu that ar import for america_todai __PUNCT__ the on that ar go to decid thi elect __PUNCT__ the on of experi on nation_secur __PUNCT__ the consist on the conserv_principl that made thi countri great __PUNCT__
i ask you __PUNCT__ it is a wide_open race __PUNCT__
join the fight __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__