Rick Santorum

This speech titled 2012.02.10.remarks_to_the_conservative_political_action_conference originally had 3080 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

thank you veri much __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

you eat into my time __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

thi is not the von trapp famili and we not go to sing __PUNCT__

but it __PUNCT__ it great to be here at cpac __PUNCT__

anoth thing __PUNCT__ i will not be tell ani joke __PUNCT__

i think foster corner the market on that __PUNCT__

but thank you so much for that wonder recept for __PUNCT__ for not just me __PUNCT__ but for most of my famili that is here __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ the folk that ar walk in with me todai and walk thi journei with me ar here with me todai becaus thi is who i am __PUNCT__

and thei ar __PUNCT__ thei ar here with me __PUNCT__

i want to introduc __PUNCT__ most of you probabl have seen them befor __PUNCT__ but thi is my wife __PUNCT__ karen __PUNCT__ the rock of which i stand upon __PUNCT__

sarah maria __PUNCT__ patrick __PUNCT__ daniel __PUNCT__ elizabeth __PUNCT__ peter and john __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ and of cours __PUNCT__ the on that we just __PUNCT__ that is not here with us __PUNCT__ but is home and recuper just well and do amazingli well thank to all of your prayer __PUNCT__ our littl girl __PUNCT__ bella __PUNCT__

i came here back in __PUNCT__ right after the __NUM___elect __PUNCT__

i come to __PUNCT__ i been come to a lot of cpac convent over the year and after that elect __PUNCT__ i made thi statement __PUNCT__

i said conservat did not fail our countri __PUNCT__

conserv fail conservat __PUNCT__

and that what i realli believ then and that we in fact lost heart __PUNCT__

as conserv we lost heart __PUNCT__

we listen to the voic who said that we had to abandon our principl and our valu to get thing done __PUNCT__ to win __PUNCT__

but we hear those same voic todai that we have to learn our lesson __PUNCT__

that we should no longer __PUNCT__ that we need to compromis __PUNCT__

do what polit reason and go out and push someon forward who can win __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i think we have learn our lesson and the lesson we learn is that we will no longer abandon and apolog for the polici and principl that made thi countri great for a hollow victori in __DATE__ __PUNCT__

the other thing we should recogn __PUNCT__ as conserv and tea_parti folk that we ar not just wing of the republican_parti __PUNCT__ we ar the republican parti __PUNCT__

folk i been here befor __PUNCT__

we know each other __PUNCT__

we work togeth in the vineyard __PUNCT__ we taken on the tough battl that confront thi countri __PUNCT__

i know you and you know me and that import becaus we work togeth __PUNCT__

some sai experi is a bad_thing on thi elect __PUNCT__

i don't think so __PUNCT__

i think know the peopl who ar the conserv_leader __PUNCT__ know the peopl who have work in the vineyard for decad __PUNCT__ know the peopl who bring the idea and the breath and the wellspr of idea to conservat is import becaus as richard vigueri often sai polici ar personnel __PUNCT__

personnel is what make it __PUNCT__ know the peopl to bring and surround yourself with __PUNCT__

those voic that we listen to in the past were all peopl that we brought in who told us __PUNCT__ well no __PUNCT__ we can't stand by those principl __PUNCT__

ladi and gentlemen __PUNCT__ as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ we will surround ourselv in thi administr with peopl who share our valu __PUNCT__ who ar commit to the principl that made thi countri great __PUNCT__ leader of the conserv_movement __PUNCT__

we know there a lot of excit here becaus thi elect is about veri __PUNCT__ veri big_thing __PUNCT__

thi is not just about job although it is about job __PUNCT__

and we obvious need to do someth about job in thi countri and we put_forward an econom_plan that __PUNCT__ the wall_street_journal __PUNCT__ call suppli side_econom for the work man __PUNCT__

why __PUNCT__ becaus we care to make sure that everi american ha the opportun to rise that the ladder goe down __PUNCT__ not just to those who might be vote for us __PUNCT__

but ye __PUNCT__ the veri poor __PUNCT__

the peopl in thi countri who have been suffer and left behind __PUNCT__ we want to creat an opportun for all of them __PUNCT__

blue collar american __PUNCT__ the work_forc to rise in societi __PUNCT__

and we put togeth a plan that reinvigor the manufactur_base of our economi that creat opportun for peopl to be abl to rise again in america __PUNCT__

and that import __PUNCT__

it import that we tackl thi huge monstrou debt that we have in our countri __PUNCT__

a dead that is crush america and our children __PUNCT__ an immor debt __PUNCT__

i put_forward anoth plan that sai we go to cut __MONEY___trillion in five year __PUNCT__ balanc the budget in five year and in everi year __PUNCT__ we will spend less monei than the year befor __PUNCT__

year after year after year until the budget is balanc __PUNCT__

no more cut in the rate of growth __PUNCT__

we know it about big_thing though __PUNCT__ realli big thing __PUNCT__

more than just the economi __PUNCT__

it about foundat_principl and we seen that plai out here just in the last few week __PUNCT__

everi speech i given from the __NUM__ town_hall_meet i did in iowa __PUNCT__ i talk about found_principl __PUNCT__

thi campaign is go to be about a vision __PUNCT__

thi campaign go to be about who we ar as american becaus in essenc __PUNCT__ that what at stake __PUNCT__

thi is the most import elect in your lifetim __PUNCT__

it an elect about what kind of countri you go to leav to the next gener __PUNCT__

ar we go to be a countri that believ as our founder did __PUNCT__ that our right don't come from the govern __PUNCT__ thei come from a much higher author __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ there ar those in our countri and those in the oval_offic who believ that not the case __PUNCT__

thei believ that right do in fact come from the govern and that thei have gone around convinc the american_public that thei can in fact give you right __PUNCT__

the most import on that thei been abl to shove down the throat of the american public wa __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ the right to health_care __PUNCT__

the right to health care in obamacar __PUNCT__

and we see what happen when govern give you right __PUNCT__

when govern give you right __PUNCT__ govern can take awai those right __PUNCT__

when govern give you right __PUNCT__ govern can coerc you into do thing in exercis the right that thei gave you __PUNCT__

i been travel around thi countri talk about how obamacar will crush econom_freedom __PUNCT__

will make_peopl depend upon govern for the most import_thing __PUNCT__ their veri live __PUNCT__

and as a result __PUNCT__ govern will own you __PUNCT__

becaus you will have to pai tribut to washington in order to get the care you need for your children __PUNCT__

on of the reason i in thi race __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ a major reason i in thi race is becaus i think obamacar is a game changer for america __PUNCT__

margaret_thatcher said when she left the prime ministership of england __PUNCT__ she wa never abl to accomplish what reagan accomplish __PUNCT__

she said the reason __PUNCT__ the british nation_health health_care_system __PUNCT__

onc peopl have that depend __PUNCT__ thei ar never realli ever free again __PUNCT__

ladi and gentlemen __PUNCT__ we seen thi plai out on the stage in the last few week __PUNCT__

we seen the presid of the unit_state not onli tell you what insur_coverag you should have __PUNCT__ how much you go to pai __PUNCT__ how much you be fine if you don't __PUNCT__

but he now tell the cathol_church that thei ar forc to pai for thing that ar against their basic tenet and teach __PUNCT__ against their first amend right __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ interest enough __PUNCT__ here what thei forc them to do __PUNCT__

in an insur_polici __PUNCT__ thei forc them to pai for someth that cost just a few dollar __PUNCT__

is that what insur is for __PUNCT__ the foundat idea that we have the govern tell you that you have to pai for everyth as a busi __PUNCT__

thing that ar r not realli thing that you need insur for __PUNCT__

and still forc on someth that is not a critic econom need __PUNCT__

when you have an econom distress with which you would need insur __PUNCT__ but forc them even the more to do it for minor expens __PUNCT__

ladi and gentlemen __PUNCT__ thi is the kind of coercion that we can expect __PUNCT__

it not about contracept __PUNCT__

it about econom_liberti __PUNCT__

it about freedom of speech __PUNCT__

it about freedom of religion __PUNCT__

it about govern_control of your live and it got to stop __PUNCT__

and thi isn't the onli place that presid_obama tri to control your live __PUNCT__

of cours __PUNCT__ on of the favorit thing of the left is to us your sentiment __PUNCT__ your proper understand and belief that we ar steward of thi earth __PUNCT__

and that we have respons to hand off a beauti earth to the next gener __PUNCT__

and so __PUNCT__ thei us that and thei us it in the past to try to scare you into support radic idea on the environ __PUNCT__

thei tri it with thi idea __PUNCT__ thi politic of scienc call man __PUNCT__ made global_warm and presid_obama you mai rememb __PUNCT__ tri to pass cap and trade and tri to get control __PUNCT__ not onli of the health_care_system __PUNCT__ but of the energi_industri __PUNCT__ the manufactur industri __PUNCT__ anoth two big sector of thi economi __PUNCT__

and us thi facad of man __PUNCT__ made global_warm __PUNCT__

i stood up and fought against those thing __PUNCT__

why __PUNCT__ becaus thei will destroi the veri foundat of prosper in our countri __PUNCT__

you look at ani countri in the world and you look at their energi_consumpt __PUNCT__ the cost of energi and their qualiti of life __PUNCT__ their standard of live __PUNCT__

the more energi consumpt __PUNCT__ the higher the standard of live __PUNCT__

that just the bottom_line __PUNCT__

we need an america if we go to fuel a great and vibrant economi __PUNCT__ we need afford energi __PUNCT__

and thi administr ha gone out and not onli ha attack us with cap and trade __PUNCT__ and global_warm __PUNCT__ but now that that ha been thrown on the dust bin of histori __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ thei go after hydro frack __PUNCT__

i come from pennsylvania __PUNCT__

we do a littl bit of that in pennsylvania __PUNCT__ thank god __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ and guess what __PUNCT__ of cours now that we do hydro frack near the popul center __PUNCT__ the bogeyman come out __PUNCT__

look at what it go to do to you __PUNCT__

you know how mani well have been hydro frack in the unit_state __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ about __NUM__ or __NUM__ __PUNCT__

where been all the nois __PUNCT__ ladi and gentlemen __PUNCT__ thei scare you to intimid you to trust them and to give them more power __PUNCT__

we need someon who will to go out on these big_issu of the dai and draw contrast __PUNCT__

we not go to win thi elect __PUNCT__ ladi and gentlemen __PUNCT__ becaus the republican_candid ha the most monei to beat up their oppon and win the elect __PUNCT__

we not go to win thi elect with over a lopsid monei advantag __PUNCT__

we won't have on in the fall __PUNCT__

presid_obama will have more monei whoever our nomine is __PUNCT__

so just think about what it go to take __PUNCT__

it go to take idea __PUNCT__ vision __PUNCT__ contrast __PUNCT__ a record of accomplish that can go up against the fail polici of barack_obama __PUNCT__

that the winner __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ let just take a look at that in the republican field __PUNCT__

who ha the boldest contrast __PUNCT__ who ha the record that thei can run on __PUNCT__ who ha the bold plan to turn thi economi around __PUNCT__ and to support the veri institut of our countri that provid the foundat of our countri __PUNCT__ faith and famili __PUNCT__ who ha that strong track_record and that contrast __PUNCT__ ok __PUNCT__

i guess i can quit now sinc you all convinc of that __PUNCT__ but let look at it __PUNCT__

on the issu of obamacar __PUNCT__ who ha a record of support health save_account and tort_reform and bottom up consum __PUNCT__ driven health_care for __NUM___year __PUNCT__

and who ha support __PUNCT__ in fact the stepchild of obamacar __PUNCT__ the person in massachusett who built the largest govern __PUNCT__ run health_care_system in the unit_state __PUNCT__

someon who would simpli give that issu awai in the fall __PUNCT__

give the issu awai of govern_control of your health __PUNCT__

who would be the better person to go after the obama_administr on try to control the energi and the manufactur_sector of our economi try to dictat to you what light to turn on and what car to drive __PUNCT__ would it be someon that bought into man __PUNCT__ made global_warm and impos the first carbon cap in the state of massachusett __PUNCT__ the first state to do so in the countri __PUNCT__ would it be someon who would take on the other big_issu of govern_control of our economi __PUNCT__ which is the govern control of the financi_servic servic_sector __PUNCT__ we see a lot of __PUNCT__ we see everybodi up on stage at the debat complain about dodd __PUNCT__ frank __PUNCT__

but two of the three candid support the wall_street bailout __PUNCT__ which wa the predecessor of which dodd __PUNCT__ frank wa base on __PUNCT__

so who would provid the clear contrast of believ in the conserv vision __PUNCT__ of bottom up __PUNCT__ free_peopl __PUNCT__ free_market __PUNCT__

not govern_depend __PUNCT__ govern_control __PUNCT__

ladi and gentlemen __PUNCT__ we not go to win with monei __PUNCT__ we go to win with contrast __PUNCT__

we go to win with idea __PUNCT__

we go to win by make barack_obama and hi fail polici the issu in thi race __PUNCT__

we won in __NUM__ becaus conserv ralli __PUNCT__

thei were excit about the contrast __PUNCT__

thei were excit about the candid who were put forth in that elect __PUNCT__

that why we won __PUNCT__

we alwai talk about how ar we go to get the moder __PUNCT__ why would an undecid voter vote for a candid of a parti who the parti not excit about __PUNCT__ we need conserv now to ralli for a conserv to go into __DATE__ to excit the conserv base __PUNCT__

to pull with that excit moder_voter and to defeat barack_obama in the fall __PUNCT__

i close __PUNCT__ i just sai thi __PUNCT__

when i restart our speech __PUNCT__ i refer to where our right came from __PUNCT__

and of cours __PUNCT__ that in our declar of independ __PUNCT__

i know a lot of folk like to focu on the constitut __PUNCT__

the constitut is obvious the oper manual for america __PUNCT__

it is the how of america and it essenti that we return our govern to the constraint of that constitut __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ the why of america __PUNCT__ who we ar __PUNCT__ is in the declar __PUNCT__

and these word __PUNCT__ we hold these truth to be self __PUNCT__ evid that all american ar creat_equal and endow by their creator with certain inalien right __PUNCT__

that who we ar __PUNCT__

a countri that wa built on the idea that right come to us from god and that the govern_job __PUNCT__ the on thing the govern job is to do is to protect those right so you can form famili and church and commun_organ __PUNCT__ civic group __PUNCT__ hospit __PUNCT__ school and build a great and just societi from the bottom up __PUNCT__

that the conserv vision for america __PUNCT__

that who we ar __PUNCT__

at the end of that declar __PUNCT__ there wa a phrase __PUNCT__

and these signer sign thi declar with thi pledg __PUNCT__ thei pledg their live __PUNCT__ their fortun and their sacr_honor __PUNCT__

no on is ask you todai to go out and pledg your life __PUNCT__

although __PUNCT__ thank god men and women step_forward everi singl_dai and put the uniform on of the militari and do so __PUNCT__

and i __PUNCT__ and i am not ask for your fortun __PUNCT__

although if you go to __URL__ a piec of that fortun would be veri help __PUNCT__

but i am ask for your honor __PUNCT__ to put your honor on the line __PUNCT__

honor is a term that not us veri often in america anymor __PUNCT__

but it exactli what at stake becaus thi is our watch __PUNCT__

we ar steward of a great inherit __PUNCT__

and it is our respons to shepherd that inherit and to make it a greater and richer on for the next gener __PUNCT__

and if we fail to do that __PUNCT__ then we have fail our duti and our honor as american __PUNCT__

thi is your opportun __PUNCT__

mani gener come and go in america and live in mani respect inconsequenti time __PUNCT__

you ar bless to live in a time when america need you __PUNCT__

you ar __PUNCT__ pleas __PUNCT__ walk out of thi gather __PUNCT__ choos the candid that you believ is the right person to lead thi countri __PUNCT__

not just to victori __PUNCT__ but to the chang that ar necessari for that victori to be on that you can sai i have done my duti __PUNCT__

i have kept my honor __PUNCT__

thank you and god_bless __PUNCT__