This speech titled 2012.02.16.remarks_to_the_detroit_economic_club originally had 7841 tokens. You can view the original text here.
i appreci the opportun to be here and to discuss obvious the number on issu in thi campaign and the number on issu here in the state of michigan __PUNCT__ which is the health and state of our economi and what we can do in washington __PUNCT__ d.c __PUNCT__ i would put it __PUNCT__ to creat an atmospher for our economi to grow __PUNCT__ the privat_sector to grow __PUNCT__
here in michigan __PUNCT__ you been through a lot of tough_time __PUNCT__
we all know that __PUNCT__ and it excit to see the resurg of the auto_industri here __PUNCT__
but over the last four year __PUNCT__ michigan lost over __NUM___job __PUNCT__ __NUM___peopl from michigan have left the workforc and the unemploy_rate is __PUNCT__ unfortun __PUNCT__ still higher than the nation_averag __PUNCT__
so if you were to ask the question __PUNCT__ ar you better off now than you were four year_ago __PUNCT__ for too mani peopl in thi state __PUNCT__ the answer would still be no __PUNCT__
we do need a strong econom platform by which to help the privat_sector successfulli compet __PUNCT__ and to creat the kind of job that ar go to provid for famili and grow thi economi until we can creat the prosper that thi citi wa known for __PUNCT__ realli __PUNCT__ for decad __PUNCT__
i go to lai out veri quickli my econom_plan __PUNCT__
and you go to hear thi and you go to sai __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ that pretti similar to other econom plan __PUNCT__ that you heard from republican __PUNCT__
let me do that first __PUNCT__ and then let me tell you how we just a littl differ from some of the other in thi race and how we approach the issu of creat an opportun where everyon in america can rise __PUNCT__
we can creat a healthier __PUNCT__ not just economi __PUNCT__ but a healthier countri __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ i do believ in pro __PUNCT__ growth econom __PUNCT__
i a suppli __PUNCT__ side_econom person __PUNCT__
i believ in lower_rate __PUNCT__
i believ in simplif __PUNCT__
when it come to the corpor_tax __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ corpor tax __PUNCT__ as of __DATE__ __PUNCT__ we be the highest in the world __PUNCT__
i cut that corpor tax in our plan to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ and make it basic a net profit tax __PUNCT__
simpl __PUNCT__
a flat_tax with on except __PUNCT__
i still believ that we need to encourag innov in the knowledg __PUNCT__ base_economi so we have a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ perman tax_credit for research and develop in the corpor_tax __PUNCT__
secondli __PUNCT__ dividend __PUNCT__ interest __PUNCT__ capit_gain __PUNCT__ a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ cut from __NUM__ __PUNCT__ to __NUM__ __PUNCT__
we abolish the amt __PUNCT__
i abolish the death_tax __PUNCT__
i take the corpor_tax __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ simplif __PUNCT__ lower_rate __PUNCT__
we have a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ low_rate __PUNCT__ and we expand that lower_rate and then take all the other rate consolid to on rate __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ top_rate __PUNCT__ again a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ reduct from the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ rate __PUNCT__ down to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ which wa ronald_reagan top_rate __PUNCT__
my feel is __PUNCT__ if it good enough for ronald_reagan __PUNCT__ it good enough for me __PUNCT__
and so we have a top_rate of __NUM__ __PUNCT__ and we have a simplifi tax_code __PUNCT__
a simplifi tax code __PUNCT__ which i discuss in a minut __PUNCT__ is not complet flat __PUNCT__
but we have thing there for a reason __PUNCT__ to help promot a strong and healthi societi __PUNCT__
i also believ in reduc the size of govern __PUNCT__
that kei __PUNCT__
you can't just cut_tax and reduc as a result __PUNCT__
revenu to the feder_govern without creat a balanc by reduc the size of govern __PUNCT__
and that import __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ to remov the regulatori_burden from the peopl of thi countri __PUNCT__
so i propos __MONEY___trillion in reduct over five year __PUNCT__
now that can be funni math for a lot of folk in america __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ is that __MONEY__ trillion from the baselin or how doe that all work as to whether that real reduct or not __PUNCT__ what i pledg is that we will spend less monei everi year than the year befor __PUNCT__ all four year __PUNCT__ until we reach a balanc_budget in five year __PUNCT__
five trillion_dollar in five year __PUNCT__ less spend each year __PUNCT__ everi year __PUNCT__ and we will reach a balanc_budget in five year __PUNCT__
now i know you folk here in michigan have been hear some thing on the televis from on of my oppon that i am a big spender __PUNCT__
you will find that fairli surpris to the folk who ar my colleagu and ani object look at my spend record when i wa in congress __PUNCT__ and there wa on done just yesterdai by the weekli_standard __PUNCT__
the weekli standard look at the __NUM___senat who were in the congress at the same_time i wa there __PUNCT__ and there were onli four senat who had a better spend record __PUNCT__ accord to the nation taxpay union __PUNCT__
thei rate me for all those year __PUNCT__ and my rate wa better than everybodi but four __PUNCT__
and those four folk happen to repres state like oklahoma and wyom __PUNCT__
a state like pennsylvania __PUNCT__ or like michigan __PUNCT__ which hasn't elect a republican for presid sinc __NUM__ i wa the most conserv __PUNCT__ thei put it __PUNCT__ i wa the most conserv senat by far __PUNCT__ base on the state i repres and the spend record i had __PUNCT__
ani other person in a state with a similar elector map like pennsylvania that i had to run in __PUNCT__ the closest person to me wa not even half as good in spend as i wa __PUNCT__
so i stood up in a tough state and stood for limit_govern and particularli stood for someth that wa import if we go to get the budget balanc and __PUNCT__ entitl_reform __PUNCT__
i wa the author of the __NUM__ welfar_reform act that manag to get the bill on the floor of the senat __PUNCT__
if we go to solv the problem of thi countri __PUNCT__ when it come to get deficit under control __PUNCT__ as we all know __PUNCT__ we got to look at where the monei is __PUNCT__
and the monei is in entitl __PUNCT__
sixti percent of the budget right now is entitl __PUNCT__
defens us to be __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the budget __PUNCT__
when i wa born __PUNCT__ it wa __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the budget __PUNCT__
it now __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the budget __PUNCT__
those who believ that defens is caus the budget problem simpli don't know the math __PUNCT__
the math is that when i wa born __PUNCT__ entitl were less than __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the budget __PUNCT__
that is the area of growth __PUNCT__ and entitl will complet consum all revenu in just a hand of year __PUNCT__
becaus why __PUNCT__ becaus most of the entitl __PUNCT__ unfortun __PUNCT__ ar target toward those in the margin of life __PUNCT__ which happen to be the disabl __PUNCT__ but more particularli the elderli __PUNCT__
and we see the babi boom gener begin to retir __PUNCT__ and all bet ar off as to whether we be abl to afford thi explos of benefit __PUNCT__
i wa out there talk about thi problem back when it wasn't popular to talk about it __PUNCT__ and propos reform to social_secur __PUNCT__ medicar __PUNCT__ medicaid __PUNCT__ food_stamp __PUNCT__
i led the charg on welfar_reform and we need to us the same_thing we us on welfar_reform __PUNCT__ which is cap it __PUNCT__ cut it __PUNCT__ freez it __PUNCT__ block_grant it to the state __PUNCT__
for medicaid __PUNCT__ for food_stamp __PUNCT__ a whole host of other mean __PUNCT__ test entitl_program which ar alreadi run by the state __PUNCT__
and give them the flexibl to be abl to go out and design program that meet the need of their particular constitu __PUNCT__
we did that with welfar __PUNCT__ and we cut the welfar_roll by __NUM__ __PUNCT__
we did that at a time when welfar roll were at the highest_level ever __PUNCT__
just like food_stamp were at the highest_level ever __PUNCT__
and guess what happen __PUNCT__
poverti_rate went down __PUNCT__
peopl went to work __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__ becaus we put time limit and we put work_requir on receiv govern benefit __PUNCT__
we do those thing again __PUNCT__ we can help turn thi economi around __PUNCT__
we hear thi all the time __PUNCT__
i even hear it from manufactur __PUNCT__
we have a hard_time find worker __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ when you have __NUM___week of unemploy_benefit and you have a varieti of other social safeti_net program __PUNCT__ peopl can make_choic that thei otherwis wouldn't make if the economi wa not on where govern_depend wa the watchword __PUNCT__
thi presid is not interest __PUNCT__ in my opinion __PUNCT__ in provid job __PUNCT__
he interest in provid benefit __PUNCT__
he interest in redistribut_wealth and creat a depend class that is a reliabl vote group for him and those who want to pass out the redistribut wealth __PUNCT__
the problem __PUNCT__ as margaret_thatcher __PUNCT__ said __PUNCT__ is with redistribut_wealth and social __PUNCT__ eventu you run out of other peopl_monei __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ we not gonna have a plan that run out of other peopl monei __PUNCT__
we gonna reduc the entitl burden on thi countri __PUNCT__
we gonna tackl social_secur and medicar __PUNCT__ and not __NUM___year from now __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__
i put_forward plan like paul_ryan __PUNCT__ which i support __PUNCT__
but we need to do it now __PUNCT__
i not gonna go into all the detail __PUNCT__
that a longer speech __PUNCT__
but social_secur and medicar reform __PUNCT__ as i talk about it __PUNCT__ even in place like the villag in florida __PUNCT__ which is basic a larg __PUNCT__ huge __PUNCT__ retir commun __PUNCT__
and when i talk about social secur and actual chang benefit __PUNCT__ i didn't see a singl hand rais that oppos what i wa propos __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__ becaus if you have a leader who is will to go out and educ the american_public as to the problem that we confront __PUNCT__ and the possibl solut out there __PUNCT__ you be amaz at how the american_peopl will ralli and do what their duti and do what necessari to make thi countri great again __PUNCT__
we have a presid who doesn't believ in that __PUNCT__
he believ in hide the ball __PUNCT__ pit on group against anoth __PUNCT__
i believ in inform american __PUNCT__ lift them up __PUNCT__ make them particip in the problem we have and turn those problem into opportun for all american __PUNCT__
so that how __PUNCT__ in some respect __PUNCT__ we the same __PUNCT__
let me tell you how we differ __PUNCT__
see __PUNCT__
i believ that we need to creat an atmospher for everyon to be abl to rise in america __PUNCT__
and just cut_tax __PUNCT__ suppli side across the board __PUNCT__ and reduc the size and scale of govern __PUNCT__ in my opinion __PUNCT__ that not enough __PUNCT__
and in fact __PUNCT__ if that all we do __PUNCT__ i confid we will not succe __PUNCT__
we won't succe econom __PUNCT__ and more importantli __PUNCT__ we won't succe cultur and social __PUNCT__ and ultim __PUNCT__ we be back where we were befor with govern take the upper_hand again __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__ becaus __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ we won't have done the thing that ar necessari for peopl to rise in societi and for societi to be stabl __PUNCT__
let me talk to you about how i believ that we need to have an econom_plan that includ everybodi __PUNCT__
we have the manufactur_sector of the economi when i wa grow up that wa __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the workforc __PUNCT__
it now nine __PUNCT__
when i grew up in the steel town of western pennsylvania __PUNCT__ butler __PUNCT__ pa __PUNCT__ as he mention my grandfath wa a coal miner __PUNCT__
i knew that wa the wealth __PUNCT__
it wasn't great_wealth __PUNCT__
it wasn't opul wealth __PUNCT__
but it wa wealth that wa sustain famili and allow folk to be abl to particip in civic and commun_organ without have to work two or three job __PUNCT__
thei could particip in the health of their commun __PUNCT__ which wa vital for the health of our countri __PUNCT__
and so manufactur __PUNCT__ to me __PUNCT__ is the kei to that __PUNCT__
presid_obama is all about equal of result __PUNCT__
i about equal of opportun __PUNCT__
i not about equal of result when it come to incom_inequ __PUNCT__
there is incom inequ in america __PUNCT__
there alwai ha been __PUNCT__ and hopefulli __PUNCT__ and i do sai that __PUNCT__ there alwai will be __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__ becaus peopl rise to differ level of success base on what thei contribut to societi and to the marketplac __PUNCT__
and that as it should be __PUNCT__
and we shouldn't have a societi that ha a presid who envi or creat class_warfar or envi between on group of peopl and anoth __PUNCT__
we should celebr like we do in the small_town all across america __PUNCT__ as you do here in detroit __PUNCT__
you celebr success __PUNCT__
you build statu and monument __PUNCT__
build you name after them __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__ becaus in their great and innov __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ thei creat_wealth but thei creat wealth for everybodi els __PUNCT__
and that a good_thing __PUNCT__
not someth to be condemn in america __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ we also need to creat that opportun for peopl to rise __PUNCT__ and i believ manufactur is the kei to that __PUNCT__
peopl sai __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ why do you treat manufactur differ __PUNCT__ and i do __PUNCT__
i don't cut the corpor rate for manufactur to __NUM__ __PUNCT__
we elimin the corpor_tax for manufactur __PUNCT__
there will be no tax __PUNCT__
period __PUNCT__
we creat the opportun for us to compet __PUNCT__
so you sai __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ why do you treat it differ __PUNCT__ becaus you here in detroit have to compet against compani all around the world who want your job and in mani case took your job __PUNCT__
and so we need to have a plan in place in america that understand the competit plai_field that you on __PUNCT__
we not gonna move the bank oversea __PUNCT__
we not gonna move the retail oversea __PUNCT__
all of those other folk compet intern __PUNCT__ by and larg __PUNCT__ but you don't __PUNCT__
no manufactur realli compet intern or just intern __PUNCT__
you compet with a world that want what you have becaus thei know that manufactur __PUNCT__ make_thing __PUNCT__ is the kei to wealth_creation in ani societi __PUNCT__
and so we have to __PUNCT__ just like we do when we had polici in the past __PUNCT__ to make sure that we have a militari industri_complex in thi countri __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__ becaus of our nation_secur __PUNCT__
we make sure that we have a stabl food polici in america __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__ becaus of our nation secur __PUNCT__
we need to have a manufactur_base in thi countri __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__ becaus of our nation_secur __PUNCT__
ladi and gentlemen __PUNCT__ thi is a hostil world __PUNCT__ and we need to make sure that we ar reli upon ourselv and that mean we need to creat a marketplac where we can compet with everybodi around the world __PUNCT__
no advantag __PUNCT__ just a level plai_field __PUNCT__
right now __PUNCT__ american_manufactur have a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ cost differenti disadvantag __PUNCT__ and that exclud labor_cost __PUNCT__ with our nine top trade_partner __PUNCT__
that __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ includ canada __PUNCT__ mexico __PUNCT__ china __PUNCT__
we need to level that plai_field __PUNCT__
why is it higher __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ becaus of govern_tax and regul __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ if that a problem __PUNCT__ then govern ha a respons to creat an opportun for you to go out and compet on that level plai_field __PUNCT__
that why i zero out the corpor_tax and have said to those of you who have sent job_oversea that if you take that monei_back __PUNCT__ instead of pai the tax you have to pai to repatri profit __PUNCT__
that if you invest that monei in plant and equip __PUNCT__ you pai no tax if you invest it in plant and equip and creat_job here in america __PUNCT__
those ar two thing that we can do to creat opportun for profit as well as the avail of capit to invest here to creat the job of the futur __PUNCT__
so that on big area __PUNCT__
but there ar other thing we can do __PUNCT__
i hear __PUNCT__ obvious with the futur leader of china here __PUNCT__ we hear a lot about china __PUNCT__
we hear a lot about what we have to do to compet with china __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ what i just laid out will compet with china __PUNCT__
we will compet with ani countri in the world __PUNCT__
i know folk ar concern about currenc __PUNCT__
i concern about it __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__
govern should not set currenc __PUNCT__
market should set currenc valu __PUNCT__ and that includ the unit_state of america __PUNCT__ i might add __PUNCT__
if we go to point the finger at other countri __PUNCT__ we need to look at what we do here in america when it come to currenc and what we do with the valu of the dollar in thi countri __PUNCT__
let have the market do it __PUNCT__
and if you do __PUNCT__ i am confid that the american_worker and american_compani can compet with anybodi around the world __PUNCT__
the other thing that is kei in make us competit is energi __PUNCT__
energi is kei to manufactur __PUNCT__
obvious you great user of it __PUNCT__ but it is also a kei to the entir prosper of our countri __PUNCT__
if you look at ani graph that show the cost of energi and the avail of energi __PUNCT__ and you look at it rel to the standard of live in that countri __PUNCT__ the lower the energi_cost __PUNCT__ the more avail the energi __PUNCT__ the higher the standard of live __PUNCT__
if you look at the recess that we went into __PUNCT__ we went into it in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__ becaus of a huge spike in energi_price __PUNCT__
now you read on the front_page of the paper that energi_price ar go up again __PUNCT__ and now there thi headwind to the grow economi as we seen repeatedli as thi economi ha tri to recov __PUNCT__
and yet we have vast resourc of resourc in thi countri __PUNCT__
and we have a presid who is do everyth he can to see the oil and ga __PUNCT__ coal in thi countri as a liabil __PUNCT__ not an asset __PUNCT__
someth that should be kept in the ground to protect you instead of taken out of the ground to enrich you __PUNCT__
yesterdai i wa in north_dakota __PUNCT__
for those of you who mai not be close __PUNCT__ thi mai look like a lump of coal __PUNCT__
it not a lump of coal __PUNCT__ it oil __PUNCT__
thi is oil __PUNCT__
thi is how we get oil in north dakota __PUNCT__
we fractur thi piec of rock and thi piec of rock ha oil float around in it __PUNCT__ whether you believ it or not __PUNCT__
i have a hard_time believ it but thei hand me the oil so i guess i can believ it __PUNCT__
we have someth call hydraul fractur __PUNCT__
we have hundr of thousand of well that have us it over the cours of time __PUNCT__
and now we us horizont drill with hydraul fractur and we produc an energi boom __PUNCT__
i wa just at on of the well __PUNCT__ and thei told me in tioga __PUNCT__ north_dakota __PUNCT__ that their light sweet crude __PUNCT__ which is a premium commod on the market __PUNCT__ sell at a discount of __MONEY__
why __PUNCT__ becaus thei can't get it to market __PUNCT__
and we have a presid of the unit_state with thi knowledg __PUNCT__ that mexico __PUNCT__ within five year __PUNCT__ will be an energi import __PUNCT__ not export __PUNCT__
venezuela __PUNCT__ which we get two __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ a __PUNCT__ half_million million_barrel a dai from __PUNCT__ is go from an energi export to the unit_state to have china build a refineri there and have their product go to china __PUNCT__
two __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ a __PUNCT__ half_million million_barrel lost to the unit_state __PUNCT__
alaska __PUNCT__
i want to open up alaska for the alaskan wildlif refug to creat more opportun for us to extract oil from the north slope of alaska __PUNCT__
it us to produc two million_barrel a dai __PUNCT__
it now down to a half_million and in a few year __PUNCT__ it will be down to the point where the pipelin won't work anymor becaus there not enough flow to move the oil __PUNCT__
so within less than __NUM___year we will lose five million_barrel of oil a dai __PUNCT__
and the presid of the unit_state said no to a pipelin that would bring that oil down from canada and north_dakota __PUNCT__ allow our peopl in our state to get the price for their crude __PUNCT__ to take __NUM__ truck a dai off the road in these littl commun __PUNCT__ and creat thousand of job __PUNCT__
and the presid of the unit_state said no __PUNCT__
no __PUNCT__
send that oil to china __PUNCT__ which is what canada will do if we don't build that pipelin __PUNCT__
thi is a presid who is suffoc thi economi __PUNCT__
thi is a presid who doesn't care about you and the cost of live that you have to deal with __PUNCT__
he rather tell the auto_compani here to increas their cafe standard and build car that will essenti be less safe for you to drive __PUNCT__ instead of build pipelin and creat oil and opportun in thi countri __PUNCT__ so we can drive car that our famili want to and ar safe for us __PUNCT__
thi is the big differ __PUNCT__
we gonna creat_job for everybodi in america __PUNCT__
energi job __PUNCT__ i wa out there __PUNCT__
job for everybodi __PUNCT__ all skill level __PUNCT__
and the averag job in western north_dakota __PUNCT__ __MONEY__ a year goe a long wai in tioga __PUNCT__ north dakota __PUNCT__
there the opportun for you folk __PUNCT__
that what energi and manufactur can do __PUNCT__
someon who ha a messag that sai to all worker __PUNCT__ let get you to work __PUNCT__
let improv the qualiti of life here __PUNCT__
let reduc our energi_cost __PUNCT__
let make_thing here in america __PUNCT__
and the presid sai __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no and no __PUNCT__
let me increas food_stamp __PUNCT__
let me provid a health_care_system where we take monei from some and give it to other so we can then tell you you have a right to health care and then tell you how to exercis that right __PUNCT__
that the view of the presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
not the view of a countri that believ in free_peopl and free_market __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ even if we do all the thing i suggest __PUNCT__ and we don't do some other thing to try to improv our economi __PUNCT__ father mention that we got to be concern for those on the margin of our societi __PUNCT__ the veri poor __PUNCT__
we have a presid who sai he support the occupi who divid america between __NUM__ and on __PUNCT__
we had anoth candid in thi race who suggest that he didn't care about the veri poor __PUNCT__
he care about the __NUM__ __PUNCT__
how about a candid who care about __NUM__ __PUNCT__ who care about everybodi and give them the opportun to be abl to rise in societi __PUNCT__
not just to do that with energi and manufactur_job but also to understand that unless we have strong_famili and strong commun __PUNCT__ we not gonna be an econom_success countri __PUNCT__
we certainli won't be abl to have limit_govern __PUNCT__ lower_tax __PUNCT__ if the famili continu to disintegr __PUNCT__
in america_todai __PUNCT__ a singl __PUNCT__ parent_famili versu a two __PUNCT__ parent famili __PUNCT__ as far as poverti_rate __PUNCT__ a two __PUNCT__ parent_famili in america have an __NUM__ __PUNCT__ poverti_rate in america __PUNCT__
singl_parent parent_famili __PUNCT__ as heroic as singl_mom ar to provid __PUNCT__ to care __PUNCT__ to nurtur __PUNCT__ to do all the thing that two parent were design to do __PUNCT__ the poverti_rate is approach __NUM__ __PUNCT__
we not gonna have a strong economi __PUNCT__ folk __PUNCT__ or a limit_govern __PUNCT__ if the famili continu to declin __PUNCT__
thirti_year_ago __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of peopl over the ag of __NUM__ were marri in america __PUNCT__
todai it __NUM__ __PUNCT__ and it drop __NUM__ __PUNCT__ in the last three year __PUNCT__
it a precipit and rapid declin __PUNCT__
and as that occur __PUNCT__ govern will get bigger __PUNCT__ and the abil for us to lower_tax and creat a vibrant economi will get harder __PUNCT__
i spoke with chuck colson __PUNCT__
he start a group_call prison fellowship after he left prison in the 1970 __PUNCT__ and he told me at the time he left prison __PUNCT__ there were __NUM___peopl in prison in america __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ there ar __NUM___million_peopl in prison in america and 70% __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of them grew up without a father in the home __PUNCT__
now let just do the math and what america is gonna look like __PUNCT__ and you tell me how we can be econom_success __PUNCT__
folk __PUNCT__ we as republican __PUNCT__ we as conserv __PUNCT__ we can't go out there and just sai __PUNCT__ cut_spend __PUNCT__ cut_tax __PUNCT__ everybodi gonna be fine __PUNCT__
first off __PUNCT__ econom __PUNCT__ everybodi isn't go to be fine __PUNCT__
we need to creat an environ where all peopl can rise __PUNCT__
and we also have to creat a cultur that is consist with the valu of our countri __PUNCT__
our countri wa a great_countri becaus we believ in creat a just societi from the bottom up __PUNCT__ believ in freedom __PUNCT__ faith __PUNCT__ famili __PUNCT__ those mediat institut that you mai have read about in alexi de tocquevil __PUNCT__ democraci in america __PUNCT__
we talk about all these littl organ at the grassroot level __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ first the famili __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ the church __PUNCT__ the school __PUNCT__ the littl hospit __PUNCT__
the civic and charit organ __PUNCT__
what have we done __PUNCT__ what happen __PUNCT__ as govern ha got bigger and more forc __PUNCT__ thei sweep them out of the wai __PUNCT__
in my tax_plan i have five deduct __PUNCT__
on is for famili __PUNCT__
we tripl the child tax_credit __PUNCT__ child deduct __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__ becaus famili ar tax higher now than thei ever been __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__ becaus the child deduct continu to go down over time __PUNCT__
famili_back in the 1950 in the heydai of detroit __PUNCT__ thei didn't pai_tax __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__ becaus we understood the stress of rais_children and the econom_stress and how financ and econom can be a stress on famili and marriag __PUNCT__
and so we had a govern that said __PUNCT__ we go to support you __PUNCT__
the other deduct we have in place ar for health_care __PUNCT__ for hous __PUNCT__ and for pension __PUNCT__
all thing to help support and stabil famili __PUNCT__
and of cours chariti __PUNCT__ church __PUNCT__ kei to those mediat institut __PUNCT__
what do i mean by mediat institut __PUNCT__ institut that stand between you and the govern __PUNCT__
if there isn't anyth between you and the govern __PUNCT__ if there a nake public_squar __PUNCT__ if you ar there alon with nobodi around you and you out there paddl alon __PUNCT__ then govern becom your lifeboat __PUNCT__
and when govern becom your lifeboat __PUNCT__ freedom is ultim lost becaus you now sold out __PUNCT__
no fault of your own __PUNCT__ in mani case __PUNCT__ but that what left __PUNCT__
we need to creat a rich societi with lot of place for you to go befor you go to the govern for help and assist with the problem that you deal with __PUNCT__
chariti __PUNCT__ church __PUNCT__ it no wonder that the presid __PUNCT__ in on of hi tax propos __PUNCT__ sought to limit charit contribut __PUNCT__
thei get in the wai of govern __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ in provid for you __PUNCT__
famili can get in the wai of govern and your relianc on them __PUNCT__
we will have a program that will go out and sai that we need to build a rich societi again __PUNCT__
why is democraci in a republ form of govern_fail in so mani place around the world __PUNCT__ becaus thei didn't have what we have __PUNCT__ which is a great __PUNCT__ civil_societi __PUNCT__
famili __PUNCT__ church __PUNCT__ commun_organ __PUNCT__ school and small_busi __PUNCT__ busi gener __PUNCT__ who ar there to help __PUNCT__
mediat between you and the govern __PUNCT__
thi is the vision __PUNCT__
an econom vision for america that doesn't go back __PUNCT__ but goe forward in creat opportun and a cultur that is nurtur and safe and secur __PUNCT__
becaus we got that strong commun __PUNCT__ we got that opportun to rise __PUNCT__ in societi __PUNCT__
we put american back to work __PUNCT__ and we put them to work in neighborhood where thei feel safe __PUNCT__ and can rais good and decent children __PUNCT__ and live live that can make thi countri that shine_citi on the hill __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
god_bless __PUNCT__
q __PUNCT__ million of older american have lost their job __PUNCT__
how would you help older american ag___NUM__ __PUNCT__ plu get back to work __PUNCT__ a __PUNCT__ i would just sai thi __PUNCT__
if we can creat an economi that is spawn job and creat opportun __PUNCT__ on of the thing that i hear all the time __PUNCT__ and particularli in the manufactur_sector __PUNCT__ is the lack of peopl with experi and skill to do the job that ar necessari out __URL__ clearli will be a demand as the privat_sector economi improv __PUNCT__
there will be a demand for experienc worker who have the skill set necessari to do __PUNCT__ not just the blue collar_job __PUNCT__ but also the white collar job __PUNCT__
we all know in manufactur __PUNCT__ there not just line worker __PUNCT__ but there a whole host of other folk that creat opportun for folk with experi in the past __PUNCT__
so i can't sai that there anyth specif that i would do __PUNCT__
on of the concern i have with thi revit economi is to make sure that we have the educ and train avail to train peopl for these new job __PUNCT__ includ older worker __PUNCT__
and what we seen in thi presid is an assault on those veri school that do most of the train out there __PUNCT__ and that the privat_school __PUNCT__
thi presid ha had a war on privat educ __PUNCT__
thi come as a shock to some peopl __PUNCT__ that the presid would have a war on someth __PUNCT__
but thi is consist __PUNCT__
he believ that privat_sector school ar somehow evil and thei abus __PUNCT__ and hi educ depart ha done everyth thei could to make it harder for them to compet for loan and other thing and to stai in busi __PUNCT__
yet thei ar go to be the princip tool __PUNCT__ along with commun_colleg __PUNCT__ to respond to thi __PUNCT__ what i believ will be explod demand for skill and semi __PUNCT__ skill_worker to do the job of the futur __PUNCT__
i will tell you i have a veri veri differ attitud toward privat_school and train school and technic school and will work to make sure thei ar avail and around and fund like ani other school to be abl to pick up and help the busi_commun meet their train need __PUNCT__
q __PUNCT__ what is your posit on tarp __PUNCT__ a __PUNCT__ i take a littl differ posit than gov __PUNCT__ romnei __PUNCT__
gov __PUNCT__ romnei support the bailout of wall_street and decid not to support the bailout of detroit __PUNCT__
my feel wa __PUNCT__ we should not support __PUNCT__ the govern should not be involv in bailout __PUNCT__ period __PUNCT__
i think that a much more consist posit __PUNCT__
it on that if you look at what happen __PUNCT__
it not the obama_administr __PUNCT__
i know gov __PUNCT__ romnei is focus on the obama administr __PUNCT__ and the reason he doe is becaus he support what the bush_administr did __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ i didn't __PUNCT__
i oppos what the bush administr did __PUNCT__ and have been a consist critic of it __PUNCT__
i did make my opinion known within the administr __PUNCT__
what i thought thei were do wa wrong __PUNCT__
thei plow ahead anywai and did some thing that i think were injuri to capit __PUNCT__ first by bail out bear_stearn in the first place __PUNCT__ biggest mistak __PUNCT__
what thei should have done is let the market_work __PUNCT__
onc thei start pick winner and loser __PUNCT__ doe thi sound_familiar __PUNCT__ onc thei start pick winner and loser __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ the market decid we can just wait sinc the govern go to be involv __PUNCT__ we just wait for them to do it __PUNCT__
and that led to a path of wall_street bailout and all the bailout __PUNCT__
if we had stai out of it and complet and let the market_work __PUNCT__ i believ the market would have work __PUNCT__
would the auto_industri look differ than it doe todai __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ it would be __PUNCT__
would it still be aliv and well __PUNCT__ i believ it would be and equal as well if not better __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__ becaus market would have had to react and do what wa necessari to structur it to be competit __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ the facil that ar creat huge profit right now ar there and would be there __PUNCT__
the problem wasn't the facil or the worker __PUNCT__
it wa the oblig that these legaci compani had that thei couldn't pai __PUNCT__
i went through thi in the steel_industri __PUNCT__
i know what thi is like __PUNCT__
no on bail out the steel industri __PUNCT__
is the steel industri smaller than it wa __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
is it profit __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ depend on the year __PUNCT__
but it been profit for most year __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__ becaus thei right __PUNCT__ size __PUNCT__ thei us the facil that were effici __PUNCT__ and thei were abl to go out and compet __PUNCT__
so anywai __PUNCT__ i just believ that __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ have govern_involv set a preced __PUNCT__ that now is set in america __PUNCT__ that will make it easier for the next presid to step in and make the argument for why govern should take over __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ let sai the health_care industri or some other busi __PUNCT__
to sai that thi is the role of govern from now on __PUNCT__ we now said under both republican and democrat_presid __PUNCT__
i actual blame presid_bush more than i blame presid_obama __PUNCT__
presid obama wa just follow suit __PUNCT__
presid_bush set the preced __PUNCT__
it wa the wrong preced __PUNCT__ and i think that while there mai be compani todai that ar do well __PUNCT__ and obvious you have a coupl of compani here that ar __PUNCT__ the long __PUNCT__ term consequ to thi countri for have set the preced for the role of govern __PUNCT__ to the economi __PUNCT__ is not go to be a good on __PUNCT__
q __PUNCT__ i own a small_busi __PUNCT__
how will your administr help small busi __PUNCT__ a __PUNCT__ i take __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__ what we do with the corpor_tax __PUNCT__
cut corpor tax_rate in half and we make it __PUNCT__ basic __PUNCT__ a flat_tax __PUNCT__
that a great_advantag to small_busi __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__ becaus small busi don't have the complianc depart and auditor and account to be abl to figur out how to maxim their __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ i do my own tax __PUNCT__
heck __PUNCT__ romnei paid half the tax_rate i did __PUNCT__
obvious he doesn't do hi own tax __PUNCT__
mayb i should hire an account in the futur __PUNCT__
you have the opportun __PUNCT__ if you a larg_corpor __PUNCT__ to have a lot more folk look at these thing and drill down and structur your compani so you can respond to how the tax_code oper __PUNCT__
that simpli not the case with a small businessperson __PUNCT__
so i would just sai that have a flat_tax on corpor_tax is go to be a great_equal in mani respect __PUNCT__
i look at the thing that the govern doe with respect to the regulatori_burden __PUNCT__
i didn't get a chanc to talk about that __PUNCT__
i wa go a littl long so i cut that part out __PUNCT__
but on of the kei aspect of our econom_plan is to deal with the explos of regul __PUNCT__
under the clinton and bush_administr __PUNCT__ thei averag___NUM__ regul a year that cost busi over __MONEY___million __PUNCT__
those ar the high __PUNCT__ cost regul that ar monitor by i think __PUNCT__ the gener account_offic __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ under thi administr last year __PUNCT__ the presid propos __NUM__ of those regul in on year alon and is schedul to break that record thi year __PUNCT__
thi is a presid who ha gone hog wild __PUNCT__ and guess who get hurt the most by burdensom regul __PUNCT__ it the littl gui __PUNCT__
i wa talk to a mortgag_broker in spartanburg __PUNCT__ s.c __PUNCT__ who told me that prior to dodd __PUNCT__ frank and the regul implement under dodd __PUNCT__ frank __PUNCT__ he spent __NUM___minut a week on regul __PUNCT__
he now spend __NUM___hour a dai __PUNCT__ and he get out of the busi __PUNCT__
and so the big gui will take over __PUNCT__
why __PUNCT__ becaus thei have big complianc depart __PUNCT__ thei can handl thi __PUNCT__
i alwai said __PUNCT__ and i realli believ thi __PUNCT__ that unfortun __PUNCT__ big_busi doesn't necessarili mind big_govern __PUNCT__
it give them a competit_advantag __PUNCT__
but big_govern and regul kill the littl gui __PUNCT__
kill innov __PUNCT__
kill and creat barrier to entri __PUNCT__
look at obamacar __PUNCT__
obamacar __PUNCT__ if you get to __NUM___employe __PUNCT__ all of a sudden you get hit with huge tax_burden __PUNCT__
there compani right now __PUNCT__ i know __PUNCT__ i talk to them __PUNCT__ try to figur out how thei can get under __NUM___employe so thei not gonna have to compli with obamacar __PUNCT__
why would we do thi __PUNCT__ but that what we do to the small_busi __PUNCT__
don't grow __PUNCT__ you gonna get nail __PUNCT__
and even if you gonna sit there and we gonna tell you how to manag your busi __PUNCT__ that creat a huge disadvantag for the entrepreneur to be abl to be success __PUNCT__
we will repeal all of that and chang washington from a place that focus on complianc and work with busi __PUNCT__ believ them not to be evil __PUNCT__ not to be out to do nefari thing try to make_profit __PUNCT__ but that actual believ that in their own commun __PUNCT__ in their own state __PUNCT__ thei too believ in clean_air __PUNCT__ clean_water __PUNCT__ and that we can trust state and local and not have the feder_govern micromanag what dust farmer put in the air __PUNCT__
that __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ we can trust ordinari_american and peopl at the state and local_level to provid for themselv and a good and healthi commun more than washington can __PUNCT__
q __PUNCT__ what role do you see for labor_union in america __PUNCT__ and what would you suggest to ensur worker right __PUNCT__ a __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ it interest __PUNCT__
i been attack as the big union republican in thi race __PUNCT__
i went back and look at my afl __PUNCT__ cio scorecard __PUNCT__ and i have a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ rate __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ i guess if that big union in the republican_parti __PUNCT__ we narrow the field quit a bit __PUNCT__ haven't we __PUNCT__ i believ in creat opportun for work folk __PUNCT__
my grandfath wa a coal miner __PUNCT__
he wa the treasur of hi union __PUNCT__
i sure the fact that hi grandson is run as a conserv_republican ha caus quit a few flip there in the grave for him __PUNCT__ but i have no problem with privat_sector sector_union __PUNCT__
i think thei plai a role in societi __PUNCT__
i someon who doe believ that peopl should have the right to work __PUNCT__
i sign on and said that we should repeal the law that basic requir state to have union due be paid as a condit of employ __PUNCT__
that law should be repeal and state should have the opportun to be abl to make that decis for themselv __PUNCT__ as oppos to the feder_level __PUNCT__
from my perspect __PUNCT__ union ar __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ on of those mediat institut and have serv __PUNCT__ in america __PUNCT__ a legitim purpos over time in the privat_sector __PUNCT__
i don't feel quit as warm and fuzzi about public_sector sector_union __PUNCT__
i think public_sector sector_union ar in an intrins unfair bargain posit becaus the peopl sit across the tabl from them __PUNCT__ unlik the businessperson who ha sharehold or themselv who have monei on the line __PUNCT__ or both __PUNCT__ the public_employe union ar sit across from someon who __PUNCT__ it not their monei and it not their tax_dollar __PUNCT__ by and larg __PUNCT__ which ar go to pai for these thing __PUNCT__
secondli __PUNCT__ these folk ar receiv_benefit __PUNCT__ get due paid from state and local taxpay __PUNCT__ that thei then turn around and help elect the peopl who sit on the other side of the bargain_tabl with them __PUNCT__
that creat __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ an ugli situat __PUNCT__ an unfair situat in america __PUNCT__ and i think __PUNCT__ as the feder_govern doe __PUNCT__ which doe not allow public_sector sector_union to bargain wage and benefit __PUNCT__ i think that the appropri role for state and local_govern to be in the same_posit __PUNCT__
q __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ how would you help homeless_peopl __PUNCT__ a __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ as i said befor __PUNCT__ we have to be concern about everybodi __PUNCT__ from the veri rich to the veri poor __PUNCT__
if you look at my track_record __PUNCT__ it wa actual david_brook __PUNCT__ no great friend of conserv __PUNCT__ who wrote sever year_ago there hasn't been a singl_piec of legisl deal with the poor in the senat over the last __NUM___year that my name wasn't either attach to or lead on __PUNCT__
i realli do believ that we have an oblig to creat opportun and creat the ladder of success for everyon __PUNCT__ includ those who ar homeless __PUNCT__
i would just sai that if you look at our record and what we done and creat the opportun for state to take respons for a lot of these program __PUNCT__ i think what you saw with welfar_reform wa the flexibl in the dollar to go out and meet the uniqu need of the commun __PUNCT__
as oppos to what the feder_govern said wa the greater need of the greater commun across thi countri __PUNCT__
so i think the flexibl that we go to give state to manag these program is a veri import_thing __PUNCT__
on of the uniqu problem of homeless __PUNCT__ unfortun and sadli __PUNCT__ a veri substanti_number of homeless_peopl ar veteran __PUNCT__
i seen thi in my own state __PUNCT__ and studi that show that becaus of veteran return_home __PUNCT__ particularli now __PUNCT__ with high_rate of ptsd and other type of stress and re __PUNCT__ acclim to societi __PUNCT__ we see a lot of thi problem __PUNCT__
so thi is an area __PUNCT__ when i wa in the senat __PUNCT__ that i work a lot with the veteran administr __PUNCT__
that where my mom and dad work __PUNCT__
my dad wa a psychologist that work with a lot of these folk __PUNCT__
so i have a particular concern about that __PUNCT__ and that would be an area uniqu that i would focu on to make sure that __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ that we don't creat the situat that creat a lot of thi ptsd __PUNCT__ repetit tour of duti __PUNCT__ five __PUNCT__ six __PUNCT__ seven __PUNCT__ eight tour of duti is wai too much to ask __PUNCT__
we have a presid who gone out and said we go to cut_back our troop level __PUNCT__
what that go to mean __PUNCT__ nine __PUNCT__ ten __PUNCT__ eleven is what we go to be do as far as these troop rotat ar concern __PUNCT__
we need to look at how we manag our troop and also look at how we go to care for them when thei come back to make sure that thei can be integr back into societi __PUNCT__
and obvious we drop the ball __PUNCT__
and that on area that i would stress as presid __PUNCT__ to make sure that we first and foremost take care of those who have sacrif and risk so much for their countri __PUNCT__
let me thank you all for the opportun __PUNCT__
it wa great be here in detroit __PUNCT__ and god_bless __PUNCT__