This speech titled 2012.03.20.remarks_in_gettysburg_pennsylvania_following_the_illinois_primary originally had 2229 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
it is great to be back in pennsylvania __PUNCT__
thank you for join us here __PUNCT__
let me just thank all of you for be here __PUNCT__
and i know that thei not go to be hear me __PUNCT__ but i __PUNCT__ i just feel so bad __PUNCT__
we have about __NUM___peopl who couldn't get in here __PUNCT__
we just overwhelm by the respons here __PUNCT__ and i just want to sai __PUNCT__ i feel welcom back_home to pennsylvania __PUNCT__ so thank you veri __PUNCT__ veri much __PUNCT__
it is __PUNCT__ it is __PUNCT__ first __PUNCT__ i just want to congratul governor romnei __PUNCT__
i gave him a call a littl earlier and congratul him on win the state of illinoi __PUNCT__
but i also want to sai __PUNCT__ i just want to thank all of the folk in illinoi __PUNCT__ all in the __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ if you look at what __PUNCT__ what go to happen tonight __PUNCT__ we go to win downstat __PUNCT__ we go to win central illinoi __PUNCT__ we go to win western illinoi __PUNCT__
we won the area that conserv and republican popul __PUNCT__ and we veri happi about that __PUNCT__
we happi about the deleg we go to get __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__
we want to come here tonight back to pennsylvania __PUNCT__ back to a favorit place of mine in pennsylvania __PUNCT__ the citi and the town of gettysburg __PUNCT__
it __PUNCT__
obvious __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ so mani memori come to mind when we walk on here in the town and across the street where abraham_lincoln finish the gettysburg address at the will hous __PUNCT__
and you think about the great elect of our past __PUNCT__
and i gone around thi countri over the past_year now and said thi is the most import elect in our lifetim __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ i think it the most import elect sinc the elect of __NUM__ __PUNCT__
the elect in __NUM__ wa about whether these unit_state __PUNCT__ which is what it wa mostli refer to prior to the elect of __NUM__ __PUNCT__ would becom the unit state __PUNCT__ whether it would be a union __PUNCT__ a countri bound togeth to build a great and prosper nation __PUNCT__ a __PUNCT__ a nation base on a concept __PUNCT__ a concept that we were birth with __PUNCT__ a concept birth with our found_document of the declar of independ __PUNCT__
i said throughout the cours of thi campaign that while other issu ar certainli import __PUNCT__ the economi __PUNCT__ jobless __PUNCT__ nation_secur concern __PUNCT__ the famili __PUNCT__ the issu of life __PUNCT__ all of these issu ar import __PUNCT__ but the foundat issu in thi race __PUNCT__ the on that is __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ the caus of the other maladi that we ar feel __PUNCT__ whether it in the economi or whether it in the budget crisi that we deal with __PUNCT__ all boil down to on word __PUNCT__ and that what at stake in thi elect __PUNCT__ and it right behind me on that banner __PUNCT__ and that the word __PUNCT__ freedom __PUNCT__
i wa pleas to hear befor i came out that governor romnei is now adopt that theme as hi speech tonight __PUNCT__
i am __PUNCT__ i am glad we ar move the debat here in the republican_parti __PUNCT__
but i been focus on thi __PUNCT__ becaus i actual been out talk to peopl across thi countri __PUNCT__ do over a thousand town_hall_meet __PUNCT__
and i know the anxieti and the concern that peopl have in thi countri about an ever __PUNCT__ expand_govern __PUNCT__ a govern that is try to dictat how we go to live our live __PUNCT__ try to order us around __PUNCT__ trampl our freedom __PUNCT__ whether it our econom_freedom or our religi_liberti __PUNCT__
but in addit to trampl that freedom __PUNCT__ in addit to build a depend __PUNCT__ a depend on govern __PUNCT__ as we see govern expand and grow __PUNCT__ now almost half the peopl in thi countri depend on some form of feder payment to help them get __PUNCT__ make end meet in america __PUNCT__
and after and if obamacar is implement __PUNCT__ everi singl american will depend upon the feder_govern for someth that is critic __PUNCT__ their health and their life __PUNCT__
that why thi elect is so import __PUNCT__
thi is an elect about fundament and foundat thing __PUNCT__
thi is an elect about not who the best person to manag washington or manag the economi __PUNCT__
we don't need a manag __PUNCT__
we need someon who go to pull up govern by the root and throw it out and do someth to liber the privat_sector in america __PUNCT__
that what we need __PUNCT__
it great to have wall_street experi __PUNCT__
i don't have wall street experi __PUNCT__ but i have experi grow up in a small_town in western pennsylvania __PUNCT__ grow up in a steel town __PUNCT__ grow up in public_hous in apart and see how men and women of thi countri scrape and claw becaus thei had the opportun to climb the ladder of success in america __PUNCT__
a lot of those folk out there todai feel like nobodi in washington and no on in thi debat is realli talk about them __PUNCT__
that why thi is a wonder movement as i travel around thi countri and everywher i go __PUNCT__
i see peopl __PUNCT__ peopl in work cloth __PUNCT__ folk with children who ar mayb not get the educ opportun that thei hope for so thei could climb that ladder of success __PUNCT__ peopl who ar look for someon to voic their concern about how thi economi is go to turn around for them __PUNCT__ not just for those at the top of the incom ladder __PUNCT__
that why i talk about a manufactur plan __PUNCT__ an energi plan __PUNCT__ someon who believ that if we creat opportun by __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ cut_tax __PUNCT__ but reduc the oppress regulatori_burden that thi administr ha put on businesspeopl and peopl who want to drill for energi __PUNCT__ it need someon who got a strong and clear record that can appeal to voter all across thi countri and someon who you can trust __PUNCT__ someon that you know when thei sai thei go to do someth __PUNCT__ thei not sai it becaus __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ that happen to be the popular theme of the moment __PUNCT__ but someon who ha a long track_record of deep convict __PUNCT__ someon who go to go out and stand and fight __PUNCT__ becaus it not just what the pollster tell them to sai or what on their teleprompt __PUNCT__
i don't happen to have on here tonight __PUNCT__
becaus __PUNCT__ becaus thei know in their gut from their life_experi __PUNCT__ from live in america __PUNCT__ that thi is what america need and america want __PUNCT__
thei want someon who not go to go to washington __PUNCT__ d.c __PUNCT__ becaus thei want to be the most power person in the world to manag washington __PUNCT__
thei want someon who go to take that power and give it back to the peopl of thi countri __PUNCT__
there is on candid in thi race who can go out and make that contrast with the current occup of the white_hous __PUNCT__ someon who ha a track_record of be for you __PUNCT__ be for limit_govern __PUNCT__ be for solut that empow peopl on the biggest issu of the dai __PUNCT__ whether it obamacar __PUNCT__ romneycar __PUNCT__
thei interchang __PUNCT__
we need someon who understand that the solut to the problem with almost 1/17th of the economi is not govern_control over that sector economi __PUNCT__ but your control over that sector of the economi __PUNCT__
we need someon who understand that we need to grow our energi_suppli here in thi countri __PUNCT__
and we need someon you can trust who when in good_time and in bad __PUNCT__ when time were tough and peopl_thought __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ all thi oil and ga and coal in the ground is all a sourc of carbon_dioxid __PUNCT__ and we can't take that out of the ground becaus __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ there a finit suppli and it could __PUNCT__ it could damag our environ and caus global_warm __PUNCT__
when the climat __PUNCT__ when those who __PUNCT__ who __PUNCT__ who profess manmad global warm and climat_scienc convinc mani __PUNCT__ mani republican __PUNCT__ includ two who ar run for presid on the republican ticket __PUNCT__ mitt_romnei and newt_gingrich __PUNCT__
but there wa on who said __PUNCT__ i know thi isn't climat_scienc __PUNCT__
thi is polit_scienc __PUNCT__
and thi wa anoth attempt of those who want to take power awai from you and control your access to energi __PUNCT__ your util __PUNCT__ whether it in your car or in your home of energi __PUNCT__ becaus thei ar better to make these decis about how you us energi than you do __PUNCT__
that what thei believ __PUNCT__
and unfortun __PUNCT__ just like in health_care __PUNCT__ governor romnei and speaker gingrich went along with the ride __PUNCT__
and guess what __PUNCT__ when the climat chang __PUNCT__ thei chang their posit __PUNCT__
and now thei all for drill and thei all for oil and ga and coal __PUNCT__
i wa for it becaus it wa the right thing to do then __PUNCT__ i be for it tomorrow and the next dai and the next dai __PUNCT__
i not go to chang with the climat __PUNCT__
ladi and gentlemen __PUNCT__ i grew up in thi great state __PUNCT__ and thi is the first dai __PUNCT__ thi is the launch we want to come here to pennsylvania __PUNCT__ to launch our campaign here in pennsylvania __PUNCT__
we got five week __PUNCT__ five week to a big win and a big deleg sweep in pennsylvania __PUNCT__
i come as a son of pennsylvania __PUNCT__ someon who grew up in western pennsylvania __PUNCT__
everyon know the stori __PUNCT__ i hope __PUNCT__ of my grandfath __PUNCT__ my dad come to pennsylvania to work in those coal_mine in somerset counti __PUNCT__
i learn everyth __PUNCT__ everyth about freedom and opportun and hard_work __PUNCT__ and grow up with folk who work in the mill and the mine in western pennsylvania __PUNCT__
and so when i speak and i speak from the heart __PUNCT__ in the back of my mind ar the pictur of those men and women who work and scrape and claw so their children and grandchildren could __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ have a better qualiti of life __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ mayb even go to colleg and not have to work in tough __PUNCT__ manual_labor __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ most importantli __PUNCT__ thei fought for the thing that the peopl in thi battlefield just down the road fought for __PUNCT__
thei fought for big_thing __PUNCT__ thing that america alwai stood for __PUNCT__ that ronald_reagan refer to as that shine_citi on the hill __PUNCT__
it thing that i fight for here todai __PUNCT__ the reason karen and i decid __PUNCT__ in the face of have seven children ag___NUM__ to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ not exactli the best time to run for presid of the unit_state when you have children __NUM__ to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ but karen and i felt compel __PUNCT__
we felt compel __PUNCT__ becaus as ronald_reagan said in on of hi great speech __PUNCT__ we didn't want to have to sit down somedai and look at the ey of our children and our children children and describ to them an america where onc men were free __PUNCT__
we don't want to be that gener that lost the torch of freedom __PUNCT__
that why karen and the kid behind me __PUNCT__ all of whom born in pennsylvania __PUNCT__ all of those folk who understand the __PUNCT__ the great of our state and the great of the valu of thi state __PUNCT__ all of us understand what wa sacrif __PUNCT__ in the mill and on the battlefield __PUNCT__
and that why we must go out and fight thi fight __PUNCT__
that why we must go out and nomin someon who understand __PUNCT__ not becaus some pollster tell them __PUNCT__ becaus thei know in their gut __PUNCT__ just like you do __PUNCT__ all across thi countri __PUNCT__ you know in your gut big_thing ar adrift and at stake in thi elect __PUNCT__
so i ask each and everi on of you to join us __PUNCT__ to saddl up __PUNCT__ like reagan did in the cowboi movi __PUNCT__ to saddl up __PUNCT__ take on that respons over the next five week __PUNCT__
we go to head to louisiana from here __PUNCT__
we feel veri __PUNCT__ veri good about win louisiana on saturdai __PUNCT__ i might add __PUNCT__
we head to louisiana for the rest of the week __PUNCT__ and then we go to be back here in pennsylvania __PUNCT__ and we go to pick up a whole boatload of deleg and close thi gap and on to victori __PUNCT__
thank you all veri much __PUNCT__
god_bless you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__