Fred Thompson

This speech titled 2007.11.04.interview_with_tim_russert_on_nbc_news_meet_the_press originally had 7100 tokens. You can view the original text here.

russert __PUNCT__ welcom __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ let me start with pakistan __PUNCT__

presid musharraf ha declar a state of emerg __PUNCT__ suspend the constitut __PUNCT__ close down mani televis_network __PUNCT__

what would you __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ be sai thi morn __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ i be sai learn as much as you can about the situat to all my peopl __PUNCT__

and i know secretari rice is do that __PUNCT__

we got two compet seriou consider there __PUNCT__

on is the rule of law __PUNCT__ which we got to stand for __PUNCT__ which he go against right now __PUNCT__

and the other is the fact that it on of the most potenti danger situat in the world for us right now __PUNCT__

he is an alli in __PUNCT__ in a __PUNCT__ in a veri spars popul place as far as alli ar concern __PUNCT__

there not mani of them in that part of the world __PUNCT__

even part of hi own govern do not have our interest at heart __PUNCT__

there ar radic muslim element there __PUNCT__

there ar terrorist element there that ar try to __PUNCT__ to appar get control of the govern __PUNCT__

i do not know exactli what musharraf see or think he see to caus him to do what he ha done __PUNCT__ but we need to understand that thi is a nuclear countri __PUNCT__

we could face a real nightmar scenario by see these radic element __PUNCT__ or these terrorist sympath __PUNCT__ take control of that govern and have that nuclear_capabl there on the border of __PUNCT__ of afghanistan when we got so mani troop there __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ we have provid presid musharraf __MONEY___billion in american aid sinc __NUM__ __PUNCT__

should we suspend that aid __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ not now __PUNCT__

i know that it been mention by our peopl __PUNCT__

he been told that that at risk if he __PUNCT__ if he did what he __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ did __PUNCT__

everyth go to be on the tabl __PUNCT__

i think we got to plai_hardbal with him __PUNCT__ but understand that if __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and thei were make_progress __PUNCT__ appar __PUNCT__ toward a civilian_govern __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ former prime_minist bhutto wa come back __PUNCT__ thei had had discuss __PUNCT__

thei had talk about __PUNCT__ talk about what appear to be sort of a divid_govern __PUNCT__

he wa will to take off the uniform __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ and have a civilian_govern __PUNCT__

it look like thing were go well __PUNCT__

then terrorist_attack bhutto when she wa there __PUNCT__ and she had to leav the countri again __PUNCT__

so now he react to that and __PUNCT__ on balanc __PUNCT__ we have to make sure that whatev happen that we do not see total instabl in that countri in __PUNCT__ in that govern and we do not see a takeov by a radic muslim element or terrorist sympath __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ becaus of the uniqu and precari and the sensit of that countri __PUNCT__ would we allow presid musharaff __PUNCT__ gener musharaff __PUNCT__ to continu under martial_law becaus he our alli __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ when you sai we allow the head of a countri to stai the head of a countri __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ that kind of a mouth __PUNCT__

i don't think we ought to look at it like whether or not we allow someon to stand or not __PUNCT__

the question is what our relationship go to be with him __PUNCT__ what kind of support ar we go to __PUNCT__ to give __PUNCT__ hopefulli that situat won't stai that wai __PUNCT__

i don't see how it could __PUNCT__

i think it go to move on wai or anoth __PUNCT__

i think our job right now is to make sure that we know all that he know and the reason why he do what he do __PUNCT__

some expert thought that he might get a favor decis from the suprem_court __PUNCT__ and i wonder exactli why he did what he did when he did it __PUNCT__

let know what hi motiv were __PUNCT__

let make sure that we properli analyz our own intellig there and work toward move that situat toward a civilian_govern __PUNCT__

what he do __PUNCT__ i afraid __PUNCT__ is alien those in that countri who might be on the fenc __PUNCT__ who might be somewhat moder when he __PUNCT__ in effect __PUNCT__ declar martial_law and suspend the constitut __PUNCT__

he work against hi own interest __PUNCT__ perhap __PUNCT__

but again __PUNCT__ he know hi own countri __PUNCT__

he know those radic element there __PUNCT__

he know that terrorist tri to kill bhutto when she wa there recent __PUNCT__ and it __PUNCT__ it too earli to be make broad pronounc about that part of the world right now __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ let me turn to iraq __PUNCT__

you said the other dai that __PUNCT__ i think the polici we engag in now is the right on __PUNCT__ and then ad thi __PUNCT__ earlier __PUNCT__ thi __PUNCT__ coupl of year_ago __PUNCT__ talk to larri kudlow __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ it just a matter of stai the cours __PUNCT__

and as long as we have the will to stai __PUNCT__ and it extrem import __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ to our futur secur that we stai __PUNCT__ we be ok __PUNCT__ and we work our wai through it __PUNCT__

is that still your view __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__

i think so __PUNCT__

it seem to me like __PUNCT__ at the end of last year __PUNCT__ we were lose the war __PUNCT__

it seem to me now __PUNCT__ in the last five month __PUNCT__ that there been a lot of good_thing happen there __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ we just got through ramadan __PUNCT__ which is on of the worst period for us histor __PUNCT__ and there less violenc than in the last three year there __PUNCT__

by ani measur __PUNCT__ in term of the sectarian_violenc __PUNCT__ in term of the militari death and injuri and attack __PUNCT__ baghdad over the last sever month is in much better shape __PUNCT__ and the area around baghdad __PUNCT__

we know a lot of __PUNCT__ a lot of progress ha been made out in other provinc __PUNCT__

around baghdad i think car bomb have gone down over __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

there some reconcili appar take place out in the countri __PUNCT__

not enough is happen among those __PUNCT__ the polit_leader in baghdad __PUNCT__ for sure __PUNCT__ but that doesn't mean progress is not be made __PUNCT__

so the sunni ar turn awai from al __PUNCT__ qaeda __PUNCT__

thei __PUNCT__ thei had an opportun to live under them in some of these place and local and seen their brutal __PUNCT__

thei don't want that __PUNCT__

thei turn toward us __PUNCT__

reconcili between sunni and shia and other part of the __PUNCT__ of the countri there __PUNCT__

i __PUNCT__ i think that __PUNCT__ i think that we make substanti progress there __PUNCT__ and thi would not be __PUNCT__ nobodi know what go to happen __PUNCT__ but thi would be the worst time in the world to start_talk about deadlin or cut off fund or get out prematur __PUNCT__

i would like to see noth more than our troop start come out of there __PUNCT__ but as a part of a success scenario __PUNCT__

and i think that a realist scenario that the gener on the ground there have in mind __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but stai the cours __PUNCT__ the statu_quo __PUNCT__ can that be our strategi __PUNCT__ what is our exit_strategi __PUNCT__ how long would you stai there __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ it not a __PUNCT__ it not a stai __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ cours when __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ in term of what been go on there __PUNCT__

what been go on there been quit neg __PUNCT__

it is a __PUNCT__ give us an opportun to succe __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ we got to __PUNCT__ we got take ye for an answer __PUNCT__

we got to take success as a __PUNCT__ as a realiti when we find it __PUNCT__

we __PUNCT__ we seen a lot of neg __PUNCT__ and rightfulli so __PUNCT__

but now that thing ar turn __PUNCT__ even those in some of the think tank around town ar not pro __PUNCT__ war by ani stretch of the imagin have step up and said __PUNCT__ we make_real progress __PUNCT__

we see the headlin that __PUNCT__ that ar __PUNCT__ that ar chang now __PUNCT__

the stake ar too high __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__

it not __PUNCT__ it not a matter of __PUNCT__ of just iraq __PUNCT__

the __PUNCT__ we be test __PUNCT__

the whole world is watch to see whether or not the american_peopl have the will and the abil __PUNCT__ the uniti __PUNCT__ the determin to __PUNCT__ to succe in ani front that we happen to be engag in __PUNCT__ and thi is a front in much larger war __PUNCT__

we __PUNCT__ we provid stabil ever sinc the end of world_war_ii in the world __PUNCT__

some peopl __PUNCT__ some countri have not gone nuclear becaus of us __PUNCT__ becaus of our strength and stabil we provid __PUNCT__

we don't want to see iran fill that vacuum that we would leav there __PUNCT__

we do not want to see the saudi __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__ to go nuclear in respons to what thei perceiv iran is do __PUNCT__ and especi if we pull out of __PUNCT__ of that area __PUNCT__

so now of all time when we see so mani good_thing happen there and so mani good report from gener who we respect there __PUNCT__ we should __PUNCT__ we should not be think in term of deadlin __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ we should plan on be there sever year __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i don't know what sever year mean __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ we __PUNCT__ we just don't know __PUNCT__

we __PUNCT__ we hopefulli can be a buffer for a while after we pacifi the place __PUNCT__ and averag peopl can go worship without fear of be blown up __PUNCT__

and we can be a necessari buffer there for a while __PUNCT__ but i would hope that it would not be __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ indefinit __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ we read too mani historian who talk about great_nation in time past that mani of them were empir __PUNCT__

we don't call ourselv an empir __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but you oppos withdraw ani troop right now __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i think we ought to stai on the cours that we on __PUNCT__

the scenario that plan __PUNCT__ as i understand it __PUNCT__ involv a withdraw of troop next __PUNCT__ next spring or summer as a part of the success scenario __PUNCT__

but i don't think that we ought to __PUNCT__ to be armchair gener and sai that a few more or few less ought to be the __PUNCT__ the wai to go when we got peopl on the ground who appar now know what thei do __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you made a comment the other dai in south_carolina __PUNCT__ said __PUNCT__ fred_thompson said the iraqi insurg is made up of __PUNCT__ a bunch of kid with improvis explos devic __PUNCT__ and suggest that the appear of lose to such an enemi would harm u. __PUNCT__ nation_secur __PUNCT__

as you know __PUNCT__ we lost___NUM__ __NUM___kid __PUNCT__ __NUM___wound or injur __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent of them by these improvis devic __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ it more than just a bunch of kid __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ that not exactli what i said __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i don't minim the fact that __PUNCT__ that we got terrorist come in from syria __PUNCT__ from __PUNCT__ from iraq __PUNCT__ i mean from iran and __PUNCT__ and other place __PUNCT__ in saudi_arabia __PUNCT__ pour in there __PUNCT__

we __PUNCT__ we have sunni __PUNCT__ shia violenc __PUNCT__ there no question about that __PUNCT__

i never disput that __PUNCT__

al __PUNCT__ qaeda __PUNCT__ although i think thei back on their heel now __PUNCT__ still strong there __PUNCT__ there no question __PUNCT__

what i said wa __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ when i talk __PUNCT__ i wa talk about will and uniti and the percept that we go to have around the world __PUNCT__

the fact that friend and foe alik ar look to see what kind of a __PUNCT__ of a __PUNCT__ of a determin that we go to muster in __PUNCT__ in deal with thi thing __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but you should not trivial __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ and i said __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you shouldn't trivial as a bunch of kid __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ __URL__ i said __PUNCT__ and i said __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ let me finish __PUNCT__

i said the unit_state of america could not be perceiv as have been run out of iraq with our tail between our leg becaus a bunch of kid on the border there make improvis explos devic __PUNCT__

the __PUNCT__ as thei go to recruit futur al __PUNCT__ qaeda young_men __PUNCT__ thei not go to get into the nuanc of the variou faction that ar our enemi down there __PUNCT__

thei go to go sai __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ you can do __PUNCT__ you can do exactli what your brother did __PUNCT__

you can be a part of us __PUNCT__

we brought them down __PUNCT__

we brought the unit_state of america to it knee __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ in larg_part __PUNCT__ it is becaus of young_peopl peopl_make __PUNCT__ thei call them improvis for a reason __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ thei __PUNCT__ thei pretti low __PUNCT__ tech kind of oper by peopl probabl with not much educ __PUNCT__ and thei can be taught to do thi __PUNCT__ and thei caus great damag to us __PUNCT__

and you go to place __PUNCT__ brook armi medic_center and so forth __PUNCT__ thei don't handl no on __PUNCT__ noth but burn and ampute __PUNCT__ and you see what __PUNCT__ what __PUNCT__ what been done there __PUNCT__

thei __PUNCT__ thei __PUNCT__ thei demor us in mani respect __PUNCT__

thei hurt us badli __PUNCT__

there __PUNCT__ there no question about that __PUNCT__

it should not be minim __PUNCT__

but the point be __PUNCT__ these young_peopl that i talk to know what thei do __PUNCT__ and thei know that thei do someth good for their countri __PUNCT__ and we need to understand that __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__

and we cannot let the percept be __PUNCT__ and the new potenti recruit for al __PUNCT__ qaeda be convinc of the notion that these young peopl like thi can bring us down __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you were in iowa __PUNCT__ and you talk about saddam_hussein __PUNCT__ and you said __PUNCT__ it wa __PUNCT__ he wa certain former iraqi leader saddam hussein had weapon of mass_destruct befor the __NUM__ u.s. __PUNCT__ led invas of iraq __PUNCT__ a point of content in the four and a half_year sinc the war_began __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ we can't forget the fact that although at a particular point in time we never found ani wmd down there __PUNCT__ he clearli had __PUNCT__ wmd __PUNCT__

he clearli had,'th begin of a nuclear_program __PUNCT__ thompson told the audienc of about __NUM__ at a newton cafe __PUNCT__

the dulfer commiss __PUNCT__ david kai __PUNCT__ all the weapon inspector said thei did not find ani wmd __PUNCT__

and yet you __PUNCT__ you seem to be rais the whole her again __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ i not __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ chemic __PUNCT__ biolog and nuclear __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ not at all __PUNCT__

amazingli __PUNCT__ thei got that on a __PUNCT__ a littl bit wrong __PUNCT__

i been on thi program in year past __PUNCT__ and we discuss these issu __PUNCT__ and i been on mani other __PUNCT__

what i wa point out is that he had clearli __PUNCT__ befor __PUNCT__ in year befor the __PUNCT__ the invas __PUNCT__ he had weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__

and he us them on hi own peopl __PUNCT__ the kurd in the north and so forth __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ that beyond disput __PUNCT__

i have never claim and didn't claim in that statement there __PUNCT__ and i explain to the report afterward __PUNCT__ when he specif ask me about thi __PUNCT__ that he had weapon of mass destruct and we just went in there and invad and miss them and couldn't see them __PUNCT__

no __PUNCT__ he did not have them at the time __PUNCT__

but what the iraqi survei group said when thei went in there later is that __PUNCT__ in their opinion __PUNCT__ he would __PUNCT__ he had the capabl and the desir to reconstitut what he had onc befor __PUNCT__ and that is the begin of a nuclear_program __PUNCT__

that what the isra bomb in __NUM__ with osirak reactor __PUNCT__

he had the __PUNCT__ the infrastructur __PUNCT__ he had the expertis and so forth __PUNCT__

and my __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but you do not believ __PUNCT__ you do not believ that saddam had wmd when we invad in __NUM__ __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

obvious not __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ let me turn to osama_bin_laden __PUNCT__

in iowa you told_report __PUNCT__ bin_laden is __PUNCT__ more symbol than anyth els __PUNCT__

to the peopl who di on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ osama_bin_laden is more than symbol __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ let __PUNCT__ let __PUNCT__ let me make the point __PUNCT__

i never been accus of be soft on osama_bin_laden __PUNCT__

what i think sometim happen in thi countri is that we fixat on a person __PUNCT__

and even someon as __PUNCT__ as __PUNCT__ as __PUNCT__ as evil as thi man __PUNCT__ we need to understand __PUNCT__ if he goe __PUNCT__ if he kill __PUNCT__ someon will take hi place __PUNCT__

it almost like that __PUNCT__ the focu is so much on him that we think our problem will pretti much go awai if we get him __PUNCT__

get him is import __PUNCT__

it import becaus he the head of thi oper right now __PUNCT__

it import becaus of symbol and lot of other reason __PUNCT__

no question about that __PUNCT__

but the notion that __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ that our problem ar pretti much go to be solv when he goe awai __PUNCT__ rememb __PUNCT__ al __PUNCT__ zarqawi in __PUNCT__ in iraq __PUNCT__ when __PUNCT__ when we kill him __PUNCT__ it wa __PUNCT__ it wa a import_thing to do __PUNCT__

thing got wors for us after that for a while __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ we __PUNCT__ we can't be fixat __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ it minim the natur of the problem __PUNCT__

we in a global conflict now __PUNCT__

we have been for some time __PUNCT__

iraq is a part of that conflict __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ unfortun __PUNCT__ regardless of what happen in iraq __PUNCT__ i believ it go to extend for some time to come __PUNCT__ and we need to understand the sever of it __PUNCT__

and that wa my point __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ let me turn to the issu of tortur __PUNCT__

you were talk about it the other dai __PUNCT__

here how the san_francisco chronicl report it __PUNCT__ thompson note the unit_state doe not support tortur and abid by intern_law __PUNCT__ then indic he would not be oppos to waterboard if nation_secur were at stake __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ as a gener proposit __PUNCT__ i alwai thought when you get right down to it __PUNCT__ the measur have to meet the situat __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ if our countri is face with an immin loss of live of innoc american __PUNCT__ and we have someon __PUNCT__ and we confid enough in our intellig to be secur in the knowledg that thi person ha import inform that could save the live of innoc american __PUNCT__ all i can sai is that as presid the measur will alwai meet the circumst __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ i will do what i think is in the best interest of my countri __PUNCT__

in a situat like that __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ now there __PUNCT__ there i wa quot exactli right __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you would us tortur if you thought it would get the inform __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ i never us __PUNCT__ i never us the word tortur __PUNCT__

i think that __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ or the measur __PUNCT__ the measur you would us __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ what i __PUNCT__ what i said is __PUNCT__ is what i meant to sai __PUNCT__ and that is the measur must meet the circumst __PUNCT__ and if we face the immin loss of innoc american_live __PUNCT__ if we confid enough in our intellig __PUNCT__ and that a big if __PUNCT__ we got to do a lot better there for sure __PUNCT__ to believ that the person that we have ha inform that __PUNCT__ that would start the __PUNCT__ in effect __PUNCT__ tick time bomb that we talk about sometim __PUNCT__ the measur have to meet those circumst __PUNCT__

and i not sure what it would take __PUNCT__

you talk about techniqu __PUNCT__

we have a big public_debat now on a techniqu which i know veri littl about __PUNCT__

it sound veri gruesom to me __PUNCT__

but the presid of the unit_state ha an oblig to do what i just said __PUNCT__ and i can't imagin anybodi be presid who wouldn't make that decis __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ so you would us techniqu that you felt necessari __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and pai the consequ for us those if __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ thei turn out to be tortur __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ i would pai the consequ __PUNCT__ or __PUNCT__ or i would __PUNCT__ i would answer to whatev decis that i made __PUNCT__

and i would do what wa necessari __PUNCT__ if necessari __PUNCT__ to protect those who carri out my order under those circumst __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ let me turn to iran __PUNCT__

back in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ here wa the question __PUNCT__ if it clear that iran is get close to get a nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__ would it be your polici to support pre __PUNCT__ emption as a mean of take out or wipe out those facil __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ it would be __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

so you would be in favor __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ sound a littl eager there __PUNCT__ doesn't it __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ my question __PUNCT__ do you believ __PUNCT__ do you believ the unit_state should __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ be prepar to launch a pre __PUNCT__ emptiv strike against iran to elimin their nuclear_capabl __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ we should be prepar to do that __PUNCT__

i think in mani respect it would be a sign of the failur of other polici __PUNCT__

i don't think that that someth that __PUNCT__ that we should have to do __PUNCT__

there ar a lot of thing go on insid iran right now that i don't think most american hear enough about __PUNCT__

the __PUNCT__ the peopl there ar dissatisfi with their leadership __PUNCT__

thei dissatisfi with the kind of live thei live __PUNCT__

the __PUNCT__ the economi in shambl __PUNCT__

there __PUNCT__ there demonstr that go on all the time __PUNCT__

a lot of their student leader and other __PUNCT__ labor_leader and so forth __PUNCT__ have been imprison or __PUNCT__ or kill __PUNCT__

there ar a lot of peopl insid that countri that __PUNCT__ who ar friendli to the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

we not do enough __PUNCT__ i don't believ __PUNCT__ to help them __PUNCT__ to commun with them __PUNCT__ to give them the mean of commun to rhetor sai the thing that i think we need to sai __PUNCT__ to give them moral support __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ we seen other great_nation much stronger than thi on fall becaus of support that wa given to peopl on the insid __PUNCT__

veri few __PUNCT__ veri few regim chang take place like that in a larg countri without some support from the __PUNCT__ from the outsid __PUNCT__

a lot of thing we can do in term of just help them commun better and us get inform in there better to __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ to help them __PUNCT__

i think the __PUNCT__ the sanction ar have some effect __PUNCT__

i don't think you ever get the russian or the chines to realli turn the screw on them becaus their __PUNCT__ their econom relationship mean too much to them __PUNCT__

but we __PUNCT__ we have a __PUNCT__ some chang in franc __PUNCT__ some chang in germani now __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ in term of their attitud __PUNCT__

some of our other european alli __PUNCT__ and some of those econom chang __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ have hurt the higher up iranian __PUNCT__

and so i think a combin of those thing __PUNCT__ effect polici and a realiz that these __PUNCT__ the natur of these peopl __PUNCT__ the mullah ar religi __PUNCT__ driven extremist __PUNCT__ and thei not like other nation_state __PUNCT__

it veri difficult to sit __PUNCT__ sit across the tabl from them and __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and have negoti that make intellectu sens to us __PUNCT__ but doe not to them becaus thei __PUNCT__ thei have a differ drive __PUNCT__

thei consid us the __PUNCT__ the great satan __PUNCT__

israel the littl satan __PUNCT__ and we know what their plan ar for them __PUNCT__

but thei consid us the great satan __PUNCT__ so negoti in the tradit sens ar __PUNCT__ ar go to be extrem_difficult and probabl fruitless __PUNCT__

so we need to get about these other thing __PUNCT__ the sanction __PUNCT__ assist with regard to peopl on the insid there __PUNCT__ befor we ever get to the point __PUNCT__ it mai backfir on us if we attack them __PUNCT__ even if we had to attack them __PUNCT__

i don't see how we can afford to let these peopl go nuclear __PUNCT__ frankli __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ will you __PUNCT__ will you __PUNCT__ would you make __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ but it mai __PUNCT__ it mai __PUNCT__ there mai be a backlash __PUNCT__

it riski __PUNCT__

we need to take these other option to the fullest extent __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ would you make a pledg that iran will not develop a nuclear_bomb while you were presid __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ that would be my intent __PUNCT__

if __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i would make a pledg to do everyth that i could to keep it from happen __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ how far ar thei awai from have on __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ nobodi know __PUNCT__

thei claim that thei have a few thousand centrifug in __PUNCT__ in order to make __PUNCT__ enrich uranium __PUNCT__ which would go into a weapon like that __PUNCT__

you got to have quit a few more centrifug than that __PUNCT__

you got to make them work togeth __PUNCT__

it not an easi job __PUNCT__

but it __PUNCT__ thei not easi to find __PUNCT__ either __PUNCT__ in a place like iran __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you said an attack mai backfir __PUNCT__

what __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ would be the fallout from a u. __PUNCT__ attack on iran __PUNCT__ what if the iranian said __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__ we go to send sever hundr_thousand troop into iraq to engag your __NUM__ on the ground __PUNCT__

what happen to the region __PUNCT__ what happen to saudi_arabia __PUNCT__ what happen to a __PUNCT__ a jihad among shiit all around the world __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ what happen to all come out of the gulf __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ what happen __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ sometim you face with two veri bad_decis __PUNCT__ and those ar two veri bad decis __PUNCT__

but what happen if __PUNCT__ if a countri like thi __PUNCT__ who talk in term of the __NUM__ imam come back and mayb million of peopl dy and so forth __PUNCT__ includ their own peopl __PUNCT__

it would be __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ on balanc __PUNCT__ it would be appar ok with them as long as __PUNCT__ as thei would do the right thing __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ from their own warp religi standpoint __PUNCT__

and what would happen if thei __PUNCT__ if thei sent a __PUNCT__ a __PUNCT__ a __PUNCT__ a missil with a nuclear warhead and __PUNCT__ and hit israel __PUNCT__ what would happen if thei did the same to our peopl in the field with some kind of attack by a nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__ what would happen then __PUNCT__ what would happen if thei held that whole region hostag in term of oil __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and oil __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ which now __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ __MONEY__ to __MONEY__ a barrel __PUNCT__ much __PUNCT__ much higher than that __PUNCT__

those ar bad __PUNCT__ bad circumst and situat __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ that why most peopl with good judgment don't run for presid __PUNCT__ i suppos __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ where do you __PUNCT__ where do you come down __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ becaus those ar __PUNCT__ becaus those ar tough situat __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ which side __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ you can't __PUNCT__ you can't answer that in advanc __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ we __PUNCT__ we talk about a littl wai down the road __PUNCT__

thei clearli __PUNCT__ as best we can tell __PUNCT__ don't have that capabl todai and ar not real close to it __PUNCT__ but it might be a matter of two or three year __PUNCT__

expert disagre on that __PUNCT__

but let get back to __PUNCT__ to someth els again __PUNCT__

the major effort we need to be make now is to improv our intellig and improv our human intellig and make sure that we do better next time than __PUNCT__ than we have done in the past __PUNCT__

you can't do anyth in term of make the decis as to what to do or how to carri it out in term of where these facil ar __PUNCT__

what about if we attack them and found out that we onli did half the job becaus our intellig wa faulti as to where the facil were __PUNCT__ we have the worst of both world __PUNCT__

so these ar tough __PUNCT__ tough decis __PUNCT__

all these consider have to be on the tabl __PUNCT__ and the situat next year at thi time will be differ than it is todai __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ and if you go to the world and the countri and sai __PUNCT__ we go to do thi to iran __PUNCT__ the respons from some would be __PUNCT__ is that the same intellig that gave us iraq __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ exactli __PUNCT__

that the price you pai when you oper on the basi of faulti intellig __PUNCT__

but you have to oper on the basi of the intellig that you have __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ in our case __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ as far as iraq wa concern it wa almost unanim __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ i thought thei had weapon of mass_destruct there on the dai that __PUNCT__ that we went in __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ the lead_democrat on the intellig committe thought the same_thing __PUNCT__

just about everi countri that our __PUNCT__ our alli __PUNCT__ their intellig thought the same thing __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__

so it alwai go to be murki __PUNCT__ but we __PUNCT__ we got to make it as clear as we possibl can becaus these decis ar the most vital decis that a countri can possibl make __PUNCT__ and it got to be make __PUNCT__ made on the best intellig that we can get __PUNCT__ and it got to be better than what it been in the past __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ we go to take a quick break and come back and talk about some domest issu __PUNCT__

more of our discuss with senat fred_thompson right after thi __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ announc __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ more of our convers with republican_presidenti presidenti_candid fred_thompson after thi station break __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ announc __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ and we ar back __PUNCT__

senat fred thompson is our guest __PUNCT__

virginia_tech __PUNCT__ last __DATE__ kill __PUNCT__ terribl tragedi __PUNCT__

you had a radio report back at that time __PUNCT__ and i like to share it with you and our viewer __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ virginia tech __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ administr overrod virginia state_law and threaten to expel or fire anybodi who bring a weapon __PUNCT__ on the __PUNCT__ campu __PUNCT__

mani other univers have been swai by an anti __PUNCT__ gun __PUNCT__ anti __PUNCT__ self defens ideolog __PUNCT__

whenev i seen on of those __PUNCT__ gun __PUNCT__ free_zone __PUNCT__ sign __PUNCT__ especi outsid of a school fill with our youngest and most vulner citizen __PUNCT__ i alwai wonder exactli who these sign ar direct at __PUNCT__

my sens in read that is that you would be in favor of licens citizen of virginia __PUNCT__ student __PUNCT__ includ student __PUNCT__ to carri conceal_weapon on a colleg campu __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ it would have to be consist with campu rule __PUNCT__

i don't think that all student need to be carri weapon on the school campu __PUNCT__

what i would __PUNCT__ i would feel more comfort with __PUNCT__ if a child of mine wa on campu __PUNCT__ when i read about these peopl __PUNCT__ __NUM___peopl or so be line up and systemat kill without anybodi appar around to do anyth about it __PUNCT__ i think some __PUNCT__ some thought realli need to be given as to who should be properli qualifi and permit and __PUNCT__ and arm on campus and other place where larg peopl_gather __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but you would __PUNCT__ you would allow a campu to bar their student from carri conceal_weapon __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ it would have to be consist with state_law and __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and school rule __PUNCT__

and differ school would have __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ the freedom to __PUNCT__ to have their own rule as __PUNCT__ as __PUNCT__ as thei see fit __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ let me ask you about an issu veri import in your parti_primari process __PUNCT__ and that abort __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ thi is the __NUM___republican republican_parti parti_platform __PUNCT__ and here it is __PUNCT__ we sai the unborn_child ha a fundament individu right to life which cannot be infring __PUNCT__

we support a human_life amend to the constitut __PUNCT__ we endors legisl to make it clear that the fourteenth_amend amend_protect appli to unborn_children __PUNCT__

our purpos is to have legisl and judici protect of that right against those who perform abort __PUNCT__

could you run as a candid on that platform __PUNCT__ promis a human_life amend ban all abort __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you would not __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

i have alwai __PUNCT__ and that been my posit the entir time i been in polit __PUNCT__

i thought roe v __PUNCT__ wade wa wrongli decid __PUNCT__

i think thi platform origin came out as a respons to particularli roe v __PUNCT__ wade becaus of that __PUNCT__

befor roe v __PUNCT__ wade __PUNCT__ state made those decis __PUNCT__

i think peopl ought to be free at state and local_level to make_decis that even fred_thompson disagre with __PUNCT__

that what freedom is all about __PUNCT__

and i think the divers we have among the state __PUNCT__ the system of feder we have where power is divid between the state and the feder_govern is __PUNCT__ is __PUNCT__ is __PUNCT__ serv us veri __PUNCT__ veri well __PUNCT__

i think that true of abort __PUNCT__

i think roe v __PUNCT__ wade hopefulli on dai will be overturn __PUNCT__ and we can go back to the pre __PUNCT__ roe v __PUNCT__ wade dai __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ each state would make their own abort law __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ but to __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ to have an amend compel __PUNCT__ go back even further than pre __PUNCT__ roe v __PUNCT__ wade __PUNCT__ to have a constitut_amend to do that __PUNCT__ i do not think would be the wai to go __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ i went back __PUNCT__ we went back to your paper at the univers of tennesse and read through them __PUNCT__

thi is what you said back in __NUM__ as a candid __PUNCT__

here the first on __PUNCT__ i not will to support law that prohibit earli __PUNCT__ term abort __PUNCT__

i not suddenli upon elect as a senat go to know when life_begin and where that place ought to be exactli __PUNCT__

it come down to whether you believ life begin at concept __PUNCT__

i don't know in my own mind if that is the case so i don't feel the law ought to impos that standard on other peopl __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ so you yourself don't know when life begin __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

i didn't know then __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you know now __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ my head ha alwai been the same place __PUNCT__

my public posit ha alwai been the same __PUNCT__

i been __NUM__ percent pro __PUNCT__ life in everi vote that i ever cast in __PUNCT__ in my servic to the unit_state state_senat __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ you sai that you for state have __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ let me finish __PUNCT__ becaus thi is import __PUNCT__

you for allow state to have pro __PUNCT__ abort right __PUNCT__ and you yourself __PUNCT__ and i have __NUM__ differ statement from you __PUNCT__ sai that you would not ban abort __PUNCT__ it a woman right __PUNCT__ and you would not ban it in the first trimest __PUNCT__

thompson __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ you just said two differ thing here __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ it a complex issu concern whether or not you go to have a feder_law __PUNCT__ whether or not you go to have a feder_constitut constitut_amend __PUNCT__ those kind of thing __PUNCT__

nobodi propos a feder_law on thi __PUNCT__

nobodi recent propos a __PUNCT__ a feder_constitut constitut_amend __PUNCT__

i __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i had an opportun to vote on an arrai of thing over eight year __PUNCT__ whether it be partial birth_abort __PUNCT__ whether it be mexico_citi polici __PUNCT__ whether it be transport young_girl across state_line to avoid parent notif law and all that __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent pro __PUNCT__ life __PUNCT__

but let me finish on my point __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and my legal record is there __PUNCT__ and that the wai i would govern if i wa presid __PUNCT__

i would take those same_posit __PUNCT__

no feder_fund for abort __PUNCT__ no noth that would in ani wai encourag abort __PUNCT__

when i saw __PUNCT__ and again __PUNCT__ all consist with what i said __PUNCT__

i __PUNCT__ peopl ask me hypothet __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ ok __PUNCT__ it goe back to the state __PUNCT__

somebodi come up with a bill __PUNCT__ and thei sai we go to outlaw thi __PUNCT__ that or the other __PUNCT__

and my respons wa i do not think it is a wise thing to crimin young_girl and perhap their parent as aider and abettor or perhap their famili physician __PUNCT__

and that what you talk about __PUNCT__

it not a sens of the senat __PUNCT__

you talk about potenti crimin_law __PUNCT__

i said those thing ar go to be ultim won in the heart and mind of peopl __PUNCT__

i probabl a pretti_good exampl of that __PUNCT__

although my __PUNCT__ my __PUNCT__ my head and my legisl record alwai been the same __PUNCT__ when i saw that sonogram of my littl now four __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ it chang my heart __PUNCT__

it chang the wai i look at thing __PUNCT__

i wa look at my child when __PUNCT__ when __PUNCT__ when i __PUNCT__ when i saw that __PUNCT__

and i knew that __PUNCT__ and i felt that __PUNCT__

and that the wai i feel todai __PUNCT__

and i think life_begin at concept __PUNCT__

i alwai __PUNCT__ it wa abstract to me befor __PUNCT__

i wa a father earlier when i wa veri young __PUNCT__

i wa busi __PUNCT__

i went about my wai __PUNCT__

on of the __PUNCT__ on of the mayb few advantag you have by get a littl bit older __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ so while you believ that life begin at concept __PUNCT__ the take of a human_life __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i do __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you would allow abort to be perform in state if chosen by state for peopl who think otherwis __PUNCT__ thompson __PUNCT__ i do not think that you can have a __PUNCT__ a __PUNCT__ a law that would be effect and that would be the right thing to do __PUNCT__ as i sai __PUNCT__ in term of potenti you can't have a law that cut off an ag_group or someth like that __PUNCT__ which potenti would take young __PUNCT__ young_girl in extrem situat and sai __PUNCT__ basic __PUNCT__ we go to put them in jail to do that __PUNCT__

i just don't think that that the right thing to do __PUNCT__

it cannot chang the wai i feel about it moral __PUNCT__ but legal and practic __PUNCT__ i got to recogn that fact __PUNCT__

it is a dilemma that i not total comfort with __PUNCT__ but that the best i can do in resolv it in my own mind __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ and also with gai_marriag __PUNCT__ accord to the associ press __PUNCT__ thompson favor a constitut_amend that bar judg from legal gai_marriag __PUNCT__