Fred Thompson

This speech titled 2007.11.13.prepared_remarks_at_the_citadel originally had 3059 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you all veri much __PUNCT__

i appreci the warm welcom to charleston and to the citadel __PUNCT__

it good to see congressman gresham barrett __PUNCT__

he is a friend __PUNCT__ a leader __PUNCT__ and a graduat of thi great militari colleg __PUNCT__

i appreci your gener word __PUNCT__

i thank your presid __PUNCT__ gener __PUNCT__ john __PUNCT__ rosa __PUNCT__ the board of visitor __PUNCT__ and the staff and the faculti for their hospit __PUNCT__

it an honor to be with you all __PUNCT__ and especi to be in the compani of the corp of cadet __PUNCT__

i been travel a lot late around the countri and it especi nice to receiv a warm welcom back here in the south __PUNCT__

in my last film role __PUNCT__ i plai presid ulyss s __PUNCT__ grant __PUNCT__

i want you to know that i drew the line at plai gener sherman __PUNCT__

of cours __PUNCT__ plai a presid is a lot easier than run for the job in real_life __PUNCT__

in a presidenti_campaign __PUNCT__ you alwai got to look your best __PUNCT__

you alwai be march from place to place __PUNCT__

peopl ar alwai give you order or shout question at you __PUNCT__

doe that sound_familiar to anyon __PUNCT__ but i learn what you know __PUNCT__ that your share hardship and challeng __PUNCT__

be put to the test __PUNCT__ expect a lot from yourselv and your fellow cadet __PUNCT__ will result in your take awai from here strength in charact and a sens of purpos __PUNCT__

the citadel is uniqu becaus the path after graduat doesn't lead straight into requir militari_servic __PUNCT__

wherev you go in life __PUNCT__ the qualiti of leadership you will have achiev here will make you an asset to our countri in a time of our greatest_challeng __PUNCT__

that challeng grow out of the defin conflict of our ag __PUNCT__ the direct and relentless threat to the safeti and secur of america and it friend __PUNCT__ from terrorist_group and terror state __PUNCT__

i spent some time recent with a book_call a histori of the english __PUNCT__ speak peopl sinc __NUM__ by the historian andrew robert __PUNCT__

he describ the strength that have seen america and england through danger and advers __PUNCT__

but there on qualiti in particular that no nation can do without in such a time __PUNCT__

as robert observ __PUNCT__ the will of a peopl is at least as import as their militari might in overcom an enemi __PUNCT__

thi is true in our dai as well __PUNCT__

but in some wai it run against our natur to accept and deal with the world we live in __PUNCT__

we a free_societi __PUNCT__ and it not realli in the charact of free_peopl to seek conflict __PUNCT__

we prefer to go about the busi of life __PUNCT__ to work and rais our famili in the secur of commun achiev by hard __PUNCT__ won struggl __PUNCT__

and though these trait speak well of us __PUNCT__ thei ar now be us by our enemi against us __PUNCT__

we ar a nation that haphazardli maintain it border in the face of mount evid that such an approach is irrespons __PUNCT__

it is border insecur that fail us on the morn of 9/11 __PUNCT__

thu __PUNCT__ when dark fell that dai __PUNCT__ a more terribl prospect loom into view __PUNCT__ that unless we ar vigil and prepar __PUNCT__ even small actor in the world can inflict catastroph harm on the unit_state __PUNCT__

across the globe __PUNCT__ we have no shortag of troubl spot deserv our concentr consider __PUNCT__

and i hardli need to explain to the men and women of the citadel how much our nation_secur challeng have chang in the last gener __PUNCT__

some of you ar old enough to have taught or serv here in the dai when the suprem threat took the form of on vast rival power __PUNCT__ of an empir whose name ha now vanish into histori __PUNCT__

it is iron __PUNCT__ in retrospect __PUNCT__ that there were certain advantag to our cold_war struggl with the soviet_union __PUNCT__

the enemi wa clear to see __PUNCT__ it boundari defin __PUNCT__

it armi and weapon number and known __PUNCT__

in a period last through nine american_presid __PUNCT__ the soviet and their satellit state were formid adversari __PUNCT__

but at least we knew who thei were __PUNCT__ where thei were __PUNCT__ and most of the time what thei were up to __PUNCT__

in todai cold and passionless jargon __PUNCT__ the soviet repres a __PUNCT__ symmetr threat __PUNCT__

over time __PUNCT__ there develop certain rule and limit that allow us to negoti __PUNCT__ control arm __PUNCT__ and avoid direct confront __PUNCT__

the adversari had a homeland to protect __PUNCT__ asset to defend __PUNCT__ and with those came a deterr against attack __PUNCT__

we held_back the danger until final the soviet_empir collaps from the rot within __PUNCT__

it wa not so long after the cold_war wa conclud that i join the unit_state state_senat __PUNCT__

and i marvel now at some of the assumpt of the american_foreign_polici polici_establish back then __PUNCT__

the period ha been describ as a __PUNCT__ holidai from histori __PUNCT__ and i wit some of it fals hope and foolish assumpt for myself __PUNCT__

it wa a __PUNCT__ differ world __PUNCT__ we were assur __PUNCT__

gone wa the need for unquest american_militari supremaci __PUNCT__

so our govern began on of the largest unilater reduct of militari_power in histori __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ intent diplomat led the wai __PUNCT__

and so __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ we face hostil regim advanc their nuclear_weapon weapon_program __PUNCT__ in part __PUNCT__ becaus of treati never honor and framework that fail __PUNCT__

it turn out to be a new world __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__ with new threat rise up in place of the old __PUNCT__

chief among them the threat of violent islam_radic __PUNCT__ men who make the soviet of the past seem like the model of reason and moder __PUNCT__

todai threat is complex __PUNCT__ dispers __PUNCT__ and opportunist __PUNCT__

the enemi observ no rule and no restraint of conscienc __PUNCT__

the threat take differ form __PUNCT__ as a terrorist cell within the unit_state __PUNCT__ or a network similar to al_qaeda with ti to a nation __PUNCT__ state __PUNCT__ or a nation __PUNCT__ state itself __PUNCT__ with the infrastructur and wealth need to develop the most horribl weapon known to mankind __PUNCT__

but whatev form it take __PUNCT__ the great danger is terrorist or terrorist state with these weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__

to overcom thi danger __PUNCT__ we need a clear and consist strategi __PUNCT__ and the mean to achiev it __PUNCT__

whether we act in time to prevent the worst from happen will be the final measur of america leadership in the world for year to come __PUNCT__

with 9/11 still fresh in memori __PUNCT__ it is for america to shape event __PUNCT__ and not be left at their merci __PUNCT__

wherev danger appear __PUNCT__ we must be prepar to meet them with clariti and resolv __PUNCT__

when terrorist in their video perform pledg more and bigger attack to come __PUNCT__ these ar not to be shrug off as idl boast __PUNCT__

thei must be taken at their word __PUNCT__

when the presid of iran share hi nightmar vision of nuclear annihil befor cheer crowd __PUNCT__ those ar not just the fanat version of an empti applaus line __PUNCT__

the onli safe assumpt is that he mean it __PUNCT__

if we know anyth from modern_histori __PUNCT__ it is that when fanat tyrant pledg to __PUNCT__ wipe out __PUNCT__ an entir nation __PUNCT__ we should listen __PUNCT__

thi radic threat we face_todai is commit to a hundr_year war __PUNCT__ and ha been wage on against us for decad __PUNCT__ in beirut __PUNCT__ somalia __PUNCT__ embassi in africa __PUNCT__ saudi_arabia __PUNCT__ on the uss cole __PUNCT__

each time american were kill __PUNCT__

yet each time our respons sent the wrong signal __PUNCT__

thi is an enemi that understand onli the languag of power __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ the focu of thi war is afghanistan and iraq __PUNCT__ but it is clear that thi struggl and our enemi extend far beyond those border __PUNCT__

to defend ourselv __PUNCT__ we in the democrat world must assert our intent in the clearest possibl term __PUNCT__

diplomaci __PUNCT__ econom influenc __PUNCT__ and other mean of persuas ar alwai to be prefer in our deal with danger regim and rival state __PUNCT__

but the word of our leader command much closer attent from adversari when it is understood that we ar prepar to us forc when forc is necessari __PUNCT__

and for that deterr to exist __PUNCT__ the will of our peopl and the strength of our militari must be unquestion __PUNCT__

all of thi requir a presid who doesn't requir a learn curv when it come to our nation_secur __PUNCT__

i believ the cold_war war_began to end when presid_ronald ronald_reagan made thi pledg on inaugur dai __PUNCT__ __NUM__ quot __PUNCT__ our forbear should never be misunderstood __PUNCT__

our reluct for conflict should not be misjudg as a failur of will __PUNCT__

when action is requir to preserv our nation_secur __PUNCT__ we will act __PUNCT__

he back up hi word with america militari_power __PUNCT__ and that kept the peac __PUNCT__

rebuild our militari from the neglect of the previou_year sow the seed for the collaps of the ussr __PUNCT__

we must recogn todai that a similar undertak is essenti __PUNCT__

no on will ever doubt the qualiti of those who serv our nation in the arm_forc __PUNCT__

thei have answer everi call to duti and defend our freedom with honor __PUNCT__

but we ar fight a war in two theater __PUNCT__ against an enemi not bound by border __PUNCT__

with __NUM___centuri equip in a __NUM__ centuri war __PUNCT__ our materi_support for our troop ha not match the demand we have place on them __PUNCT__

their readi and capabl could soon be in doubt __PUNCT__

we have been ask too few troop to do too much for too long __PUNCT__

the realiti is thi __PUNCT__ as we have ask our militari to take on an ever __PUNCT__ greater role in our defens __PUNCT__ the financi commit we have made to our caus ha becom smaller __PUNCT__

we must build a militari_forc readi to meet ani challeng now __PUNCT__

and be prepar to protect later gener from ani futur threat __PUNCT__ whomev or wherev thei mai be __PUNCT__

to be sure __PUNCT__ america ha other need that requir our attent __PUNCT__

we must strengthen our homeland by secur our border and enhanc our domest counter __PUNCT__ terrorist capabl __PUNCT__

our entitl_program will bankrupt the next gener if thi gener choos not to act __PUNCT__ and our tax_system limit our econom_growth and our global_competit __PUNCT__

it a matter of prioriti __PUNCT__

in my view __PUNCT__ the first prioriti of the feder_govern is the defens and secur of it citizen and should be reflect in everyth we do in govern __PUNCT__

we must begin by rebuild our militari with the full recognit that nation_secur come at a price __PUNCT__

it is measur in mani wai __PUNCT__

the most common is the amount of monei we spend __PUNCT__ inde __PUNCT__ the prioriti we make of it __PUNCT__ as a percentag of gross_domest_product __PUNCT__

the u. __PUNCT__ ha histor spent well over __NUM__ percent of gdp on defens __PUNCT__

dure the gulf_war it wa at __NUM__ __PUNCT__ dure the reagan build up it wa over __NUM__ __PUNCT__ in __NUM__ it wa over __NUM__ __PUNCT__ and dure the korean_war it wa well over __NUM__ __PUNCT__

howev __PUNCT__ defens_spend declin significantli at the end of the cold_war to level approach __NUM__ __PUNCT__ as we cash in our so __PUNCT__ call __PUNCT__ peac dividend __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ our militari_forc were cut __NUM__ __PUNCT__ on averag __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ the armi alon went from __NUM__ activ_duti divis to __NUM__ __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ our air_forc wa drastic down __PUNCT__ size and it becam difficult to even maintain a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ ship navi __PUNCT__ much less the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ ship navi that reagan onc envis __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ our research and develop program were reduc __PUNCT__ and we lost some of the world best innov __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ and wors __PUNCT__ we ask our young_men and women to do more with less __PUNCT__ less train dollar __PUNCT__ less equip __PUNCT__ and less time at home with their famili __PUNCT__

we ar still feel the effect of these reduct todai __PUNCT__

we have major shortcom in u. __PUNCT__ defens capabl __PUNCT__

to confront these shortcom __PUNCT__ we must address sever kei prioriti __PUNCT__ first __PUNCT__ we must spend more on defens __PUNCT__ and we must do so carefulli and wise __PUNCT__

spend todai as a percent of gdp is estim at __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ and that includ fund for the war in afghanistan and iraq __PUNCT__

accord to the offic of manag and budget __PUNCT__ defens_spend is expect to declin down to __NUM__ percent in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

i believ we must be prepar to increas defens spend to at least __NUM__ percent of gdp __PUNCT__ not includ what it take to fund oper in iraq and afghanistan __PUNCT__

when it come to matter of budget with congress thei sai all number ar fungibl __PUNCT__

but in thi area of appropri __PUNCT__ there should be littl room for negoti __PUNCT__

second __PUNCT__ we must admit to ourselv __PUNCT__ as iraq and afghanistan have demonstr __PUNCT__ that our militari is simpli too small __PUNCT__

too mani commit todai leav our arm_forc capabl of meet too few conting tomorrow __PUNCT__

i propos todai that we build a __PUNCT__ million __PUNCT__ member __PUNCT__ ground forc __PUNCT__

we should increas armi end strength to __NUM__ organ into __NUM__ brigad combat team and increas activ_duti marin_corp forc by __NUM__ to __NUM__ __PUNCT__

half __PUNCT__ measur and small increas will no longer do __PUNCT__

we need the best all __PUNCT__ volunt forc that can meet the secur need of thi countri __PUNCT__ and thei must be organ __PUNCT__ train and equip to deal with tomorrow threat as well as todai __PUNCT__

third __PUNCT__ we must modern our arm_forc __PUNCT__

the averag_ag of our militari aircraft is __NUM___year __PUNCT__ some ar over forti_year __URL__ the ag of most of you __PUNCT__

the armi main battl tank and fight vehicl were design in the 1970 and 80 __PUNCT__

and the entir fleet of vehicl is not ag gracefulli either __PUNCT__ with an averag_ag of __NUM___year __PUNCT__ made wors by year of tough us __PUNCT__

we must fulli field and fund the next gener of militari system to ensur u. __PUNCT__ forc retain domin in the full battl space __PUNCT__ on the battlefield __PUNCT__ in the ski abov it __PUNCT__ and in the water surround it __PUNCT__

the invest we make todai provid the mean to defend our nation tomorrow __PUNCT__

thei will make our militari_personnel more effect and safer __PUNCT__

we need sustain technolog_develop __PUNCT__ and we need the best and brightest work on our defens program __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ and most importantli __PUNCT__ we must take better care of our soldier __PUNCT__ sailor __PUNCT__ airmen and marin __PUNCT__

thei ar the life __PUNCT__ blood of our defens establish __PUNCT__

whether thei ar activ_duti __PUNCT__ guard or reserv __PUNCT__ thei ar entitl __PUNCT__ as well __PUNCT__ to expect the best pai and benefit our countri can afford __PUNCT__ includ a modern gi_bill with educ assist that will help us recruit and keep our nation finest in uniform __PUNCT__

thei also deserv the best healthcar and the best support possibl for their famili __PUNCT__

and for those who have alreadi serv __PUNCT__ we need to fix the va system and implement mani of the recommend of the dole __PUNCT__ shalala commiss and the veteran disabl benefit commiss report __PUNCT__

these four pillar of a revit nation_defens ar part of a much more detail plan that must includ __PUNCT__ among other initi __PUNCT__ enhanc the capabl of our special_oper forc to hunt down terrorist __PUNCT__ rebuild the navi to show american resolv __PUNCT__ full_time __PUNCT__ in troubl spot __PUNCT__ strengthen our intellig gather and analysi __PUNCT__ procur modern long __PUNCT__ rang cargo aircraft to project power anytim __PUNCT__ anywher __PUNCT__ build a robust missil_defens system to defend our homeland __PUNCT__ our troop and our alli from ballist_missil __PUNCT__ and ensur the mean to protect our space __PUNCT__ base asset and cyber system some will sai that thi plan is __PUNCT__ too much __PUNCT__ or __PUNCT__ too big __PUNCT__

other will sai that build a larg militari will encourag our involv in more conflict __PUNCT__

but these view ar out step with realiti __PUNCT__ out of touch with our nation need __PUNCT__ and overlook our nation_histori __PUNCT__

the fact is __PUNCT__ we can and must do thi __PUNCT__

the world __PUNCT__ our foe and friend alik __PUNCT__ will not allow us to do otherwis __PUNCT__

we can either build up and deter war __PUNCT__ or we can allow our forc to wither and risk conflict __PUNCT__

among our great_american american_patriot wa a son of the port of charleston __PUNCT__

thoma gadsden serv in the continent_congress and briefli command the militari_forc of south_carolina in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

he conceiv a flag to depict the resolv of our emerg nation __PUNCT__ a curl rattlesnak famous warn __PUNCT__ don't tread on me __PUNCT__

our patriot knew then what we need to be remind of todai __PUNCT__ an america that is weaker doe not make the world safer __PUNCT__

thi great state of south carolina and these ground and all of you in thi corp of cadet ar tangibl remind of the legaci of thoma gadsden and the import of men and women who choos to secur our nation and defend our freedom __PUNCT__

it ha been my honor to have been with you here todai __PUNCT__