bush_polici can be found in 4 cue lexicons and 26 speeches. Its been used 30 times by 5 candidates.
i don't think we want to continu georg bush polici in iraq __PUNCT__
Hillary Clinton in 2008.04.21.interview_with_larry_king during the 2008 Primary elections.
we can either extend the bush polici that we know don't work __PUNCT__ or at thi moment __PUNCT__ in thi elect __PUNCT__ we can come togeth and sai enough is enough __PUNCT__ we go to final solv thi problem onc and for all __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2008.06.05 during the 2008 General elections.
a new grand strategi against the qaeda movement must repair thi damag that the bush polici have done to our intern reput __PUNCT__
Bill Richardson in 2007.07.27.speech_a_grand_strategy_on_terrorism during the 2008 Primary elections.
when i am your nomine __PUNCT__ the american peopl will have a real choic in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ between chang and more of the same __PUNCT__ between give the bush polici anoth four year __PUNCT__ or bring them to an end __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2008.03.20 during the 2008 Primary elections.
i run becaus we can't afford to settl for a washington where john mccain get the chanc to give us four more year of the same bush polici that have fail us for the last eight __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2008.05.03 during the 2008 Primary elections.
bush_polici is found in the following speeches