drug_addict can be found in 9 cue lexicons and 1 speeches. Its been used 1 times by 1 candidates.
drug_addict is found in the cue lexicons of
who will comfort the orphan dy alon after lose both parent to aid __PUNCT__ who will heal the empti that lead thousand of girl to be traffick for a satellit televis or a few dollar into prostitut and modern __PUNCT__ dai slaveri each year __PUNCT__ who will provid stabil and hope in commun devast by aid __PUNCT__ who will welcom the drug addict us dirti needl or the gai teenag seek safeti and guidanc __PUNCT__ just as in my own life i need both faith and work to be whole __PUNCT__ heal the world will take both faith and work as well __PUNCT__
Hillary Clinton in 2007.11.29.remarks_at_the_global_summit_on_aids_and_the_church_at_saddleback_church_in_lake_forest_california during the 2008 Primary elections.
drug_addict is found in the following speeches
Candidate | Election | Title |
Hillary Clinton | 2008 Primary | 2007.11.29.remarks_at_the_global_summit_on_aids_and_the_church_at_saddleback_church_in_lake_forest_california |