global_order can be found in 1 cue lexicons and 2 speeches. Its been used 2 times by 2 candidates.
the simultan rise of india __PUNCT__ china __PUNCT__ and russia requir our thought attent and strateg leadership __PUNCT__ so that these power nuclear __PUNCT__ arm nation mai be integr into a stabl global order __PUNCT__
Bill Richardson in 2007.02.08.speech_the_new_realism_and_the_rebirth_of_american_leadership during the 2008 Primary elections.
global_order is found in the following speeches
Candidate | Election | Title |
John McCain | 2008 Primary | 2007.05.01.address_at_the_hoover_institution_on_us_foreign_policy |
Bill Richardson | 2008 Primary | 2007.02.08.speech_the_new_realism_and_the_rebirth_of_american_leadership |