
peopl_gather can be found in 2 cue lexicons and 3 speeches. Its been used 3 times by 2 candidates.

Cue lexicons

peopl_gather is found in the cue lexicons of

Random examples from speeches

peopl gather in the street and look up at the sky and the sear tower __PUNCT__ transform from a workplac to a target __PUNCT__

Barack Obama in 2007.08.01 during the 2008 Primary elections.

peopl gather in the street and look up at the sky and the sear tower __PUNCT__

Barack Obama in 2008.07.16 during the 2008 General elections.


peopl_gather is found in the following speeches

Candidate Election Title
Barack Obama 2008 General 2008.07.16
Barack Obama 2008 Primary 2007.08.01
Fred Thompson 2008 Primary 2007.11.04.interview_with_tim_russert_on_nbc_news_meet_the_press