power_plant can be found in 8 cue lexicons and 15 speeches. Its been used 18 times by 6 candidates.
power_plant is found in the cue lexicons of
thei help their custom come up with plan to cut consumpt and to financ the implement over __NUM__ to __NUM__ year __PUNCT__ as if effici gain were mini __PUNCT__ power plant __PUNCT__
Hillary Clinton in 2007.11.05.remarks_on_comprehensive_strategy_to_address_the_climate_and_energy_challenge during the 2008 Primary elections.
onc we have nationwid decoupl __PUNCT__ everi util should implement thi type of system and maxim effici befor build ani new power plant __PUNCT__
Hillary Clinton in 2007.11.05.remarks_on_comprehensive_strategy_to_address_the_climate_and_energy_challenge during the 2008 Primary elections.
thei ar work with pollut power plant __PUNCT__
Hillary Clinton in 2007.01.24.remarks_in_a_let_the_conversation_begin_webcast during the 2008 Primary elections.
we ar spend __MONEY__ billion per week on iraq __PUNCT__ but we ar not do nearli enough to protect our citi __PUNCT__ nuclear power plant __PUNCT__ ship and port from terrorist attack __PUNCT__
Bill Richardson in 2007.02.08.speech_the_new_realism_and_the_rebirth_of_american_leadership during the 2008 Primary elections.
but with retir of older __PUNCT__ ineffici power plant __PUNCT__ a new carbon cap and trade system __PUNCT__ and grow demand for electr from plug __PUNCT__ in car __PUNCT__ we must capit on the low __PUNCT__ carbon energi sourc natur provid for us __PUNCT__ wind __PUNCT__ solar __PUNCT__ geotherm __PUNCT__ and biomass __PUNCT__
Bill Richardson in 2007.05.17.speech_new_america_foundation during the 2008 Primary elections.
power_plant is found in the following speeches