
sean_hanniti can be found in 7 cue lexicons and 5 speeches. Its been used 5 times by 4 candidates.

Cue lexicons

sean_hanniti is found in the cue lexicons of

Random examples from speeches


sean_hanniti is found in the following speeches

Candidate Election Title
Newt Gingrich 2012 Primary 2012.02.26.remarks_in_san_francisco_california
Rudy Giuliani 2008 Primary 2007.10.31.excerpt_of_an_interview_with_sean_hannity_of_fox_news
John McCain 2008 General 2008.07.23.interview_with_sean_hannity_on_fox_news_hannity__colmes
John McCain 2008 General 2008.10.08.interview_with_sarah_palin_by_sean_hannity_on_fox_news_hannity__colmes
Fred Thompson 2008 Primary 2007.08.21.prepared_remarks_to_the_veterans_of_foreign_wars_national_convention