
turn_america can be found in 1 cue lexicons and 2 speeches. Its been used 3 times by 2 candidates.

Cue lexicons

turn_america is found in the cue lexicons of

Random examples from speeches

in short __PUNCT__ we have seen the creation of a govern that turn american valu on their head __PUNCT__ a govern of the few __PUNCT__ by the few __PUNCT__ and for the few __PUNCT__

Hillary Clinton in 2007.09.15.remarks_to_the_naacp_in_charleston_south_carolina during the 2008 Primary elections.

and i don't think we can do all of thi unless we return america to fiscal respons __PUNCT__

Hillary Clinton in 2007.10.08.remarks_on_economic_blueprint_for_the_21st_century during the 2008 Primary elections.

we ar go to turn up the heat on the republican and we ar go to turn america around __PUNCT__

Hillary Clinton in 2007.11.10.remarks_at_the_iowa_jeffersonjackson_dinner_in_des_moines during the 2008 Primary elections.

let make sure that we turn up the heat and turn america around __PUNCT__

Hillary Clinton in 2007.11.10.remarks_at_the_iowa_jeffersonjackson_dinner_in_des_moines during the 2008 Primary elections.

i have alreadi endors a cap __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ trade system that would achiev real near __PUNCT__ term reduct in greenhous ga emiss and return america to a posit of leadership so that we can secur an effect and equit global solut to thi crisi __PUNCT__

Barack Obama in 2007.05.07 during the 2008 Primary elections.


turn_america is found in the following speeches

Candidate Election Title
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary 2007.11.10.remarks_at_the_iowa_jeffersonjackson_dinner_in_des_moines
Mitt Romney 2012 Primary 01.10.2012.Manchester.NH