voic_heard can be found in 1 cue lexicons and 31 speeches. Its been used 34 times by 4 candidates.
you chang it with the help of american who ar will to make their voic heard __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2012.09.22.746.Milwaukee.WI during the 2012 General elections.
and those __NUM__ percent deserv to have their voic heard __PUNCT__ becaus we have had too much in america of peopl voic not be heard __PUNCT__
John Edwards in 2008.01.08.remarks_following_the_new_hampshire_primary_edwards during the 2008 Primary elections.
she a lot like the million of other who stood in line to make their voic heard in thi elect except for on thing __PUNCT__ ann nixon cooper is __NUM__ year old __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2008.11.04.Victory during the 2008 General elections.
but at the end of the dai __PUNCT__ we aren't the reason you came out and wait in line that stretch block after block to make your voic heard __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2008.06.03.EndOfPrimary during the 2008 Primary elections.
the lifeblood of aipac is here in thi room __PUNCT__ grassroot activist of all ag __PUNCT__ from all part of the countri __PUNCT__ who come to washington year after year to make your voic heard __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2008.06.04 during the 2008 General elections.
voic_heard is found in the following speeches