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Front matter |
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Using reading behavior to predict grammatical functions Maria Barrett and Anders Søgaard |
pp. 1–5 |
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Reading metrics for estimating task efficiency with MT output Sigrid Klerke, Sheila Castilho, Maria Barrett and Anders Søgaard |
pp. 6–13 |
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Evaluating Models of Computation and Storage in Human Sentence Processing Thang Luong, Timothy O’Donnell and Noah Goodman |
pp. 14–21 |
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An agent-based model of a historical word order change Jelke Bloem, Arjen Versloot and Fred Weerman |
pp. 22–27 |
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Towards a Model of Prediction-based Syntactic Category Acquisition: First Steps with Word Embeddings Robert Grimm, Giovanni Cassani, Walter Daelemans and Steven Gillis |
pp. 28–32 |
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Which distributional cues help the most? Unsupervised contexts selection for lexical category acquisition Giovanni Cassani, Robert Grimm, Walter Daelemans and Steven Gillis |
pp. 33–39 |
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Language Emergence in a Population of Artificial Agents Equipped with the Autotelic Principle Miquel Cornudella and Thierry Poibeau |
pp. 40–44 |
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A Computational Study of Cross-situational Lexical Learning of Brazilian Portuguese Pablo Faria |
pp. 45–54 |
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Units in segmentation: a computational investigation Çağrı Çöltekin |
pp. 55–64 |
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Estimating Grammeme Redundancy by Measuring Their Importance for Syntactic Parser Performance Aleksandrs Berdicevskis |
pp. 65–73 |
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Improving Coordination on Novel Meaning through Context and Semantic Structure Thomas Brochhagen |
pp. 74–82 |
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Perceptual, conceptual, and frequency effects on error patterns in English color term acquisition Barend Beekhuizen and Suzanne Stevenson |
pp. 83–92 |
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Motif discovery in infant- and adult-directed speech Bogdan Ludusan, Amanda Seidl, Emmanuel Dupoux and Alex Cristia |
pp. 93–102 |
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Modeling dative alternations of individual children Antal van den Bosch and Joan Bresnan |
pp. 103–112 |
Last modified on September 3, 2015, 1:16 a.m.