Aaron Steinfeld, PhD
Research Professor
steinfeld -at- cmu.edu
Office: NSH 4533
Voice: 412-268-6346
Robotics Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
I lead the Transportation, Bots, & Disability Lab, where you can usually find more up to date information.
I am faculty in the Robotics Institute, with a courtesy appointment in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute.
My specialty is human-robot interaction and advanced transportation. I am interested in how to enable timely and appropriate interaction when interfaces are restricted through design, tasks, the environment, time pressures, and/or user abilities. I utilize training and experience in robotics, intelligent transportation, rehabilitation, human factors and ergonomics, human-computer interaction, universal design, and research methods.
Sample Active Projects and Courses
- Accessible Delivery Robots: This project focuses on improving the value and usability of delivery robots for people with disabilities. (NIDILRR 90IFDV0042)
- AI-CARING Institute: This NSF AI Institute is focused on supporting older adults, their caregivers, and healthcare providers. The research focuses on Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and other impairments. The Institute is a collaboration between Georgia Tech (lead), Carnegie Mellon University, Oregon State University, the University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Oregon Health & Science University. Within this larger effort, our lab has focused on support for exercise activities and metrics. (NSF 2112633)
- Mobility COE: This center is led by UCLA under a cooperative agreement from the FHWA (US DOT). As a small piece within the larger center, our lab is focused on supporting access for people with disabilities to autonomous vehicles. (FHWA 693JJ32350027)
- 05-391/891 Designing Human-Centered Software. (Multiple semesters)
Sample Former Projects and Courses
- RERC on Accessible Public Transportation: This center is researching and developing methods to empower consumers and service providers in the design and evaluation of accessible transportation equipment, information services, and physical environments. This includes work with Tiramisu Transit as a testbed. (NIDILRR 90REGE0007; 90RE5011-01-00, formerly NIDRR H133E080019; & H133E130004)
- MURI - SUCCESS: Self-assessment and Understanding of Competence and Conditions to Ensure System Success: This project, with partners at CMU (Admoni & Simmons), BYU (Goodrich & Crandall), Tufts (Scheutz), and UMass Lowell (Yanco), focused on advancing new knowledge and techniques for machine self-assessment of proficiency. (ONR N00014-18-1-2503)
- Tiramisu Transit: This effort focused on novel methods for generating and providing transit information. Research has explored crowdsourcing for gathering and disseminating real-time information, generation of data useful for transit planning, and methods for personalizing information to the user. Our smartphone app, publicly available on iPhone and Android, supported daily travel by thousands of transit riders while also enabling novel research on accessibility, transportation, HCI, and machine learning. It received support through the RERC-APT, a project within the Traffic21 initiative, projects within the T-SET UTC, and a Phase I SBIR. (US DOT DTRT12-G-UTC11 & DTRT57-12-C-10039)
- DRRP on Robotics and Automation for Inclusive Transportation: This multi-site effort worked on research and development to enable seamless, accessible transportation assistance from cloud-based autonomy and shared robots located in and around transportation hubs. (NIDILRR 90DPGE0003-01-00)
- NRI: FND: Mutually Aware Social Navigation: This project sought to improve the way robots reason about spatial behavior and develop navigation methods that lead to understandable and appropriate motion patterns in social environments. (NSF IIS 1734361)
- NRI: FND: Human-Robot Collaboration with Distributed and Embodied Intelligence: This project, led by John Zimmerman and with Jodi Forlizzi, examined questions around the issue of intelligence re-embodiment in robots. (NSF SES 1734456)
- 16-467 Human-Robot Interaction. (Co-taught Spring 2019)
- 16-867 Human-Robot Interaction. (Co-taught Spring 2017)
- 16-764 Finding Opportunities for Technology. Previously named "Ethnography: Analyzing How Context Affects Technology Use". (Multiple semesters)
- DRRP on Inclusive Cloud and Web Computing: This multi-site effort worked on methods to enable software providers to easily and rapidly implement inclusive user experiences so that consumers are empowered to fully participate in cloud and web systems. (NIDILRR 90DP0061-01-00, formerly NIDRR H133A130057)
- NRI:Small:Assistive Robots for Blind Travelers: This project, with M Bernardine Dias, explored meaningful human-robot interaction in the context of assistive robots for blind travelers. We hypothesized that co-robots can enhance safety and independence by assisting navigation of unfamiliar urban environments and providing support during evacuations. (NSF IIS 1317989)
- Human Interactions with Robot Failures: This collaborative project with the UMass Lowell Robotics Lab was focused on bystander interactions with failing robots. (NSF IIS 1552256 & 1552228)
- Social Sensing for Human-Robot Interaction: This collaborative project with Disney Research Pittsburgh examined methods for robots to perceive and behave appropriately in social groups.
- HCC:Large:SSCI-MISR: Symbiotic, Spatial, Coordinated human-robot Interaction for Multiple Indoor Service Robots: This large project, led by Manuela Veloso, was focused on finding ways for intelligent mobile robots to coexist with humans in daily environments. The team deployed robots for this purpose and evaluated them, and their use by humans, on the Carnegie Mellon campus. My efforts focused on appropriate crowd navigation. (NSF IIS 1012733)
- Quality of Life Technology (QoLT): This NSF ERC was focused on transforming the lives of people with reduced functional capabilities due to aging or disability through appropriate technology developed in a cross-disciplinary manner. Team members include technologists, clinicians, industry partners, end users, and other stakeholders. I was most active in the transportation aspects of the Center and I led the Safe Driving family of engineered systems activity. (NSF EEEC-0540865)
- HCC:Medium:Understanding and Modeling Trust in Human-Robot Interactions: This collaboration with the UMass Lowell Robotics Lab seeks to develop quantitative metrics to measure a user's trust in a robot as well as a model to estimate the user's level of trust in real time. Using this information, the robot will be able to adjust its interaction accordingly. (NSF IIS 0905148 & 0905228)
- Radar: This goal of this program was to develop a learning "cognitive personal assistant" that supports a variety of organizational tasks and activities. Within the Test group we deployed a large-scale simulated test environment and conducted human subject experiments on Radar system performance. Free content and experiment resources can be found at the Airspace website. (DARPA NBCHD030010. & FA8750-07-D-0185)
- Cyberinfrastructure for Human-Robot Interaction Research: This project sought to provide the field of HRI with a collaborative cyberinfrastructure to support evaluation documentation, data collection, data sharing, and cross-study comparisons. This portal is located at www.hri-metrics.org. (NSF CBET 0742350)
- Transit Bus Collision Warning Systems: Human factors tasks involved specifying, and subsequently testing, the side warning component of an integrated CWS interface. Partners in this project included California PATH at UC Berkeley - my previous employers. (US DOT 250969449000; PennDOT PA-26-7006-02 & PA-26-7006-03)
- Auto-Dock: In this project from the Cambria County Transit Authority and PennDOT, we worked with a local small business to facilitate more efficient wheelchair maneuverability within transit vehicles. The end goal was faster loading and unloading of transit riders who use wheelchairs.
- 16-899D Assistive Robotic Technology in Nursing and Health Care: This course brought together an interdisciplinary group of students from nursing and other health disciplines, computer science, and robotics to design and evaluate mobile robot systems that help community-residing, frail older adults and persons with disabilities sustain their independence. Note that the 16-899D course number has been reassigned to a new course.
- Interoperability of Future Information Systems: This project was focused on investigating human-computer interfaces in support of systems interoperability. It was a joint effort between HCII and the Intelligent Software Agents Lab. (ONR N00014-02-1-0499)
- Drowsy Driver Interface: This completed project involved improving the design of a drowsy driver monitoring device that is capable of displaying indications of sleepiness. The system was commercialized by Attention Technology. (US DOT DTNH 22-00-D-07007)
- UC Berkeley, California PATH, Post Doc, Transportation Human Factors, 2000.
- University of Michigan, Industrial and Operations Engineering, PhD December, 1999.
- University of Michigan, Industrial and Operations Engineering, MSE December, 1994.
- University of Michigan, Industrial and Operations Engineering, BSE May, 1993.
Accessible Public Transportation: Designing Service for Riders with Disabilities
Google Scholar page
Some of the linked documents in this list are copyrighted. When in doubt, assume they are. Feel free to send me an email if you're having trouble accessing a paper or need a free copy for academic or research purposes. This is definitely not a complete and current list.
- Ngo, H. Q. & Steinfeld, A. (2024). Joint potential-vector fields for obstacle-aware legible motion planning. IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN).
- Reig, S., Fong, T., Carter, E., Steinfeld, A., & Forlizzi, J. (2024). Contrasting affiliation and reference cues for conversational agents in smart environments. IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN).
- Tan, X. Z., Carter, E., & Steinfeld, A. (2024). Person transfer in the field: examining real world sequential human-robot interaction between two robots. IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN).
- Jiao, C., Steinfeld, A., & Eskenazi, M. (2024). Examining Prosody in Spoken Navigation Instructions for People with Disabilities. Workshop on Bridging Human-Computer Interaction and Natural Language Processing, Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Wang, A., Sato, D., Corzo, Y., Simkin, S., Biswas, A., & Steinfeld, A. (2024). TBD pedestrian data collection: Towards rich, portable, and large-scale natural pedestrian data. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
- Mavrogiannis, C., Baldini, F., Wang, A., Zhao, D., Steinfeld, A., Trautman, P., & Oh, J. (2023). Core challenges of social robot navigation: A survey. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI). https://doi.org/10.1145/3583741
- Romero, O. J., Zimmerman, J., Steinfeld, A., & Tomasic, A. (2023). Synergistic integration of large language models and cognitive architectures for robust AI: An exploratory analysis. AAAI 2023 Fall Symposium on Cognitive Architectures and Generative Models.
- Keselman, L., Shih, K., Hebert, M., & Steinfeld, A. (2023). Optimizing algorithms from pairwise user preferences. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
- Boadi-Agyemang, A., Carter, E. J., Siu, A. F., Steinfeld, A., & Orta Martinez, M. (2023). Understanding experiences, attitudes and perspectives towards designing interactive creative tools for teachers of visually impaired students. International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS).
- Reig, S., Carter, E. J., Kirabo, L., Fong, T., Steinfeld, A., & Forlizzi, J. (2023). Dreaming up smart home futures: A story completion study. IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN).
- Mavrogiannis, C., Baldini, F., Wang, A., Zhao, D., Steinfeld, A., Trautman, P., & Oh, J. (2023). Core challenges of social robot navigation: A survey. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI). Link
- Biswas, A., Wang, A., Silvera, G., Steinfeld, A., & Admoni, H. (2022). SocNavBench: A grounded simulation testing framework for evaluating social navigation. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI), Special Issue on Test Methods for Human-Robot Teaming Performance Evaluations, 11(3), Article 26, 1-24. Link
- Steinfeld, A., & D'Souza, C. (2022). Transportation Access. In A. Mihailidis & R. Smith (Eds.), Rehabilitation Engineering: Principles and Practice. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
- Norton, A., Admoni, H., Crandall, J., Fitzgerald, T., Gautam, A., Goodrich, M., Saretsky, A., Scheutz, M., Simmons, R., Steinfeld, A., & Yanco, H. (2022). Metrics for robot proficiency self-assessment and communication of proficiency in human-robot teams. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI), Special Issue on Test Methods for Human-Robot Teaming Performance Evaluations, 11(3), Article 29, 1-38. Link
- Reig, S., Fong, T., Forlizzi, J., & Steinfeld, A. (2022). Theory and design considerations for the user experience of smart environments. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (THMS), 52(3), 522-535. Link
- Tan, X. Z., Carter, E. J., Pareek, P., & Steinfeld, A. (2022). Group formation in multi-robot human interaction during service scenarios. ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI).
- Wang, A., Biswas, A., Admoni, H., & Steinfeld, A. (2022). Towards rich, portable, and large-scale pedestrian data collection. IROS Workshop on Evaluating Motion Planning Performance: Metrics, Tools, Datasets, and Experimental Design.
- Tomasic, A., Romero, O. J., Zimmerman, J., & Steinfeld, A. (2022). Propositional reasoning via neural transformer language models. 16th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NeSy), Windsor, UK.
- Zimmerman, J., Steinfeld, A., Tomasic, A., & Romero, O. J. (2022). Recentering reframing as an RtD contribution: The case of pivoting from accessible web tables to a conversational internet. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI).
- Reig, S., Carter, E. J., Kirabo, L., Fong, T., Steinfeld, A., & Forlizzi, J. (2022). Perceptions of explicitly vs. implicitly relayed commands between a robot and smart speaker. Proceedings of the Companion of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI).
- Shih, K. & Steinfeld, A. (2022). Safety in indoor navigation for guide robots. ICRA Workshop on Safe and Reliable Robot Autonomy Under Uncertainty.
- Reig, S., Carter, E. J., Kirabo, L., Fong, T., Steinfeld, A., & Forlizzi, J. (2021). Smart home agents and devices of today and tomorrow: surveying use and desires. Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI, poster).
- Wang, A., Mavrogiannis, C., & Steinfeld, A. (2021). Group-based motion prediction for navigation in crowded environments. Annual Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL). Oral Presentation (top 6.5%).
- Cui, Y., Koppol, P., Admoni, H., Niekum, S., Simmons, R., Steinfeld, A., & Fitzgerald, T. (2021). Understanding the relationship between interactions and outcomes in human-in-the-loop machine learning. Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI).
- Limprayoon, J., Pareek, P., Tan, X. Z., & Steinfeld, A. (2021). Robot trajectories when approaching a user with a visual impairment. ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS, poster).
- Dong, J., Chen, S., Li, Y., Du, R., Steinfeld, A., & Labi, S. (2021). Space-weighted information fusion using deep reinforcement learning: The context of tactical control of lane-changing autonomous vehicles and connectivity range assessment. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 128, 103192. Link
- Reig, S., Luria, M., Forberger, E., Won, I., Steinfeld, A., Forlizzi, J., & Zimmerman, J. (2021). Social robots in service contexts: Exploring the rewards and risks of personalization and re-embodiment. ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS). Link
- Romero, O. J., Wang, A., Zimmerman, J., Steinfeld, A., & Tomasic, A. (2021). A Task-Oriented Dialogue Architecture via Transformer Neural Language Models and Symbolic Injection. Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL).
- Kirabo, L., Carter, E. J., Barry, D., & Steinfeld, A. (2021). Priorities, technology, & power: Co-designing an inclusive transit agenda in Kampala, Uganda. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). Link
- Reig, S., Carter, E. J., Tan, X. Z., Steinfeld, A., & Forlizzi, J. (2021). Perceptions of agent loyalty with ancillary users. International Journal of Social Robotics. Link
- Reig, S., Carter, E. J., Fong, T., Forlizzi, J., & Steinfeld, A. (2021). Flailing, hailing, prevailing: Perceptions of multi-robot failure recovery strategies. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Link
- Tan, X. Z., Luria, M., Forlizzi, J., & Steinfeld, A. (2021). Charting sequential person transfers between devices, agents, and robots. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Link
- Dong, J., Chen, S., Ha, P., Li, Y., Du, R., Steinfeld, A., & Labi, S. (2021). A framework for controlling connected autonomous vehicle movements using deep reinforcement learning and spatially-weighted data integration. Transportation Research Board 2021 Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board.
- Li, Y., Chen, S., Ha, P., Dong, J., Du, R., Steinfeld, A., & Labi, S. (2021). Stabilizing mixed traffic flow using connected autonomous vehicles: consideration of perception-reaction time delay and driver behavioral heterogeneity of human-driven vehicles. Transportation Research Board 2021 Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board.
- Ahuja, S., Admoni, H., & Steinfeld, A. (2020). Learning vision-based physics intuition models for non-disruptive object extraction. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Finalist Best Student Paper Award. Link
- Romero, O. J., Haig, A., Kirabo, L., Yang, Q., Zimmerman, J., Tomasic, A., & Steinfeld, A. (2020). A long-term evaluation of adaptive interface design for mobile transit information. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI). Honorable Mention Award. Link
- Dong, J., Chen, S., Li, Y. Ha, Y. J., Du, R., Steinfeld, A., & Labi, S. (2020). Spatio-weighted information fusion and DRL-based control for connected autonomous vehicles. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). Link
- Kirabo, L., Carter, E. J., & Steinfeld, A. (2020). "You are asking me to pay for my legs": Exploring the experiences, perceptions, and aspirations of informal public transportation users in Kampala and Kigali. ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS). Link
- Yang, Q., Steinfeld, A., Rosé, C., & Zimmerman, J. (2020). Re-examining whether, why, and how human-AI interaction is uniquely difficult to design. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). Honorable Mention Award. Link
- Carter, E. J., Reig, S., Tan, X. Z., Laput, G., Rosenthal, S., & Steinfeld, A. (2020). Death of a robot: Social media reactions and language usage in response to robot retirement. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Link
- Reig, S., Luria, M., Wang, J. Z., Oltman, D. J., Carter, E. J., Steinfeld, A., Forlizzi, J., & Zimmerman, J. (2020). Not some random agent: Multi-person interactions with a personalizing service robot. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Honorable Mention Award. Link
- Tan, X. Z., Luria, M., & Steinfeld, A. (2020). Defining transfers between multiple service robots. Proceedings of the Companion of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Honorable Mention Award, Late Breaking Report. Link
- Wang, A., & Steinfeld, A. (2020). Group split and merge prediction with 3D convolutional networks. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(2), 1923-1930. Link
- Nanavati, A., Tan, X. Z., Connolly, J., & Steinfeld, A. (2019). Follow the robot: Modeling coupled human-robot dyads during navigation. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Link
- Tan, X. Z., Carter, E. J., Reig, S., & Steinfeld, A. (2019). Go That Way: Exploring Supplementary Physical Movements by a Stationary Robot When Providing Navigation Instructions. ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS). Link
- Luria, M., Reig, S., Tan, X. Z., Steinfeld, A., Forlizzi, J., & Zimmerman, J. (2019). Re-Embodiment and Co-Embodiment: Exploration of social presence for robots and conversational agents. ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS). Link
- Morales, C. G., Carter, E. J., Tan, X. Z., & Steinfeld, A. (2019). Interaction Needs and Opportunities for Failing Robots. ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS). Link
- Steinfeld, A., Zimmerman, J., & Tomasic, A. (2019). Universal design and adaptive interfaces as a strategy for induced disabilities. Workshop on Addressing the Challenges of Situationally-Induced Impairments and Disabilities in Mobile Interaction, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). Link
- Yang, Q., Steinfeld, A., & Zimmerman, J. (2019). Unremarkable AI: Fitting intelligent decision support into critical, clinical decision-making processes. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). Best Paper Award. Link
- Steinfeld, A., Bloomfield, L., Amick, S., Huang, Y., Odom, W., Yang, Q., & Zimmerman, J. (2019). Increasing Access to Transit: Localized Mobile Information. Journal of Urban Technology. Link
- Tan, X. Z., Reig, S., Carter, E. J., & Steinfeld, A. (2019). From one to another: How robot-robot interaction affects users' perceptions following a transition between robots. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Link
- Traut, E. & Steinfeld, A. (2019). Identifying commonly used and potentially unsafe transit connections with crowdsourcing. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. Link
- Pi, X., Qian, Z., Steinfeld, A., & Huang, Y. (2018). Understanding human perception of bus fullness: An empirical study of crowdsourced fullness ratings and automatic passenger counter data. Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Link
- Reig, S., Norman, S., Morales, C. G., Das, S., Steinfeld, A., & Forlizzi, J. (2018). A field study of pedestrians and autonomous vehicles. International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces (AutoUI). Link
- Tan, X. Z. & Steinfeld, A. (2018) Haptic interaction for human-robot communication using a spherical robot. IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). Link
- Biswas, A., Admoni, H., & Steinfeld, A. (2018). Human torso pose forecasting in the real world. Multi-modal Perception and Control Workshop, Robotics: Science and Systems.
- Yang, Q., Scuito, A., Zimmerman, J., Forlizzi, J., & Steinfeld, A. (2018). Investigating how experienced UX designers effectively work with machine learning. ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS). Honorable Mention Award. Link
- Nanavati, A., Dias, M. B., & Steinfeld, A. (2018). Speak Up: A multi-year deployment of games to motivate speech therapy in India. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). Link
- Tan, X. Z., Vázquez, M., Carter, E. J., Morales, C. G., & Steinfeld, A. (2018). Inducing bystander interventions during robot abuse with social mechanisms. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). PDF
- Nanavati, A., Tan, X. Z., & Steinfeld, A. (2018). Coupled indoor navigation for people who are blind. Proceedings of the Companion of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI).
- González, A. C., Tan, X. Z., Carter, E., J., & Steinfeld, A. (2018). Social haptic interaction between robot and children with disabilities. Proceedings of the Companion of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI).
- Vázquez, M., Carter, E. J., Forlizzi, J., Hudson, S. E., & Steinfeld, A. (2017). Methods for studying group interactions in HRI. ACM CSCW'17 Robots in Groups and Teams Workshop (CSCW WS). PDF
- Reinkensmeyer, D. J., Blackstone, S., Bodine, C., Brabyn, J., Brienza, D., Caves, K., DeRuyter, F., Durfee, E., Fatone, S., Fernie, G., Gard, S., Karg, P., Kuiken, T. A., Harris, G. F., Jones, M., Li, Y., Maisel, J., McCue, M., Meade, M. A., Mitchell, H., Mitzner, T. L., Patton, J. L., Requejo, P. S., Rimmer, J. H., Rogers, W. A., Rymer, Z. W., Sanford, J. A., Schneider, L., Sliker, L., Sprigle, S., Steinfeld, A., Steinfeld, E., Vanderheiden, G., Winstein, C., Zhang, L-Q., & Corfman, T. (2017). How a diverse research ecosystem has generated new rehabilitation technologies: Review of NIDILRR's Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 14(1). Link
- Steinfeld, A., Maisel, J. L., & Steinfeld, E. (Eds.) (2017). Accessible Public Transportation: Designing Service for Riders with Disabilities. New York, NY: Routledge. Link
- Vázquez, M., Carter, E. J., McDorman, B., Forlizzi, J., Steinfeld, A., & Hudson, S. E. (2017). Towards robot autonomy in group conversations: Understanding the effects of body orientation and gaze. In ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Link
- Tan, X. Z. & Steinfeld, A. (2017). Using robot manipulation to assist navigation by people who are blind or low vision. In Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Link
- Adubor, O., St. John, R., & Steinfeld, A. (2017). Personal Safety is More Important Than Cost of Damage During Robot Failure. In Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI).
- Chatterjee, I., & Steinfeld, A. (2016). Performance of a low-cost, human-inspired perception approach for dense moving crowd navigation. In IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). Link
- Vázquez, M., Steinfeld, A., & Hudson, S. E. (2016). Maintaining awareness of the focus of attention of a conversation: a robot-centric reinforcement learning approach. In IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). Best Paper Nomination, Technical Category. Link
- Huang, Y., Zimmerman, J., Tomasic, A., & Steinfeld, A. (2016). Combining contribution interactions to increase coverage in mobile participatory sensing systems. ACM International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices And Services (MobileCHI). Link
- Tan, X. Z., Steinfeld, A., & Dias, M. B. (2016). Communication through movement: An alternative method of interaction for HRI. Workshop on Socially and Physically Assistive Robotics for Humanity, Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS). PDF
- Yang, Q., Zimmerman, J., Tomasic, A., & Steinfeld, A. (2016). Planning adaptive mobile experiences when wireframing. ACM Designing Interactive Systems. Link
- Yang, Q., Zimmerman, J., Steinfeld, A., Carey, L., & Antaki, J. (2016). Investigating the heart pump implant decision process: Opportunities for decision support tools to help. Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). Best Paper Honorable Mention. Link
- Yanco, H., Desai, M., Drury, J. L., & Steinfeld, A. (2016). Methods for developing trust models for intelligent systems. In R. Mittu, D. Sofge, A. Wagner, & W. F. Lawless (Eds.), Robust Intelligence and Trust in Autonomous Systems. Springer US. Link
- Chen, K., Plaza-Leiva, V., Min, B.-C., Steinfeld, A., & Dias, M. B. (2016). NavCue: Context immersive navigation assistance for blind travelers. In Extended Abstracts of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Link
- Kulkarni, A., Wang, A., Urbina, L., Steinfeld, A., & Dias, M. B. (2016). Robotic assistance in indoor navigation for people who are blind. In Extended Abstracts of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Link
- Yang, Q., Zimmerman, J., & Steinfeld, A. (2015). Review of medical decision support tools: Emerging opportunity for interaction design. International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference (IASDR). PDF
- Vázquez, M., Steinfeld, A., & Hudson, S. E. (2015). Parallel detection of conversational groups of free-standing people and tracking of their lower-body orientation. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Link
- Chatterjee, I., & Steinfeld, A. (2015). Low cost perception of dense moving crowd clusters for appropriate navigation. Workshop on Social Norms in Robotics and HRI, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Link
- Min, B.-C., Saxena, S., Steinfeld, A., & Dias, M. B. (2015). Incorporating information from trusted sources to enhance urban navigation for blind travelers. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Link
- Hoffman, G., Forlizzi, J., Ayal, S., Steinfeld, A., Antanitis, J., Hochman, G., Hochendoner, E., & Finkenaur, J. (2015). Robot presence and human honesty: experimental evidence. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Link
- Min, B.-C., Steinfeld, A., & Dias, M. B. (2015). How would you describe assistive robots to people who are blind or low vision? In Extended Abstracts of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Link
- Vázquez, M., Carter, E., Vaz, J. A., Forlizzi, J., Steinfeld, A., & Hudson, S. E. (2015). Social group interactions in a role-playing game. In Extended Abstracts of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Link
- Dias, M. B., Steinfeld, A., & Dias, M. B (2015). Future Directions in Indoor Navigation Technology for Blind Travelers. In Hassan A. Karimi (Ed.) Indoor Wayfinding and Navigation (pp. 203-226). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Link
- Tomasic, A., Zimmerman, J., Garrod, C., Huang, Y., Nip, T., & Steinfeld, A. (2015). The performance of a crowdsourced transportation information system. Transportation Research Board 2015 Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board. Link
- Jonnalagedda, A., Pei, L., Saxena, S., Wu, M., Min, B-C., Teves, E., Steinfeld, A., & Dias, M. B. (2014). Enhancing the Safety of Visually Impaired Travelers in and around Transit Stations (Tech Report CMU-RI-TR-14-28). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics Institute. Link
- Vázquez, M. & Steinfeld, A. (2014). An assisted photography framework to help visually impaired users properly aim a camera, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. Link
- Kaniarasu, P. & Steinfeld, A. (2014). Effects of blame on trust in human robot interaction. In IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). Link
- Tomasic, A., Steinfeld, A., Zimmerman, J., & Huang, Y. (2014). Motivating contribution in a participatory sensing system via quid-pro-quo. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW). Link
- Vázquez, M., Steinfeld, A., Hudson, S. E., & Forlizzi, J. (2014). Spatial and other social engagement cues in a child-robot interaction: Effects of a sidekick. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Link
- Steinfeld, A., Zimmerman, J., & Tomasic, A. (2014). Bringing Customers Back into Transportation: Citizen-Driven Transit Service Innovation via Social Computing. In S. Bregman, K. E. Watkins (Eds.), Best Practices for Transportation Agency Use of Social Media. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Link
- Huang, Y., Tomasic, A., An, Y., Garrod, C., & Steinfeld, A. (2013). Energy efficient and accuracy aware (E2A2) location services via crowdsourcing. IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob).Link
- Desai, M., Medvedev, M., Vázquez, M., McSheehy, S., Gadea-Omelchenko, S., Bruggeman, C., Steinfeld, A., & Yanco, H. (2013). Influence of situation awareness on control allocation for remote robots. IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TePRA).Link
- Mason, E., Nagabandi, A., Steinfeld, A., & Bruggeman, C. (2013). Trust during robot-assisted navigation. AAAI Spring Symposium: Trust and Autonomous Systems.
- Desai, M., Kaniarasu, P., Medvedev, M., Steinfeld, A., & Yanco, H. (2013). Impact of robot failures and feedback on real-time trust. In Proceedings of the 8th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Best Full Paper Nomination. Link
- Kaniarasu, P., Steinfeld, A., Desai, M., & Yanco, H. (2013). Robot confidence and trust alignment. Late Breaking Report. In Proceedings of the 8th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Link
- Mertz, C., Duggins, D., Gowdy, J., Navarro-Serment, L., MacLachlan, R., Rybski, P., Steinfeld, A., Suppé, A., Urmson, C., Vandapel, N., Hebert, M., & Thorpe, C. (2013). Moving object detection with laser scanners. Journal of Field Robotics, 30(1), 17-43. PDF (1 MB)
- Beyene, N. M., Steinfeld, A., Pearlman, J., & Cooper R. A., (2012). Exploration of health perceptions and assistive technology use by driving status as related to transportation independence in New Delhi, India. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 7(4), 314-22. Link
- Vázquez, M. & Steinfeld, A. (2012). Helping visually impaired users properly aim a camera. International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. Link
- Steinfeld, E., Grimble, M., Steinfeld, A., Rao, S. L., & Tran, A. (2012). Identifying accessibility problems in existing transit systems, In 13th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED 2012).
- Steinfeld, A., Rao, S. L., Tran, A., Zimmerman, J., & Tomasic, A. (2012). Co-producing value through public transit information services. International Conference on Human Side of Service Engineering. (Co-Located with the International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics)
- Desai, M., Medvedev, M., Vázquez, M., McSheehy, S., Gadea-Omelchenko, S., Bruggeman, C., Steinfeld, A., & Yanco, H. (2012). Effects of changing reliability on trust of robot systems. In Proceedings of the 7th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Link
- Kaniarasu, P., Steinfeld, A., Desai, M., & Yanco, H. (2012). Potential measures for detecting trust changes. Late Breaking Report, in Proceedings of the 7th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Link
- Steinfeld, A., Zimmerman, J., Tomasic, A., Yoo, A., & Aziz, R. (2012). Mobile transit rider information via universal design and crowdsourcing. Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2217, 95-102. Link
- Beyene, N., Lane, A., Seelman, K., Songer, T., Cooper, R., & Steinfeld, A. (2011). Navisection: A novel method joining naturalistic driving data collection with expert witness event-logging for enhanced assessment of driver safety, 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation.
- Steinfeld, A. (2011). Slightly subversive methods for promoting use of autonomy in robots, RSS 2011 Workshop On Human-Robot Interaction: Perspectives And Contributions To Robotics From The Human Sciences. PDF
- Vázquez, M., May, A., Steinfeld, A., & Chen, W.-H. (2011). A deceptive robot referee in a multiplayer gaming environment, International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS). Link
- Zimmerman, J., Tomasic, A., Garrod, C., Yoo, D., Hiruncharoenvate, C., Aziz, R., Thirunevgadam, N., Huang, Y., & Steinfeld, A. (2011). Field trial of Tiramisu: Crowd-sourcing bus arrival times to spur co-design, Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). Honorable Mention Award. Link
- Vázquez, M. & Steinfeld, A. (2011). Facilitating photographic documentation of accessibility in street scenes, Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Works-in-Progress.
- GeoAccess Challenge Team (2011). Data-Enabled Travel: How Geo-Data Can Support Inclusive Transportation, Tourism, and Navigation through Communities. PDF (9.5 MB) [Author]
- Vázquez, M., May, A., Steinfeld, A., & Chen, W.-C. (2011). ShakeTime! A Deceptive Robot Referee. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction, Video Session.
- Steinfeld, A., Zimmerman, J., Tomasic, A., Yoo, A., & Aziz, R. (2011). Mobile transit rider information via universal design and crowdsourcing. Transportation Research Board 2011 Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board. Best Paper Award, Public Transportation Group.
- Vázquez, M., & Steinfeld, A. (2011). An assisted photography method for street scenes. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV).
- Suppé, A., Navarro-Serment, L. & Steinfeld, A. (2010). Semi-autonomous virtual valet parking. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI). PDF (1.9 MB)
- Ayoob, E., Andrianoff, T., Aziz, R. D., & Steinfeld, A. (2010). Interaction development for a public transit rider reporting system. Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference.
- Steinfeld, A., Aziz, R., Von Dehsen, L., Park, S. Y., Maisel, J., & Steinfeld, E. (2010). The value and acceptance of citizen science to promote transit accessibility, Journal of Technology and Disability, 22(1-2), 73-81. IOS Press. Link
- Steinfeld, A. (2010). Ethics and policy implications for inclusive intelligent transportation systems. Second International Symposium on Quality of Life Technology. PDF (198 KB)
- Beyene, N., Cooper, R., & Steinfeld, A. (2010). Social exclusion risk with transportation usage and managing how to stop driving. Proceedings of the Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Conference. Link
- Yoo, D., Zimmerman, J., Steinfeld, A., & Tomasic, A. (2010). Understanding the space for co-design in riders' interactions with a transit service, Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). Link
- Faulring, A., Myers, B., Mohnkern, K., Schmerl, B., Steinfeld, A., Zimmerman, J., Smailagic, A., Hansen, J., & Siewiorek, D. (2010). Agent-assisted task management that reduces email overload. International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI). Honorable Mention Award in the Best Paper Contest. PDF (785 KB)
- van Roosmalen, L., Paquin, G. J., & Steinfeld, A. (2010). Quality of Life Technology: The state of personal transportation, 21(1), 111-125. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, Elsevier. Link
- Steinfeld, A., Aziz, R., Von Dehsen, L., Park, S. Y., Maisel, J., & Steinfeld, E. (2010). Modality preference for rider reports on transit accessibility problems. Transportation Research Board 2010 Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board. PDF (1 MB)
- Faulring, A., Mohnkern, K., Steinfeld, A., & Myers, B. A. (2009). The design and evaluation of user interfaces for the RADAR learning personal assistant. AI Magazine, 30(4), 74-84. PDF (770 KB)
- Steinfeld, A., Maisel, J. L., & Steinfeld, E. (2009). The value of citizen science to promote transit accessibility. First International Symposium on Quality of Life Technology. PDF (85 KB)
- Beyene, N., Cooper, R., & Steinfeld, A. (2009). Driving status and the inner drive for community mobility and participation: A survey of people with disabilities and senior citizens from support groups in New Delhi, India. Proceedings of the Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Conference. Student Scientific Paper Winner. PDF (152 KB)
- Desai, M. Stubbs, K., Steinfeld, A., & Yanco, H. (2009). Creating trustworthy robots: Lessons and inspirations from automated systems. Proceedings of the AISB Convention: New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction.
- Steinfeld, A., Jenkins, O. D., & Scassellati, B. (2009). The Oz of Wizard: Simulating the Human for Interaction Research. 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction. PDF (727 KB)
- Steinfeld, A. (2008). Smart Systems in Personal Transportation. In A. Helal, M. Mokhtari, & B. Abdulrazak (Eds.), The Engineering Handbook on Smart Technology for Aging, Disability and Independence, John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0471711551, Computer Engineering Series.
- Quinones, P.-A., Vora, J., Steinfeld, A., Smailagic, A., Hansen, J., Siewiorek, D., Phadhana-Anake, P., & Shah, A. (2008). The Effects of Highlighting and Pop-up Interruptions on Task Performance. Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2008. PDF (324 KB)
- Freed, M., Carbonell, J., Gordon, G., Myers, B., Siewiorek, D., Smith, S., Steinfeld, A., & Tomasic, A. (2008). RADAR: A personal assistant that learns to reduce email overload. AAAI Integrated Intelligence. PDF (386 KB)
- Faulring, A., Mohnkern, K., Steinfeld, A., & Myers, B. (2008). Successful user interfaces for RADAR. In Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) Workshop on Usable Artificial Intelligence. PDF (149 KB)
- Mau, S., Melchior, N., Makatchev, M., & Steinfeld, A. (2008). BlindAid: An Electronic Travel Aid for the Blind (Tech Report RI-TR-07-39). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics Institute. PDF (1 MB)
- Burghart, C. R. & Steinfeld, A. (2008). Proceedings of Metrics for Human-Robot Interaction, a Workshop at ACM/IEEE HRI 2008 (Technical Report 471). Hatfield, UK: School of Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire. PDF (8610 KB)
- Steinfeld, A., Bennett, S. R., Cunningham, K., Lahut, M., Quinones, P.-A., Wexler, D., Siewiorek, D., Hayes, J., Cohen, P., Fitzgerald, J., Hansson, O., Pool, M., & Drummond, M. (2007). Evaluation of an Integrated Multi-Task Machine Learning System with Humans in the Loop. In Proc. NIST Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop (PerMIS). PDF (1.1 MB) .
- Steinfeld, A., Quinones, P.-A., Zimmerman, J., Bennett, S. R., & Siewiorek, D. (2007). Survey measures for evaluation of cognitive assistants. In Proc. NIST Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop (PerMIS). PDF (457 KB) .
- Steinfeld, A. (2006). Human-robot interaction. In W. Karwowski (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors, 2nd Edition. London: Taylor & Francis.
- Steinfeld, A. (2006). Accessibility and intelligent transportation systems. In U.S. Department of Education, Interagency Committee on Disability Research (ICDR), Wheeled Mobility and Accessible Transportation 2003 Conference Proceedings, Washington, D.C. Word (zip, 284 KB).
- Steinfeld, A., Bennett, R., Cunningham, K., Lahut, M., Quinones, P.-A., Wexler, D., Siewiorek, D., Cohen, P., Fitzgerald, J., Hansson, O., Hayes, J., Pool, M. & Drummond, M. (2006). The RADAR Test Methodology: Evaluating a Multi-Task Machine Learning System with Humans in the Loop (Tech Report CMU-CS-06-125, CMU-HCII-06-102). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science. PDF (1.5 MB)
- Steinfeld, A., Fong, T., Kaber, D., Lewis, M., Scholtz, J., Schultz, A., & Goodrich, M. (2006). Common metrics for human-robot interaction. 1st Annual Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Salt Lake City, Utah. PDF (110 KB) .
- Ferketic, J., Goldblatt, L., Hodgson, E., Murray, S., Wichowski, R., Bradley, A., Fong, T. W., Evans, J., Chun, W., Stiles, R., Goodrich, M. A., Steinfeld, A., King, D., & Erkorkmaz, C. (2006). Toward Human-Robot Interface Standards II: An Examination of Common Elements in Human-Robot Interaction Across the Space Enterprise. Proceedings of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Space 2006. PDF (824 KB) .
- Ferketic, J., Goldblatt, L., Hodgson, E., Murray, S., Wichowski, R., Bradley, A., Fong, T. W., Evans, J., Chun, W., Stiles, R., Goodrich, M., & Steinfeld, A. (2006). Toward Human-Robot Interface Standards I: Use of Standardization and Intelligent Subsystems for Advancing Human-Robotic Competency in Space Exploration. SAE 36th International Conference on Environmental Systems, No. 2006-01-2019. PDF (186 KB) .
- Ayoob, E., Grace, R., & Steinfeld, A. (2005). Subtask B, Phase II: Driver-Vehicle-Interface (DVI) Development of a Drowsy Driver Detection and Warning System for Commercial Vehicles (Tech Report RI-TR-05-46). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics Institute. PDF (7.4 MB).
- Also in: Wierwille, W. W., Hanowski, R. J., Olson, R. L., Dinges, D. F., Price, N. J., Maislin, G., Powell, J. W., Ecker, A. J., Mallis, M. M., Szuba, M. P., Ayoob, E., Grace, R., and Steinfeld, A. (2003). NHTSA Drowsy Driver Detection and Interface Project. DTNH 22-00-D-07007, Task Order No. 7. Submitted to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech Transportation Institute.
- Mertz, C., Duggins, D., Gowdy, J., Kozar, J., MacLachlan, R., Steinfeld, A., Suppe, A., Thorpe, C., & Wang, C. (2005). Collision Warning and Sensor Data Processing in Urban Areas, In Proc. International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST). PDF (259 KB) .
- Giampapa, J. A., Sycara, K., Fath, A., Steinfeld, A., & Siewiorek, D. (2004). A Multi-agent system for automatically resolving network interoperability problems. Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS04). Poster. PDF (69 KB) .
- Steinfeld, A. (2004). Interface lessons for fully and semi-autonomous mobile robots. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation 2004 (ICRA). PDF (339 KB) .
- Steinfeld, A., Duggins, D., Gowdy, J., Kozar, J., MacLachlan, R., Mertz, C., Suppe, A., Thorpe, C., & Wang, C.-C. (2004). Development of the side component of the transit integrated collision warning system. IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2004). PDF (187 KB) .
- Wang, X., Chang, J., Chan, C.-Y., Johnston, S., Zhou, K., Steinfeld, A., Hanson, M., & Zhang, W.-B. (2004). Development of Requirement Specifications for Transit Frontal Collision Warning System, (UCB-ITS-PRR-2004-14). Richmond, CA: University of California, Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways.
- Steinfeld, A., Sanghi, R., Giampapa, J., Siewiorek, D., & Sycara, K. (2003). An Examination of Remote Access Help Desk Cases (Tech Report CMU-CS-03-190, CMU-HCII-03-100). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science. PDF (409 KB).
- Ayoob, E., Grace, R., & Steinfeld, A. (2003). A user-centered drowsy driver detection and warning system. In Proceedings of Designing User Experiences 2003 (DUX 2003). PDF (141 KB) .
- Ayoob, E., Steinfeld, A., & Grace, R. (2003). Identification of an appropriate drowsy driver detection interface for commercial vehicle operations. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. PDF (1599 KB) .
- Morris, A., Donamukkala, R., Kapuria, A., Steinfeld, A., Matthews, J., Dunbar-Jacobs, J., & Thrun, S. (2003). A Robotic Walker That Provides Guidance, In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation 2003. PDF (525 KB) .
- Wang, X., Lins, J., Chan, C.-Y., Johnston, S., Zhou, K., Steinfeld, A., Hanson, M., & Zhang, W.-B. (2003). Development of Requirement Specifications for Transit Frontal Collision Warning System, (UCB-ITS-PRR-2003-29). Richmond, CA: University of California, Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways. PDF (2 MB)
- Steinfeld, A. (2002). The case for realtime captioning in classrooms, Journal of Court Reporting, 63(5), 76-79. Mirrored online.
- Chan, C.-Y., Su, R., & Steinfeld, A. (2002). A mobile platform for roadway incident documentation, In Proceedings of the Ninth Annual World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Chicago, October 14-18, 2002 [CD-ROM]. Washington, DC: Intelligent Transportation Society of America.
- Steinfeld, A., & Steinfeld, E. (2001). Universal design in automobiles. In W. F. E. Preiser & E. Ostroff (Eds.), Universal Design Handbook. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
- Steinfeld, A., Tan, H.-S., & Bougler, B. (2001). Naturalistic findings for assisted snowplow operations. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 45th Annual Meeting. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
- Krishnan, H., Gibb, S., Steinfeld, A., & Shladover, S. E. (2001). Rear-end collision-warning system: Design and evaluation via simulation, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1759, 52-60. PDF (403 KB)
- Krishnan, H., Gibb, S., Steinfeld, A., & Shladover, S. E. (2001). Rear-end collision warning system: Design and evaluation via simulation, Transportation Research Board 80th Annual Meeting 2001 [CD-ROM]. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board.
- Tan, H.-S., Bougler, B., & Steinfeld, A. (2001). Snowplow steering guidance with gain stabilization, Vehicle System Dynamics, 36(4-5), 279-305.
- Steinfeld, A., & Tan, H.-S. (2000). Development of a driver assist interface for snowplows using iterative design, Transportation Human Factors, 2(3), 247-264. PDF (1.5 MB)
- Misener, J. A., Tsao, H.-S. J., Song, B., & Steinfeld, A. (2000). Emergence of a cognitive car-following driver model: Application to rear-end crashes with a stopped lead vehicle, Transportation Research Record - Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1724.
- Misener, J. A., Tsao, H.-S. J., Song, B., & Steinfeld, A. (2000). A focused examination of critical factors and the emergence of a cognitive car following driver model for rear-end crashes with a stopped lead vehicle, Transportation Research Board 79th Annual Meeting 2000 [CD-ROM]. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board.
- Tan, H.-S., Bougler, B., Steinfeld, A., & Kretz, P. (2000). Snowplow Steering Guidance Display - Design and Validation, Proceedings of AVEC 2000, 5th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control (pp. 531-537). Ann Arbor, MI.
- Tan, H.-S., & Steinfeld, A. (2000). The importance of gain in driver assisted lateral control, Intelligent Transportation Society of America 10th Annual Meeting 2000, [CD-ROM]. Washington, DC: Intelligent Transportation Society of America.
- Yen, K., Tan, H.-S., Steinfeld, A., Thorne, C., Donecker, S., Bougler, B., Kretz, P., Empey, D., Kappesser, R., Ghaida, H. A., Jenkinson, M., Owen, S., Zhang, W.-B., Lasky, T., & Ravani, B. (2000). Development of an Advanced Snowplow Driver Assistance System (ASP-II) (AHMCT Research Report UCD-ARR-00-06-30-02). Davis, CA: University of California, Advanced Highway Maintenance and Construction Technology Center.
- Steinfeld, A. (1999). The Benefit to the Deaf of Real-Time Captions in a Mainstream Classroom Environment. Dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. PDF (3.4 MB) .
- Steinfeld, A., & Tan, H.-S. (1999). Preliminary Findings for a Lane-Keeping and Collision-Warning Driver Interface for Snowplow Operations, (PATH Working Paper PWP-99-6). Richmond, CA: University of California, Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways.
- Yen, K., Tan, H.-S., Steinfeld, A., Thorne, C., Bougler, B., Cuelho, E., Kretz, P., Empey, D., Kappesser, R., Ghaida, H. A., Jenkinson, M., Owen, S., Zhang, W.-B., Lasky, T., & Ravani, B. (1999). Advanced Snowplow Development and Demonstration: Phase I: Driver Assistance, (AHMCT Research Report UCD-ARR-99-06-30-03). Davis, CA: University of California, Advanced Highway Maintenance and Construction Technology Center.
- Zhang, W.-B., Tan, H.-S., Steinfeld, A., Bougler, A., Empey, D., Zhou, K., & Tomizuka, M. (1999). Implementing advanced vehicle control and safety systems (AVCSS) for highway maintenance operations. In Proceedings of the Sixth Annual World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) [CD-ROM]. Washington, DC: Intelligent Transportation Society of America.
- Steinfeld, A. (1998). The benefit of real-time captioning in a mainstream classroom as measured by working memory, Volta Review, 100(1), 29-44. PDF (822 KB)
- Steinfeld, A., & Green, P. (1998). Driver responses to navigation information on full-windshield, head-up displays, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 19(2), 135-149.
- Steinfeld, A., Manes, D., Green, P., & Hunter, D. (1996). Destination Entry and Retrieval with the Ali-Scout Navigation System (Technical Report UMTRI-96-30), Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. (584 KB).
- Steinfeld, A., & Green, P. (1995). Driver Response Times to Full-Windshield, Head-Up Displays for Navigation and Vision Enhancement, (Technical Report UMTRI 95-29), Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. PDF (281 KB).
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My favorite artist: Ellen Steinfeld.
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