Final Projects
Name | Start | Due |
Initial Topic Ideas for Final Projects
Entered into Piazza |
Tuesday, Mar. 22, 2022 |
Thursday, Mar. 24, 2022 |
Form Groups for Final Projects | Tuesday, Mar. 29, 2022 | |
Two-page proposal for Final Projects | Postponed: Thurs, April 7, 2022 |
Interim Reports on Final Projects | Thursday, Apr. 14, 2022 | |
Presentations for Final Projects | Tues+Thurs, Apr. 26,28, 2022 | |
Written Reports for Final Projects | Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 11:59pm |
Picking Topics and Forming Groups
A preliminary list of topic ideas is displayed on the course main page (which has been updated with new project ideas). You can pick one of these or propose your own topic. Remember that all projects must be about interaction techniques, not about whole applications. Thus it is not appropriate to say you will redesign the webpage for something, or the user interface for an application. If you are unsure if your idea counts as an "interaction technique", please ask the professor.
Everyone in the class should fill in a copy of the form on the class's Piazza page under the "project" folder before Thursday, Mar. 24, 2022. If you want to work with someone else, you should still each add your own copy of the form. If you see someone else's project idea that you might like to work on, please say this in the comments and discussions on it. (I have disabled anonymous comments, so everyone's postings will be signed.)
All projects must be done in groups of 2 or 3 or 4 students. No individual projects! If you have an idea of who you want to work with on the project, please fill that into the form as well, but all people should submit their own form. If you don't know who you want to work with, that is fine too -- we will help to form teams. If you see someone's post on Piazza that sounds like a fun project, please make a note of that in their discussion area.
Here is what the form asks for:
Your name:
Which project do you want to work on? Elaborate on one that is on the course main page (for example, including which specific item you want to do) in a sentence or two, or describe your idea in a few sentences.
Please indicate how strongly you want to work on this project. For example, whether you definitely want to work on it, or if you would be happy working on a different project in a related area.
Please describe your background and skills that might be relevant to your or other people's projects.
Please list what skills you are looking for in other people who will work with you on this project.
If you have in mind others to work on this project with you, please list them here:
- Initial Topic Ideas for Final Projects Entered into Piazza
- Thursday, Mar. 24, 2022
- Everyone should fill out the form on the class's Piazza page under the "project" folder. If you want to coordinate with other classmates about project ideas, please go ahead before that date.
- If you want to brainstorm ideas beforehand, Prof. Myers is available during his regular office hours on Tuesday, March 22, 2022, after class.
- Form Final Groups
- Tuesday, Mar. 29, 2022
- After Thursday, we will go through all the Piazza entries and form groups. I will interact with you by email and hopefully have all the groups finalized.
- Two-page Proposal for Projects
Tuesday, April 5, 2022; Postponed: Thurs, April 7, 2022- This should be turned in on-line in Canvas, as a pdf file.
- By
Tuesday, April 5, 2022; Postponed: Thurs, April 7, 2022, we want a detailed proposal. - Note that just one group member should upload it per group.
- It should have the following content:
- A short name for your group and/or project. We will call you "the ___ group", so it should be short, clearly related to your project, and specific enough to differentiate you from other groups.
- A longer title for your project, that should represent what you are doing
- A list of the members of the group.
- A full explanation of what you plan to do for your project.
- A detailed time-line showing all the steps and activities you will do, and when they will be finished. This timeline should show how you will be ready to give your final presentation on Apr. 26, 2022.
- Possibly a few references, if you are building on an existing research paper or are making something similar to a commercial system, to show that you are familiar with what else has been done that is similar or related. If you are building on top of an existing system, that should be described too.
- We think this will fit into about 2 pages single-spaced in TimesRoman 12 point font.
- This will be graded, and will count as part of your grade on the final project. Being late will incur the standard penalty (5 points per day).
- Meet with Professor: Sometime during the project, each team will separately have an assigned time to meet with the professor to go over your progress and discuss any issues, but feel free to ask for extra help.
- Interim Reports on Final Projects
- Thursday, Apr. 14, 2022
- This should be turned in on-line in Canvas, as a pdf file.
- This should be about 5 pages, presenting what you have finished so far. We do not want this to be extra work -- instead it should be part of your final report.
- Be sure to include what tools you are using:
- If you are making a prototype, are you using Figma, Adobe XD, etc.
- If you are implementing by programming, what language and IDEs are you using, like JavaScript with React and D3, or Swift for iOS
- If you are using any analysis tools, say what they are.
- This will be graded, and will count as part of your grade on the final project. Being late will incur the usual penalty.
- Presentations for Final Projects
- Tues+Thurs, Apr. 26, 28, 2022
- We will assign groups to the two days semi-randomly, based on when people are available.
- Each group should present for 15 minutes discussing the results of your project.
- Be sure to practice to make sure that your talk is the appropriate length. We will cut you off after about 18 minutes, so everyone has adequate time to present.
- All members of the group should take part in the presentation.
- You should have slides in either Google Slides, pdf, or PowerPoint format that will be saved on the course website. Upload your slides (or a link if Google Slides) to Canvas after your talk. If you have videos or other material to go along with your slides, please make a zip file of everything together. Name your file with your group name.
- No late presentations (obviously)
- Final Written Reports for Final Projects
- Due Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 11:59pm
- All final reports should be turned in electronically on Canvas in PDF format. If you use Google Doc to author it, please still create a PDF and upload the PDF to Canvas.
- One turn-in per group.
- We envision that the final reports will be about 10 pages, single-spaced in TimesRoman 12 point font, but it will vary enormously based on what kind of project you do. For example, a video project may have a minimal written report, whereas a written history or interview may be substantially longer than 10 pages.
- Be sure your final report includes all the items mentioned above for the Proposal and Interim reports.
- If you have videos, code, or other material to go along with your final report, please make a zip file of everything together. Name your file with your group name.
- Late penalty for written report: 10 points per day (every day will be another 10 points off)
- When you are finished, everyone is required to fill in the peer evaluation form about how well your group worked.