Second Half Exam
Between Thursday, Apr. 28, 2022 at 2:45pm and Friday, Apr 29 at 2:44pm (24 hours, after the last class)
This class will have a take-home test on the second half of the material, which you can take anytime between Thursday, Apr. 28, 2022 at 2:45pm and Friday, Apr 29 at 2:44pm.
- The test will be on Canvas.
- The test will be designed to take about 80 minutes, and will be similar in format to the mid term exam.
- However, you can take as long or short as you want during the 24-hour period, and you do not have to do the exam in one block of time.
- Please be careful not to Submit the exam until you are done, since it will not let you submit it multiple times, and after submitting, you cannot go back and edit any of your answers. Canvas saves your answers after the focus leaves each question, so your answers won't be lost.
- Be sure to Submit when you are finished, and before Friday, Apr 29 at 2:44pm.
- You will be asked to keep track of how long it takes you to do the test, so please answer honestly -- that will not affect your grade, but will help me for next time. Naturally, it is best to start and finish earlier in the time period, in case there are issues, of if you have questions for me that are blocking your progress (see below).
- It will be entirely open-book, open Internet, etc. That means you can look up anything you want during the test.
- The second half exam is individual. You are not allowed to look at another person's exam or discuss questions with other students during the exam.
- Questions: You can ask me questions about the second half exam before or during the test using Piazza, with the tag "second-half_exam". I have made all posts be "Private Posts" in Piazza, but if you find an issue that the class should know about, I may switch your question and my answer to be seen by the class. I will strive to be available to answer questions between 3:00pm -11:00pm ET on Thursday, and 10:00am - 2:30pm ET on Friday, so it would be best to not leave the test to the last minute. It will also be useful to occasionally check on Piazza to see if there are corrections to the test or answers to other people's questions that might be useful to you.
- The content of the second half exam can be anything covered in the lectures, guest lectures or homeworks between Tuesday, Mar 1, 2022 and Thursday, April 21, 2022.
- This includes lectures 13 - 25 (inclusive).
- This also includes homework 4, and the guest lectures by Gregg Vanderheiden and Julia Schwarz.
- It will not cover anything tested on the midterm.
- Another way to look at it, is that the exam will cover chapters 11-15, 17-20, and 22 of the textbook, plus the guest lectures and homework 4.
- The final projects will not be included in the exam.
- The format will include multiple-choice questions, and short answer and essay questions that will be manually graded, just like the midterm.