Homework 3: Graphics using SVG and Canvas
Assigned: 9/22/2020; Due 10/6/2020 at 1:30pm ET
In this assignment, you will be creating a simple editor for graphics. The complication is that it must support both graphics using SVG objects ("drawing") and graphics using a canvas ("painting"). Since these are not particularly compatible, they will be on different layers, that the user can individually turn on and off, so the user will only see and edit on one layer at a time. This is supposed to mimic (to a tiny extent) a hybrid editor like Adobe Photoshop. You should leave the HW2 code in its current folder, but you will have a new HW3 folder in which you put this homework's content, and you can now have the CREATE YOUR OWN link on the web pages go to the new homework 3 code instead (that is, it is fine if one can no longer reach the HW2 code by clicking on links). Hopefully, your code from homework 2 will be useful in implementing the behaviors for homework 3.
As with the previous two homeworks, you must implement homework 3 without using external packages - just regular JavaScript (and html and css), including what you have written for previous assignments.
We feel this homework is a little harder than the previous ones, so you have two weeks to finish it.
We are giving you the file floodfill.js that provides one implementation of floodfill so you don't have to figure that out.
Don't forget the SSUI-hw2-3hints.pptx file that is available in the Files area on Canvas, that is discussed in the SSUI-08-toolkits-zoom.mp4 video.
You will download the SSUI-hw3.zip file which will contain the following starter files:
- SSUI-hw3.zip - contains all the starter files and images. Download this file to get started.
- assets/ - a folder containing two pictures you might find useful for the Modes menu - cursor.png - a picture of a cursor, and line.png - a picture of a line.
- floodfill.js - a file that implements the function floodFill, which you may want to use for your implementation.
In addition, we have supplied the following for your reference, also in the zip file:
- HW3-example.mp4 - a movie showing how the homework should look and behave. You can also see it by clicking on it here.
- HW3-example-selected-circle-svg.png - SVG mode, drawing a few objects, then selecting a circle..
- HW3-example-canvas-flood-fill.png - Canvas mode, flood filling an area between other objects with gray color.
- HW3-example-both-mode.png - combining the two layers. The SVG layer is always on top.
- HW3-example-svg-rect-selected.png - close up of having a rectangle selected, shown by the shadow.
- HW3-example-svg-line-selected.png - close up of having the red line selected, shown by the shadow.
Detailed Requirements
We have supplied screen shots and a movie to define the required behaviors. As with homework 1, you don't have to be "pixel perfect", but you should have the all operations pretty much looking and behaving in the same way as this specification. If something is unclear about how it should work, or you want to deviate from the defined behavior, you might want to first ask on Piazza.
- The left side is a palette of controls. The right side is the workarea which has a Canvas filling the whole area, and an SVG also filling the whole area, with the SVG on top.
- It is fine if both sides are fixed size, so changing the browser size or running it on a phone just causes scrolling to be enabled.
- The palette contains the following controls:
- Layers: determines which of the layers is visible and active. This should be a radio button with exactly one option allowed. The choices are:
- Show Canvas Layer: the Canvas and all if its contents are shown. All the operations now affect the Canvas. The SVG layer and its contents are not shown.
- Show SVG Layer: the SVG and all if its contents are shown. All the operations now affect the SVG objects. The Canvas layer and its contents are not shown. This choice should be the default (when the page is entered, the selected option should be "Show SVG Layer").
- Show both Layers: both Canvas (on the bottom) and SVG (on the top) are visible. No editing is allowed (all the other controls should be non-operational).
- Mode: determines what happens when the user uses a pointer (mouse or finger) in the workarea. The currently-selected mode should be indicated by having a rounded corner blue box around it. The choices are (plus possible extra credit options discussed below):
- Select (cursor arrow): When SVG is enabled, then this selects objects on the SVG layer (details below). When Canvas is selected, this does "Flood Fill" (details also below).
- Line: This draws a line on the current layer (either on the Canvas or on the SVG). In either case, the line uses the current Border color and Border Thickness. Note if the Border color is "None", then using the pointer in the workarea shouldn't do anything (don't draw invisible objects!).
- Rectangle: This draws a rectangle on the current layer (either on the Canvas or on the SVG). In either case, the border of the rectangle uses the current Border color and Border Thickness, and the inside uses the current Fill color. This should be the default (what is selected when the page is entered). Note that fill of "none" means the inside of the rectangle is not drawn so whatever is behind the rectangle shows through. Border of "none" just means the object has no border. It is not allowed to have both the border and fill be "none" (no invisible objects).
- Ellipse: LIke rectangle, except draws an ellipse.
- Border: provide at least 7 colors plus "none" for the border. Should show the selected color using the same kind of feedback as for the mode. The default should be black border. It should be impossible to make both the Border and the Fill be "none" at the same time (ignore a change of the border to "none" if the fill is already "none").
- Border Width: use an input type="range" to let the user pick a border width, between 1px and 30px. The default should be 3. This will be used for the line width or stroke width for lines, and the border width or stroke width for rectangles and ellipses.
- Fill: provide at least 7 colors plus "none" for the fill of rectangles and ellipses. Should show the selected color using the same kind of feedback as for the mode. The default should be green fill. It should be impossible to make both the Border and the Fill be "none" at the same time (ignore a change of the Fill to "none" if the Border is already "none").
- Menu:
- provide a button called "Delete" which is only enabled when in SVG mode and when there is an object selected, which deletes that object, and causes there to be nothing selected.
- provide a button called "Delete all" which is always enabled, which deletes everything on both SVG and Canvas layers, so the workarea becomes empty.
- Layers: determines which of the layers is visible and active. This should be a radio button with exactly one option allowed. The choices are:
- When the layer is either Canvas or SVG, and the mode is for drawing (line, rectangle, ellipse), then mousedown in the workarea should start creating the current mode of object. There should be interim-feedback while dragging out the shape, and the shape should be finalized on mouseup. The object and the interim-feedback should use the currently selected colors and border width.
- Hint: you will need to use an extra canvas layer to implement the interim feedback while dragging out the shape, since you cannot draw it directly into the canvas layer until you have the final size for the shape.
- Hint: in SVG mode, you need to save all the created objects and their properties so you can let the user edit them later. You do not need to save the objects drawn on the canvas.
- Make sure you don't create invisible objects - don't create the object unless it is bigger than a minimum size (maybe at least 10px by 10px for rectangles and ellipses,, or a length of at least 10px for lines). Hint: be sure you do this check at the end of the operation, in case the user starts bigger and goes smaller - do not abort creating if the user temporarily gets too small).
- After the object is created in SVG mode, it should become selected. (See below about selections.)
- Hitting ESC (or putting down an extra finger) while dragging out the shape should abort the operation and remove the interim-feedback and not have the object appear, in a similar way aborting happened for moving in Homework 2.
- The objects should look pretty much identical no matter which layer they are drawn onto. (Except for the differences in border width for rectangles and ellipses).
- When the layer is SVG, and the mode is selecting (the arrow is mode selected), then clicking on objects should cause them to become selected. In homework 2, you had the color change when selected, but that isn't appropriate here. Real graphic editors display handles at the corners, but that is somewhat complicated (see extra credit). We just changed the style of the selected object to have a shadow (see pictures of a rectangle and line selected).
- Hint: one way to make any object, including lines and circles, have a shadow is using:
object.setAttribute("filter", `url(#${shadowFilterId})`);
(using an technique described here: https://www.w3schools.com/graphics/svg_feoffset.asp). - When the user clicks on an object and that object becomes selected, the menus in the palette should change to match the selection. That is, if the user selects a rectangle with a red fill and blue border of width 4, then the border color in the palette should switch to have blue selected, the border width should change to show 4, and the fill color in the palette should have red selected, no matter what values they had before that rectangle was selected.
- Clicking on the background should cause there to be no selection (as in homework 2). This should not change anything in the palette (that is, leave all the settings for mode, colors and width the same as before the click).
- When an object is selected, and the user clicks on a different color or changes the border width in the palette, then the selected item should change to match (and these setting in the palette should also be used afterwards for any new objects created). Trying to change the border color of a line to "none" should not do anything - that is, the border should refuse to change to "none" if a line is selected. Similarly, the palette should refuse to change both the border and fill of a rectangle or ellipse to "none" - that is, trying to set the second one of these should refuse to change to "none".
- Hint: make sure that the selection is turned off, and nothing happens to the SVG layer, if the layer is Canvas or Both.
- Hint: one way to make any object, including lines and circles, have a shadow is using:
- When the layer is SVG, and there is an object selected, the hitting the "Delete" button should delete that object, and cause there to be nothing selected. Otherwise, hitting the Delete button should do nothing.
- When the layer is SVG, and the mode is selecting (the arrow is mode selected), then pressing down (mousedown) on an object and moving should drag it around (move the object), until the mouse up, as in homework 2 (including being able to abort the move using ESC).
- Moving a line should change its position without affecting its slope or size - that is, both end-points should move together.
- When the layer is Canvas, and the mode is for selecting (the arrow is mode selected), then clicking on the canvas does "flood fill" with the currently selected fill color. This operation is usually represented in paint programs by a tilted paint can, and means that starting at the pixel clicked on, make all the adjecent pixels that have that color be the new color. We have provided an algorithm for this as floodfill.js, so you just have to integrate that with your code. Note that it is OK that the algorithm doesn't deal very well with anti-aliasing - exact matching only is fine, so it is OK if there is a whitish border around the filled area. Also, this algorithm isn't particularly efficient, so it takes a while to fill a large region, which is also OK. (Hint: Don't try to fill the area outside of all your objects -- filling the whole workarea takes about 30 seconds!) We have used a "wait" cursor in the floodFill function so it will be clearer that a slow operation is happening.
- It is not necessary to support any of the touch behaviors of Homework 2. That is, you do not need to handle any touch events. Unless you do the extra credit, there is no way to change an object's size, which is OK. If you want to bring over your code from homework 2 so touch events work, that is fine, but it will not be graded.
Extra Credit
- If you implemented selecting objects by enclosing an area as extra credit in homework 2, you might as well use that here as well (see the 1st extra credit item in homework 2). [up to +1 extra credit]
- To show which object is selected (in SVG mode), rather than changing the style of the selected object (e.g., to have a shadow), instead use open squares (called "selection handles") to show what is selected, as in conventional editors like PowerPoint. You can use 4 or 8 squares at the corners and center of the sides for rectangles and ellipses, and 2 or 3 squares for lines. [up to +3 points]
- If you implement selection handles, then you can allow changing objects' size by pressing down and dragging in the handles with the mouse or 1 finger. It should change size from that part of the object. Be sure to continue to enforce the minimum size. [up to another +3 points = +6 for fully functioning handles]
- Add more kinds of drawing objects, such as a polyline (click for each point) or free-hand drawing ("inking" - press down, draw until release), or loading images from a file or URL. These must work in both SVG and Canvas. [up to +3 for each kind of object; max +9].
- Add other operations for either the SVG or Canvas layers or both. There are lots to choose from in "real" editors. [each addition is likely to be +2 to +5 depending on complexity; up to +10 max]
- It will not be extra credit to just bring your hw2 touch behaviors to hw3, but let us know if you want to create new touch behaviors as extra credit.
Turn In
Please have a README file in your subfolder (as in hw2), which can be in plain text, Microsoft Word, or pdf format, which should contain:
- Your site's URL on Netlify, and the link to your Github Repo (these will probably be the same as for homework 2, but please put them in your README anyway).
- Any extra credit work you did, and what the user interface is to make it happen.
- A few sentences about what was most difficult to implement or debug, and why.
- Anything else of interest in your design or implementation.
Please upload this README file to Canvas by 1:30pm on 10/6/2020, in addition to having the file in your subfolder.